"The new man is an educated youth who knows how to keep bees. They raise bees in the mountains and collect some mountain products. They can get by."

"The kids in the city know how to keep bees?"

"What kind of city kid? I heard that I just went to the countryside less than half a year after entering the city, so I grew up in the countryside."

Nan Yi figured it out after thinking about it. It is estimated that the person Park Dashan was talking about, his father only sent him to the city in 1968, but he was kicked to the countryside after eating the guaranteed food for half a year.

There are many such cases. There is such a person in the Erhua Family Academy, who was sent to the countryside not long after he entered the city. However, he was also lucky in his misfortune. The place where he jumped in line was his hometown.

"It's interesting, veteran, what's the name of the new man?"

"The new man's name is Qian Tangsheng, the girl's name is Gao Lihua, and the original man's name is Cui Zhenglong."

"Tsk tsk, born in Qiantang, from Qiantang?" Nan Yi asked playfully.

"It's from Qiantang. He also has a younger brother who came to see him. His name seems to be Qiantangyi." Park Dashan said.

"It's interesting to sacrifice your life for righteousness."

At this time, Nanyi was not as interested in Changbai Mountain as he was in this Koryo flower. What kind of fairy is she, who can make an educated youth so open-minded.

Park Dashan was in front, and Nanyi and Nanyi were behind. A group of people walked on Dagu.

In the mountains, especially this kind of snow-capped mountains, you can't walk around. If you are not familiar with the landforms here, you will easily fall into the snow nest.

Xuewozi refers to the undulating valleys and hills, with slopes and bumps everywhere, and some mountain streams and canyons under the cliffs are unfathomable.

Whenever the mountains are covered by heavy snow in winter, the whirlwind sweeps, and the snow falls down the valley, filling the deep canyon flat, and the snow is everywhere, and it is difficult to distinguish the seven valleys, eight beams, and high valleys.

Walking in the mountains, if you are not familiar with the road, if you don't pay attention, you will slide down and be buried in the snow, which is more difficult to save than falling into quicksand.

Therefore, when walking in Changbai Mountain after the heavy snow closes the mountain, I am most afraid of falling into the snow nest.

In the words of Park Dashan: "Don't be afraid of the sky, don't be afraid of the earth, only be afraid that Xuewozi will catch you."

After walking through the long valley, a group of people approached a sprawling and grassy hilly area. Suddenly, Park Dashan raised his left hand and made a fist movement.

Seeing his movements, the three of Nanyi squatted down on the spot and raised their guns. Nanyi is holding the old workman's character, and the tiger cub is holding a Type 63 rifle. I don't know where the old man borrowed it from. This gun is rare.

The gun is considered a good gun, but it was a pity that the production time was too tight, it was shoddy, poor in accuracy, poor in interchangeability, shooting flames and other serious quality problems.

I saw Park Dashan pulled the bolt of the 38th cover, loaded the bullet, then looked back at the tiger cub, and pointed to the left.

The tiger cub nodded, and walked to the left with his back bent.

Nanyi pointed the old "H" in his hand at the mixed forest in front of him. There was an open grass field in front of a few big fir trees. There was a chirping sound.

Park Dashan listened for a while, then turned his head and pointed to Guide Yi, and pointed to the old work character in his hand.

Nan Yi nodded, and walked a few steps forward with his waist bent, and stopped sixty centimeters away from Pu Dashan. This position is the safest position.

Holding the gun, aiming at the cracks in the barley, Nanyi took out a few tin bullets from his pocket, put them on his lips, and waited quietly.

Seeing that Nanyi was ready, Pu Dashan patted Heita who had been quietly at his feet, "Heita, track me down!"

After receiving the order, Heita ran towards the pheasant nest, and when he was about to reach the pheasant nest, he stopped still, barking a few times, and the pheasants were frightened, jumping up one by one.

Pfft, Nanyi pulled the trigger, didn't care about the shooting result, wiped his right hand to his mouth, and a tin bullet fell into his hand, pulled the bolt, stuffed the tin bullet into the barrel, and raised the gun to shoot again.

Then reload and shoot again, and once the three shots pass, there will be nothing more.

The tin bullet is too small, and the speed of reloading is not very fast, and it must be inserted accurately. If it is not inserted accurately, the tin bullet will explode in the barrel, and the gun will be useless.

This gun was also borrowed by Park Dashan, so it's hard to explain if it's broken.

Heita on the side of the pheasant nest looked back at Nanyi, saw that he had put down his gun, so he rushed to the chicken nest, and came back with two pheasants in his mouth after a while.

"Two out of three, good marksmanship."

"Old man, is this a hazel hen?"

"Yes, it's the flying dragon. These two gray ones are not good-looking, and there are some gaudy ones. That one is good-looking."

Nan Yi stepped forward and looked at the two hazel pheasants placed on the ground by Heita. One was hit in the neck, and the other was hit in the abdomen by him when he was flapping.

After taking a look, Nanyi said to Park Dashan: "Old man, will Feilong lay eggs this season?"

"No, the time has not yet come. They will not mate until March. When they mate, they will hide very well and are not easy to find."

"Then can I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

"I want to collect some flying dragons, live ones, big and small cubs, and flying dragon eggs."

"Not eating?"

"I don't want to eat it. I want to raise it. Everyone knows that this flying dragon meat is delicious. The wild ones are getting less and less. When everyone has money in the future and can afford it, farmed flying dragons will definitely sell well."

"Okay, I'll help you release the news, how do you plan to receive it?"

"Twenty pairs for the big ones, thirty for the small ones, fifty for the cubs, and five yuan for an egg. Do you think this price is okay?"

"The price is not bad, how much do you want to charge?"

"A hundred or so cubs, big and small, is enough. The eggs need a few hundred, but no more than a thousand. You have to explain to me, don't get hurt, and it's better not to be frightened."

"Just play tricks, this flying dragon is stupid, easy tricks."

"Then I'll leave it to you, you help put it away, and when it's done, someone will come and take it away."

Whether it is domestic chicken or pheasant, whether it is fast-growing meat or delicious meat, Nanyi wants Fanshengzhi to study and select several chicken breeds with the best benefits in the future, which can be improved and scaled. , the scientization of the scientization.

In the future, he will take a big bite out of the hundreds of billions of dollars in broiler chicken market every year.

Putting the two flying dragons on, Park Dashan led everyone to continue walking into the mountains. Along the way, they encountered several pheasant nests, but neither Park Dashan nor Nanyi had any intention of shooting again. Two flying dragons and one pheasant , You can already hang a pot of Feilong soup.

"With air guns, this pheasant will suffer even more. In the past, as long as you fired a gun on the mountain, you would be shocked. Once you hit a nest, all the ones around it ran away. The sound of the air gun was so small that the stupid flying dragon couldn't hear the gunshot. It's a nest of pots." Park Dashan said with emotion when he passed by a flying dragon's nest again.

"The country will definitely take care of it, otherwise they will all be wiped out. Look at this giant panda, what was it called an iron-eating beast in the past, it turns out that life in the wild is so difficult, and it is always beaten and eaten by people, and now it has become a national treasure. Yes, more precious than people."

"Have you ever seen a panda?"

"Yes, I saw it on the curb one day, from the circus."

"Circus, that's not too expensive."

"It will be expensive. Gringos are also rare pandas, and their value will definitely increase."

After walking for a while, Park Dashan stopped and pointed to the wooden house about a mile away that was emitting smoke, "In front is Gao Lihua's house, and we will hang out with them at noon."

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