Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 221 Calling Deer, Calling People

After seeing the bee farm, Nan Yi asked Qian Tangsheng about Cui Zhenglong.

"Brother Qian, I don't know why your shopkeeper's legs are paralyzed?"

The shopkeeper in Nanyi's mouth is Cui Zhenglong. Qiantang gave birth to this deformed family. Although he is the pillar of the family, the nominal head of the family is still Cui Zhenglong.

"The shopkeeper turned out to be a logger on the mountain. When he fell down the mountain, his waist was swept by a branch and he suffered internal injuries. After he recovered, his legs could no longer move."

"That means the muscles are bad, the bones are not bad?"

"I went to the hospital to take an X-ray, and there was nothing wrong with the bones. The doctor said it was a neurological problem."

"Brother Qian, the niece Yunmei you mentioned is actually your daughter, right?"

"Yes, it's my own daughter, Li Huasheng and I, but she has to call the shopkeeper Daddy, and she can only call me Uncle." Qian Tangsheng said with a grim and painful face: "I like Yunmei, but I can't call her Daddy." Haven't been called."

Nan Yi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, opened it, took out one, stuffed it into Qian Tangsheng's mouth, and helped him light the fire.

Although he quit smoking, Nanyi has more and better cigarettes on his body. If he smokes by himself, he can loose them one by one. If he doesn't smoke himself, most of the time, he has to pack or even two packs of loose cigarettes.

At this time, non-smoking men were rare, and there were women who smoked. From south to north, one or two women who smoked could always be found in every village. The further north, the higher the proportion of women who smoked.

It's just that people at this time smoke, and their addiction and fatigue are equally divided. After being tired, they put in a lot of effort, and it's very pleasant to smoke a cannon to numb their nerves.

Of course, being able to drink a few sips can relieve fatigue, but wine is expensive, and you can grow some tobacco leaves yourself, but you can only buy wine, and you can’t make much by yourself, and the food is enough to eat. liquor.

"There are many experts in the Rockefeller Hospital in Beijing, so you can send them there to have a look. Also, I heard people say that hot springs have some effect on paralysis. There are hot springs in Changbai Mountain, right?"

"There's one over there at Eagle's Mouth Cliff."

"Then you can send your shopkeeper's to soak in it every day. Even if the paralysis can't be cured, it will be good for your body. Brother Qian, I'm not saying that your current state is like cutting flesh with a blunt knife. Your donkey can't bark much. year;

Rather than living in such a comfortable and unembarrassing way, it is better to find a way to cure your shopkeeper. The sister-in-law can choose who she chooses, and she can live happily and cleanly. "

"I think so too. I've been taking him to see it all these years, but it just doesn't get better."

Qian Tangsheng may be used to smoking cigarettes. Dry tobacco, his mouth is dry, and he swallows saliva unconsciously when he smokes. Now that he smokes cigarettes, he swallows too much saliva for a while, and speaks like a "saliva soldier" , Puff puff puff, puff puff puff, saliva splashing everywhere.

"If the bones are not bad, there is a chance to be cured. Try again. If it can't be cured, then let's talk again."

Nan Yi was really afraid that he would cooperate with Qian Tangsheng, and the bee farm would expand, and his partner would die in his sleep one day.

The man with the green cover on his head is so provocative, as long as he uses the right method and drinks the right amount, the counselor can also be possessed by Wu Erlang, the blood blade breaks through the feudal shackles, Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing who advocate free love.

Seeing Cui Zhenglong at the first glance, Nanyi knew that this man's nerves had entered a tense state, and various negative emotions such as self-blame, remorse, shame and anger had filled his whole body. This is a powder keg, who will give him Plug in the lead and he'll set himself on fire.

Whenever the embarrassing and excited screams of Nankang sounded, he should have fantasized about killing Qiantangsheng countless times, or hitting himself to death.

As for why he didn't take any action, it has something to do with the idea that it's better to die than to live, and the comfort zone. Cui Zhenglong has already fallen into a comfort zone, and he has fully enjoyed the pleasure of staying in this circle.

No need to work, eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and occasionally have a hand addiction, it seems that living a small life like this is not bad.

But when the cooperation between Nanyi and Qiantangsheng starts, and after Qiantangsheng receives the first large sum of money, if he doesn't know how to guard against Cui Zhenglong and Gao Lihua, Nanyi really doesn't know if Cui Zhenglong will be evil.

In Changbai Mountain, as long as the Koli flower cooperates, it is not too easy to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces. Throwing a few blood-stained rags from Qiantang, and saying that they were eaten by the Siberian tiger, no one can fault it.

Qian Tang was born a good man, so I have to avenge him...

"Then try again and send him to the capital for treatment."

