Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 317 Wenchang Old Events

When Nanyi was drafting the articles of association of Wenchangwei in Wenchangwei, Liang Huiwen organized an acquisition in Xiangtang. Nanguo Bank merged a company called Dawenhan Investment, and incorporated it together with the company's boss Ma Shimin.

Or it can be said that his company was incorporated in order to absorb the talent of Ma Shimin.

In 1960, Ma Shimin [Simon Murray], a native of Eagle Country, at the age of 20, joined the French Foreign Legion in Marseille, and served for 5 years. Was stationed in Algeria, retired in 1965.

After retiring from the military, Ma Shimin joined Jardine Matheson and worked in the Far East, starting from a low level, selling air-conditioning systems and elevators. After working for 14 years, Ma Shimin left Jardine Matheson and formed Dawenham Investment with his partner.

If the normal trajectory is followed, he will be absorbed by Li Tongban and become the managing director of Hutchison Whampoa, but Nanyi has taken a fancy to his ability to manage the bank and has absorbed him in order to make him the Hong Kong bank of Nanguo. President of the branch.

The statement of the branch is a bit pretentious, and Nanguo Bank now only has such a head office and branch. Therefore, Ma Shimin is now the de facto big boss of Nanguo Bank, but in name he has the word "branch".

With the addition of Ma Shimin, Nanguo Bank also means that it will be on the right track.

Nanyi asked Liang Huiwen to give Ma Shimin the first task, which was to set up an investment company under Nanguo Bank - 1984, commonly known as Gongfuhui. This company will be established in Shenzhen on January 1, 1984 Officially listed and established.

It is impossible for Nanguo Bank to enter the mainland. Before the "WTO" strategy is proposed in the mainland, financial companies will definitely not be able to enter the mainland. Even if they do, they will not be able to perform their own functions.

1984 was the first year of mainland companies. At the end of 1983, Nanyi had already felt a "going sea breeze" that was going to sweep the country. Going to the sea has become a fashion that everyone is vying to catch up with.

As for the meeting that Nanyi is drafting, it is called the standard meeting in some places, and the printing meeting in some places. It is also called the meeting in legal terms.

The initiator of the meeting, that is, the organizer [Nanyi] is generally called the head of the meeting, and the ordinary members are called the feet of the meeting.

The head of the meeting is responsible for the collection, registration, recovery and bidding of all membership dues, and is responsible for handing over the remittances of each installment to the meeting feet, otherwise it will be liable for compensation.

In return, the club head does not need to bid, and can draw one of the general membership fees from the two membership dues paid by all club members at the first meeting at one time^, and only need to return the principal to everyone. The foot must pay the agreed amount within the agreed time limit.

The meeting has a long history. In ancient times, when people urgently needed money for "building a house and getting married" or weddings and ceremonies, and they had no other means to obtain financial resources, they would initiate a meeting. A group of people help each other.

Presenting a meeting is a primitive mutual aid non-governmental financial activity. For example: 10 people participate in a meeting of 1,000 yuan, that is, one person pays 100 yuan, and the lottery determines who will present the 1,000 yuan first, or Who needs the money urgently and presents it to him first.

There is usually a leader in the meeting, who confirms the order of the meeting by drawing lots or other methods. For example, if this is a meeting of 1,000 yuan, the person who received the meeting money last month will pay a foot of the meeting money [100 yuan] every month. + Interest], those who have no turn will only pay the money.

Another way is to determine the order and time of collection in advance, and the payment will be reduced according to the collection time, and the person who receives the last payment will pay the least amount, which is regarded as interest compensation.

From the second month onwards, the guild master will go to each foot to collect the guild money and hand it over to the person whose turn it is. This process is called "drawing the guild money". The process of submitting [receiving] and withdrawing [paying] is the way to gather funds.

Let me explain in layman's terms: 10 people, one person pays 100 yuan, and 1000 yuan is collected, and the 1000 yuan is decided by lottery to which one of the 10 people will use it for one month first [usually one month], and one month later , This person returns 1,000 yuan plus interest, and then the money is used by the next person.

Until everyone has used it once, the presentation will be over, those who do not need money can withdraw, and those who need money will stay and organize a new meeting.

However, the method of drawing lots is no longer suitable for the current situation. Now if we want to hold a meeting, we can only decide who will use the money first through bidding.

You will bid together, you will pay one cent, and I will pay two cents. Whoever pays the highest interest will be able to use the money first. The further back you are, the lower the interest, and those at the bottom may not need interest, or even pay interest.

