November 23rd, the 23rd day of the 10th month of the lunar calendar, light snow.

Nanyi also received a letter from Fang Mengyin from Xiangtang. Through a specific method, he extracted keywords from the letter and combined it into a sentence: the trading company has been registered, and currently only recruits an operator and front desk. Bay factory building, what's next?

After reading it, Nanyi burned the letter and wrote a reply.

The letter was very long, but at first glance it seemed like daily chores, trivial matters, and the real message that Fang Mengyin wanted to convey needed to be decoded by the method agreed upon by the two of them.

Nanyi’s true message: set up an electronics factory to produce electronic watches and calculators. Before April next year, the hoarding should be no less than 150,000, no more than 200,000 electronic watches, and 10,000 to 20,000 calculators .

Keep everything simple, as long as production can be realized, there is no long-term operation plan, and be ready to cash out; absorb more semiconductor talents and support them with high salaries; find a fashion designer, it doesn't matter if the level is average, just be obedient, spare...

If the funds are insufficient, you can take Wharf shares to the bank as a mortgage.

Restricted by the conditions, Nanyi and Fang Mengyin can only communicate with each other through secret letters, which also limits Nanyi's inability to carry out micro-management, and can only carry out medium- and long-term plans.

In this day and age, it is absolutely impossible to make international long distance calls. Only a very small number of privileged people have the opportunity to make international long distance calls, and they can only make calls to Suxiu.

This is all due to the backwardness of communications, and the complete lack of cross-border cable laying and signal transmission technologies.

And at this time, there is also the problem of not being able to keep it secret when making a phone call.

The telephone does not have a dial button, just a handle, whirring, shaking it a few times, "Hey, switchboard, help me answer...".

The two parties talked on the phone, and the lady with a sweet voice at the switchboard could hear it.

Although it is illegal to eavesdrop on other people's calls according to the regulations, when has anyone heard of people who dared to defy the law disappear?

Every now and then, one dance at a time or a group of reps come out to show they're still there.

After traveling to several places and making many detours, Nanyi got back a 1974 Sunflower brand HL-1 cassette tape recorder.

After waiting for a few days, Xian Yaodong and Xian Weimin arrived in the capital. Xian Weimin still carried a few boxes of Teresa Teng and Liu Wenzheng's song tapes with him.

"Did you get the machine?"

"I got it, one master player and thirty high-speed sub-recorders."


Nan Yi read the entire manual and said, "The master tape machine is Studer's A80, and the duplicator is the devil's Xiaogu machine. Have you got the teaching video?"

"I got it too, you didn't tell me, and I didn't bring it either."

"It's okay, I will go back to Wenchangwei as soon as possible to teach you how to operate the machine." After Nanyi and Xian Yaodong finished talking, they said to Xian Weimin: "Weimin, after you go back, go to Yangcheng and find a more leisurely temporary job. do it.

Go to Panyu more often, make friends with people who are doing business secretly, and introduce the tape business to them.

Before you go, go to the Cantonese opera troupe first, learn how to put on makeup, how to put on a fake beard, and then get a pair of glasses. Don’t let others touch your foundation. "

Nan Yi said, and took out another package, "There are 1,500 yuan in it, and there are a lot of various tickets. These are enough for you to open up the situation in Yangcheng."

"Okay, I know how to do it."

"Be careful in everything. If something happens to you, remember one principle: you don't give up your life if you give up your money."

"Okay, I will definitely be careful."

While speaking, Nanyi took the two of them to the courtyard in the depths of the flowers.

After tidying up some food, the three talked while eating.

"Uncle Xian, have you read the latest newspaper?"

"Nan Yi, what do you mean?"

"Forget it, you probably haven't seen it, so let me just talk about it. As for the big things, the higher-ups are already discussing internal reforms, opening up to the outside world, loosening the constraints on farmers, and injecting vitality into the economy.

Since 1965, our country's GDP ranking in the world has been falling, and even India and India are pressing on us. Invigorating the economy and making the people rich will be the theme of the future.

So, before long, individuals should be able to do business.