Qian Tangsheng threw the cigarette butt on the ground viciously, making up his mind.

Nan Yi looked up at the sky. He still remembered what Yu Hui said just now that there would be heavy snow again in the next two days, and suggested that Qian Tangsheng take him to see the linden forest and ice flowers.

After spending two hours wandering around the linden forest, and going to Gaogang to see the Bingling flower, a rough plan about how to hype up the price of this honey took shape in Nanyi's mind.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, I brought a little bee comb, honey, and royal jelly and went down the mountain before dark to return to Pu Dashan's house.

Stayed overnight at Park Dashan's house.

Early the next morning, Nanyi asked Park Dashan to take him to visit the deer farm.

Coincidentally, just after arriving at the gate of the deer farm, I met Yu Hui who had just come out of the deer farm.

"Miss Yu, where are you going?"

"Comrade Nanyi, I'm going to call the deer."

"Didn't you say yesterday that it was going to snow, why did you call the deer?"

"I'm going to Jinluling. The road there is easy to walk. Even if the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, I can go down the mountain without any danger."

"Then can I go with you?"

"Okay, come with me." Yu Hui took the lead and led the two deer, leading Nanyi and the others into the mountains.

Jinluling, upon hearing this name, Nanyi's first impression was that it should be a mountain in the deep mountains of Changbai Mountain, but they didn't expect that this place is not far away, they just walked more than three miles into the mountain, and they arrived at the place.

Moreover, this road is easy to walk, and there is no steep place.

It is said to be Jinlu Ridge, but in fact there is no ridge here. It is a large mountain field among dense forests, and the vast white mist presses down on the surrounding hilltops.

Yu Hui told Nanyi that in this area, there are groups of red deer and sika deer all year round.

Last year, an exploration team planned to dig a well here for prospecting. I heard that this is a big mountain field where wild deer infested, and the value of velvet antler is relatively high. In order to protect this natural wealth, the exploration team gave up the exploration of this place. .

As for the exploration team, Yu Hui was not too sure.

Nanyi guessed that it was either oil exploration or iron ore exploration, and only the exploration teams exploring these two things traveled all over the world. No matter where it was, they wanted to drill a hole to see it.

Yu Hui sprinkled some bean cakes on the open space for the two deer to eat there, and then took Nanyi and the others to hide behind a pile of hay, only to see the reindeer girl put her flute to her lips with a radiant expression. Blowing loudly.

Looking at Yu Hui, Nan Yi thought of the colorful piper in Hameln.

In 1284, a small town of Hameln suddenly had a lot of rats. These rats are very rampant and bring endless nightmares.

Residents in the town asked the mayor to find a way to restore the peace of the past as soon as possible, so he posted a notice, promising a generous reward to those who could get rid of those rats.

Soon, a piper in colorful clothes came, and he played a melody, and all the mice came out. While playing the flute, he walked out of the city and lured the mice into the river to drown them.

The Piper went back to receive the reward, but the mayor and the residents of the town repented and refused to pay the reward.

The piper just smiled and left without saying a word.

That night, the piper played a wonderful melody again. This time, the children in every household, just like those mice, all got up from the bed, danced, and ran to the piper, no matter what their parents said. His calls and hindrances never turned back.

All the children in that small town followed the piper to a mountain called Coppen, and never came back.

This is an absurd story, but it has a real historical background. There is still a street in Hameln called the Forbidden Drum Street. It is said that children pass through this street when they follow the deadly melody of the piper.

Funny thing, music is banned on that street.

Some time ago, Nan Yi saw the views put forward by two researchers in German newspapers. They believed that a large number of immigrants settled in the new land in the eastern territory of Germany at the end of the 13th century.

Count Nicholas von Spiegelberg, a local aristocrat, scouted out young people for potential colony pioneers and seemed to have persuaded some teenagers to join them.

They set out by ship and were wrecked in July 1284 near the seaside town of Copan, a town whose name apparently resembles Mount Copen.

The date of this event also coincides with the Pied Piper story, so it's probably not just a coincidence.

This seems to explain why a large number of young people follow one person out of town and then disappear.

So what happened to the mouse?

At that time, there was a technique of using a high-frequency whistle to drive away mice, which was mainly spread in the Eagle Country, but it was also used in continental Europe.

Maybe there was a bad rat plague, and maybe von Spiegelberg stepped in to help get rid of the rats, supplying some pipers to keep the rats away in exchange for young people going with him to start a new colony.

Nan Yi shook his head, pulling his thoughts back, listening to the whining sound in his ears, and looking at the mountain field in front of him.

According to Yu Hui, now is not the best season for calling the deer. The best time is when the autumn wind is cool every year. In this Jinluling, wonderful and strange dramas are often staged.

