Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 190: Raking Ears and Helping Brother Demon


Dewen appeared at the most suitable time and slapped Wang Huizhu across the face.

"Don't slap your face, it's easy to get injured." Nan Yi said lightly: "Forget it, don't slap her anywhere. She is the celebrity's manager. She is very powerful, and we can't afford to mess with her."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi turned his head and said to Zhao Shixian: "Is it because you are too low-key, or is it that your Zhao family is not working well, and the actor's helpers dare to boo on your neck?"

"No, you're wrong. The two of them are obviously the ones you said are helping out, and this 'big star' is the second." Zhao Shixian smiled at Nanyi, and looked Liang Yun from top to bottom, "This Obviously it was the bustard who brought the oiran out to show off.

A pair of jade arms can be pillowed by thousands of people, and a little red lips can be tasted by thousands of people. Dare to ask which temple or fairy building the two of you are from? "

Loss, real loss!

"Can you see the situation clearly?" Nan Yi stared at Liang Yun and said.

Liang Yun nodded.

Nan Yi pointed to Wang Huizhu who was paralyzed on the ground, "Take her away, by the way, I'm afraid she'll be deaf from the beating and can't hear, so I'll tell you some things. The first half of the last sentence she said, beheaded to death On the street, I pretended not to hear it.

But the second half of the sentence, I really listened to it.

Let her go to the Kowloon Walled City by herself, pick up as many guests as she strongly requested just now, and work for half a year.

Well, also, I'm waiting for you to find someone to talk to me, let's go. "

Nan Yi waved his hand, picked up the tea cup on the table, and refilled Zhao Shixian's tea cup.

"I'm planning to take a few days off for myself and go to Lamma Island. Can you accompany me?" Zhao Shixian looked at Nanyi expectantly, and didn't care about the episode just now.

The threat of an actor is not harmful to her at all; no matter how brave the short mule of Xiangxi, an eagle countryman, and a big water hose, they will never dare to move.

No matter how proud and domineering you are on the street, you still have to keep your head down when you are in front of a big water hose, and your harsh words will turn into whispers.

"New Year approached."

"Are you going to be busy a year ago?"

"The kids are going on vacation."

"Then take the child, I can."

"Kids don't like it, they don't like playing with the washboard."

"Excuse me, don't you know if I'm a laundry board?" Zhao Shixian snorted.

"Hehe, what day?"

"On the 16th, we spent the new year together on the island."


When the two of them were full, they asked the waiter to remove the pot and steamer, and ordered another portion of poplar nectar.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, you can smoke."

Zhao Shixian saw that Nanyi was full and didn't have a cigarette after dinner, so she said caringly.

"I've quit, and now I'm just playing with this."

Nanyi lit up the pine nuts in his hand, flipped the pine nuts in his hand with his index finger and thumb, felt the location of the crack, pressed and broke the pine nuts with his thumb, and the pine nuts were peeled off, rubbed his fingers again, and the pine nut shells fell off, alone Keep the pulp in your hand.

"It's a pity, you look very masculine when you smoke." Zhao Shixian said regretfully: "However, it's good to quit, you won't smell of cigarettes on your body."


"Your poplar nectar."

A clerk came with dessert, put it down and left.

"Shall we eat together?"

"Just one spoon, you eat alone."

"No, we must eat together."

Zhao Shixian scooped up a spoonful from the bowl, put it in his mouth, took a bite, bit half of two pieces of diced mango, and then stuffed it into Nanyi's mouth with the spoon.

"Ah, come on, open your mouth."

"You're really not particular, bite half of it." Nan Yi disliked it, but still bit the spoon and sucked the contents into his mouth.

"Hehehe, that's right."

Zhao Shixian ate happily, half a spoonful for me, half spoonful for you, no more advantage, even the soup is half for each person.

The sugar-free poplar nectar makes people feel tired after eating.

After a meal of dog food, the boss Wang Huizhu was talking about did not appear, which frustrated Nan Yi, who had the idea of ​​a quick solution.

Just like the previous few dates, Zhao Shixian was not too sticky. After leaving the teahouse, the two went their separate ways. Maybe she selectively forgot that night and went through the process from acquaintance to acquaintance step by step.

"Boss, do you want to follow?"

"No, everyone in the entertainment industry has roots. She is stupid, but the people behind her are not stupid. I must understand who should be messed with and who should not be messed with. Mr. Zhao can still manage with the hat of a justice of the peace on his head." use."

It is impossible to go to the Kowloon Walled City to pick up customers. If you really want to chase and fight, the Zhao family's reputation will be rotten. Nanyi, who has not yet appeared, will not have a good reputation.

If the other party knows how to behave, he must know what to do.

As the Chinese New Year approached, Nanyi also let himself have some leisure. Apart from contacting international headhunters and asking them to help recruit poultry experts, his work this year basically stopped.

One day, Nian Lufu came to 2046 with a newspaper.

Nanyi invited him to drink tea on the balcony on the second floor, and Nian Lufu handed the newspaper to Nanyi.

Nan Yi took the newspaper and browsed it. The biggest news on the entire newspaper was the news about the civil unrest in Li's TV station. "Do you want to attack Li's?"