But the first person to eat crabs will probably be poisoned to death. Let's not do this early bird, let's put it alone first, let's consider Wenchangwei as a large group first.

It has always been advocated by the superiors that the production team develop sideline business. We in Wenchangwei also want to develop sideline business and establish our own collectively owned factory.

How did everyone dress in the 1950s? Uncle Xian, you should still have an impression, right? "

"Of course, there were many styles of clothing at that time, men's suits, women's cheongsams, Yangcheng was opened early, and all kinds of foreign things were imported, and there were all kinds of fancy clothes.

Afterwards, it turned into one piece of blue and half of white, and everyone wore similar clothes, very monotonous.

However, this time when the train came over, I also saw a few girls wearing that nice-looking... what was that dress called. "

"It should be a coat."

"It's probably because people look much better in those clothes."

"The second point I want to say is about clothes. Now girls are so pretty, and indeed they are tired of wearing them a long time ago. They want to wear something different. But I have checked in supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores, and there are no clothes. How many new styles.

Taking advantage of the fact that the domestic garment factories have not reacted, we Wenchangwei opened a garment factory to produce popular styles of Xiangxi.

After you go back, open the factory, then go to the machinery factory to purchase electric sewing machines, and go to the textile factory to purchase fabrics. After the things are in place, let the women practice first.

After the training is finished, we will start to organize production. As for the factory manager, let Uncle Yaoguo take care of it. He has experience in leading troops and is suitable for managing people.

As for you, Uncle Xian, after the samples came out, you started to go to the procurement department of the supply and marketing agency, from city to city, don’t run dry, treat guests to dinner, give gifts, and then make a sales rebate. "

"What is a sales rebate?"

"Let me make an analogy. For example, the supply and marketing cooperative in Bao'an, we expect to sell 1,000 pieces. As long as the supply and marketing cooperative completes, we will give them a sales reward of 100 yuan. This is the rebate."

"Understood, give them some benefits and increase their enthusiasm."

"Almost, the key point is that you have to figure out who to give this rebate to. For specific issues, you have to analyze in detail who can increase our sales. Anyway, with such a budget, I don't care who it is given to. Just look at the results."

When Nan Yi spoke, he had deliberately placed himself in the role of commander in chief, subtly letting Xian Yaodong accept this change.

"Is it okay to give it to an individual?"

"I said, you can give it to whoever you want, I don't mind if you keep it yourself, I only look at the sales volume."

"Okay, I see."

"Also, the tape business belongs to the three of us. I get 50%, you 30% for the people, and Uncle Xian 20%. Do you have any opinions?"

"I don't have any objections. I put in the least effort, and I deserve the least." Xian Yaodong said.

"I have no objection either. Thirty percent is already quite a lot. Nanyi, you didn't even ask me to pay for it, so I can't hold back."

"It's okay. We're just starting out now, so we're going to make a rough division like this. If we do other businesses in the future, we have to sit down and figure it out. How much to invest, how much to contribute, and how much should be accounted for.

Let me explain to you again why we are doing the tape business now.

Since last month, tape recorders have been allowed to be brought to the mainland by overseas Chinese visiting relatives; tape recorders used for teaching in various schools are no longer subject to special approval procedures;

Moreover, the inspection team to Hong Kong organized by the Ministry of Commerce purchased 10,000 cassette recorders from Hong Kong Kangli Company at a price of 93 Hong Kong dollars each.

The things have already arrived in the capital, and department stores have also put them up for sale. One set costs 200 yuan, which is quite expensive.

If you have a tape recorder, you must have a tape. Most people are tired of listening to those songs in the mainland. I have bought cassette players worth hundreds of dollars, and I don’t mind spending a few dollars on cassettes to listen to.

A tape, our cost is about 40 cents. Our ex-factory price is not expensive. If the quantity is large, it will be charged at three yuan, and if the quantity is small, it will be charged at three yuan, five or four yuan, so as to leave some profit for the wholesaler, and the terminal price will be controlled at six About seven yuan. "

"Can this business last?"

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