Nanyi returned to Wenchangwei after chatting with Grasshopper and Liuzhi.

As soon as he returned to Nanzhai, Nan Yi checked the security device first, checked every camera, and found that none of them had been touched.

Walking into the hall, Nan Yi sat on the grand teacher's chair, and Nan Ruofing followed behind him, grabbed his hand and jumped up, and sat on his lap.

"Dad, I'll give you a watch. What brand do you like?"

"You can figure it out. Lawrence, Earl, and Patek Philippe can do it. If you have money, Citizen can do it too."

"Oh, then I'll give you a Ruofing card."

Nan Ruofing took off the watch on Nanyi's left wrist, and took out a pen to draw on his wrist.

Nan Yi looked down, said "I want half past nine", and then fell into deep thought: "Now that I have a lot of armed forces, life-saving is no longer a big problem, it's time to explore the crocodile What is the secret of the turtle?"

"Tiger cub."

"Nansheng." The tiger cub walked up to Nanyi and responded.

"There is a well in the yard. Uncover the well-sealing stone. There are two snapping turtles inside. Take a look. If they die, fish them out. If they don't die, let them know."


"School beauty, go to the roof."


After the two started to act, Nan Yi felt that Nan Ruofing's pen had stopped, so he picked up Nan Ruofing and walked into the yard.

In the yard, the tiger cub uncovered the well-sealing stone, threw a stone into it and listened to the movement, then looked around for a bucket.

"There's no need to look for it. No one has touched the well sealing stone. The water is rusted and not poisonous."


The tiger cub responded, took off his coat, climbed onto the well platform, supported the well wall with his hands and feet, and crawled into the well...

"Look carefully at the bottom of the well."


Nan Yi beckoned to Nan Ruofeng, let her walk in front of him, grabbed her left hand, and pressed a few times on her watch to start the stopwatch.

The best time for a tiger cub to hold its breath underwater is 11 minutes and 23 seconds, and it takes less than three minutes to search the entire well; within two minutes, if the bubbles on the surface of the well water are too dense, it means that the heartbeat is too fast and the breathing is too fast , Either there is an amazing discovery or a distress.

The numbers on the watch are switching, Nanyi looks at the water surface from time to time, and then at the surface...

At 2 minutes and 36 seconds, the head of the tiger cub emerged from the water.

"Nansheng, the two snapping turtles are already dead, they are rotten to the core, and only the shells are left. I didn't touch them, but just observed them."

"Wait, don't come up yet." Nan Yi yelled at the tiger cub, and then said to Nan Ruofing: "Do you know where the secret compartment on Dad's bed is?"


"There is a video camera and a waterproof bag in the dark compartment, go and get it."


Nan Ruofing nodded, then ran towards Nan Yi's room.


When the tiger cub came out of the well, Nan Yi and Nan Ruofeng were studying the two turtle shells on the well platform.

After watching for a while, Nan Ruobing seemed to have discovered something, so she took out her handkerchief from her pocket and wiped it vigorously on the turtle shell, "Dad, look quickly, there seems to be a pattern on it."

After Nan Ruofing wiped it, a line of deformed letters could be clearly seen on the two turtle shells.

Nan Yi pondered for a while. The reason why the letters deformed should be that the tortoise's shell gradually became larger during the growth process of the tortoise, which caused the lines to shift.

After identifying for a long time, I sorted out the letter arrangement on the two turtle shells, one is "C", "XXXIX", "IV", "VI", and the other is "XXXV", "IV", " II".

"Do you understand?" Nan Yi turned around and asked Nan Ruofing.

Nan Ruofing nodded, "Dad, there are Roman numerals on it, right?"


Nan Yi also nodded, and carefully checked the two tortoise shells from front to back, left to right, left to right, and found nothing unusual, so he picked up the two tortoise shells and went to the kitchen.

Go to the fire place, put a few pieces of firewood in the stove, light the fire, put the tortoise shell in, and beat it with tongs from time to time while burning.

The composition of the tortoise shell is similar to that of animal bones, and it can be turned into ashes by fire, and it is not as fire-resistant as the bones. After burning and knocking in Nanyi, the two tortoise shells turned into ash in half an hour. With small pieces of tortoise ash.

Nan Ruofing, who had been watching quietly beside Nanyi, asked at this moment: "Father, are those two lines of letters a clue to the treasure hunt?"

