Back in New York, Scarlett immediately set up two charitable foundations - the Scarlett Taylor Charitable Fund and the Adam II Charitable Fund.

The Scarlett Taylor Charitable Fund will invest more and more as time goes by, and one day, Scarlett will invest all her net worth.

This charitable fund aims to help the poor people in the world, but the selection of the objects to be helped is very strict. First, they must have the blood of Nanyi, and second, they must have the blood of Scarlett. Only when these two points are met at the same time can they accept the help of the fund .

The Adam II Charitable Fund is much simpler, as long as the people being helped have a great influence in the world.

Needless to say, Scarlett is pregnant with a kind-hearted child. She started doing charity work before she was born, which really touched the world. What kind of charity ambassador is just around the corner.

Adam II will still be a superhero, he/she has innate money ability, and during his/her growth, Nanyi will also teach him all the skills of herding sheep, flocking sheep, and repairing sheepfolds /she, let him/her be a happy shepherd.

"On the mountain where the horses are running, there is a cloud that shines from side to side, the city of Kangding, the city of Kangding, the moon is curved, the city of Kangding. The red beans of the Nanjia, the talent is so good,

Whose big brother Yo, can match her Yo. "

Nanyi and Fan Hongdou were busy working in the sky garden. Nanyi's body smelled like muddy legs of farmers. He brought back a truckload of mud from the Hudson River, paved it in the corner of the garden, and cultivated it into a vegetable field.

"Godfather, what shall we plant?"

"You can grow some lettuce and peppers, and you can also grow eggplants and tomatoes, and some carrots. When they are ripe, you can share a share with your neighbors, and if you have any, you can take them to Flushing to sell."

"It can't be sold for much, right?" Fan Hongdou said.

"It counts as much as it can be sold, and it can't be wasted." Nanyi took a small shovel and scraped up some soil from the seeds to cover it, and Fan Hongdou followed him to water.

"There are many Chinese in Chinatown and Flushing. Laomei's eating habits are different from ours. They don't eat many vegetables, and naturally there are no farms to grow them. Buying a farm in the suburbs of New York to grow vegetables will be a good business.

Not only in New York, but there are also many Chinese in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, San Diego, and Chicago. If the supply of vegetables is made into an exclusive business, there is no need for huge profits, and the annual profit will not be small. "

"Then, godfather, shall we do this business?"

"Do it, of course you have to do it, money doesn't bite your hand, you do it, godfather will assist you."

Scarlett's unexpected pregnancy disrupted Nanyi's plan, and he had to make minor adjustments. He also had to start the study abroad journey of Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou ahead of schedule.

"Godfather, I only have tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in deposits, and I put them all in Xiaozhuzhu's stomach, in Xiangtang."

"You don't need to pay your own money, your godfather will invest for you. There is still more than a month left in the summer vacation. You should do market research first. After the investigation is complete, you can come to your godfather again and tell me your plan. Wait for me After listening, decide how much to invest for you according to the evaluation results."

"Okay, godfather, then water yourself. I'll go back to my room to look at the map." Fan Hongdou put the watering can on the ground and was about to leave.

"Are you sure you don't want to help your godfather? You go now, and I won't pay you."

"No, one dollar, that's a lot of money."

"Hey, what a breath."

After staring at Fan Hongdou who ran away for a while, Nanyi shook his head, bowed his head and continued to work.

After sowing all the seeds, water them again, then go back to the house and take out two Guiguzi Xiashan Yuan blue and white flowers wholesaled for 6 yuan and 6 pairs, fill them with mountain spring water, throw in a few taro, and throw them in again For a few cents, the taro will definitely germinate after a while, but I don’t know if the cents will.

Putting the two Yuan blue and white flowers on the side, Nanyi stood a little farther away and looked at it for a while, feeling that something was missing.

After thinking for a while, he slapped his head, hurried back to the house, took out a carving knife, and carved the words "Wishing Altar" on both blue and white flowers.

After engraving, look at it for a while, it is much more pleasing to the eye now, with the blessing of these three characters, cents will definitely sprout and grow.

In the next few days, Nan Ruofing went to work, Fan Hongdou was going to do research, and Nan Yi was alone, taking a car around the New York metropolitan area.

