Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 197 Do you want a wife or not?

"look by youself."

Nanyi moved to the side, and revealed the letter of appointment on the table.

Liu Zhen picked up the letter of appointment, looked over one by one, her eyes flickered, "Good intentions or malicious intentions?"

"It's good intentions, but also hides malicious intentions, it depends on whether you and my 'relatives' can do good things." Nan Yi said quietly.

"Registered in the name of Wenchangwei?"

"Yes, whether you want to hand over the letter of appointment or not is up to you to decide."

"Give directly?"

"No, I'll wait for them to come."

"You can figure it out." Liu Zhen sighed heavily.

"Which ones in your family made you difficult?"


"That's it, how the road goes depends on their own good fortune."

"After a day of meetings, I'm tired. You cook." Liu Zhen brushed her hair and left Nanyi's room.

Nanyi took another look at the letters of appointment on the table, and swept them into the drawer.

I took a pair of scissors in the living room, went to the yard, went to a flower pot in a corner, cut a handful of shallots from it, pulled open a shelf made of plastic film, and pulled out two golden stalks from the flower pot inside. key.

Wash the golden key, put it in a small casserole, add water, sit on the gas stove and turn on the fire.

Find a small earthen pot from the locker on the long table in the living room, remove the lid wrapped in rags, and take out a piece of yellow chicken ginkgo from inside.

In the yard, a simple hearth was built with four bricks, a bonfire was lit, a tile was placed on the bricks, and chicken inner gold was baked on the tiles.

When the skin of the chicken's gold was burnt, Nanyi put out the bonfire, put the chicken's gold in a bowl, ground it into powder with a spoon, and added a little sugar to it.

I went to the kitchen to look at the fire, and the golden key was already fried.

Pour the soup of the golden key into a small bowl, take a spoon and pound it there, and wait until the soup cools down a bit before Nan Yi carries the bowl to Liu Zhen's room.

"Eat this."

Nanyi first handed the chicken neigold to Liu Zhen's mouth.

Liu Zhen didn't say anything, took the bowl and poured it into her mouth, then started chewing.

"Drink the soup."

"Is there any sugar?"

"The golden key is supposed to be cool, so what kind of sugar do you put in it?"


"Drink it even if it's bitter. Adding sugar hurts the medicine. Your throat is hoarse. If you don't drink it, your throat will be swollen and sore after a night's sleep."

"Well, just drink it."

Liu Zhen took the bowl, pinched her nose, and gulped it down in one gulp.

"You're exaggerating too much. Golden keys are like this. You can still drink Chinese medicine." Nan Yi chuckled lightly.

"It's hard."

Liu Zhen sniffled and pouted.

"I'll make you some rice noodles to eat at night, it's lighter."

"Long rice looks like it, so I threw it away."

"Or the ones I brought from Wenchangwei last year?" Nan Yi frowned.

"Well, there is flour at home."

"Then I'll make you gnocchi."

"Put more chili on."

"What are you thinking, cabbage leaf gnocchi, you still want to eat spicy food, wait until your throat is healed."

Nan Yi scolded, took the bowl out of Liu Zhen's room, went to the kitchen and quickly cleaned up two bowls of gnocchi.

The noodles have not been kneaded much, they are not strong, loose, and the taste is not good, but they are relatively soft, easy to eat, and do not hurt the throat, which is suitable for Liu Zhen in his current state.

When Liu Zhen was called over for dinner, who knew that she took a bite and said disgustedly: "The taste is too bland, it's not good."

"Just let it go, and when your throat is healed, I'll cook something delicious for you."

"All right."

Liu Zhen sniffled again, reluctantly began to eat.

"Accompany me to the movies at night?" Liu Zhen said again after finishing the gnocchi quickly.

"What are you watching? "Shaolin Temple" is in theaters?"

Liu Zhen smiled, "It's not showing yet, I have a ticket, you just follow me."

"It's kind of mysterious."

After clearing away the dishes, Nan Yi followed Liu Zhen to the cinema.

"Old Xu, do you want a wife?"

