The next day, with the sound of the rattle, Nanyi and his party went to Niansanli, the birthplace of Commodity City.

On the third day, under the guidance of Lou Yuchun, I went to the Buddha Hall again. I missed October 10th, and I couldn’t experience the grand occasion of the October 10th Temple Fair. Instead, I went to see the Fotang Old Street.

On the fourth day, the fifth day, and the sixth day, Nanyi wandered around in Choucheng Town, that is, the urban area. Combining with the memory of the urban structure of Yiwu fifteen years later in my mind, I deduced why Huangyuan Market and Binwang Market Cover in the "that" position.

"President, Huqingmen is the most suitable place for a primary market. The Knock Tang Gang has spontaneously formed a market here. It only needs to build a few simple canopies here and plan the stalls in a unified way.

What they sell are small commodities at low prices. In the past two days, I have not seen any stall owner with a large wholesale volume. The profit should be very meager. In a modern wholesale market, the rent is not something they can afford. "

"Then what do you think is the best location to build a wholesale market?"

Masami Uedo drew a circle on the map with a pen, "Chairman, this area is the most suitable. It is close to the train station, and the residential areas on the side are relatively sparse, so demolition is easier;

Moreover, the land is large enough, and there is enough land around it to build hotels and guesthouses, and there is also enough land to build a bus station to radiate surrounding counties and cities. "

Nanyi glanced at the map, and the circle drawn by Masami Ueto was the area around Binwang Road in the future, including Binwang Market and Binwang Passenger Transport Center.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go and meet Xie Reform, Nanguo Hongdou provided free funds to build the Huqingmen Small Commodity Market, and made a good relationship."

"With whom? This city, or Xie Reform?"

"I think it's better to have a good relationship with the city. Looking at Xie Reform's resume, when he was in Qushi, he dared to let the orange farmers sell oranges. As a result, the orange farmers sold too happily, even the 60,000 yuan required by the superiors. The quantity purchased by Jin Tong was not enough, so he was demoted to Yiwu.

If he continues to do this in Yiwu, I don't think he will be demoted by Mingsheng and transferred to other unimportant positions in a short time. "

"Tell me, have you changed your surname from Chuan Dao to Nan Yun?"

"President..." Uedo Masami said resentfully.

"Haha, don't talk, don't talk."

Nanyi said haha, but he was muttering in his heart: "Damn it, the devil only produces Huaguotong?"

"The investment here in Yiwu will be implemented by Nanguo Hongdou, but this project will be independent, and you will own 20% of the shares, and you will also lead it."

"Hayi, I can only guide behind the scenes, I cannot stand in the foreground, my identity is too embarrassing."

"You decide."


April 18.

Nanyi flew directly back to Xiangtang from Shanghai.

Not long after returning to the villa in Repulse Bay, Zuo Can called.

"Getting a photo is good for Xingxin's girlfriend."

"Are you wearing any clothes?"


"Who else knows this photo except the person involved? Was it developed in a photo studio?"

"A good classmate of Yixing knows that he edited the photos himself, and didn't send them to the photo studio."

"Is the photo you got back a remake?"


"Understood, the matter of the Li family can be over for the time being, and we will talk about it next year. Take a week off, and I will call you again on the 25th."


After hanging up the phone, Nanyi just smiled, "Little bastard, you know how to play. It's good. It will save me money."

Picking up the phone again, calling Xian Hailan and asking her to come over for dinner at night...

At the dinner table, Nanyi graciously helped Xian Hailan scoop up a bowl of soup, "Hailan, I didn't care too much after you came to Xiangxi, and I even forgot that you were already taking the HKDSE [college entrance examination], the first few exams How is it?"

"Brother Nanyi, I should have done well in the exam."

After staying in Xiangtang for more than a year, Xian Hailan has obviously become more confident, and she has stepped out of the original shadow. Dressing has also become western style, no different from Xiangxi, even better than ordinary Xiangxi families, a bit European and American style.

