Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 188 Very Far, Very Close

"Did you see the lottery booth?"

"No, follow me?"

"No, that grandson is not worthy of my attention, just let me know when you hear about the lottery booth."


Nanyi distributed the peeled pine nuts to several people, put the shells into schoolbags, and clapped his hands, "Let's do this first, I'm going back to Wenchang to encircle, veteran, sister-in-law, please pay special attention, don't have any accidents."


Nanyi rode his bicycle out of Donghu Liyuan, went shopping on Dongmen Street, and when he finished shopping and went to pick up his car...

"Damn it, where's my car?"

The place where he had parked just now was now empty. Looking around, Nan Yi didn't see his own 28 bars.

Well, it must have been stolen, consider yourself unlucky.

"Buy a car for 214 yuan, get a license plate, pay taxes, and consign it to Xiangtang. Nima, I lost 250 yuan."

Depressed, Nanyi found a place to make a call, and after waiting for more than an hour, a sixth-generation Crown with a black plate parked beside him.

"Nan Sheng."

"Well, get in the car."

Nanyi sat in the car depressed, with a straight face, very unhappy.

"Nansheng, do you want to call the police?"

"Forget it, don't bother, drive and go to the factory to talk about it."


Zheng Wenqi twisted the car key and turned on the ignition...

Different from the last visit, Swallowtail Butterfly still has the same site, but a warehouse has been added to the original yard, and the four floors have been converted into workshops, and the dormitory has been moved out. Zheng Wenqi is now working in the warehouse.

As soon as he sat in Zheng Wenqi's "office", Nan Yi said, "Needless to say about the order, I have read the report and talked about the workers."

"Okay." Zheng Wenqi nodded and said, "Swallowtail now has a total of 672 workers, of which 198 belong to our own workers, and the remaining 474 are expatriates."

"Has the labor force nearby started to rise?"

"It has increased a little, ranging from 10-40 yuan per month."

"Compared to us?"

"It can't compare to our level. The salary of Swallowtail Butterfly is the highest in the vicinity, and it is estimated to be the highest in the mainland. No factory pays more than us."

"Well, people will never be satisfied. There is a mountain of hope and a mountain of hope. The medical insurance for employees of state-owned enterprises is the responsibility of the factory itself. They can afford it, but we cannot afford it.

But we have to add a little more benefits to employees every year, medical insurance, which can be regarded as a little protection for employees, and we have to keep up with this.

Since I can't afford it myself, I can find an insurance company to buy a personal insurance for each employee, including the workers who are dispatched abroad.

However, the workers who are dispatched abroad cannot be paid by us. You force those intermediaries to pay for us. We have earned a lot, and we have to spit it out. "

"Is commercial insurance in the Mainland reliable?"

"The insurance company starts with the national character, so how could it be unreliable." When Nanyi said this, he didn't know what was going on, and suddenly panicked in his heart.

"Then I'll make a budget statement?"

"Well, let's take a look at it first. We will add medical insurance this year, and when we increase the wages of the intermediary next time, we will think about the issue of housing funds."

"Housing allowance? Nansheng, you don't mean to build a fund-raising house, do you?"

"It's a bit of an idea. Regarding the housing allowance, I think so. Every month, a little is deducted from the wages of the employees, and the swallowtail butterfly will allocate a little to the housing allowance according to the proportion;

When the housing fund is enough to build a building, it will be built first, and then the money for the next building will be saved to solve the housing problem for employees in batches.

As for how to allocate housing, the principle of 28% is adopted, 20% is allocated to outstanding employees, and the remaining 80% is all based on luck.

Of course, whether employees want to participate in the housing allowance plan is entirely up to voluntary, and those who do not participate will not participate in housing allocation.

This, I just have a little idea for the time being, you have to ask the opinion of the town. If we are a foreign company, if the welfare is better than that of a state-owned company, will it be too ostentatious. "

The cost of building a residential building is not too high now. Building a fund-raising house can not only tie the hearts of workers, but also make workers feel grateful to the swallowtails whether they are working now or leaving in the future.

