Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 255 Find yourself a buyer

Nan Yi sat on the seat, ate a few bites, drank a sip of wine, and then flipped through the newspaper in his hand from time to time. I saw a message in the newspaper, saying that Philips will soon launch the world's first CD, the so-called CD.

Now that CD is coming out, most of the related technologies of VCD and DVD should have been developed. In a few years, when MPEG video compression technology comes out, VCD can be pieced together.

Nanyi kept this matter in his mind, and when he needed to spread favors outside in the future, he could tell the other party about the VCD business.

Do it yourself, or leave it to Wenchangwei and Nanchen Village to do it. VCD is destined to be a one-time business, and it doesn't make much sense to do it.

VCD is a thing that can be sold in China, and the expected sales abroad are extremely limited. Foreign VCRs are already very popular, and the video tape rental business is also very mature. There is not much soil for VCD to grow.

The reason for this has a lot to do with intellectual property rights. If you want VCD players to sell well, you must first make the pirated VCD market flourish.

As for wanting to use patents to do exclusive business, or rely on patents to eat off-the-shelf, this is not very likely.

In his previous life, Wan Yan was the first VCD company in the world. His boss, Old Jiang, did not ignore the patent application. He just weighed it up and felt that even applying for a patent would be useless. He didn’t think anyone would take the initiative to pay him the patent fee. It is better to save the cost of registering a patent than to toss around.

"Who are you? You were not in charge of serving the dishes just now."

Nan Yi looked up and followed the sound, and found that the colonel stopped a waiter, and took a closer look, yo, acquaintance.

"Colonel, give her a business card." Nan Yi said to the colonel, and then said to Leng Yan: "Student Leng, call me after you get off work."

Leng Yan was wearing overalls and was in class, so she couldn't sit down and chat with Nan Yi, because that would be a bit unruly.

After speaking, Nanyi continued to look down at the newspaper.

Seeing Nanyi's reaction like this, Leng Yan's heart was as cold as her surname. Mechanically took the business card handed to her by the colonel, squeezed the business card vigorously in his hand, wanted to throw it away, but finally held back, and stuffed it into his pocket in a strange way.

After filling his stomach, Nanyi ordered some dessert, and wanted to finish reading the newspaper in his hand before leaving.

The colonel walked to Nan Yi's side and said, "Boss, the angle of the sun has changed, you should sit on the opposite side."


Nanyi nodded, and obediently sat on the seat opposite the table. Listening to people's persuasion and eating enough, Nanyi is very willing to listen to the professional advice of professionals.

After reading the newspaper, without wasting desserts, Nan Yi paid the bill and left the restaurant.

Within a few hours, Nan Yi was sitting with Chen Weizong and Nan Ruofing in a Korean barbecue restaurant.

While helping Nan Ruofing wrap the barbecue, Nanyi watched Chen Weizong, who was opposite him, hiss and stuff meat into his mouth, the moment he opened his mouth, a bruise would appear from the corner of Chen Weizong's mouth. funny.

"Dad, I came up with an idea at work today."

"What's the idea, let's hear it."

"Isn't the country attaching great importance to Christmas here? But I asked the people in the company that Christmas products are not cheap. I think that if I can order a batch of Christmas items from China and sell them back, I should be able to make a fortune. .”

"You have a good vision, and you have found a business opportunity, but what you said is not suitable for e-buy. The price of small Christmas items you mentioned is relatively cheap, and the price of large ones is a bit more expensive.

But if you want something to sell well, the price will naturally be lower, but e-buy is a mail order company, and every item sold will incur postage, the postage for small items is less, and the postage for large items increases exponentially.

Think about it, including the postage, what is your price advantage? "

"It doesn't have to be retail, I can order it back and wholesale it to other stores."

"Huh? Are you going to retreat, or find an east wall for yourself?"

"Hey, look for the east wall. If there is no east wall to tear down, what can I use to repair the west wall of e-buy." Nan Ruofing smiled embarrassedly.

"It's so useless, if you can't build the west wall, you want to think about the east wall?"

"'s really difficult." Nan Ruobing pointed to her head and said, "Dad, look, I'm so worried that I'm losing my hair."