Money is not in vain, interest is paid, that is, profits will be generated. Of course, this profit will be divided by those who pay the money. If 1,000 yuan becomes 1,100 yuan after 10 months, then each person can take away 110 yuan.

At the beginning, Nanyi wanted to set up an entrepreneurial fund in Wenchangwei. The village committee took the lead, and the village’s public funds were invested. Anyone in the village who needed money could apply for it. After the fund was approved, the money could be taken away. Just add a little interest and pay it back.

But think about it, this kind of approach is not good at all. Farmers are not as simple as those who praise them, and they are not as bad as those who criticize them. It can only be said that the rural land is slippery and the people are quite complicated.

If it is public funds in the village, it will breed corruption, and second, it will lead to the failure to collect the money released.

People in the village may repay the money borrowed by others, but the public funds in the village may not be repaid, and this possibility is not small.

"I have a share of the money in the village, so why pay it back?"

There will definitely be people who hold this kind of thinking. If there is one, there will be two, two, three, and so on.

Things that are beneficial to oneself are easy to integrate with others.

It is too difficult to maintain the start-up fund well, and it also needs a bad face person, who will call the villagers who owe the money to get the money back.

Nan Yi thought about it, thought about it, this black face himself is the most suitable to sing.

That's a big deal, he Nan Yi is as open-minded and chivalrous as he is, can he be such a bad guy?

Even if the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, Nanyi's good people can't be changed.

Twenty-four hours a day, he has to spend forty-eight hours thinking about the development of the world, and to eat a grain of rice, he has to recite the names of all the starving children in Africa.

Even if he gave birth to a son, it was not for any inheritance, but for the reproduction of human beings, for the adjustment of the population structure, so that everyone can enjoy a mouthful of fat demographic dividends.

In the study room of Nanzhai, Nan Yi was drafting the regulations. Suddenly, his right eye was fascinated, and tears overflowed after a while. He raised his head and looked in the direction of Africa, and sighed with a piercing heart. He picked up the broom next to him and swung it upwards, and a spider and its web were swept down by him.

"I don't know how high the web is, it got in my eyes." Nan Yi angrily trampled the spider to death, and swept the body into the dung bin with one foot.

The lighting in the south house is not very good, the whole house looks dark, and it is located in the countryside, with a lot of water and plants on the side, mosquitoes and flies in summer, and all kinds of insects in winter. Naturally, spiders also like to come to the house to weave webs.

Nanyi was busy for a long time, so he finished the regulations for the meeting, and designed multiple ways of meeting, including emergency monthly, quarterly and annual reports, which can deal with the short-term, medium-term and long-term of the villagers. A situation of lack of money.

Every meeting, the village committee will participate as a meeting foot, and by default it will be the last meeting foot to spend money.

The village committee is not purely contributing to the villagers' meeting. Before conceiving the meeting, Nanyi also thought of a business, that is, a bridge loan.

Bridging loan is also called bridging loan, which means that after financial institution A gets the loan project, it is unable to operate due to temporary lack of funds, so it discusses with financial institution B and asks it to help distribute funds. After financial institution A has funds in place, B then exit.

For B, this loan is a so-called bridge loan.

In the Mainland, policy banks such as China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China, and Agricultural Development Bank mainly play the role of financial institution A, and commercial banks mainly play the role of financial institution B.

In a general sense, a bridge loan is a short-term loan, which is a bridging loan. A bridge loan is an effective tool to directly capitalize on buying opportunities, and the biggest advantage of a bridge loan is its fast recovery.

The term of the bridge loan is short, no more than one year, the interest rate is relatively high, and it is secured by some collateral such as real estate or inventory. Therefore, bridge loans are also known as "bridge financing", "bridging financing", "gap financing" or "swing loans".

These are just the definition and interpretation of bridge loans on the surface.

In fact, the operating mode of bridging loans with relatively large profits and short repayment period is to provide bridging funds to loan companies.

Enterprise A owes Bank B a loan of 100 million yuan, and the loan will be repaid in a short period of time. However, Enterprise A’s funds are occupied and the loan is not paid out. Enterprise A will negotiate with Bank B [the person in charge] to postpone the repayment of the loan. .

However, the delayed return will also reduce the reputation of enterprise A, and it will also make it difficult for "bank B".

Therefore, Bank B will actively/passively introduce a "bridging fund", which is used to repay the loan of Enterprise A, and Enterprise A needs to give interest and "introduction fee" to the bridge fund and "Bank B".

As the saying goes, it is not difficult to borrow and repay. The previous loan is paid off, and the subsequent loan is also easy to negotiate. Bank B will lend another amount of funds to Enterprise A.