The clothing industry can also be regarded as an industry that eats young people's food. At thirty-five, it can still support it, but at the age of forty, the swallowtail butterfly will definitely "deliver a large number of talents" to the society.

Not to mention that the workers are no longer able to work, but that the factory cannot afford to continue to raise wages.

The added value of the industry is limited, and it is impossible for a foundry to give too high a salary, unless the workers use longer working hours to pile up.

"Nansheng, is this a bit too much? I think medical insurance should be bought for workers; housing, isn't it necessary?"

"You should contact the town first to see if the town supports it. If it supports it, ask if you can give us a piece of land for building buildings for free. You can promise that this land will only be used for building staff housing, It will not be used for other purposes.

If the town agrees, you can make a budget and come out to see if the burden is not too heavy, this plan will be implemented next year. "

"All right."

Seeing that Nanyi was so determined, Zheng Wenqi no longer objected, and turned to talk about other things.

"Nansheng, our orders are increasing, the factory building needs to be expanded, and the number of workers must also increase. This year we will add at least 600 workers."

"I know, you make the plan first. After the new year, I will spend all my energy on my own business. I will follow up on the swallowtail butterfly. I am very dissatisfied with your progress in brand establishment."

"I'm sorry, Nan Sheng, I..."

"No need to explain, I know your energy is limited, I will send you more manpower, and complete the staff structure of Swallowtail Butterfly Clothing before June."


"Send me back to Wenchangwei. You should hand in the medical insurance budget, dividend plan, employee year-end bonus and welfare plan as soon as possible. There are not many days until the New Year. By the way, force the agency to give benefits to expatriates according to our standards .”

Nanyi had already thought about it a long time ago. He would not bear the benefits of expatriates, but it did not mean that they could not enjoy them. He just wanted to force the intermediary to take a piece of his profits.

If you don't want to give it, you'll be out with three strikes.

Being an expatriate should belong to a business that guarantees income in drought and flood, but the profit is weak. Their profits are too high or their profits are too meager, which is not in the interests of Nanyi.

If the profit is too high, either the wages will be high or the intermediary will strip it too hard; if the profit is too low, the quality of the expatriates will be questioned. It can neither be high nor low, but it must be controlled within a range where it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard it.

Getting off the car at the door of his own house, Nan Yi put the things in his hand to the door of the courtyard, and walked over to the tidal flat.

On the tidal flats, the poultry sheds and the like had been demolished, but there were still all kinds of feces on the ground, and a pungent smell came into the nose.

Carefully avoiding pickles on the ground, Nanyi turned the whole tidal flat.

"This year's August 2nd, next year's August 3rd, next year's August 4th, the next year's 85th, 85th... This year, the old Malay's deep scorpion, the next year Huaqiangbei's rise. Huaqiangbei Electronics, Wenchangwei Clothing, echo each other from afar. ,Good.

The stalls are only rented and not sold at first, and will be liquidated after 18 years...

E-commerce apparel base...

internet celebrity...

flip flops……

Collect rent! "

The more the pine nuts were peeled, the more Nanyi's thoughts drifted further and further away.

"Nanyi, Nanyi."

"Are you in the village?"

"The leak in the house was demolished and just finished. Tell me, is it time to build a house in the village?"

"It's too early, let's talk about it two years later."

"Then what should I do after the New Year?"

"Not ready to retire?"

"Hehehe, don't laugh at me, I already had a lot of money when I saw it."

"Hehe, after the new year, it's time to collect the trash."

"Let me tell you, you asked me to investigate for so long, how could there be no further action, here it is!" Xian Weimin took out a cigarette and handed it to Nanyi.

"Stop doing."

"Stop doing?"

"Quit, my daughter won't let me smoke."

"It's not your own child who spoils you like this. If your own child is repaid, you can't praise it to heaven."

"Haha, it smells far away and smells near, it's hard to tell if it's real."

"That's weird." Xian Weimin spat and said, "You want to entertain your helpers, and you bought extra food at home, so come to my house for dinner?"

"Okay, I'll go there later, I'll go and see Wei Qi first."

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