What Liu Zhen took Nanyi to watch was "The Wrangler", which is now the most popular movie in China.

"Am I really similar to Xu Xiuzhi?"

At 48 minutes and 17 seconds, when Xu Lingjun in the movie poured porridge for Xu Xiuzhi who had fled from famine, Liu Zhen put her head on Nanyi's shoulder and asked.

"It's not like that at all. I only drank a little noodle soup that day, and you ate all the noodles. Xu Xiuzhi is different. She also knows to share the food with Xu Lingjun."

"That was the first time I ate instant noodles. The taste was so delicious. Besides, I hadn't eaten anything that day." Liu Zhen said very plainly, but in the plain, it gave off a miserable feeling.

"Hehe, Xu Lingjun is prettier, or am I prettier?"

"You look good, but your skin is not as white as Xu Lingjun's. His face is dirty, but his skin is tender. You are not. Your skin has turned bronze."

"Isn't bronze bad?"

"Okay, I didn't say it was bad, I just said that you are not as white as Xu Lingjun. The sky is vast and wild, and the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low. Is Qilian Mountain really so beautiful?"

"I don't know, I haven't been there either, but the most beautiful angles must have been shot in the movie, the real one shouldn't be so beautiful. Do you want to go?"


"Then let's go there in summer."

"Do you... think I'm too good-looking?"

"No, no, this... this, Xian Tiezi didn't make it clear to you, I... well, I am the most handsome guy in the world."

"The uncle Xian told me that you are not a good person."

"a ha ha ha!"

"Why are you laughing?"

"Hey, hey, laugh, you two are watching a movie, how about you two play a love song?"

Liu Zhen and Nan Yi followed the plot of the movie and adapted their own lines. The two had a good time playing, but the people watching the movie were not happy.

Nan Yi expressed his apology to the people beside him, and he and Liu Zhen looked at each other with a speechless smile, calmed down and looked at the screen.

After watching the movie, the two walked out of the cinema. Nan Yi put on the white and yellow military coat under his armpit for Liu Zhen, and took out a pair of woolen gloves from the pocket of his 72-style alpine police wool fur coat. Help Liu Zhen put it on.

"It's warm, but there's no smell."

"What smell?"


"Then you will never smell it again."

"It's fine if you don't smell it, but I'm used to it. When I was in the country, I would occasionally have the illusion of smelling you."

"Then you are delusional. People who smoke actually smell the same."

"No, it's not the same. Your smell is very special. It's raining." Liu Zhen opened his hand, and then the drizzle fell from the sky, "I heard that it only snowed for three days in the capital this year, but it rained more Be more diligent in previous years."

"Hurry up, and be careful to drench yourself."

Nanyi also took off his leather jacket, put it on the two people's heads and ran forward a few steps quickly, then stood on the side of the road and watched, expecting a taxi to come.

Maybe it was a rainy day, and there was a lot of taxi work. The two waited for a long time before they got a taxi. When they returned to the old bungalow, their bodies were almost wet.

Especially Nanyi, the upper body is okay, but the lower body is already wet, which is almost the same as that taken out of the water.

"You're all wet, go wash first."

"First of all, you have a sore throat. If you catch a cold, you will have an infection. I'll be fine later."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Liu Zhen was not polite anymore, she took off her coat in the living room and went upstairs.


Nanyi waited for a while under the foreign-related office building, and two Ladaniva off-road vehicles drove over, creaking, and stopped beside Nanyi.

Ueto Masami got off the first car, and the tiger cub naturally took over the driver's seat. Ueto Masami got in the car again, and Xiaohua and Nanyi sat in the back row.

Qingquan is a small teahouse located in a small alley.

The boss is an old man with a cane, ten yuan purse shop, the old man was so happy that he not only scalded their teacups carefully, but also brought them a handful of peanuts in addition to melon seeds, and the tea is also a good thing he kept privately. Tea is not a big bowl of tea that is usually sold to others for five cents.

The times are advancing, and even an old man has the idea of ​​service classification.