After turning around, I drew a few circles on the map.

On August 8, the day of Liqiu, a ragged Chen Weizong appeared in front of Nanyi.

Decades later, Chen Weizong wrote in his memoirs that on August 6, 1982, I got off the plane at Kennedy Airport in New York.

In order to surprise my friends, I intentionally delayed my arrival by one day. Naturally, it is impossible for someone to pick me up at the airport.

But I'm not worried. As the saying goes, the road is under your feet. As long as you can speak, I believe I can reach my destination.

No, as soon as I got out of the airport, I hailed a Taxi skillfully. As soon as I got in the car, hey, the driver was a dark, fat man who weighed at least three hundred pounds, but he looked very kind.

I spoke very sharp Yangcheng English and said to Daheipang: "Central Park."

Daheipang replied "OK" to me, started the car, drove the car and set off. Along the way, I just watched the scenery leisurely. There are so many high-rise buildings in New York that I can't see them all.

At first, I didn't feel anything, but then I felt something was wrong. It's been two hours, why haven't I arrived at the place yet?

Moreover, why does this roadside look more and more desolate?

After a while, Daheipang parked the car next to several RVs. Don't ask me why I know about RVs, hey, I know from the video.

Da Hei Pang patted the meter, and I saw the number "309.5" in red on it, and I was angry at that time, more than three hundred, robbery.

That's right, I did get robbed.

I was angry at the time, but there was absolutely no inappropriate behavior. When I walked out, I represented the country. How could I embarrass the country.

I paid the fare obediently, and also gave a tip of 500 US dollars.

Daheipang was very satisfied, put away the revolver, and threw my people and luggage out of the car.

In this way, I was left in the suburbs, without going to the village or shop, and I didn't have a dime in cash with me.

I just stood there, and I didn't dare to shoot the door of any RV. Everyone in the country has a gun, and if you break into someone's house, you can be shot if they say they will kill you. How dare I shoot the door.

Tired of standing, I sat on the luggage, looked up at the sky, and fell asleep without knowing it.

Later, I was awakened by the sound of motorcycles. I opened my eyes and looked around, only to see myself surrounded by several motorcycles, and the legendary motorcycle gang was there swearing at me.

Where can I bear it, I clenched my fists and rushed towards someone who seemed to be the leader.

However, I jumped fast and retreated even faster.

The shovel of the family, the little gangsters in the country are not moral, what is the matter with the trolls, there is a kind of fighting!

That night, I had a miserable time.

Hahaha, this is me talking nonsense, in fact, it's okay, it's just that I got punched a few times and got a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Early the next morning, I met a kind man who gave me something to eat and asked me a lot of questions. I didn't understand it at the time, but after learning from it, I learned English very well and recalled that she probably asked how I could contact my family.

I can only keep repeating "Central Park", and she can only be OK, OK, but she doesn't know what I want to do.

I guess she thought I was an idiot at the time.


August 7, afternoon.

Nanyi went to the airport to pick up Chen Weizong, but he waited for a long time at the exit and did not see his grandson come out.

After forty minutes, Nanyi couldn't wait any longer.

"Colonel, go to the airport to see if the person has been detained. Xiaohua, you know Chen Weizong, so you go too."

The two went fast and came back quickly.

"Boss, I went to ask, but no one was detained." The colonel said after returning.

Nan Yi thought for a while, then said to Dewen: "Call Xiangxiong and ask if Chen Weizong didn't get on the plane."

After speaking, he said to the colonel: "Go to the information desk and ask if there is a passenger named Wei Zong Chen who arrived yesterday or the day before yesterday."


After a lot of tossing, I got an answer that Chen Weizong had arrived yesterday.

Nanyi's scalp started to itch. It has been 28 hours since Chen Weizong landed yesterday. Where did this grandson go?

I haven't heard Chen Zongqing mention that there are people in Nanchen Village in the country...

Nanyi didn't think of the bad at all. Chen Zongqing had been a soldier for several years, and he was also responsible for patrolling the border guards. How long has passed.

Going back home, if you don't see anyone tomorrow, you have to find a way to find him.