"Nansheng, I got news that Qiu Degen from the Far East has taken a fancy to Lai's. Li's ratings are low, internal management is in turmoil, and wireless is pressing every step of the way. I got news that Li's parent company, the Australian Consortium, invested in the laundry industry. It’s a big loss, I already have the intention of making a move.”

"Hehe, do you still want to knock out a few taels of oil from this stingy guy?"

"Be prepared with both hands. If Qiu Degen doesn't accept the offer, Nansheng, you might as well run it yourself. It will be much more convenient to do things with a TV station in your hand."

Nan Yi drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, and put the teacup on the table, "Lu Fu, public opinion is a double-edged sword, it seems to be very useful, but in fact it does more harm than good.

Before launching a dragon slaying battle, dragon slaying warriors always declare that they want to slay dragons in order to flaunt their justice. When he succeeds in slaying the dragon, he will gradually transform into a dragon. At that time, how should he continue to maintain his golden body as a dragon slaying warrior? "

Nian Lufu thought for a moment and said, "Control public opinion."

"Well, I don't touch things that don't have much autonomy. In addition, Qiu Degen is a stingy guy, and he has no money at all. There is no need to offend people for petty profits. Are you in a panic when you have nothing to do, or are you short of money? Actively looking for projects."

"A little free."

"Then go abroad for fun, go to Rio de Janeiro, there is a Galantia company in the financial center there, in 1971, Jorge Lehman bought Galantia with the help of family and friends, after that, Lehman's talent was on display.

In 1976, J.P Morgan set his sights on this rising star and wanted to acquire it, but Lehman flatly refused.

I am very interested in this company. You bring 5 million US dollars, entrust the funds to Galantia for investment, and make friends with Lehman by the way. "

"I have never heard of this company. Are there any powerful financial figures in Samba?"

"Whether it's serious or not, you'll know if you go and see it. Rio has warm sunshine, soft sandy beaches, and enthusiastic samba girls. It's a good place for a vacation."

"Okay, then I'll go see it."

"Hehe, be careful, don't throw your life there, the godfather in the slum is not a vegetarian."

"Only fools would go to the slums, and I'll stay in the rich area to experience the samba style." Nian Lufu opened his face with a smile, and his cheeks and forehead lines squeezed and twitched, full of greasy.

Rich greasy uncle, what young lady doesn't love it?

Nian Lufu left after drinking two cups of tea, saying that he had invited a star who shot very two plus one to play golf together.

The grandson left in such a hurry, Nan Yi wanted to ask him which golf course he was going to, he planned to change the course to play, and he didn't know if the course Nian Lufu went to was expensive, how much was it for a club, or how much for a golf ball?



"Hey, you're back, did you have a lot of homework today?"

"We're about to take the exam, and the teacher didn't leave any homework." Nan Ruofing said.

"I have homework, godfather, the teacher asked us to make a fruit animal platter with our parents, and we have to make the fruit into the shape of animals."

"Want me to do it with you?"


"Oh, do you have any bananas at home?"

"Yes, it's too small." Fan Hongdou nodded.

"Okay then, let's go out to buy some fruit, Ruopin, do you want to go?"

"No, I want to make clothes for Xiao Fing."

Xiao Fing is Nan Ruofing's doll. Seeing other people in the class playing with it, she also pestered Nan Yi to buy her several sets of Barbie dolls. Recently, she is fascinated by playing with them.

"Okay, then you are at home, Hongdou and I will go."

There is a relatively high-end fruit shop not far from the villa. The customers are mainly nearby residents and tourists on the beach. The fruits are high-end and the prices are even higher.

Nan Yi took Fan Hongdou's hand, and the two walked slowly to the fruit shop, discussing what to do while walking.

"Godfather, bananas can be made into dogs and dolphins; pears and grapes can be made into peacocks and hedgehogs..."

The little girl has a good imagination. For Nan Ruofing's homework last year, Nan Yi only thought of making two caterpillars with grapes and cherry tomatoes. In the end, she was laughed at. Nan Ruobing even got angry with Nan Yi.

"You do it, godfather will help you."

The two of them talked, and they came to the fruit shop. The furnishings in the shop were similar to those of the self-selected supermarkets in later generations. All kinds of fruits had been packaged, sealed with plastic paper, and the prices were posted on them.

Nanyi picked up a bunch of bananas, and saw that the price on it was HK$28.60. After counting, there were only seven bananas in total, which is really not cheap.

However, Nanyi couldn't care about the price, but looked at the shape of the banana, pointed to one and said, "Red bean, look, this curve is just right, and it can be used to make dolphins."

"Yeah, just buy this." Fan Hongdou looked at it and was very satisfied.

Putting the bananas in the shopping basket, the two continued to look at other fruits, walked around and bought a basket full of fruits.

Once settled, more than four hundred.

"Hongdou, your mother is going to give birth to younger brothers and sisters for you." On the way back, Nanyi said suddenly.

"I know, I called my mother and she told me."

"So what do you think?"

"Idea?" Fan Hongdou shook his head, "Godfather, what is an idea?"

"It's whether you like it or not."