Generally speaking, before the bridge funds help repay the loan, Bank B has "privately" made it clear that it will lend a new loan to Enterprise A, and in this new loan, the money from the bridge funds will be transferred directly.

For bridge funds, this kind of transaction risk is very low.

Moreover, this kind of operation is really happy for everyone, everyone is happy, and at first glance, it does not hurt anyone's interests, whether it is public or private.

To disassemble this closed loop, it is nothing more than Enterprise A not paying the loan, finding someone to borrow a sum of money and repaying it first, and then re-loaning a sum of money to return the loan to the party that lent it. There is nothing wrong with it.

With the passage of time, Wenchangwei will have more and more idle funds. Using the idle funds to do this kind of business can initially double the funds every year. As the amount of funds increases, it can also guarantee 30 to 50% a year profits.

When the time is right, Wenchangwei can also establish a financial institution, even Wenchang Bank.

This kind of business has high profits and low risks. The difficulty is that the threshold is very high, and not everyone can do it. This is also the commonality of good business. A good business is often not something that everyone can do, and it will only become a private area for a few people.

This threshold is not a problem for Wenchangwei. There is a thin woman in the capital. She can be regarded as half of Wenchangwei. Through her, Wenchangwei can find some people.

Putting the completed charter on his body, Nan Yi walked to the food factory again.

Today's food factories, although they are still called factories, are not small in scale. This scale does not refer to the scale of workers, but the scale of products.

From the earliest production of hawthorn slices and fruit peels, it expanded to the production of various figs, and then entered the sugar industry to produce various sugars.

Small umbrella candy, the shape of candy is the same as an umbrella, and it is also similar to sour tricolor, with various colors; lollipop, the kind of candy hidden in a plastic stick, after eating, the plastic stick is covered with teeth print;

There is also orange candy, which is similar in appearance and taste to oranges. Of course, don’t expect that there are really orange ingredients in it. They are all prepared with pigments and sweeteners.

In addition, alphanumeric biscuits, umbrella cakes, sour plum powder, lemon slices, etc. have been successfully developed, and are being scheduled to be put on the production line and put into the market one by one.

The laboratory of the food factory is still researching a nutritional oral solution for children, which contains various precious Chinese medicinal materials, which can prevent polio, improve children's intelligence, improve immunity, etc. Anyway, according to needs, the effects can be piled up at will.

Of course, according to Nanyi's consistent principle of being a human being, he never plays hooligans with you and you, and only makes a fuss about the dosage, saying that whatever effect it has, it will definitely have effect, but this effect may require drinking a little bit more oral liquid , can really play out.

For example, 10,000 tons!

In addition to Nanpapa Children's Nutrition Oral Liquid for children, the laboratory is also developing Mrs. Liu Beauty Oral Liquid for women as the consumer group, Black Heart K for young students, Brain Oil Gold for the elderly, and two other products for all age groups. Sanjiu Oral Liquid and Wangba Pills.

These are only the products that are ready now, and the product line will continue to expand in the future, and there may be other products such as Universe One, Moon God, Black Ant, and White Spider.

Of course, these products will not all be launched in the name of Wenchangwei, they will be distributed all over the country and let agents operate them. In short, the bowl of fat meat of health care products, such a good IQ tax must be the biggest piece eaten by Wenchangwei of.

Whoever comes to stop the line will be chased away directly.

Nanyi has started to make plans from now on, using the channels of food factories to lay out a sales network. When it is launched, it will directly spend hundreds of millions of funds to see who can jump out and compete. It is up to Nanyi to say whether there is any food Forget it, it all depends on his eyes.

Of course, Nanyi of Chicken Thieves will definitely not block the road and not give anyone a bite.

Even the hottest and most well-known health care products cannot belong to the Wenchang family. Take the false name, you can be the richest man, and Wenchangwei only needs to keep quiet and make a fortune.

Papa Nan and Mrs. Liu, these two tentative brand names of Nanyi, if they are really used, he will make the products of these two brands real and become a clear stream in the health care product industry .

Walking around in the food factory and enjoying the future, Nanyi went to the village committee again.

"Jimin, bring me this year's account book, and I'll take a look." When he arrived at the village committee, Nanyi said to the village accountant Xian Jimin.


Xian Jimin responded, went to open the safe, and put a stack of ledgers in front of Nanyi.


Asked for a calculator, Nan Yi looked at the ledger while doing calculations.

Even if it was night after this calculation, his face became ugly after reading all the books.

