After eating, Qian Tangsheng put down his chopsticks and walked out of the house.

Nanyi watched, and quickly ended the battle, talked to the others, and followed Qian Tangsheng's footsteps to go out.

Qian Tangsheng was standing outside, smoking a cigarette, and looking towards the foot of the mountain.

"Brother Qian, what are you looking at?"

"I'll see if anyone comes. Some time ago, someone from the county came to inform that a foreign research institute urgently needed to buy a Siberian tiger. They wanted an adult tiger about ten years old, and it had to be unscathed. "

Nan Yi frowned and asked, "Brother Qian, are there still many Siberian tigers in Changbai Mountain?"

"There are very few left. Except for Changbai Mountain, you can also see their traces in the Xiaoxing'an Mountains. The country has begun to protect the Siberian tiger, and hunters are not allowed to hunt it anymore."


"Nanyi, are you here for a trip?" Qian Tangsheng threw the boredom in his hands into the snow, and kicked off the boredom with his diaper shoes.

"A friend and I do some mountain products business. We collect ginseng, hazelnuts and chestnuts from the mountains. This time, I have something to do in Spring City. I will stop by to have a look. If there are ginseng, I will collect a few plants. Brother Qian, do you have any ideas?" Expand your bee farm?"

"You want to take my honey?"

"I have this idea. When I leave, I plan to take a few catties with me. Find a laboratory to test and see what beneficial ingredients are in your honey. If the nutritional value is high, you can sell it for a high price."

"Big price? How high is the price?" Qian Tangsheng asked excitedly.

"It's hard to say, everything depends on the test results, but I can guarantee that the purchase price I will give you will definitely not be lower than six yuan per catty."

"You can still make money by taking the six yuan away?"

"It should be fine. I plan to sell it abroad. Have you read The Count of Monte Cristo?"

"I took my daughter... my niece to the county seat to see it."

"Just watch it. I plan to sell your honey to high-end restaurants like those in the movie, and to rich people abroad."

"Is there a way?"

"No, but there will be. Some people in our village are abroad, so it is convenient to find a way."

"Aren't you from the capital?"

"I went to the countryside in Shenzhen, and then settled there."


"Brother Qian, can you show me your bee farm?"

"Okay, but I only have two bee-proof hats. Do your two friends want to go too?"

"It's okay, we are prepared."

As Nanyi said, he removed the backpack from his back, opened the zipper of the backpack, took out a nylon bag from inside, unzipped the rope buckle on the top of the nylon bag, took out a piece of folded net, and shook it out , like a fish guard.

Splicing together the support rods hanging on it one by one, a military-grade mosquito hat is formed.

"This thing is good, the mesh is so dense, is it anti-mosquito?" Qian Tangsheng said, looking at the anti-mosquito hat in Nanyi's hand as if looking at a western scene.

"That's right, I often walk around in rural areas, and I often dig into valleys and ditches. In some places, the mosquitoes are terrible. I really dare not go without this thing, because I am afraid of being bitten by mosquitoes."

"Then it's hard work for you to earn some money."

"Better than farming."

Qian Tangsheng took the anti-bee hat and led Nanyi and the others to the bee farm. On the way, Nanyi heard a clear and quiet cry of "yo, yo".

The sound echoed in the valley, and the snow-capped mountains in all directions also echoed.

Nanyi followed the sound and saw a girl wearing a fiery red fox fur hat, leading a herd of deer, holding a short bamboo flute with both hands, playing melodiously.

The sun hit her body, and the fiery red hair on her head was like a burning flame in the mist.

The spots on the vigorous deer's back are like white plum blossoms on the snow-capped mountains, dotted together one by one, together with the flame, it makes people feel like they are in a fairy tale world.

"This is the reindeer worker from the deer farm. His surname is Yu and his name is Yu Hui. He is a capable man."

Qian Tangsheng introduced it on the edge of Nanyi.

The girl named Yu Hui saw Nanyi and his party, and came towards them driving a deer.

"Uncle Qian, are you going to the bee farm?"

"Yes, Xiaohui, are you driving the deer back to its den?"

"Uncle Suo Zi looked at the sky and said that it will snow again in the next two days, and it will still be a heavy snow. I have to drive the deer back. If the snow blocks the mountain, the deer will not be able to come back."

As Yu Hui was speaking, she suddenly yelled at a deer who was about to go away: "Xiaohua, you are naughty again, if you don't stare at you, you will slip away, come back quickly."

The deer's forehead is brightly colored and gaudy. It lowers its head and sniffs in the snow, and it seems to be going out of the pack.

Hearing Yu Hui's scolding, he turned his head and walked back to the team obediently.

"Miss Yu, can it understand you?" Nan Yi, who was watching strangely from the side, asked curiously.

"Uncle Qian?"

Yu Hui glanced at Nanyi, and asked Qian Tangsheng suspiciously.