"President, this is Naoko Naoka, the new president of Shan's Taste." After the old man waited and went out, Uedo Masami introduced the middle-aged man next to her to Nanyi.

Zhong Xiaojie stood up and bowed deeply to Nan Yi, "Hello, President, I am Zhong Xiaojie."

"Jiezhi-kun, please sit down." Nanyi asked Nakakosuke to sit down, and then said to Ueto Masami: "How many Japanese merchants are here?"

"President, since November last year, we know that 15 Japanese businessmen have come to matsutake, and there are probably many more that we don't know about."

"How much is the amount finalized in advance?"

"Only 200 tons of deposits have been paid in advance. This year is guaranteed to be so much. If there is more, the price will be raised to purchase. The quantity should be limited. I am not optimistic about the purchase volume this year.

It is still far from the quantity we promised to customers. Although we have not signed a supply agreement, if we cannot supply, our reputation of Yama no Wei will be lost, and customers will choose other suppliers. "

"Ignore it for the time being, let's see how much the purchase price of matsutake will rise this year after entering July, first let the high price shake out some shit-stirring sticks, and sit down to negotiate for the rest.

Japanese businessmen know how to unite best, and they will weigh the pros and cons.

Mr. Jiezhi, the rest of the work will be handed over to you. You have to ensure that our purchase volume this year is not less than 1,000 tons. "


"Yami, are the South American employees already in place?"

"It's in place."

"Well, abalone fruit is scattered in the forests along the Amazon River, Negro River, and Orinoco River, and there are a group of collectors who live by collecting abalone fruit.

The season for collecting abalone fruit happens to be the rainy season in the jungle. The collected abalone fruit has no chance to dry in the sun and can only be dried indoors. If you have a large enough indoor drying field, you can openly buy abalone fruit.

Mr. Jiezhi, in the next two years, you will plan to establish abalone fruit drying farms in Bolivia and Samba, and by the end of the year, Shan no Wei will monopolize more than 80% of the abalone fruit. "

"Hayi!" Zhong Xiaojie bowed again, and then said: "But the president..."

"I know, as long as you care about business matters, someone else will cooperate with you."

The Amazon jungle is in chaos. Nanyi wants to monopolize abalone fruit. It cannot be a purely commercial act. The rise of Shan の Wei means that many small shopping malls in the past will go bankrupt.

If someone's money is cut off, they won't immediately admit that they are cowardly and obediently leave, and they will not shoot you black.

Coupled with the guerrillas in the jungle and the possible drug transport channels, the road to the monopoly of abalone fruit will be a bloody and thorny road.

"Mr. Jiezhi, this year you go to South America to learn about the current situation of abalone fruit, and then set up a branch in Bolivia, and you can command it remotely in the future."


When Zhong Xiaosuke heard that he didn't need to take risks, the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

Then, Masami Uedo added some things that were not explained during the work handover to Kosuke Naka, and they were all about accounts and things that were not convenient for too many people to hear.

After explaining, Zhong Xiaosuke went straight ahead, while Nan Yi and Ueto Masami were still sitting in Qingquan.

"Has the car arrived?"

"It's here, the license is being processed."

"Are you already familiar with the capital?"

"Except for some small alleys, I have basically been there, and I am familiar with the roads."

"That's good. Now I'm looking for two restaurants that can accommodate 100 people to eat at the same time. You can take over this matter, but don't ask yourself to come forward. Is there a way to solve it?"


"Have the qualification procedures for the dispatch of trainees over there at Karikyo Ikeda been completed?"

"It's coming down soon. After getting the formalities, he will contact the customer. When he finds an interested customer, he can send a note to recruit workers here."

"Unless we need to recruit trainees with special skills, we try our best to recruit in one area, which is more convenient for management and local intervention. In addition, we must do a good job in reception, and there will definitely be people in the local area who will care about the trainees we recruit. .”

"Ikeda Karikyo should know where to take them to care, Shibuya, Ginza, Kabukicho."

"It's good to understand some things, and you don't have to say them."


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