When the time was fast approaching the Qixi Festival, Nanyi’s itinerary changed. First, I found out the information of the TOP10 private elementary schools in New York, looked at the information and compared them carefully, and then went to the field one by one.

Nanyi inspected very carefully, he even asked about the main route of the school bus every day.

After three to five days of busy work, he finally settled on a school for the two little ones—Maria Girls Private School.

This school is not the highest-ranked school in New York, but it is the closest to Central Park, and has produced many outstanding alumni, such as the wife of the president, a princess from the Middle East, and so on.

Perhaps it should be called outstanding parents.

Anyway, it's a good school.

Fill out the application form, attach Nanyi's documents, transcripts, Nan Ruofing and Fan Hongdou's documents, two letters of recommendation for each person, and photos. Everything is messy, not only the two primary schools, but also Nanyi's The situation must be explained clearly.

This way, Nan Yimenqing, the school is nothing more than to find out whether the parents of the students can bring some help to the school, it is all out of public interest and for the sake of the students.

Nanyi's paperwork stated that he was particularly good at driving a lawn mower. When it comes to the level of lawn tidying, he ranked second in New York, and no one dared to say that he was number one.

I sorted out the materials and sent them to the school, paid the application fee, and then waited for the school to call to notify me of the interview. The two primary schools were going to have an interview, and Nan Yi had to attend the interview as well.

While waiting for the interview, Nan Yi met Leng Yan again.

They met in the same cafe, the same people, different seats, and maybe different moods.

"This is the result of your investigation given to me by someone else. You can see it yourself." As soon as the two sat down, Nan Yi handed a document to Leng Yan.

Leng Yan opened the file. The first page can be said to be her resume. She wrote down her situation at Columbia University in detail, what subjects she has participated in, and the tutor's evaluation of herself, including how often she goes to the library and what books she reads. etc. are also recorded.

After reading one page and turning to the second page, there are still almost one article, and the third page is still the same.

This document is an evaluation of his professional ability, but it does not reflect his privacy such as his personal friendship.

She instantly turned into Nun Zhang Er, looked at Nan Yi suspiciously and asked, "What is this for?"

"Investigate your details." Nanyi smiled warmly.

"What do you mean?"

"Out of 10 points, your face can get 8.6 points, your body is a bit poor, 8.2 points; your skin is not bad, but your hands are a bit rough, I will give you 7.5 points.

If you insist on being my lover, I don't mind. I can give you 900 dollars a month and rent an apartment for you. When I need you, you will be there no matter what you are doing.

I won't give you any guarantees, when you get tired of playing, when you get out. When I let you go, I will give you three months of compensation. "

"You...you, you bastard, I'm still a girl, so you're going to give me this price?" Leng Yan stood up abruptly, and cursed loudly.

"Please maintain your demeanor, sit down and listen to me." Nanyi said unhurriedly.


Leng Yan sat down, glanced at the coffee on the table, and made up her mind that if Nanyi's next words didn't please her, she would pour the coffee on him.

"You have a second option. I'll give you a contract and you sign it. After you sign it, you can get a key to an apartment, right next to Columbia University, empty house, inside you You can add whatever you want, and I will underwrite it for you.

In addition, you can also get a car, a second-hand Chevrolet, which is in good condition; in the future, you can also receive a monthly living allowance of 1,500 US dollars, which can already allow you to live an upper-middle-class life in New York. "

Last year, the per capita median income in China was 8,500 US dollars, which is the income before tax, and there is a big discount for what is actually available for consumption.

"What contract?"

"Look for yourself." Nan Yi handed Leng Yan another folder.

Fifteen minutes later, Leng Yan closed the folder and said, "I don't understand the third clause of the supplementary clause."

"It's very simple, it means that I am investing in you in advance, so that you have a relaxed environment to study, but how do I know if you will grow crooked?

The supplementary clause in the third article is to prevent this. If you really grow crooked, you can return the money I spent on you and give me 10% interest by the way. Isn’t it too much? "

"Not too much, but that's not what I want to ask. Whether it's the text of the contract or the supplementary clauses, I haven't seen any clauses like I have to work for you for several years. Did you miss it?"

Now that the topic of discussion is no longer about making her ashamed, Leng Yan has regained a bit of her demeanor as a schoolmaster.

"Want to hear the truth?"

"What do you think, I almost sold myself to people, don't you want to pursue the truth?"

"It's very simple. Judging from your ability and potential, it's basically dispensable. It's tasteless. It's tasteless, but fortunately, it can fill your stomach.

Let's put it this way, the platform I can give you exceeds your own ability. I am willing to sign this contract with you because of the friendship between our classmates.

So, after you graduate, you don't have to come if you don't want to, as long as you pay me back; but if you want to come, you have to accept another test. "

The two have been classmates for several years. Although they don't communicate much at ordinary times, Nanyi still knows what kind of personality Leng Yan is. Isn't Leng Yan competitive, and he will trample on her.

