Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 209 Ghosts and sprites

"Fathers and folks in Xiangcheng, my humble Wang Bian left home at the age of seven to go to Wugong Mountain to worship Taoism and learn martial arts. He has practiced several supernatural powers for more than ten years. When he first arrived in your place today, he will perform a performance of fetching snakes from the air. "

In a blink of an eye, Nanyi had been stranded outside for nearly a month, and after drinking with Lin Guangwei, he hurried back to Xiangtang.

Taking advantage of Saturday night, he brought two little girls to Temple Street to eat food stalls. Who knew that he happened to meet someone setting up a stall here, so he took the two girls here to watch the meeting.

Nan Ruobing was sitting on his left shoulder, and Fan Hongdou was sitting on his right shoulder. They both supported Nan Yi's head, and their small eyes stared at the middle of the crowd.

I saw Wang Bian put an ordinary washbasin upside down on the ground, and then began to exercise with great posture. I saw him pinching his sword fingers, his eyes closed, his left foot kicking rhythmically on the ground, and he was still chanting : "The horse from the south, the king from the north, and the Zhao from Huilai quickly return to their thrones, and the Taishang Laojun and King Qin Guang come to report quickly..."

Then there was a spell that I didn't know which minority dialect was still fooling around. After chanting for a while, when the onlookers were getting impatient, he opened his eyes, put the empty washbasin on the ground with a burnt yellow paper on the small bowl.

Wang Bian knocked the empty washbasin on the small bowl a few times, and after a while a snake crawled out from the edge of the basin.

"Dad, what kind of snake is this?"

"Short-tailed vipers can be seen in many places. There used to be Wenchangwei, but when you arrive in the village, snakes have been planted everywhere in the village. Except for water snakes, it is not easy to see other snakes.

They like to be coiled on rape stalks. Their tails are very powerful and they can fly in the air for a short time, so they are also called flying on grass. "

"Oh, Dad, how do you know?"

"Dad was bitten by this kind of snake."

"Will no one die?"

"Yes, Dad is lucky. I met a genius doctor who helped me take care of it, but there are also sequelae."

"Huh? What sequelae?"

"Every seven years, we need to find a seven-year-old girl. It's best to call Nan Ruofing to roast and eat. In this way, Dad can live another seven years."

"Wow, Dad, don't eat me, let's eat sister Hongdou, she has a lot of meat." Nan Ruofing pointed to Fan Hongdou, giggling.

Nanyi raised his head and said to Fan Hongdou: "Hongdou, do you think godfather will eat you or Ruofeng?"

"Godfather, I'm eight years old, too old."

"That's to eat Ruofing, okay, let's start eating when we get home."

"No, I'm too thin to eat."

The one big and the two young were fighting, and with the help of an assistant, Wang Bian in the circle performed several magical powers, such as pouring wine with an empty glass, moving his mind, and so on.

Finally, it is the repertoire of stalls and performing arts-holding gongs to ask for rewards.

When the little gong turned to Nanyi, he put a hundred Hong Kong dollars into the little gong. Wang Bian, who was holding the gong, looked at Nanyi carefully, and said "thank you" several times loudly.

When Wang Biao was looking at Nanyi, Nanyi was also observing him. Forgive his clumsy eyes, but he couldn't see anything extraordinary about Wang Bian.

Stretch your hands upwards, wrap one around the other, and put the two little girls on the ground.

"Papa will send you back later, and papa wants to move freely at night."

"Father, aren't you going to pick up girls? Is it Aunt Shixian?" Nan Ruoying asked immediately after hearing Nan Yi finished speaking.

"Yes, I have an appointment with your Aunt Shixian."

"Oh, I'm going too." The little girl said with her eyes rolling.

"Okay, don't play tricks on Dad, tell me what you want."

The little girl obviously didn't really want to follow, but wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail Nanyi and ask for something.

"All the students in the class have gone to foreign countries to play. Dad, during the summer vacation, you can take me to foreign countries too, okay?"

"Okay, Dad promises you."

Apart from Nan Ruobing, Nan Yi also plans to take the two little girls abroad for a walk in the next two years, so that they can get in touch with the outside world.

He planned to send the two girls to study abroad in aristocratic schools at a suitable time depending on their maturity and social circle.

"Father, we'll be obedient at home." Having got what she wanted, Nan Ruofing pretended to be very obedient.

"Okay, I know you're good."

When Nan Ruobing was being obedient, Fan Hongdou stood quietly by the side without speaking.

Nanyi saw that she was a little bit like fighting without fighting, and being wise and foolish.

After sending the two little girls home, Nan Yi went to the place where he had made an appointment with Zhao Shixian—Rose, a dance hall where both singing and dancing could be performed. There was a live band and a lot of accompaniment tapes inside.

When Nan Yi arrived, Zhao Shixian was sitting by the microphone on the stage, listening to the accompaniment of the band and preparing to sing.

Seeing Nanyi under the stage, she raised two fingers, swayed to the rhythm of the music, and shook her hair from time to time, with a very happy smile on her face.

When the accompaniment reached a point, she sang.

During the prelude, Nan Yi still couldn't recognize what song it was, but when Zhao Shixian opened his mouth, he immediately recognized that it was "Obladi Oblada" by The Beatles.

This song is very suitable for Zhao Shixian, and she performed it very cheerfully.

Nanyi couldn't help stuffing the thumb and index finger of his left hand into his mouth, and blew a chirping sound.