"I like it, I want to have a younger sister."

"What if there are two?"

"I also like my two younger sisters. I can help my mother hug them."

"It's not necessarily a younger sister, it may be a younger brother. Don't you like your younger brother?"

"I don't like it, my brother is not good." Fan Hongdou shook his head again, and said very firmly: "If it's my brother, I won't help my mother take care of it."

"Hehe, you are still a child yourself, why would you take it with you?"

"Godfather, if you were younger brother, would you live with us?"

"No, your Uncle Zuo will bring it himself."


It seems that Hong Dou doesn't like Fan Qianye, and she probably has been bullied by Fan Qianye, she remembers it in her little heart.

"Godfather will tell you a story."

"Okay, I want to listen, godfather, tell me quickly." Fan Hongdou pricked up his ears, waiting for Nanyi's story.

"In that remote Alps, on the snow-capped peaks, there lived the husband Pa'er and his wife, Fudimo. Between the two of them, Fudimo had a higher status, and she didn't need to work.

Pa Er goes out early and returns late every day. His job is to erect street lamps, and he needs to complete ten tasks every day.

This job is very hard. Pa Er works hard every day, and saves the gold coins he earns, except for his daily needs, in Fudimo's custody.

After working for ten years, he calculated that he and Fudimo had already saved a lot of money, enough to buy a beautiful house by the lake on the top of the mountain;

There are many street lamps beside the houses, all standing on the ears, and when the lights are on at night, you can see the hanged ghosts hanging on the street lamps..."

"Godfather, what is a hanged ghost?"

"It's an inchworm, which spins silk just like silkworms. In the eyes of people in the Alps, a hanged ghost is the most beautiful thing they think, and everyone wants to be a hanged ghost."


"Having the idea of ​​buying a new house, I raked my ears and went home excitedly, and told Fudimo about this idea, but who knew, Fudimo hesitated.

He asked her what was wrong, and Fudimo told him that she handed over all the gold coins they had saved to her younger brother, sister-in-law.

Sister Chew has great supernatural powers, he doesn't need to do anything, just open his mouth and chant a spell, and what he wants will automatically fly into his hands.

Red Dou, do you want to learn this spell? "

"Hmm, I think so."

"Haha, I'll tell you later, we're home, let's do our homework first."


January 16.

Fan Hongdou was already on vacation, and was sent back to Shenzheng by Nanyi, who waited by the roadside with Nan Ruofing.

"Father, is that Aunt Zhao the mother you found for me?"

"Adults, children should not inquire about it."

"Hmph, I don't want to inquire, I just ask to see if I want to flatter in advance."

"Hehe, you're a big kid, you don't need to flatter me, no matter if it's true or not. Your surname is Nan, and when someone with a foreign surname enters Nan's house, they have to curry favor with you, not the other way around."

"Hey." The little girl laughed silly for a while, then pointed to the front and said, "Dad, is it this?"

Nan Yi glanced at it, it was Zhao Shixian who was pulling a suitcase.

That suitcase is really big, it can fit one person, and three people if the body is divided.

Nanyi got off the car, walked over to take the handle of the suitcase, "Are you on vacation or an immigrant, and you didn't bring your whole family here?"

"I just brought cosmetics, a few sets of clothes, a few pairs of shoes, not much."

"Well, not much."

Nan Yi picked up the suitcase and tried the weight, but eighty catties couldn't hold it back, it really wasn't much...

"Introduce yourselves."

"Hi, my name is Zhao Shixian, you can call me Aunt Zhao." Zhao Shixian smiled and said to Nan Ruofing, and extended her right hand.

Nan Ruofing stretched out her small hand and pulled Zhao Shixian, "Hi, my name is Nan Ruofing, from the time traveler in 2001."

"Ah, Kesai."

"Huh? Aunt Zhao, have you seen it too?" The little girl's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, I like watching it very much."

With a good start, the big and small chatted very happily.

Walking to the beach, Zhao Shixian pointed to one of the yachts and said, "This is my yacht, Nan Yi, you can use it whenever you want to go to sea."

"Aunt Zhao, can I use it?"

"Of course, if you want to have a party, tell auntie, and auntie will help you prepare."


Nan Yi looked at the yacht, it was quite big, and could fit all his bodyguards.

"How much did you pay for this yacht?"

"More than two million yuan, my father gave me a birthday present last year." Zhao Shixian said casually.

Judging by the appearance and size of the yacht, Nanyi certainly would not think it was Hong Kong dollars, but it is not expensive to buy such a yacht for two million US dollars.

Boarded the yacht, walked around, the decoration is very luxurious, two million dollars is worth it.

However, Nanyi would not buy it.

This thing can't hold rockets. If you have the money, it would be great to buy a gunboat and modify it.

"Nan Yi, help me move my suitcase to the bedroom, I need to change my clothes." Zhao Shixian who was chatting with Nan Ruofing said after turning around.


After carrying the suitcase to the master bedroom, Nan Yi went onto the terrace of the yacht, and came to the side of Nan Ruofing, who looked strange to the yacht.


"Yes, I like it."

"For your birthday next year, Dad will also give you one, bigger than this one."


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