"This is Nanyi, who came here to play with the old man."

"Oh, they can understand..." Yu Hui blinked Liu Yemei, thought for a while and said, "They don't understand either."

"Can they understand your tone?" Nanyi asked tentatively.

"Yes, deer are very docile and clever. They are very good at winking. Sometimes they will listen to my voice, and sometimes they will read my expression."

"Oh, it's amazing, can you show me, so I can open my eyes?"


Yu Hui crossed her hips, shrugged her chest, like a village head, and uttered a series of crisp voices to her villagers: "Hey, hey, pay all pay attention."

The deer group cleverly stopped their restless limbs and raised their ears, waiting for the village chief's order.

"Listen to my roll call now, Xiao Hua, hey, Xiao Hua!"

The doe that strayed from the herd just now immediately raised its head and raised its neck.

"Short tail, short tail!"

A deer with a tail shorter than its companion looked timidly at its village chief.

"Hey, short tail, you can't be naughty, don't forget, a part of your tail was bitten off by a wolf, you have to follow everyone from now on, don't run around, understand?"

The deer named Short Tail seemed to understand Yu Hui's teaching, and stood there obediently, not daring to show his breath.

"Black and white legs, black and white legs..."

A deer like with a hoof and a black ring and a white ring pricked up its ears, and its hair also sprung up, and followed the sound to Yu Hui.

Miss Yu Hui was in high spirits and called every deer by name over and over again.

Every deer has a different reaction when they hear their unique "boudoir name". Nan Yi admires Yu Hui, the reindeer girl's rich imagination and her supernatural powers.

At the same time, I also lament the spirituality of the sika deer!

"Miss Yu, is this sika deer easy to deal with?"

"It's not easy. Sika deer are timid and suspicious. Just standing next to them and coughing, or a snowflake falling from a tree will make them panic. They will run around and even collide with each other and get hurt.

I also groped for a long time and improved the method, and it was only in the past two years that I was able to tame them. "

"Oh, then did you grope for the method of calling the deer yourself, or did you learn it from a book?" Nan Yi vaguely remembered where he seemed to have read a similar method.

"I have read books, and I have also explored it myself. I read a "Hunting Records" in the county library. It is said in the book that primitive people imitated the sounds of animals to catch wild animals. important invention.

In ancient times, people used ventriloquism to lure wild beasts, and when the enemy was lured deep, hunters waited for the opportunity to shoot and kill.

But not every hunter can master ventriloquism, so our ancestors invented some simple onomatopoeia tools, which can make the sound of beasts.

Forty years ago, the Oroqen people on the other side of the mountain were still hunting in this way. Later, hunters got hunting stocks and rifles, and they no longer used that primitive hunting method.

The book also said that the Fa people saw a vivid picture in the cave paintings of the late Paleolithic age. A hunter disguised as a wild beast, wearing antlers and deerskin, played the flute and made the sound of deer.

The nearby wild deer heard the voice and thought it was the call of their companions, so they walked into the hunter's trap one by one.

This picture of hunting tells us that since ancient times, humans have had the ability to use the laws and habits of animals to hunt or work. "

Yu Hui, the eloquent reindeer girl, has a smile on her mouth, and her words are like spring water jingling, eloquently.

"I didn't expect that the ancient hunting method can still be used today. Take my sika deer as an example. Not only is it of great economic value, but the antler, deer embryo, deer whip, deer tail, and deer tendon are all valuable medicinal materials;

It is also a famous ornamental animal. It is protected by the state, and it is only allowed to be caught alive and not killed. The shotgun is no longer effective, so I asked Grandpa Heerba of the Oroqen nationality to teach me this. "

Yu Hui pointed to the little flute in her hand.

Nanyi Xunsi must not be so easy to call the deer just relying on the flute in Yuhui's hand. She must have a special affinity for deer, just like some people are easy to get close to dogs, and the dogs will not bark when they see him.

In layman's terms, this girl Yu Hui has a "deer smell", maybe she drank deer milk when she was a child.

"Thank you Miss Yu for clearing up the confusion. Miss Yu is ice-snow smart, pure and blue-hearted, and has great supernatural powers. She must be the saint of Changbai Mountain."

"Hehehe, you can talk, I'm not a saint." Yu Hui smiled while covering her mouth.

Taking advantage of the girl being coaxed by him, Nan Yi asked again: "Miss Yu, how much can you sell this antler?"

"At least two thousand yuan."

"That's really not old or young. Your deer farm is doing well, right?"

"Fortunately, Comrade Nan, I can't tell you any more. I have to bring the deer back to the deer farm as soon as possible."

"Okay, see you then."

Yu Hui turned the flute horizontally again, and blew the sound of "yo, yo, woo". Listening to the sound, the deer herd followed behind her, walking slowly down the mountain.

Watching people leave, Qiantang Shengfu took Nanyi and the others to the bee farm.

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