"I didn't see the hair loss. I can see the two spins on your head clearly. You can figure out how to deal with Tesco. Even if you ruin the company, Dad won't help you."

Nan Ruobing's upper body was finely tuned, covering her chest and spurting blood, "Father, I'm your daughter, blood is thicker than water."

"Don't play tricks." Nanyi wrapped the roast meat in lettuce and stuffed it into Nan Ruofing's mouth, "Hurry up and eat it, others will eat it up if you don't eat meat."

"Don't get involved with me, at worst I'll eat your barbecue and give you back a pig farm." Chen Weizong, who was eating so much, finally became gentle in his movements, and put away the afterimage.

"You give me back an egg."

Nan Yi spat, picked up the draft beer cup and took a sip. In summer, eating some barbecue and drinking some draft beer is really enjoyable.

The barbecue restaurant they were in was right next to Flushing's South Korea Town, which is also a South Korean settlement. Although it was next to Flushing, the scenery on both sides was completely different.

It gives the impression that South Korea City is more orderly.

This may be related to the fact that South Koreans are more united. Since they are united, many things can be discussed, and the construction of the community will naturally be more regular, although Koreans are generally poorer.

As for the Chinese, don't mention it.

Nanyi glanced out of the window for a few times, then looked back at Chen Weizong.

"I asked you to come here this time to let you go with me to see the address of the construction expo pavilion I chose, and to tell you how to do it in the future."

"You can't do these things, why did you recruit me?"

"Nonsense, whether it is the construction of the expo pavilion or the delivery of wine to the White House, it will cost a lot of money. If you don't come and watch, the villagers can rest assured."

"Don't talk nonsense, my dad trusts you very much."

"Your father is your father, and the others are other people. I only saw the money paid out, but I didn't see the money back. It's no wonder that the villagers don't mutter."

"Then don't say that. Although Yifa Market has not started to make money, everyone can see that it can make money. We absolutely support your arrangement. Even if some villagers have objections, my dad can suppress them.

Nanchen Village can earn money, and everyone can live a better life. It was brought out by my father, and everyone in the village respects my father. My dad trusts you, and everyone else will be fine. "

Nan Yi nodded, "That would be the best. As I said before, Nan Chenjiu wants to see the money back, and that will be a matter of many years later. A lot of money will be spent on this wine. Let me ask you, How's the beer going?"

"The factory has been built a long time ago, and the machines are coming soon. Before the end of this year, the first batch of beer will definitely be off the assembly line."

"Then there's no rush. Since you can't make it in time for summer, then next year will be fine. Take your time and try not to make any omissions. You have to make up for it later."


"I said it's a matter of business. The purpose of building the expo pavilion is to hold the World Wine Expo and to make Nanchen Liquor famous. I've already found the place, which is on the side of Yonkers, not far from New York.

After the expo, the next step is to send the wine to the White House. Of course, it doesn't have to be the White House. It doesn't matter where it is, it doesn't matter where it is. The White House is relatively easy.

How to do it, I will not talk about it now, I will find a professional to teach you how to do it. You are ready to stay in China for a period of time, and I will ask someone to help you with the visa. "

"I'll do it? But my English is not good!"

"If it doesn't work, go learn it. You can't expect me, a big gentleman, to do it yourself?"

"How is that possible? You are in charge of issuing orders, and I will do the dirty work." Chen Weizong said, patting his chest.

"Come on, you're too stupid. I'm afraid you'll mess things up. Send a letter to the village and ask the village to send someone who is smarter over here, so you can have a companion."

"Hey, I said Nanyi, your words hurt people."

Chen Weizong was in a hurry.

Nan Yi said with a look of disdain: "I don't even look at your injuries, but if you don't have a brain..."

"That's right, don't talk about it, this hurdle is hard to pass, right?"

"whispering sound."

Nanyi stopped complaining, and started eating barbecue on his own.

But after a while, his pager rang, he pressed it down and looked, it was calling him from the car, and asked him to answer the phone in the car.

"Sit down, I'll make a call."

Although the satellite phone has been paired, and some people follow Nanyi with it at any time, the number has not been told to others. Only a few important people can call the satellite phone, and other people can enjoy calling Transfer service is fine.

