Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 293 Monkey's Counterattack

"I'm Nan Yi, sent by Ikeda's trainees, here to deal with the follow-up of your affairs."

"Comrade Nan, hello, hello, I'm Qiu Guangyue, he's Qiu Dakui, and he's Qiu Shitou." Qiu Guangyue struggled to sit up from the ground, and introduced the three of them to Nanyi.

"Hi there."

Nan Yi shook hands with the three of them, and they exchanged pleasantries for a while.

"Comrade Nan, this, the unit won't send us back to China, right?" Qiu Guangyue asked worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about this. The three of you have only paid back one installment, and there are still eleven installments left. The club can't just let you go. You can rest here and recuperate. Arrange work for you.


It is good to be willing to help others, this is worthy of recognition.

But you have to do what you can, everyone is here to make money, as long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble in Tokyo, if you are bullied, the club will naturally seek justice for you. "

"The unit is pretty good. The money for our medical treatment was paid by the unit."

"This is all as it should be. Your 1.8 million yen will never be wasted. I don't know what you like to eat, so I didn't buy it." Nanyi said, and took out three envelopes from his pocket. Send it to three people, "Each one of you, buy what you want, don't waste it.

This body is the capital of the revolution. If you eat well and drink well, your health will recover quickly, and you can continue to make money quickly.

Work hard at work, and go to language school to learn Japanese when you have time. If you improve your Japanese, you will be able to find a better job. An An is indifferent, one day if you feel that you have earned enough, you can go back, and don't get together with dubious people. "

Nanyi was a little bit earnest, as if he was confessing to his younger generation.

Now in Tokyo, two underworld gangs that have a relationship with Chinese people have been born. One is Nuluoquan [meaning the descendants of the dragon]. The main members are the second and third generations of post-war orphans who came back from China in the past few years.

Nuluoquan started out as a voluntary mutual aid organization, but in a specific social environment and cultural conflicts, this mutual aid organization is gradually evolving into a criminal group.

Because they are not integrated into the Japanese society, they are discriminated against by other Japanese people. In addition, the members all grew up in China, so they are relatively close to the Chinese people, and they will also absorb Chinese people as members.

The other branch is the Hu Qing Gang, whose full name is the Hu Jian Youth Mutual Help and Mutual Aid Federation. It had a very good intention at the beginning, and it was an organization for fellow villagers to help each other.

But later the nature changed, and it became a violent gang that gods hate and ghosts hate. Coupled with the fact that the members are mainly from Hu Qing, the Hu Qing Gang is also called the Hu Qing Gang.

Nan Yi didn't want the people he sent out to be tricked by these gangs, let alone see people joining these gangs. He started Ikeda Trainee Dispatch to help a group of people while making money, not to let them come here every day. Cursed short-lived ghost.

"Comrade Nan, we only come here because we can make money here. We won't do messy things."

"That's good, you guys take good care of your wounds, and I won't stay any longer."

Qiu Guangyue struggled to stand up, Nan Yi patted him on the shoulder and told him to sit, "Don't send it off, take a good rest."


When Wagner Mantovani woke up from the nightmare panting heavily, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

He got off the bed covered in cold sweat, went to the bathroom next to him and took two handfuls of cold water to wash his face, which made him sober up a lot.

In the dream just now, he returned to the crowded and dirty Morio slum in Sao Paulo, and became the plumber who walked through the hot and humid sewers all day long and earned only a few dollars a month.

At the end of the nightmare, he was chased and killed by a huge scarlet-eyed rat, ran desperately in the sewer, and finally woke up at the last moment of being bitten to death.

Wagner Mantovani is Muto Wagner's original name. The surname Mantovani is the only legacy left to him and his sister by his Samba gambler father.

But now Muto doesn't want to hear someone call him Mantovani at all, just like he doesn't even want to recall the poor life in Morio in his dreams.

Muto, who is 25 years old this year, came to Tokyo with his older sister Leisa four years ago. His late Japanese mother did the most correct thing in her life - giving birth in a Japanese hospital in Sao Paulo. He and his sister were separated, and his mother's nationality was recorded on the birth record.