Xian Jimin, who had been with Nanyi all the time, saw Nanyi's face down, and asked, "Nanyi, what's the matter, is there a mistake in the account book? Shouldn't it be?"

"What did you do? The difference between the two accounts is 1 cent and 2 cents. Be careful."

"Miss... 1 cent and 2 cents?" Xian Jimin stammered, his face turned pale.

Anyone who has worked in accounting or knows a little about accounting knowledge knows that accountants are not afraid of a difference of one hundred and eighty thousand in the account, but a difference of one or two points. , there is only one reason - a wrong calculation.

It is not yet computerized, and there is no opportunity for review and revision of manual bookkeeping. The books are scribbled and drawn. Why, do you want to make fake accounts?

It can only be overthrowing and recalculating the previous accounts, which is not a light workload.

"Look for yourself." Nanyi pointed at the two ledgers, "Did you make a mistake?"

"It's really wrong, it's over, I don't want to sleep these days."

"The tent is about to be set up, hurry up, inform the tax office, and show them the account book, don't be caught by the pigtails, I don't want the pennant on the wall to hang next year." Nan Yi pointed to the wall A few pennants of "tax-paying honest merchants" said.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Xian Jimin nodded hastily.

After talking with Xian Jimin, Nanyi asked Xian Yaowei for a withdrawal slip, filled in the amount and the reason for withdrawal, and received 2,000 yuan from Xian Yaowei.

The village committee has someone on duty every day, and today it happened to be Xian Yaowei's turn, and the person on duty was going to stay overnight in the village committee. It just so happened that Xian Jimin couldn't leave either, and the two of them had companions.

Walking out of the village committee, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. It was impossible to go to the cafeteria to eat at this point. Nanyi could only go to the consignment store in the village.

"Auntie, do you have instant noodles?"

The consignment store in Wenchangwei is run by Niu Aihua, the female director. Since last year, she has also taken part in family planning work, and her life is difficult.

"Yes, there are Guanshengyuan and Huafeng Sanxianyi noodles. If you want to eat Xiangsheng's doll noodles, Little Devil's Nissin has them."

"Auntie, didn't you come here by walking through the water?"

"How can it be? It came in through regular channels. There are people in the city who are doing this import and export business."

"Help me get five packs of Sanxian Yimian, Auntie, don't put any seasoning, just add some salt and monosodium glutamate."

"Okay, I'll put some more vegetables for you, and there's still some meat at home, do you want to cut some for you?" Niu Aihua said.

"Forget it, just put some vegetables."

Instant noodles at this time are not very convenient, they must be boiled, and soaking in hot water is not delicious at all. Back then on the train, Liu Zhen was able to eat so happily because she had never eaten before, and also because she was hungry.

Last year, she wanted to feel nostalgic, so she made a bowl of egg noodles, and she just took a bite and didn't want to eat it, saying it was unpalatable.

Almost every household in Wenchangwei uses gas stoves and kerosene stoves. There are earthen stoves, but few people use coal stoves. Directional coal supply.

But coal stoves are inconvenient to use and can't save much money. Most villagers still use earthen stoves as their mainstay, supplemented by gas stoves.

After a while, Niu Aihua came over with three big bowls of instant noodles. Not only were there a few spinach lying on the bowls, but there were also two poached eggs lying on them, which looked runny.

"Nanyi, try it. The native eggs brought from the cultivation team, the eggs laid by free-range chickens, have not been fed feed, and taste better than the ones raised at home."

"Then I'll try."

Nanyi picked up the egg, brought it to his mouth, and sucked the yolk into his mouth first, it was sweet and had no fishy smell.

"It doesn't taste too good. It's not much different from the native eggs at home. Auntie, are these eggs the ones sold by the reclamation group to Xiangtang and Japan?"

"That's what Cuizhu said. Each family in the village divided ten of them, so that everyone can try something new. If you want to eat it in the future, you won't be able to eat it. You have to sell it quickly. It is said that it costs a few cents a piece. These eggs are delicious. It's just too small."

"Ha, then I have to supply Auntie. There are ten eggs in total, so that's six. Tomorrow I will go to Auntie Cuizhu and take my share and Liu Zhen's."

"She's not here. She's gone to the eel farm. There are Japanese guests who come to see the fish. She has to entertain them."

"Huh? Come to see the fish so early, how long will it take for our fish to be released?"

"I don't know that."

Nan Yi thought about it, and probably made an appointment early, and then went back to Tokyo to take the time to visit the eel breeding base in Japan to see if the scale of farming had shrunk.