Because autumn is the season when wild deer are looking for a mate. At that time, wild deer are very active and run around. The female deer will chase the male deer. come here.

With the sound of the melodious flute, Nanyi pushed aside a clump of dry grass and stared towards the hillside. He had already seen two wild deer coming this way.

The two wild deer walked forward slowly until they came to the place where Yu Hui had just sprinkled bean cakes.

The two wild deer raised their antlers towards the two domestic deer, their limbs were stepping on the spot according to certain rules, their eyes were flashing with greed, their lips were chewing up and down...

Nan Yi lowered his voice and asked Yu Hui, "Do you know what they mean?"

"They are talking deer language, look carefully, the two wild deer are asking the two domestic deer in a kind tone with their eyes and limb movements: "Hey, man from the capital, can you give us some snacks on the ground?" ?'"

Nan Yi glanced at Yu Hui. He didn't expect this reindeer girl to be a little naughty. The two wild deer expressed roughly the same meaning, and he could understand it.

However, he thinks that the two wild deer are saying: "Grandson, put down the dim sum for me, and get out of here, and remember to be filial next time, or I will blow your antlers away?"

The wild deer and the domestic deer have been communicating for about a minute. They seem to have reached an agreement, or the domestic deer has to give in after measuring its degraded fighting skills. The four deer stand together. Feast on the bean cakes on the ground.

"What should we do next?" Nan Yi asked Yu Hui again.

"Wait, the wild deer and my deer are familiar, and they will follow them."

"These two wild deer look different from the sika deer, aren't they sika deer?"

"No, this is red deer. It is a rare animal unique to Changbai Mountain. It is of the same family as sika deer. Their antlers are more valuable than sika meat."

Nan Yi stared at the deer, and soon he had to admit that Yu Hui's translation was more appropriate than his.

The four deer were getting to know each other well, and two of them had their mouths close together, as if they were whispering something; the other two were playing with a piece of minced bean cake and teasing them non-stop.

"The mouth is close to the mouth, which is an expression of unusual intimacy; the mouth is tightly attached to the other party's neck, that is acting like a baby or helping the other party to lick the back hair; licking the other party's hooves, that is courtship..."

Yu Hui took the trouble to tell Nanyi about the language between deer and deer, as if she was very happy to have someone willing to listen to her, and she was very proud that someone asked her for this knowledge in a manner of asking for advice.

"You summed up all of these?"

"Some are, and others taught me." Yu Hui said, and was about to stand up, "Don't come out, I'm going to take the two guests back, and you follow me far behind."


Yu Hui stood up and got rid of all the bright things on her body, the fiery red fox hat on her head, the red scarf around her neck, these bright colors might irritate two wild deer.

With her waist bent, Yu Hui walked to a dirt ridge in the direction of going down the mountain, and blew the flute again.

When the two domestic deer heard the sound of the flute, they followed the sound and walked towards her, while the two wild deer still stood in place, looking at the two domestic deer that were drifting away with bright eyes, with obsession and nostalgia flashing inside.

The two wild deer are hesitating, Nanyi can see that this is the critical moment to call the deer, they follow the domestic deer, and the deer call will be done, if the deer is wiped out, it will be a waste of work one game.

Yu Hui led the family deer further and further away, and the melodious sound of the flute came over, rippling in the ears of the two wild deer.

yo woo... yo woo...

The two domestic deer also turned around and looked up their necks, neighing "Yoo, yo", calling their newly made companions, as if to say: "Come with us, we have enough bean cakes at home, and we still have enough." will marry you..."

If you go to the end of the world, the concubine will go to the end of the world with you!

All the way to the sound of the flute, the deer followed, Yu Hui led the deer to the deer field, Nan Yi and the others were far behind the deer.

"Old man, which department does the deer farm belong to?"

"I'm not sure, it seems to be from the county, and it seems to be from the forest farm."

"Then this Yu Hui is a paid worker?"

"There are wages, but they are still farmers and do not eat commodity grains."

Nanyi thought that it was a temporary worker with no establishment, and the wages were probably not much higher.

"Who is in her family?"

"Grandpa and grandma are gone. Her father is a barefoot doctor. Her not in good health. She is a medicine jar. This girl usually goes up the mountain to collect medicine for her mother. She is a good girl. Nanyi, do you have any interest in her?" ?”

"Old man, where is this going? I only met her twice."

"Two faces are not enough. I married my wife back then, and we met for the first time on the day we got married."

"Hehe, I'm interested in her."

"Then do you want me to talk about it for you?" Park Dashan was eager to try, it seems that he still has the potential to be a matchmaker in his bones.

Nan Yi muttered in his heart, "You have a magic flute to call deer, what should I use to call you?"

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