It was this record that gave him and his sister the opportunity to come to Tokyo.

The entire 1980s was a golden decade in Japan, and the rapid economic development caused an extreme shortage of labor force in Japan.

At the same time, several countries in South America are in turmoil. Among the Japanese immigrants who immigrated to Samba, Chile and other countries in the early years, the middle and lower class groups who have difficulty making a living have chosen to return to Japan to survive.

The Japanese cabinet, which is in urgent need of labor, has given these people great convenience and even encouraged them to return to Japan to work. The Muto brothers and sisters have caught up with this trend.

From the hell in the São Paulo Morio slum to the metropolis of Tokyo, the Muto siblings felt as if they were in heaven. I am full of love and gratitude from the bottom of my heart for the Japanese cabinet who is willing to accept them and rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering.

But that is a big environment. On a small level, these mixed-races who have returned from abroad will naturally be rejected, and they will not be able to get a good job. Muto can dominate the Beisong Food Processing Factory, which is somewhat different from her sister It is not unrelated to her good looks to hook up with the top management of Beisong.

Muto stayed in the bathroom for a while, then took off the pajamas soaked in cold sweat, pulled a piece of clothing from the closet and put it on, then walked downstairs to the kitchen with his canvas shoes.

There was no one in the kitchen, but rice, miso soup and two small fried fish were neatly arranged on the dining table outside. Seeing this, Muto frowned.

He opened the door of the refrigerator standing beside him and rummaged inside. Except for milk and beer, there were only unprocessed vegetables and meat in the refrigerator, and there was nothing that could be eaten directly.

Somewhat irritatedly, Muto closed the door of the refrigerator heavily. Just in time, Muto saw his sister Leisa coming in from the backyard with an empty basin in her arms, and immediately yelled at her dissatisfied: "Why is this shitty miso soup again? You know what I love most Hate to eat this."

Leisa walked to the side of the kitchen, stuffed the empty basin into the storage cabinet above the washing machine, and said without looking back: "We want to integrate into the Japanese society, of course we have to adapt to the food here, rice and miso soup for breakfast are good. What's wrong?"

"Why do we have to adapt to Japanese food? Those Japanese people don't welcome us, they treat us like shit." Muto retorted, filled with righteous indignation.

Reisa Muto rolled her eyes helplessly and said, "Have you been hanging out with Bayano's group again these two days? Wagner, I'm warning you, don't associate with those people, they are all dangerous elements and will You are ruined."

She grabbed Muto by the shoulders and forced him to sit on the chair by the dining table.

"Tomorrow, you go to work in the factory honestly, and don't contact Bayano's gang anymore!" She thought for a while, and then said: "Last week, you asked Miura to help you fire three Chinese people?

Wagner, you have to restrain yourself in the factory in the future. If those Chinese people really want to make a fuss to the higher-ups, I can't help you. After all, the factory is not owned by Miura, and someone above him is in charge. "

"Leisa, my sister, you can rest assured about this. Those yellow-skinned monkeys are the most honest and weakest creatures in this world.

As long as I don't go too far to make them unable to survive, they are the best slaves and cash cows. No wonder a small Japan conquered most of the country back then. "

He picked up the bowl, held his breath and drank the bowl of miso soup like medicine, smacked his mouth twice with a bitter face, and continued: "Sister, you know that old man Miura can't marry you, he I'm not so infatuated with you that I can spend a lot of money for you.

Even this house is leased to you, but the way of collecting rent is different. He smiled sarcastically, and said again: "We can't put all our hopes on that old man's kindness and generosity, we have to find a way to make money by ourselves."

Lisa, you know what?

The group of yellow-skinned monkeys in the factory, um, plus the group of wild monkeys in Southeast Asia. "

Speaking of this, Muto seemed very proud of himself for coming up with the metaphor of wild monkeys. He giggled a little nervously, and then continued to say to Leisa: "I can earn 1 million yuan a week from these monkeys. Yen, 4 million a month.

Leisa, this is 16,000 US dollars, do you understand, 16,000, but what about the cost? It's just spending hundreds of thousands of yen every month to support Paulinho and those gangsters.