Nanyi added two more sticks of firewood to the stove, and said after making room for it, "It should be, remember the gold bricks we dug out?"


"Dad actually suspected that the two turtles were weird before that, and guessed that one or even several treasures might be revealed behind them.

But Dad never dared to move, just because our strength was too weak back then, even if we found the treasure, we would not be able to keep it, and it would cause death.

It's different now. We already have a certain ability to protect ourselves. After a while, when our strength grows, we can go hunting for treasures. "

"Oh, then I'm going too."

Nan Yi hugged Nan Ruobing into his arms, "You are my baby, of course I will take you, not only this one, but if there is a chance, Dad will take you to see the Nazi treasure."

"Hey, the Nazi treasure? Dad, didn't you say that we can't afford to mess with the Jews."

"Hehe, I can't afford it. There are too many rich people among the Jews. The Nazi treasure involves the interests of all Jews. Although they don't know where the treasure is buried, they will definitely send someone to watch the suspicious location. If we dare to find the treasure idea, they will definitely unite to destroy us.

What Dad meant was that if he made friends with a few big men among the Jews in the future, depending on the situation, see if he could jointly hunt for treasures with them.

If you can, you will have a chance to see it. "

"Oh, that's right. Dad, why are you making friends with the Jews? You don't want me to marry you, do you?" Nan Ruofing asked with a pouted face.

"Haha, it seems that Dad really wants to restrict you from watching TV. You know what you should know or not."

"Hey hey, Dad, didn't you tell me to learn more, listen more and think more."


"Slightly slightly." Nan Ruobing made a grimace and said, "Father, will you let me get married?"

Nan Yi squeezed Nan Ruobing's small face, "No, you are Dad's little padded jacket, so Dad is reluctant to marry you off, let alone let you go into marriage."

"Then... Dad, I will stay with Dad if I don't marry for the rest of my life."

"Okay, Dad will take care of you forever."


Nan Ruofing hugged Nan Yi's neck and scented one on his cheek.

Nan Yi stroked Fu Nan Ruo Fing's head, and said dotingly: "From now on, you are not allowed to kiss your father, you are considered an older child now, you should distance yourself from the opposite sex."

"Dad, you are different."

"It's all the same. If someone offers 1 billion US dollars, no, our family Ruofeng should be worth 10 billion US dollars. If someone offers 10 billion US dollars to buy you, Dad will definitely sell you."

"Half of one person?"

"No, Dad will give you 10% more, you will be six and I will be four."

"Wow, Dad hurry up and find a buyer." Nan Ruofing said hurriedly, shaking Nan Yi's shoulder.


"Hey hey hey!"

The father and daughter laughed together for an instant.

When the fun was enough, Nanyi disposed of the tortoise dust, and Nan Ruofing and two began to study the two lines of letters, to be exact, two lines of numbers.

"Dad, C is 100, XXXIX is 39, IV is 4, VI ​​is 6, and the combination is 1003946; the other one, XXXV is 35, IV is 4, II is 2, and the combination is 3542. What's so special about this number Is it the bank account password?"

"It's possible, but it's more likely that these numbers shouldn't be arranged in this way. Look..." Nanyi drew several vertical lines between the numbers, "If the two strings of numbers imply the secret of the bank account, it would be better to express it in other ways." Reasonable, I told you, most of this matter has something to do with the little devil.

The Japanese calendar also talks about the heavenly stems and earthly branches, as well as the five elements, all of which can represent numbers. Since Roman numerals are used, we have to consider its..."

Nan Yi pointed to the paper, "Look, C is hundreds, XXXIX is tens, and IV and VI are singles. It is possible that this number should be 139. If there is a decimal point in front of 4 and 6, that is 139.46, another string of numbers is 35.42, what do you think of?"

" number, license plate number, bank account number, code words, Morse code, coordinates, hey, Dad, is it the coordinates?"

"The probability is high. These two numbers look familiar. You can check the coordinate table. If you can't find a match, there is a way to calculate it."

"Father, the compass intersection method can be calculated."

"Oh, are you trying to show that you are better than blue? I don't know how to cross the compass."

"Hey, Dad, is there something you don't know?"

"Father is not a fairy. There are many things I don't know, but you know it, and Dad also knows it. Can you teach Dad?"

