It was dark under the lamp, and the more Nan Yi thought about it, the more he felt that he had seen it somewhere. He almost went through all the people he had seen, but he just didn't think about himself.

That's right, the eyes of Lin Shuyi and Nan Yi are almost carved out of the same mold.

"Red beans, are they really similar?"

"Very similar."


When Lin Shuyi spoke just now, Nanyi heard a little accent from Yunnan Province, and some words were still from Beijing movies, with a little accent. According to her age, she was born around 1943.

"The expeditionary army was stationed in Jiangju for a long time. Lin Shuyi was probably born at that time, and then the war raged. She was left in the country and went to the capital around..."

You can't think down, the more you think about it, the more you will develop in a direction that Nanyi doesn't want.

Nanyi didn't want the identity background of "Nanyi" to be too complicated, but it seemed that things backfired. If Fang Mengyin was a surprise, and the rest of the Nan family could ignore it, then he would only find it troublesome if a real mother popped up.

Yes, it's troublesome, and I have no feelings, and I have to pretend to be close, so tiring.

"Dewin, look up that Lin Shuyi just now. If she is around 20 years old and is in the capital or Moscow, then you need to investigate everything carefully. If not, then you don't need to look into it." Back at the apartment, Nanyi put Dewen called into the study, "It's fine for you to know about this matter alone, and ask someone outside to investigate."

"Understood, boss."

Nanyi sat in the study for a while, and Fan Hongdou came in.

"Manager Nan, the farm has already been bought, should we go to recruit workers?"

"Yes, I haven't finished get off work yet, it's time to recruit."

Nan Yi agreed and followed Fan Hongdou out.

The two first went to the employment agency in Chinatown, left some money and the recruitment rules, and then went to Flushing.

There are employment agencies in the Chinese-inhabited areas, whether you have a green card or a black card, you can find a job here. Of course, this kind of intermediary eats at both ends. Those who want to find someone have to pay some intermediary fees, and those who are looking for jobs have to pay some introduction fees.

However, there are also non-profit employment agencies established by organizations such as the Chinese Federation, but everyone knows that if it is free of charge, just watch the excitement. As long as you still have two dollars in your pocket, you will not drill there when you are looking for a job.

"Hi, please register for me. I'm looking for 15 vegetable growers. They must be farmers when they are in China. They will be paid 400 US dollars a month, including food and lodging. It is best to be from the south."

In this day and age, there is still a big difference between the dishes grown in the north and the south. The Chinese in Yiguo are still mainly from the south. The vegetables to be grown in Nanyi must be mainly the dishes eaten by the southerners. Of course, it is best to find the southerners. farmer.

"Where is the place of work?" the intermediary asked.

"Lengquan Town, one day off a week, you can go to the city with the delivery car. In addition, you need to hire two delivery drivers. In addition to driving, you will also be responsible for unloading the goods. Every day, three or four o'clock will deliver vegetables to the market. area, the rest of the time is fine.

The salary is negotiable, or anyone who has a car can also negotiate with me about the contract. My phone number is 212-911-8811”

"Okay, the registration is complete, you are two positions, pay 50 dollars."

"for you."

Nanyi handed the money to the intermediary, turned around and was about to leave the somewhat complicated window, when a man stopped him.

"Hey, buddy, are you looking for someone to grow vegetables, do you think I can do it?"

Nan Yi turned around and looked at the man who was speaking. He had messy long hair, his face was full of arrogance and arrogance, his skin was fair and immature, and his figure was tall and straight. At first glance, he did not come from a poor background. He probably had an enviable job in China. Work.

"Don't be kidding, you can't bear that hardship."

"If you don't try, how will you know that I won't suffer?" The man said, walking towards Nanyi, "You can tell by the accent, are we from the capital?"

"Don't be in a hurry to talk about friendship, let me give you a confession, I can tell you can't do it at a glance, don't waste time with me, go to the counter and ask if there is any other work."

As Nanyi said, he was about to leave, but the man refused to let go, "Don't tell me, really, just let me try. If I really can't do it, I'll give you a day for nothing. If you tell me to get out, I'm sure I'm not talking nonsense."