As for the trouble, Leisa, you don't have to worry at all.

You have never dealt with these monkeys, so you will never estimate how low their tolerance is.

You know, last time, there was a monkey woman who came to the factory to look for him, and was met by that bastard Paulinho, so he tied the woman into the warehouse to make everyone feel good. "

Speaking of this, as if reminiscing, Muto licked the corner of his mouth and continued: "You must not have imagined that later that male monkey came to cause trouble, and after we beat him up, I promised to waive his monthly salary. He acted as if nothing had happened.

You said, what kind of trouble can such a person bring us? "

Leisa glanced at her younger brother in surprise mixed with disgust, wanted to say something, smacked her lips, and finally kept silent, got up and took off her apron, went to the entrance to put on leather shoes, turned to Muto and said, "I I'm going out, Miura has asked me out, I won't be back at night, remember to go to work tomorrow."

Naturally, it was impossible for Muto to stay at home alone for a whole day. After Leisa left, he called Paulinho and a few other boys who followed him, and they went to downtown Shinjuku together.

At the end of the day, bowling, dinner, karaoke, and at night, I went to a custom shop in Kabukicho Ichibangai to spend a bit.

Apart from being happy, he also lost dozens of Fukuzawa Yukichi in his pocket.

But Muto didn't care about that. Anyway, money is easy for him, and it is normal to spend a little to have fun occasionally.

They quarreled with the public relations lady in the custom shop until closing time, and then they staggered out of Kabukicho with each other supporting each other. A bill of 10,000 yen was issued to each of the younger brothers, and the younger brothers were sent away. Muto smoked dully and stood at the intersection waiting for a taxi.

The public relations lady he had a crush on didn't agree to accompany him to the lover's hotel in the end, which made him very upset.

But he also knew very well in his heart that this was Shinjuku, not the Beisong meat processing factory that he could dominate. So he could only watch helplessly as the little girl smiled coquettishly and disappeared at the gate of the custom shop with a group of companions, while he could only take a taxi home alone.

After the taxi arrived at the place, he was woken up by the driver who was drowsy. After paying the fare and getting out of the car, the cold wind in the middle of the night made him shiver, but he was much more awake.

He groped his way to the front door of his house, took out the key from his pocket, and fiddled with the street lights on the street outside several times before inserting the key into the keyhole.

After opening the door and entering the room, he touched the switch on the wall to turn on the lights in the entrance and the living room. His throat was a little dry from the alcohol, and as soon as he kicked off his shoes, Muto went to the kitchen to find ice water to drink.

Unexpectedly, just as he turned from the entrance into the living room, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes. Immediately afterwards, a hand pinched the back of his neck, and a thumb pressed under his ear. His eyes turned black, and he immediately passed out.

Although Muto had sufficient experience in being attacked in the slums, he was just an ordinary person with a strong will, not a strictly trained killing machine. Facing the killing machine, he had no room to resist at all.

What's more, he's already drunk.

At some point, Muto woke up from the coma. He shook his head to regain some clarity, then looked around and found himself lying on the bed in his room.

He was confused, obviously he was attacked, why would he lie on the bed again?

I checked my whole body, but I didn't find any slight wounds. It's strange, who is so kind, just knocked him out, but didn't leave some souvenirs on him?

If he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it for the time being. It was the greatest luck that nothing happened to him, and he had to find a way to find out the person he knocked out.

Muto walked into the bathroom resentfully, washed his face and prepared to go to work.

After washing his face, he went downstairs. Today Leisa is not here, so he doesn't have to eat disgusting miso soup. He can go to the street to buy something he wants to eat, put on his shoes at the entrance, lock the door and walk out of the yard to the road outside .

Just as he was stretching out his hand to stop a taxi, his heart felt a throbbing pain. He withdrew the hand that stopped the taxi and pressed his heart. His face turned pale with a thud, and his legs softened and he knelt on the ground.

Then, slap, the upper body hit the ground straight, unconscious.

Seeing this situation, the taxi driver hurried over to check, poked at the tip of Muto's nose, and immediately trembled, staggering to find the phone to call the police.

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