"Yeah." Nan Ruobing puffed out her chest, coughed, and patted Nan Yi on the shoulder again, "Student Nan Yi, from now on, you will study hard with me, and if you encounter something you don't understand, just ask me. And that Shu Xiu..."

"Do you want me to kneel down and kowtow to you as a teacher?"

"Father, you have always been a modest gentleman in my eyes." Hearing Nan Yi's words, Nan Ruoying jumped back a step and said with a shy face.

"I changed my surname to Yue from today on."

"Your surname is Yue, and my surname is Feng."

"My surname is Cha, and I will write you to death."

"Then my last name is..."

"Come on, your surname is Nan, and I'm also surnamed Nan. Shu Xiu, don't even think about it. Dad will give you a horse."

"What horse?"

"Any breed is fine, Ahal Teke horse, Arabian horse, Icelandic horse, etc., as long as you don't ask Dad to buy you a horse with champion blood, a horse with a pedigree certificate is very precious."

Equestrianism is originally a part of elite education. In the second half of the year, Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou will start receiving education in equestrianism, golf, ballroom dancing, and symphony.

Buying a horse for Nan Ruofing was originally the meaning of the question, turning just needs into a reward, killing two birds with one stone.

Regarding the study of numbers, Nanyi put it down for the time being, made a phone call back to Xiangyu, purchased two new snapping turtles and a few koi carps, and engraved on the back of the new snapping turtles to imitate the style of the original snapping turtles. letters, throwing both the snapping turtle and the koi back into the well.

The pipes connecting and diverting the river water have been transformed to lead the water all the way to the well.

Although there is a filter at the end of the pipe in the river, there are still various small fish fry, fish eggs, frog eggs, and plankton flowing along the water from time to time.

When the water flows into the well, due to the height difference, when the water splashes, it will also send oxygen into the well water. If there is food, drink and oxygen, the fish can survive in the well water, and the snapping turtle will also have food.

As long as new koi are regularly put into the well water, the formation of a biological chain in the well can be guaranteed.

After finishing the symbiosis system in the well, Nanyi found a mason, and used a high-quality big bluestone to make a basalt carved stone and put it on the well platform.

Again, a bad taste emerged, and Ke Jianzhen sent over a jade seal that could be passed down as the real one. It was made of Lantian jade.

Throwing the Chuanguo Yuxi into the well, and throwing in a rusty ancient ingot knife, the ancient ingot knife has a strong smell of urine, no need to think about it, it must have been retting in the dung tank.

I don't know who invented the old-fashioned method of soaking in the cesspit, it's a real mother's fault.

"Father, Sun Jian doesn't seem to have been to this area of ​​Guangdong Province, has he?" said Nan Ruofing, who was standing by the side watching the excitement after throwing Nanyi's ancient ingot knife into the well.

"Ghost knows, it happened thousands of years ago, maybe he just wanted to run here to throw the Chuanguo Yuxi and his weapons here because he was full?"

"It's too far-fetched."

"Let it go, the smarter you are, the more you think. It's just a joke."

Nanyi didn't expect to find people here who believed that the Chuanguo Yuxi in the well was real, and he just threw it in for disgusting people.

After the well was finished, Nanyi removed all the cameras in the yard. There was no need to guard against the Nanzhai anymore. Whoever the hell wanted to come could come. He had already changed the place and waited for the rabbit.

The coordinate point that Nanyi engraved on the tortoise shell is in Feibin. If he walks away, the luck point will turn into gold, and this point should happen to be one of the treasure spots in Fengwen at the foot of the mountain. Virtue.

After the matter in the Nanzhai was settled, Nanyi went to fetch Fan Hongdou back, went to the village committee for a meeting, and then returned to Xiangtang with the two little girls.

After not going to work for a few days, Fang Mengyin was furious at him at the meeting of the Fang Group, and drove him to Faguo to see the red wine.


New York, JFK Airport.

When Nanyi and his party came out of the station, Xian Weile and the quail team led by the colonel all came up to them.



"Weile, are you happy staying in New York?" Nan Yi and Xian Weile shook hands and asked.

"Others are okay, but the food is a bit uncomfortable. The Chinese food here has been improved according to the taste of foreigners. It is hard to find pure Cantonese food."

"Ha, you've been here for so long, and you still don't know how to cook?"

"If you're not good at craftsmanship, you can at best make noodles yourself."

"Well, get in the car first, and let's talk slowly when we get to the place."


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