"Okay, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, you take the subway and get off at Central Park Station, come out from the north exit, walk to the north entrance of Central Park, and walk in the direction of three o'clock...the distance between 1,500 rice seedlings plus At the distance of 1500 sweet potato vines, at this distance, someone will wait for you there.

If you find the right person, I will take you in. If you find the wrong person, you can call back where you came from.

How about it, do you want to try it? "

"Just try it, you wait, I will be there on time tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow." Nan Yi said teasingly.

Nanyi guessed that the man in front of him had never been in the field at all, and if he knew the distance between the seedlings and the sweet potato vines, he would be a ghost. If he can really walk to the right place tomorrow, it means that he has put his heart into it, and Nanyi doesn't mind giving him a job.

It really takes a little effort to find a few farmers who grow vegetables. At this time, not many domestic farmers come out. There are more farmers from three places: one is the Northeast, taking advantage of the convenience of war orphans to go to Tokyo; grow vegetables.

Nanyi estimated that Hu Jianren should account for a large proportion of the final recruits, and they are the only ones who came out with the purpose of going abroad to raise money. No matter what job, as long as the salary is high, they are willing to do it.

400 US dollars, including board and lodging, this salary is not low. Forget about twenty or thirty dollars a day for washing dishes in a restaurant, but renting a windowless basement in New York starts at $300.

As long as you are willing to endure hardships, it is not difficult to save $4,000 a year.

Just like that, Nanyi also counted every monthly shot.

Walking out of the employment agency, Nanyi looked at his watch and said to Fan Hongdou, "Chairman, it's time to get off work, so I'll go see your brother first."

Fan Hongdou also looked at his watch, "Okay, you can go, don't be late for work tomorrow."

"No, no."


Fan Hongdou waved his hand grandly, turned around and walked towards his car.

Nanyi looked at her, and lamented that the cultivation was not in vain. Fan Hongdou's aura of superiority had begun to accumulate, thick and thin, and one day, she would be able to retract and release freely.

When Nan Yi arrived at Scarlett's house, he first made out with his son for a while, then took him around the garden outside, and then went home with his son in his arms.

I handed my son over to the nanny, and walked to the bathroom on the first floor with my legs crossed, but as soon as I got to the door, I saw a woman squatting there cleaning the toilet. Author of "Velvet Flower".

Nan Yi turned and went upstairs after seeing it. After relaxing, he found Scarlett's bodyguard Eli, who was taking a break. "Who is that woman in the bathroom?"

"Scarlett's new part-time worker, Joan Chen, just arrived today and is very serious about her work."

"Oh, I see."

Scarlett doesn’t like too many outsiders in her house. There is no fixed maid here. If she doesn’t know how to cook and doesn’t like to take care of children, even Chef Renault and Nan Youqiong’s nanny Charlotte Don't want them to stay here.

Those who can sing "Velvet Flower" must have come from China, and the time to come will not be too early, that is, in the past two years.

Nan Yi is still thinking about it. The person he was thinking about has already come out of the bathroom. This time, he saw his face. Well, there is no need to think about it. He knows this person. No, it should be said that most Chinese people should know.

She starred in three films at a young age, and won the Golden Pit Award, the highest film award in China. She is a hot actress, but after her honors, she chose to study in China.

In the past two years, when I opened "Popular Cinema", there were often reports about her, and there were many articles about her going abroad.

Seeing her walking towards the second floor, Nan Yi stopped her and said in Chinese: "Miss Chen, the master bedroom and the second bedroom don't need to be cleaned, they will be the same from now on."

"You are?" Chen Qiong asked in surprise.

"It's the host here, I have a word to remind you, what you see and hear here is rotten in your stomach, don't go out and talk nonsense."

"Sir, don't worry, I won't gossip."

"Okay, keep busy and don't disturb you." Nan Yi made a "please" gesture and stopped talking to Chen Qiong.

Chen Qiong walked up the stairs with strides, and after a few steps, she stopped and looked back at Nanyi, with mixed feelings in her heart, knowing her, she must have come from China, but why is there such a big difference in life circumstances.

