It is said that after Sophie Marceau returned to Paris, her life changed drastically, and many things happened in Paris.

One morning, she received a mysterious gift, a pink Porsche 911, the license plate number is also very interesting, FF661117, Sophie Marceau knew what it meant when she saw the license plate, FF is her nickname The abbreviation of shoes, the number behind is your own birthday.

She was very excited when she saw the car, but when she opened the door and got in the car, her face fell down. There were a few papers on the co-pilot, which were her admission certificate for comprehensive science and engineering, but for self-examination.

"I told you, I hate school the most, and you still want me to go to school?"

Sophie Marceau muttered, threw the document paper through the window, then started the car and drove out. She was going to see the Viscount's Castle today.

Originally, Sophie Marceau thought that Nanyi asked her to look at the apartments in downtown Paris, but who knew that when she was talking to Nanyi two days ago, Nanyi gave her several castles for her to see on the spot. look.


This was something she had never dared to think about before. She never thought that she would soon become the mistress of a castle.

Sophie Marceau drove the car so fast that the flat shoes team almost couldn't catch up, which made Yazheng a little headache. If her VIP always looks like this, how can she explain to her head if something happens to her?

Fortunately, after leaving the urban area of ​​Paris, the road conditions were not so good. The supercar couldn't reach its speed at all, and Yazheng was able to catch up with Sophie Marceau's car.

As soon as she arrived at the Viscount's Castle, Sophie Marceau was fascinated by the buildings in front of her.

The Viscount Castle is located in the center of the garden. No matter from any place in the garden, the castle stands in the center, looking majestic and magnificent.

The pool 500 meters away from the castle has the effect of a mirror. The reflection in the water and the blue sky, the castle and the garden, the real and the unreal echo each other. The real is more real, and the fake is not fake. Walking in it, people will have the illusion of combining heaven and earth .

The rooms, living room, and corridors inside the castle are very wide. The master’s bedroom is magnificently decorated, and the hostess’ room is full of mirrors, which is also the predecessor of the mirror corridor in the Palace of Versailles.

After turning around, Sophie Marceau said secretly: "I must be the hostess here."

"Chairman, according to the information we have, the capital of the whole country is dissatisfied with the slow pace of privatization of state-owned enterprises in the country. It is estimated that they are planning a big move and setting off a wave of privatization." Masami Ueto looked at his hand Said to Nanyi about the information in it.

"I have already analyzed this through the data, and it is because of this that I want to 'train' Sophie as soon as possible." Nanyi nodded and said.

"President, are you sure Miss Sophie is suitable for training?"

"Oh, what I mean by training is not to expect her to improve on her own. I just need her to have a personality of a business genius. Yami, set up a Sophie office to be responsible for creating Sophie's personality and guarantee her People are not exposed."

"It's difficult not to be exposed. That Miss Sophie's IQ is not so high, and she has a bit of a temper, so she can't hide her words." Masami Ueto said with a frown.

Nanyi thought for a while that his request seemed a little too much, so he said, "At least it must be guaranteed that it will not be exposed for a few years."

"President, I can't guarantee it."

"Try your best." Nan Yi rubbed his temples, and said: "If her character can be stretched, it's easier to do things, if she really can't stretch it, it's fine, but this girl needs to be criticized.

What we need to do now is to find a screenwriter to create a script of Joan of Arc. The quality of this script will directly affect the establishment of Sophie's national friendship; If you don't come back, try to lose as little as possible. "

"President, don't you ever think about making a profit?"

"We can't let us take all the good things. It's unlikely that the heroine's movie will be a hit. I'm already satisfied if I can keep my capital."

To create a movie that can highlight Sophie Marceau and make Fa Chinese people like her, the investment must not be small. The heroine movies of the 1980s were not popular with audiences, and they couldn't sell at the box office in North America. It was impossible to even think about recouping the investment just by relying on the box office in Faradays.

"President, let me first find a group of people who are proficient in movies to verify the feasibility of our project together."

"Well, come up with a result as soon as possible."

Nanyi and Uedo Masami are here to discuss the matter of Sophie Marceau. Over there in Paris, Yazheng hired two Albanians when she found time to block a film director in the alley and just clean up.

Ya Zhenni was a little confused about this task. Her own boss didn't even know the person's full name, but she wanted to find him out, and even used very special and perverted methods to concoct him.

"Oh, where do you put the candle oil? That place has to be abandoned."

Yazhenni, who was hiding in the dark, saw the methods of the two Albanians, and couldn't bear it any longer. She took out her camera and quickly took two pictures. She thought that this should be a good job.

Masami Ueto also flew to Paris soon, first registered a Sophie Holding Investment there, and then followed Sophie Marceau to visit the Fouquet family, the owner of the Viscount Castle.

After more than a week of negotiations, the Viscount Castle was bought at a price of 300 million francs, equivalent to 39.37 million U.S. dollars, and the responsibility for maintenance and repairs was also taken over.

If it weren't for raising Sophie Marceau's status as soon as possible and raising her status, Nanyi would really look down on this kind of castle, and it would be too troublesome to maintain.