"Who's calling?" Nanyi asked the person who stayed behind in the car when he returned to the car.

"The apartment says it's the woman from the afternoon, here's the number."

Nan Yi took the paper and glanced at it, then dialed the number on it, "Hello."

"I'm Leng Yan."

"I know, student Leng, why are you calling so late?"

"have time?"

"Yes, I'm in South Korea Town."

"Then I'll go there now, about half an hour."

"Then you don't come, go to the Central Park side, there is a cafe in the north, you go there."


Leng Yan hung up the phone and walked out of the convenience store. She was still thinking about the "Mr. is not here" that she heard just now. Someone was in charge of answering the phone and called Nanyi "Mr.". It's already terrible.

After making the phone call, Nanyi and the others finished their dinner leisurely, and then took Chen Weizong to a tailor's shop south of Central Park.


Several people walked into the store, and immediately a man in a suit greeted them.

"Sir and Ma'am, welcome to Grant, I am Robin, the tailor, and I am honored to serve you."

"Hello, please help this gentleman measure his figure and help him design a summer suit."

"Okay, sir." Robin responded politely, and then said to Chen Weizong: "Sir, please follow me."

"Go ahead."

Nan Yi said something to Chen Weizong, and led Nan Ruofeng to a sofa. As soon as they sat down, a woman came up and asked them what they wanted to drink.



"Please, a glass of water, a glass of juice." Nan Yi said to the woman, and then said to Nan Ruofing: "Drink less Coke."


Before he had time to drink water, Nan Yi went to Chen Weizong's side to act as an interpreter for him, answering some of his usual habits of dressing, such as whether to put it on the left or right, and then listened to the plan given by Robin, yes or no, how much? After going back and forth, the cutting plan was finalized.

"Do you offer door-to-door service?"

"Of course, sir."

"Then tomorrow afternoon, please go to the south attic of the Columbus apartment. Besides, how much is it?"

"A total of $2936.25 including consumption tax."

"Okay, please send the bill to the address mentioned earlier." Nanyi took out the credit card and handed it to Robin, and left Grant after paying the bill.

"Damn, robbery, a suit costs 32,000 yuan?" Chen Weizong complained as soon as he walked out of the shop.

"It's 11 against the US dollar now?"

"I exchanged it at this price when I came out this time. Nanyi, a suit is so expensive. When I go back, my dad will definitely have to discount my legs."

"What are you worried about, I will send it to you."

"Give it to me?" Chen Weizong's eyes were bulging, and he took two steps back in fright, "You cheapskate gave me such an expensive thing, you don't plan to sell me, do you?"

"You really think highly of yourself, just you idiot, there may not be anyone who wants to post back."

"Then I'm relieved, hehe, it's rare that you can get oil out of you." Chen Weizong said shamelessly.

"Grandson, from the first day we met, you just ate my and drank mine, ate two oranges, and even broke my orange tree. I haven't settled with you yet, how dare you say that? Am I stingy?"

"What's the matter with eating your oranges? My buddies don't bring money when they eat out in the city."

"Hey, when did you get promoted, you've become a fat translator. Just stand still, and I'll buy two catties of oranges to honor you."

"Two catties? At least two loads."

The stalk of Nanyi was thrown to the blind man, who didn't know how to pick up the stalk at all.

Laughing and going back to the apartment, helping to tune the TV to the Chinese channel, Nan Yifu went downstairs again.

In the cafe, Leng Yan was already fidgeting, looking at the door from time to time. She has been here for more than an hour, but the damn patch hasn't come yet.

Just now she looked at the list, the coffee here is not cheap, she ordered another cup of the more expensive one, if patched, this cup of coffee, her three days' work would be wasted.

Just as she looked at the door 87654.3 times, the light she was looking forward to finally shone on the ground.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, I just came here for a while, and you live nearby?"

"Well, you don't live too far away, how about you?"


"Oh, that's not too far away. I remember when you graduated, weren't you assigned to Chang'an? Why did you go abroad again?"

"The work is not going well, and I just encountered another opportunity. I am now studying for a master's degree in Columbia."


The ending of Nanyi is very long, if it is written on paper, it can at least be dragged on to the next chapter.

"What about you, you also came to study abroad?"

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