Shaking her head, she felt sorry for herself, thinking that when she came to China, she would have to start from scratch. All the achievements she had made in China would be wiped out in other countries, and all her advantages in China would no longer exist.

She started a arduous journey in the country. In order to pay the rent, she went to work in restaurants and kitchens. It is a bargaining chip used by famous restaurant owners to raise their social status.

When the restaurant is crowded, the Chinese owner will introduce Chen Qiong to the diners: "Look at it, take a look, this is the Queen of the Golden Pit in Huaguo, now welcome me."

The sense of honor rippling on that restaurant's face, as well as the viciousness at the corner of that mouth, made Chen Qiong feel extremely humiliated with every word he uttered. Although she has left there now, she still remembers it fresh.

She doesn't admit defeat, so she is working very hard now, even if she is just a part-time worker.

At this time, Nanyi was in the bathroom on the first floor, staring up and down the toilet, "The work is really delicate, there is no dead corner, and the reservoir has been opened and cleaned."

Nanyi is quite satisfied with Chen Qiong's job. If she is not a movie queen, Nanyi really wants to keep her with a high salary to be responsible for cleaning.


In the evening, when Scarlett came back from get off work, Nan Yi talked to her about Chen Qiong.

"Where did you find that Miss Chen?"

"Heidi introduced it. It turned out that Miss Chen worked part-time at her home. Didn't she go to live in London? Before she left, she introduced Miss Chen to me. How is she doing well?"

"You did a good job, but I felt a little wronged. Didn't you go to the cinema to watch Huaguo movies in Beijing?"

"No, I didn't know much Chinese at that time."

"Oh, let's put it this way, Chen Qiong's reputation in China is similar to that of Diane Lian, and she is also a popular movie star."

"Are you kidding me?" Scarlett asked in surprise.



"Oh, it seems that you have been in the capital for nothing, and you don't know the current situation of movie stars in Huaguo. Let me tell you, actors are just a job in Huaguo. They don't have the so-called salary, and they get a fixed salary every month. salary.

However, if the movie is a hit, they can get a small bonus. Compared with ordinary workers, their income is not bad, but it is not much higher, and their living standards are similar. "

"So, she is here to pursue the dream of the country?"

"Then I don't know. I've never been interested in the privacy of strangers, you understand."

"Oh, well, then let's not discuss her, let's talk about the gold mining company." Scarlett stopped talking about Chen Qiong after hearing what Nan Yi said.

"What's the matter with the gold mining company, can you tell me?"

"We have been attracting shareholders for a while, and it is time to plan the listing. Otherwise, I am worried that some shareholders will lose patience. After all, when we sell shares, we basically sell them at high prices, and although there is no clear promise of high returns, there are some hint isn't it?"

"It seems that you didn't read the report of Pan American Investment Holdings carefully enough, otherwise, you should have asked me a question long ago."


"Last year, the internal documents of Pan Am Holdings showed that Pan Am 'indirectly' registered two offshore companies, one named Devon and the other named Giles, and the two companies were in Formella, Nevada. Le and Goldrush each bought a plot of land.

The one in Devon's hand is a small surprise, and the one in Giles's hand is a big surprise. Someone has already searched for it. There is gold underneath, and it is worth mining. You need to find someone to explore for the specific reserves.

How to use these two surprises, how to protect our own interests, I think, you don't need me to teach you how to do it, do you? "

"Aha, of course, Adam, are you sure that these two companies won't have any connection with Pan Am, and won't be caught by people?" Scarlett said with a big laugh.

"Rachel handled it. Others don't know about it, and it's not registered in the name of Pan Am. I just classify it into Pan Am's business scope, and it has nothing to do with Pan Am."

"Understood, I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay, you can talk to Rachel and ask her to give you all the relevant information of the two companies."


"I'm going to buy an RV. When I'm free, I'll take Youqiong to some beautiful places near New York, so that he can see more of the colors of the world."

"Will he be too young, is it suitable to take him out at this time?"

"It's okay, those mothers are still pushing their children to the supermarket. I don't want you to go to crowded places now, so let him get closer to nature."

"Okay, then you decide."

Chen Qiong is a purely fictitious character, please do not contact the real person at will.

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