"That's good, what major do you want to study, and which school did you go to?"

"I applied to Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, and I applied to Hopkins."

As soon as Nanyi heard about these schools, he knew that Xian Hailan basically wanted to study medicine, "Are you missing clinical medicine?"

"I miss the double major, clinical medicine and biopharmaceuticals."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "If you study other majors, I won't say anything, but if you study clinical medicine, are you sure you still have the energy to study another major?"

"Brother Nanyi, I think medicine will be a big outlet in the future. After graduation, I want to start a company engaged in pharmaceutical research and sales."

"There is a problem with your thinking. If your interest is not in biological research, then you should not double major in biopharmaceuticals, but double major in business administration and marketing.

Your purpose of studying clinical medicine is not to cure diseases and save lives, but to get along well with future doctors first? "

"No, I do want to be a doctor, but I have to be a doctor who realizes financial freedom, so that when I want to help a patient, I have the ability to help him."

"You don't want to be Doctors Without Borders, do you?"

"Last time I saw the photo exhibition of Doctors Without Borders, and I had a little idea, but this idea is not very firm. I don't know if I will really go this way in the future. But I am very firm about the idea of ​​becoming a doctor .”

Nanyi didn't know if this girl was influenced by her, and she didn't live a very pure life.

"Then you can do it according to your own heart, and I support you spiritually."

"Just mentally?"

Nan Yi put down his chopsticks, looked at Xian Hailan seriously and said, "If you just want to be a doctor or a pharmaceutical company owner and doctor, both Wen Changwei and I can help you;

Whether it is spiritual or material, it is not impossible to build a general hospital for you.

But if you want to become Doctors Without Borders, that is too noble. Both me and Wenchangwei are humble and philistine, not worthy of your nobility. We can only bless you silently. "

"Uh, I haven't decided yet, Brother Nanyi, are you planning to abandon me now?"

"Nonsense." Nan Yi slapped the table heavily, and said with a frosty face: "When you are forty or fifty years old, and you want to become Doctors Without Borders, I will never say anything. Don't think about it now, just be careful." Live a good life for yourself and repay your parents and Wenchangwei well.

The refugees from Managua did not support you, the refugees from Honduras did not support you, and the refugees from the Khmer Rouge did not support you. "


Seeing the cold look on Nanyi's face, Xian Hailan murmured timidly.

"Dad, you are scary."

"It's okay." Nan Yi straightened his face and returned to the gentleness, picked up the chopsticks and said to Nan Ruofeng: "Keep eating, it will get cold later."


The little girl nodded, and continued to eat the rice in her bowl. Nanyi still added vegetables to her and Fan Hongdou's bowls from time to time.

After dinner, Xian Hailan was about to leave, Nanyi asked Dewen to drive her back.

Feeling that Xian Hailan's seed selection was crooked, this made Nan Yi feel a sense of crisis.

For the rest of April and the entire month of May, several children's homes in Xiangtang were full of Nan Yi, and he also left the legend of "kind Uncle Nan" there.

While being Uncle Nan, he and Liang Huiwen were working on the children's evaluation files.

In Nanyi's study, Liang Huiwen put the selected files in front of Nanyi, "Nansheng, I think these should be your sons and daughters who have been separated for thirty years."

Nanyi picked up the files and looked carefully, and eliminated a few of them, and finally only five were left, "These five are very similar to my poor children, but thirty years ago, only three were lost."

"Follow-up evaluation?"

"Well, let two of them be the lucky ones, sponsor them until they graduate from university, and give them each a flat. In Xiangcheng, it's not easy to get along without a flat." Nanyi stood up and locked the five files in the safe, "Remember to remind me that I have to visit them for up to two months."


"You go back first."

After sending Liang Huiwen away, Nan Yi picked up a brush and began to write on the paper, one name after another, and it took several pages.

Finally, I drew three circles on the paper with a brush, and the names of the three adoptive children were finalized.

Nan Ruoqiong, Zhao Xianjie, Sun Jiayao.

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