When Zhao Shixian on the stage heard it, he gave Nan Yi a look, his body shook again, and the smile on his face was hit by the light, instantly, bright and moving.

After singing a song, amid applause, Zhao Shixian walked off the stage and came to the side of Nanyi.

"Why don't you find a seat?"

"Didn't you book a table?"

"I've just arrived too, and the desk hasn't opened yet."

Nan Yi beckoned, and asked a waiter to arrange a table for them, two semi-circular sofas, Zhao Shixian did not choose to sit opposite Nan Yi, but naturally sat next to Nan Yi.

"Nanyi, have you traded in stocks recently?"

"Why do you ask about this?"

"I think the Hang Seng Index is about to rise to the end, and it will soon usher in a sharp drop. If you want to buy the bottom, the opportunity will appear soon."

"I don't have a lot of ideas. I can't pick a company in Hong Kong that is worth holding for a long time."

"Huh? You don't like Xiangxi's company?"

"It's not that I don't like it, it's that I don't like it. They are all deformed products of the deformed society in Xiangcheng. Most of them will be uncomfortable when they leave Xiangcheng."

"You don't like Li Tongban either?"

"He's not bad, a pure businessman with a keen sense of smell, he is the richest man in Xiangxi."

"Why do you say that?"

"He has no idea of ​​family and country. Wherever there is an opportunity, wherever he can see the benefits, he will go there. Few businessmen can be as pure as him. Everything is for profit, and there are no other miscellaneous ideas."

"Nanyi, are you praising him or hurting him?" Zhao Shixian said with a chuckle.

"Boast, of course it's a boast. How can he be a good person who can make a business of his size. Others have to put gold on their faces and pretend to be a human being. Only he pretends to be a bit of a man. Tell people I'm a businessman, not some Spider-Man."

"Uncle Ben said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

"Yes, that's it."

"And you, will you be a pure businessman?"

"Kong Yiji was the only one who stood drinking and wore a long gown. He was tall and tall, with a pale complexion, scars between his wrinkles, and a shaggy gray beard.

Although he was wearing a long gown, it was dirty and torn, and it seemed that it hadn't been mended or washed for more than ten years.

When he talks to people, he always speaks a lot of words, making people half-understand.

Because his surname was Kong, others picked up a nickname for him from the half-understandable words "Shang Daren Kong Yiji" on the tracing paper, and called him Kong Yiji.

As soon as Kong Yiji arrived at the store, all the drinkers looked at him and smiled, and some shouted: 'Kong Yiji, you have a new scar on your face! '

He didn't answer, but said to the cabinet: "Warm two bowls of wine, I want a plate of fennel beans." '

Then a large amount of nine coins was discharged.

They loudly yelled on purpose again, ‘You must have stolen from others again! '

Kong Yiji opened his eyes wide and said, "Why are you insulting people's innocence out of thin air..."

'What is innocent? The day before yesterday, I saw you steal the He family's books and beat you while hanging. '

Kong Yiji blushed, with blue veins on his forehead, and argued: "Stealing books can't be considered stealing... stealing books!" ... Can the matter of a scholar be considered stealing? '

A series of incomprehensible words, what kind of gentleman is poor, what kind of person, etc., caused everyone to laugh, and the atmosphere inside and outside the store was full of joy. "

Nan Yi stroked the wine glass in his hand, reciting the content of "Kong Yiji" in rhythmic rhythm.

"How should I understand it, should I understand that you compare yourself to Kong Yiji, or that you have the desire to 'scream'?"

"Kong Yiji is not so good, it is even more difficult to have the right to shout out. I am just an Ah Q who only knows the method of spiritual victory. I only want to achieve one thing in my life-I also deserve the surname Zhao."

As he said that, Nan Yi looked straight at Zhao Shixian again, "It's best if I can still have the confidence to say to the maid: I want to sleep with you [jué]."


"It's sleep. In the dialect of the southern Zhejiang generation, some places say sleepy, and some say sleepy. Ah, you can't say that, sleepy is actually an ancient Chinese colloquial language. It's spoken in many places in the south, but the pronunciation is a bit out of shape."

"Oh, you can just say that you don't feel sleepy [fèn gào]."

"Oh, one meaning."

"You think it's not easy to be surnamed Zhao. If you join our Zhao family, you will be Nanyi of the Zhao family, and you will be called Zhao Nanyi in the future." Zhao Shixian covered his mouth and smiled.

"You look beautiful and think even more beautifully. You may not be qualified to be called Nan Zhao Shixian, but you still want me to be called Zhao Nanyi?"

"Wow, the gate wall of your Nan's house is quite high."

"Of course high."

"How tall?"

"I'll sing "The end of the world" to you."


Nan Yi walked onto the stage, whispered something to a middle-aged man who was playing the cello, and then handed him a Hong Kong dollar. The middle-aged man nodded, and communicated with several other accompanists the tune to be played next.

"Why the sun still shines, why the waves still beat the shore, don't they know, this is the end of the world, because you don't love me anymore..."

The accompaniment sounded, and Nanyi sang along with the rhythm.

It was obviously a sad song, but Zhao Shixian showed two fingers like she sang on stage just now, shaking happily from side to side.

"The end of the world" is a very useless song. Nanyi sang on stage, fingering pine nuts while closing his eyes, immersed in the world of the song.

After singing, the other guests still gave Nan Yi sparse applause, although his singing was out of season and not suitable for this kind of occasion.

Either affectionate, or seductive, or ambiguous, only in this way can it help ghosts and ghosts to lose their minds or kidneys.

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