Of course, there are also reasons why the price is ridiculously expensive. Nanyi has never bought a house worth 40 million US dollars before.

When Sophie Marceau received the house deed and title deed of the Viscount's castle, in order to declare her sovereignty over the castle, she took a naked swim in the castle pool first, and then took her breath sprinkled all over the castle.

After three or two days, Nanyi received a stack of photos sent from Paris. First, he read the photos taken by Sophie Marceau in the castle one by one, and then looked at the photo of the director. Then I hid Sophie Marceau's photo and burned the director's.

The time soon came to February 12, which was the day of New Year's Eve. Nanyi took leave of absence for the two primary schools, and started preparing for dinner early in the morning.

Although in a foreign country, all the Nanyi that should be prepared have been prepared, even the tofu Nanyi was not omitted. I went to Peace Dove’s New York station to set up an earthen stove and made two pots.

After a busy morning and most of the afternoon, when Chen Feng arrived, Nanyi hadn't finished all the preparations.

"Nanyi, let me introduce you. This is my buddy Xu Li, a tomboy." Chen Feng is also familiar with him, so he brought Xu Li into the kitchen as soon as he arrived.

"Hello, Miss Xu, I'm Nan Yi."

"Don't call me Miss, I'm not used to it, you can just call me by my name, buddy is good, unlike Chen Feng, he is just a boy." Xu Li looked Nan Yi up and down, seeing his bronzed skin, nodded Appreciate it.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? My grandfather always held a pen when we hit my grandfather. It's not like your grandfather, Qiu Bayi."

"Chen Bailian, don't push your nose on your face."

Xu Li didn't roll her eyes, and didn't look at him, she just patted the back of Chen Feng's head.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands."

"Who is a gentleman, I am a little woman."

"You can also be considered a woman." Chen Feng said disdainfully.

Nanyi finally understood that this relationship is a pair of happy lovers. It is estimated that the two of them also have the idea of ​​bringing them together.

"I said lunatic, didn't I tell you to come to help me earlier, why did you come here at this hour."

"It's only early at three o'clock, isn't it early? Dinner at six o'clock, three hours is not enough?" Chen Feng didn't care at all when Nan Yi called him a lunatic, as long as there were a few homonyms such as Feng/Feng/Feng in his name. , Basically, there will be a nickname of a lunatic.

"Bullshit, is the New Year's Eve dinner an ordinary meal? I got up early in the morning to prepare it." Nan Yi spat, then pointed at the two children, "The last time you came, they didn't introduce you at school, Fan Hongdou, My eldest daughter, Nan Ruofing, my second daughter."

"Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie."

The two Xiao Chong greeted Chen Feng and Xu Li.

"Okay." Chen Feng responded, then turned to Xu Li and said, "Do you have any red envelopes?"

"Nonsense, come to someone else's house for New Year's Eve dinner, don't you want to put this matter in front of you?" Xu Li didn't have any intention of covering up Chen Feng's siege, she reached into her pocket for a while, took out two red envelopes, and gave them to Chen Feng. Two children and one person.

Judging by the way she took out, it is estimated that there are several red envelopes in her pocket.

Nanyi immediately added 10 points to Xu Li's impression. She looked carefree, but she was very polite.

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Crazy, where's yours?" Nan Yi looked at Chen Feng playfully.

"This... this, it came too quickly, I forgot."

"If you don't have a red envelope, then work to pay for it. Hurry up and help me take the lotus leaf and brush it." Nan Yi said, pointing to the lotus leaf on the kitchen island.

"It's all right, I'm wrong, so let's do the work." Chen Feng raised his hand to beg for mercy: "Why wash the lotus leaves?"

"Steamed meatballs, steamed buns, Xu Li, do what you want." Nanyi greeted, and put the drained pork on the chopping board to chop.

He said he wanted Chen Feng to help, but he really did. Apart from helping pass the things, he couldn't help at all. He even tore two lotus leaves.

Fortunately, Nanyi didn't really count on him, he just wanted to get closer invisibly, otherwise he would vomit blood.

After another three hours of busy work, at six o'clock in the afternoon, a table of New Year's Eve dinner was finally finished.

"Don't do it, I don't know, so I still have the talent to be a cook, tsk tsk, look, I have contributed to at least eight of the sixteen dishes." When the dishes were put on the table, Chen Feng stood there boasting stand up.

"That's it for you. If you don't know, do you really think you can help?" Xu Li still argued with him.

"Didn't I help?"

"Okay, sit down quickly, the food will be cold in a while."

Nan Yi invited the two to sit down. He held a jar of wine in his hand and filled every wine bowl on the table.

"Nanyi, are there any guests yet?"

There were only five people eating, but there were twelve pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table.

Xu Li patted Chen Feng's hand, and spat: "If you don't understand, don't ask nonsense, this is to pay homage to the ancestors."

"Xu Li is right, come on, let's start, I don't have any rules here, just be free." Nanyi greeted again, and everyone started to move.

Chen Weizong came late, and he rushed over from the Yonkers construction site after everyone had eaten half their stomachs.

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