The time stretched to August 8th. Early in the morning, Nanyi and two little girls were exercising in the Central Park. After running for a while, they saw a beggar laughing at him, which made his eyes full of excitement.

"Nanyi, my dear, I finally see you." Chen Weizong rushed towards Nanyi, shaking his tears.

Nanyi jumped back, and said disgustedly: "It stinks, get out of here. Did you break into some pansi hole yesterday, and there was no hair left, and they were all robbed?"

"Don't talk about it, it's full of tears, I'm hungry, take me to eat quickly."

"I'm in a hurry, wait until I finish exercising, I won't die of starvation for a while." Nan Yi pointed at Chen Weizong's nose and said, "Just wait, I'll come and clean you up later."

After talking with Chen Weizong, Nanyi shouted at the two children: "Small horse, GOGOGO!"

Exercising, washing up, and arranging two snacks for breakfast prepared by Xia Shengnan.

Xia Shengnan had already been transferred from Xiangtang by Nanyi, and Yan Rou was with her.

"Tell me, what are you playing with me?"

"Don't talk yet, wait until I'm full." Chen Weizong stuffed the food into his mouth spoon by spoon.

Seeing his dead state, Nan Yi didn't say much, and said to Xia Shengnan on his own: "Find a Western-style cook with better skills, and you can pay a little more; then find a personal nanny for the two of them, go to Nuo Orchid College is looking for outstanding fresh graduates."

Nolan College is a school that specializes in training nannies. It is said to be nannies, but in fact, the graduates of this school basically know a foreign language other than English, learn fighting and stunt driving, and have certain knowledge in history and art. Needless to say, knowledge of first aid.

"Okay, Nan Sheng, I will fly to Eagle Country tomorrow."

"Well, it's still the same, the salary can be given as high as possible. Dewen, you go with Miss Xia."

"Understood, boss."

"Ruoping, how is the company doing, can this week's salary be sent out?"

"Uh, Dad, the company's new business hasn't started yet, but I sold the inventory in the company, and the money can be used to pay three or four months' salary."

Uedo Masami has already reported to Nanyi that 350,000 of the 600,000 inventory has been sold. Although it is a hard discount, it is not bad to be able to sell at this price.

No 998, no 668, just 88, hurry up and call... For such a similar thing, if you can sell it, you are a victory.

"Let me tell you, you will go to school in more than a month. Before that, you will not be able to make ends meet. The loss will be your own money. Be careful to lose your house in Hong Kong." Empty."

"Dad, didn't you invest in me, why did you lose my money?"

"Nonsense, the company belongs to you. It would be nice if Dad gave you the start-up capital. You still want me to guarantee compensation for you."

Nan Ruobing curled her lips, "Didn't you say that there is still an investment of 3 million US dollars in the future, and now I haven't paid a penny to the account?"

"Don't worry, I will give you what I promised, but I will talk about the 3 million later. I didn't invest this money in vain, but lent it to you. You have to take your house and rent as collateral."

"Father, are you trying to take the house away from me in disguise?"

"Nonsense, Dad just wants to tell you that you are the boss of e-buy, you are not playing tricks, and your losses are real money. If you don't do well, not only you will sleep on the street, but your father will also be implicated by you."

"Hmph, I know how to scare children." Nan Ruobing spat, stood up from her seat, and went to work earlier than usual.

"Godfather, I'm going to Luoshanji today." After Nan Ruofing left, Fan Hongdou said to Nan Yi.

"The research in New York is over so soon?"

"Not yet, I just went to a few places that sell vegetables, and I handed over the rest of the work to the investigation company."

"Well, very good, you can't do research alone. How many days are you planning to go?"

"Two or three days."

"Take care of yourself outside and don't sneak out alone."

"No, godfather."

Even if Fan Hongdou wanted to sneak out alone, the people following her would never let her out of their sight.

After making arrangements for the two children, Nan Yifu looked at Chen Weizong again. The grandson finally stopped eating and hiccupped.

"Now can you tell me about your adventure in the country?"

"Uh... There's nothing to say. It's all tears. It's not easy for me to see you alive. Let me tell you, I almost died..."

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