The difficulty of eel farming is not in selling, the Japanese are open to buying. The hard part is raising them. If a pool of eels dies, the loss will be millions, and years of hard work will yield nothing.

It is difficult to have a surplus of eels in farming. The investment is large and the risk is high. If an individual raises them, he will definitely have to borrow money.

With capital investment, there are better businesses to choose from, and few people are interested in eel farming.

This is a little-known and unpromotable business.

The eel farmers of later generations may earn tens of millions in one harvest, and large-scale eel farmers may earn over 100 million. But if something goes wrong, it is very likely that the family will go bankrupt. They have to bear all kinds of risks such as fish plague and typhoon.

It's easy to have assets of over 100 million in one second, and debts in the next.

Don't talk about others, just talk about the reclamation group. If it is smashed once, it will have to tighten its belt to live.

That's why Nanyi sent people to Japan and South Korea to study at the beginning, and this first breeding, the reclamation group's investment is not large, the purpose is to let everyone get acquainted and accumulate some experience first.

The three of Nanyi huddled together on the table and ate noodles, and one person came to the consignment store to buy a pack of cigarettes, and then no one came.

The business of consignment stores in the countryside is not very good. The most sold are needles, thread, take-away cigarettes, soy sauce, etc. Unlike other places, there is a separate tea room for the elderly in Wenchangwei, where elderly people drink tea. Go there to kill time.

No one drinks tea or gambles in the consignment store. In addition, there is a food factory, which distributes some of its own products to children every month. Naturally, no children will come to the consignment store to buy snacks. It is normal that the business is not good , the consignment store in Wenchangwei naturally really played its role of convenience.

As soon as Nanyi put down his chopsticks, he heard the roar of a motorcycle in his ears. It sounded like two Jialing 70s. The new cars were more than 4,000 yuan. Around five thousand and five.

"Auntie, are there many motorcycles in the village now?"

"There are quite a lot of them. Once you said that you can let everyone buy cars, almost all young people have bought them. There are motorcycles and boats [Qingqi, scooters]. Wenchangwei has also shown its prestige. You don’t have to worry about finding a wife, if you are restless, you often bring a girl back instead.”

Nan Yi smiled lightly, a little disapprovingly.

It is said that this era is conservative and simple, and some people say that it is easy to get married in this era, but these are actually wrong perceptions.

72 legs, three big pieces, it is still difficult for an ordinary office worker to achieve. It still costs thousands of dollars to get married, and the annual income is less than one thousand. How many years will it take to save thousands of dollars?

There are quite a few future generations with an annual salary of 100,000, but how many can have a deposit of 300,000 to 500,000?

Most young people get married these days, and they still have to go back to the pre-liberation with the whole family. The mothers-in-law these days are also full of blood, but the questions at the bottom of the board are whether they have a house or a car, and the other is to ask what unit they are in. work.

The countryside is better, poor to poor, the woman’s dowry has a washbasin stand, a toilet, and a few quilts, if it looks shabby, you can also pick up two loads of rice and a few pairs of chickens, and you can get away with it .

As for the man, add a cover to the bed so that the rice stalks in the attic are broken and the dust will not fall directly on the quilt. A new house, the days can pass.

As long as the family can be separated as soon as possible and the bride is not under the nose of her mother-in-law, the bride will be very satisfied.

... [The following is treated as nonsense, it has nothing to do with the main text. ]

Live a happy life as a new daughter-in-law for a year, if there is no movement in the stomach, then wait to be scolded; if there is movement, live a happy life as a pregnant woman for another year.

When a child falls to the ground, for a boy, happiness can continue; I can't keep it.

With one or two children, I will no longer be able to live for myself in this life. I bend down and risk my life to do it, break my spine, pay tuition and education surcharges, and the evil animal does not study hard at school and runs away. I went to watch the video in the city, and what I watched was "intermediate cuts".

The husband beats up, the wife cries, and the child is happy and fearless, fantasizing himself as a martyr going to the execution ground, with lofty ideals, and shouting in his heart: "I will never become like my parents."

Twenty years later, I called my parents with guilt, "Mom and Dad, the down payment is still tens of thousands, can you..."

Thirty years later, looking at you worrying about medical expenses, your mother said comfortingly, "Son, we're dying and wasting money..."

In the corridor of the hospital, you can only punch yourself twice!


Have you survived the 50s and 60s?

After the 1970s, has your suffering been rewarded?

After the 1980s, can the wife's chatter be held back?

Post-90s, do you still have hope for the future? Suffering from misophobia?

After two thousand years, forget it, I don't believe there are book friends after two thousand years...

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