Some people are springs, the harder you press, the greater the rebound force, as long as you don't exceed the limit value.


As soon as Leng Yan pressed the table, she picked up the coffee cup with the other hand, as if ready to splash.

Nanyi rubbed the back of his hand on his T-shirt, "The brand is very expensive."

"Hmph, I'll sign, and I want you to come and beg me when the time comes."

"Well, come on, I'm looking forward to it."

One is a pot of boiling oil, and the other is calm cold water. Nan Yi's casual attitude made Leng Yan's pot of oil bubble even bigger.

When Leng Yan finished signing the contract angrily, Nan Yi said unhurriedly: "I married an old lady, it's quite embarrassing, don't talk nonsense with your classmates."

"I prefer to say."

"Then you can talk about it a little later. I am currently dating an eighty-five-year-old lady. When I remarry, you can say together, oh, I will send you a post."

"I believe you ghost."

The last time I heard what Nanyi said, Leng Yan took it seriously, but now that I heard it again, it seemed a bit fake. This stinky patch was always talking about running trains when he was in school, who knows if what he said is true or not.

The word "smelly" shows that Leng Yan's attitude towards Nanyi has been quietly changing, but she is still unaware of it.

Nan Yi wrote a line on the paper, "You can go to this address in the afternoon and call the number above. This is a real estate agent and a Chinese. If you are not satisfied with the apartment, you can ask him to give it to you. Change.

Car, when you settle down, someone will send it to you. I will not be responsible for the driver's license. You can take the test yourself. In the future, don’t call me if you have nothing to do, and don’t call me if you have something to do. Your living expenses will be deposited into your account on time at the beginning of each month. "

With that said, Nanyi stood up and stretched out his right hand, "Okay, student Leng, I wish you success in your studies."

Leng Yan also extended her right hand and shook Nan Yi, "If you don't keep in touch, aren't you afraid that I'll run away?"

"It doesn't matter. I will spend up to 70,000 dollars on you. I can afford to lose this money. You don't have to run away. Just tell me that you don't want to pay it back. I have nothing to do with you. Okay, goodbye .”

Leng Yan looked at a large group of hugs on the left and right in front of Nanyi, and thought: "I can't blame it if I can't do it well."

Nanyi walked back to the lobby on the first floor of the Columbus apartment, and sat on the sofa in the lobby in no hurry to go upstairs. Fan Hongdou was coming back soon, and he had to greet him.

After sitting in the hall for about 20 minutes, I saw Fan Hongdou, who was wearing a Mariners baseball cap and carrying a backpack, walked over with guards.


"Little girl, if you dare to come to New York wearing a sailors hat, beware of someone throwing stones at you."

"I'm not afraid. Yankees fans won't find fault with the Mariners' poor performance. If it's the Red Sox, it's not necessarily the case."

"Hehe, I'll take you to watch the Yankees and Mets Derby tomorrow night."

"Is it just me?"

"Of course, Ruopin doesn't like baseball."


"Go, go upstairs."

Nanyi picked up Fan Hongdou, who weighed almost 50 catties and was already 1.36 meters tall, and walked towards the elevator shaft.

The little girl's weight is normal, and her height has exceeded the normal range. In the future, she should basically be tall, with an outstanding figure and a beautiful face.

As for confidante, forget it, Nanyi carefully cultivated it, let's see which bastard has the confidence to treat his red bean baby as a concubine, whether he thinks he is qualified, or thinks that his father was hard enough in his early years.

Going upstairs and entering the room, Fan Hongdou took out a notepad, and reported to Nanyi about his work.

"Godfather, after my investigation, I found that there are already people in Seattle and Luoshanji who are growing vegetables exclusively for Chinese people. There are 7 in Luoshanji and 12 in Seattle. They are all small farms owned by husband and wife. They grow their own vegetables. Drive to the local Chinatown in the morning to sell."

"How's business?"

"It's pretty good, it can be sold out every time, and the price is not bad, a little more expensive than the price in the supermarket."

"What about the color?"

"There are good and bad. I saw an old couple in Seattle. Their vegetables should be free of pesticides, and the leaves are full of insect eyes. However, the appearance is too poor to sell at a high price. People who have the concept of green vegetables It doesn't seem like much."

"Well, is your investigation over?"

"The preliminary is over."

"There is still some time before you start school. During this period of time, make a plan. The better the plan is, the more investment your godfather will give you. You can ask Auntie Yami or Hui Hui about how to make the plan. ...Forget it, you should ask Auntie Yami."

Nan Yi wanted to talk about Liang Huiwen, but after thinking about it, let it go, she is now in charge of the fund transfer with Rachel.

"Yeah, godfather, I know."

"Do it well, don't learn from Ruofing, a company has been in operation for more than a month, and it still costs money besides spending money."

"I know."

"Go, you're tired after taking the plane, go and watch TV." Nanyi sent Fan Hongdou away, and called the captain of her Nanguo team to ask.

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