Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 260 The Wolf of Wall Street

"Ms. Jennifer, thank you for being with them."

Nanyi didn't wait long until the two primary schools came out of the school accompanied by their teacher Jennifer Lesnicki.

"Adam, you're welcome, I'm leaving first."

Jennifer smiled solemnly, said hello, and walked into the school.

"Do you like Miss Jennifer?"


"I like it too, Dad, Teacher Jennifer doesn't have a boyfriend yet."

"Oh, thank you for telling me this message. Since you are so considerate of Dad, I decided to give you a surprise."

"Dad, what surprise?"

"I'll find you a part-time job as a matchmaker, you have potential in this area."


The little girl stuck out her tongue, smiled mischievously, ignored Nan Yi, and got into the car first.

Embracing Fan Hongdou and boarding the car, Nan Yi took the two children to an ice cream shop to eat ice cream, and sent them back when they had a good meal, while he himself went back to the downstairs of One Wall Street, waiting for Scarlett to get off work Come home with her.

When Nanyi was ready to cook, the two sat in the dining room and had dinner together.

"Tell you something."

"you say."

"The Adam II Charitable Foundation should take action and apply to the New York Bureau of Child Welfare and Social Services to establish an orphanage funded by the foundation."

"Why, do you want to sponsor orphans?"


Scarlett put down the knife and fork, wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, "Adam, do you know that it is a very sensitive issue involving children in China. If something goes wrong, we will ask for trouble."

"I know that child welfare agencies will keep a close eye on it. However, you are too worried. I don't have any dirty ideas about adopting orphans. I am not afraid of supervision. I believe that Adam II's orphanage will become the orphanage of the world. model."

"Tell me what you think."

"God is too unfair to orphans, let them experience hardships at such a young age. God does not give them fairness, I want to give it, within my power, I want to give some orphans a good childhood, and I will do my best Give them a good life.

When they grow up, according to their own wishes, I will arrange for them to enter the Pan American system for employment and have a good job. "

"I understand, Adam, you are trying to cultivate your own hardcore influence."

"No, I'm here to help the orphans and find some playmates for our children. Think about it, when our children are born, they can build a tree house together, go fishing together by the river, or start their own football team .”

"That's right, they can also play role-playing games, and he can play King Adam II." Scarlett said while stroking her stomach.

"Hmm, maybe it's a general. When I was young, I played war games with my friends, and I was only a platoon leader at the highest level, or a platoon leader of the Death Squad, the kind that would die after a single charge."

"Haha, I played Catherine II."

"Wow, my Majesty the Queen."

"My Potemkin Knight, please launch an attack. We, the Tsarist Russian Empire, want to carve up Poland, the European footbinding cloth, for the fourth time."

"Ula!" Nan Yi patted his chest like a dog and shouted.


In a burst of laughter, the establishment of the orphanage by the Adam II Charity Fund was settled.


The colonel moved very quickly. In two days, he not only found out the current situation of Chris Gardner, but also dug out Belfort.

Chris Gardner didn't last long at a company that sold penny stocks before switching to a regular stock brokerage firm as a stockbroker.

In fact, that’s what it means to be formal or not. Selling penny stocks is actually legal, but according to Chinese law, penny stocks cannot be sold to “disadvantaged groups.”

The term vulnerable group is very flexible, and there is no provision that makes a detailed and clear annotation on the vulnerable group, so there are so many companies selling penny stocks in cheap offices near Wall Street.

After seeing that Chris Gardner's performance is not bad, Nanyi plans to throw an olive branch to him.

Belfort is a natural salesman with extraordinary talent. He can sell rotten fish and rotten shrimp to the rich people in Long Island, and his performance is very good. He has already moved the idea of ​​starting his own business.

Nanyi made an appointment with Belfort at Smith \u0026 Wollensky, a steakhouse located at the junction of 49th Street and Third Avenue, at a very special table.

Nan Yi also sat on a special chair, and behind him on the right was a transparent, open kitchen.

Here, he has been here.

The last time he came, he didn't even get a seat. He just watched the big bosses who spent a lot of money talking and laughing around an old white man, but he could only listen with his ears raised from a distance, for fear of missing any words.

Today, he is sitting here, and sitting across from him is a young man who is one year older than him, very reserved with a hint of uneasiness about the unknown.

Nanyi looked at him, and suddenly, he didn't want to use his own communication routine to talk to him, but to apply the routine he saw in the movie, the routine made up by the young man opposite him.

Nanyi stretched out his left hand and tapped on his chest, and made a sound in his mouth: "Mmmmmm, hohoh, mmmmm, mmm..."

Nanyi's doing this made the young man opposite him stunned.


After the knocking was over, Nanyi picked up the goblet on the table and took a sip of water.

"It can be seen that you are usually not used to wearing a suit. Thank you very much for your attention to our meeting. At the same time, I am also sorry. Maybe I made an appointment with you too quickly, and you didn't even have time to take a good bath. It smells fishy."

"I have to say, I was so excited when I heard you asked me out yesterday. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep at all. I could only talk to my girlfriend again and again until dawn today."

"You know me?"

"I don't know, I only know that you can let me come to see you on behalf of Scarlett Fund, but I have seen you." Belfort said.

"Hmm, where is it?"

"I know you live in the Columbus apartment, and there are many bodyguards around. A month ago, I went to your house to sell lobster. You were not there, but then, I happened to be in another elevator and saw you coming out of the elevator and walking towards that door. .”

"That's a wonderful fate." Nanyi shrugged and said, "Mr. Belfort, let's get back to business. Selling stocks and funds is actually the same as selling lobsters. The only thing you have to do is to serve the dishes."

Nan Yi pointed to the waiter who happened to come over to serve the food, "The rules of the game are very simple, move the customer's money into your own pocket."

"Yes, but if you help customers make money at the same time, wouldn't it be better for everyone?"

"Belfort, no one, please remember, no one can always know whether the stock will go up, down, or flat at the next moment, not Zhiyong Cai, nor Buffett.

Therefore, a fund cannot guarantee that clients will always make money. And as a person who is about to become a fund stock broker, what you have to do is to bluff people, let those people you call take out the money, and then you put it in your pocket, it's as simple as that. "


"Yes, bluffing. Wearing a suit, sitting in the office and making a phone call, you don't need to run outside on a hot day, pick up the phone at 9:30, and you can get off work at 4:00 pm;

Every Thursday you get a check with a few zeros, and you can take the money out and start by making yourself a chair built out of cash.

Believe me, it's very comfortable to sit on a chair made of US dollars. "

"Mr. Adam, have you ever sat?"

"Of course, I not only use US dollars to build a sofa, but also a bed made of US dollars. The bed is so big that there are five girls sleeping on it. I woke up in the morning and couldn't touch any of them."

"It's amazing!" Belfort had already fallen into the illusion of Nanyi's weaving and couldn't extricate himself, "Mr. Adam, can I go to work tomorrow?"

"Of course, but before going to work, let me give you a piece of advice: don't mess around in the company!"

Cai Zhiyong, a Wall Street figure who was stronger than Buffett in the 1960s and 1970s.

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