Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 322 The Cry of the Chess Pieces

"I just met yesterday, and today I ran to Wenchangwei in a hurry. If it's a coincidence, it doesn't make sense at all. It's probably because I came here."

Nan Yi thought about it for a while, and wanted to understand the key inside.

"What can Wang Wanke do when he finds himself?"

Nanyi first thought of the policy of Shenbo at this time. Foreign products imported into the special zone cannot be sold outside the special zone, but it does not restrict the shipment of goods purchased in the special zone by customers outside the special zone.

There is no need to think about this policy, it is easy to figure out how to take advantage of the loopholes.

At this time, governments across the country set off a wave of office facility renovation, and a large amount of imported equipment flowed in from Shenzhen. Many companies have already made a lot of money in this wave of imports.

There are even trading companies that have rented military cargo planes to transport goods, taking advantage of the speed of transportation and delivery to form a competitive advantage.

But these "companies" are not ordinary companies, and this business is not accessible to ordinary people.

To open such a company, you must first have an import license, and then contact a unit that has a share of foreign exchange earnings from foreign exchange exports. That is to say, without a certain background and public relations capabilities, it is impossible to open such a company.

This piece of fat is the private plot of a small group of people.

According to the established trajectory, Wang Wanke should enter this field soon.

This business is very easy to do. First, we will collect a few percent of the payment from the mainland demander as a deposit, and then place an order with the Hong Kong company, and pay the Hong Kong company at the same or less ratio. When the goods arrive in Shenzhen, the buyer will pay off the balance. delivery.

After such a circle, I didn't have to spend a dime at all, and I made a huge difference in my pocket.

However, there is a key point in this kind of business: what is received is RMB, and what is paid to Hong Kong businessmen is Hong Kong dollars or US dollars. The profit of the "company" actually comes from the ability to obtain foreign currencies.

To put it simply, what I eat is background rice.

A few days ago, Lai Biao told himself the news that a man from Beijing named Wang Chuntang came to Shenzheng, holding 30 million imported and exported foreign exchange reserves in his hand, and the exchange rate was 1 to 3.7.

The current official exchange rate against the U.S. dollar is 2.32, the market exchange rate is 4.2, and the black market exchange rate is fluctuating between 10-12. Look at these four sets of exchange rates. If Nanyi goes all out and hides his heart, he can easily earn three or four billion yuan a year. Relaxed.

The so-called foreign exchange retention refers to the national regulation that implements foreign exchange control. Manufacturers with foreign exchange income can get their own foreign exchange retention system in a certain proportion, also known as "foreign exchange sharing".

The implementation of foreign exchange retention for export commodities is an important economic measure for the state to encourage exports, increase foreign exchange income, support local production and construction, and develop foreign trade.

The 30 million US dollars in Wang Chuntang's hand is not real cash, but a quota indicator, that is, the right to keep 30 million US dollars in his hands.

The source of this foreign exchange retention must come from one or several large state-owned foreign trade companies. As for how it got into the hands of individuals, Nanyi can understand it thoroughly, but dare not understand it.

One is 3.7, the other is 4.2, and there is a price difference of 0.5, which means that if the foreign exchange is reserved and bought from Wang Chuntang, there will be a profit of 15 million yuan on the exchange difference.

If Lai Biao could know about Wang Chuntang, Wang Wanke would probably also know about it. Nan Yi thought that Wang Wanke might come to him because of this matter.

From the perspective of the future, this operation is quite suspected of evading foreign exchange and money laundering, but according to the current law, there is almost no clear explanation in terms of what is meant by "evading foreign exchange".

Those "companies" involved in the remittance business will have formal procedures, ranging from bank remittances to import approval documents. It is impossible to determine whether their actions are illegal.

This business can be done.

But Nanyi will not involve himself in this kind of controversial business. He is close to the privilege not because he wants to use the privilege to act recklessly, but to ensure that he can run a decent business without interference and prevent himself from becoming a powerless person. A victim of willfulness.

Nanyi did not go to the village committee, but invited Wang Wanke to Nanzhai.

Turning on the stove to boil water, Nanyi made tea for Wang Wanke and Xian Yaochang, leaned back on the grand master's chair, and said to Wang Wanke, "Boss Wang, what are you doing here today?"

"There is something wrong. Now there is a man named Wang Chuntang... There is a profit of 15 million in it. I don't know if you are interested. If you are interested, we can partner in this business."

Well, as Nanyi expected, it is really a matter of retaining foreign exchange.

Nanyi waited patiently for Wang Wanke to finish, and then said: "Boss Wang, this business is good, but I'm not interested in it, so don't mention the partnership. Money, if you need it, Wenchangwei can lend you some."

"Accountant Nan is not interested?"

Wang Wanke never thought that Wenchangwei would not be able to pay for it. He and Xian Yaochang worked together to pour grain. He knew how much money Xian Yaochang made. In the past two years, Xian Yaochang had received at least 10 million. , Before he entered, he could only estimate how much Xian Yaochang earned.

Whether there is more or less, Xian Yaochang can spend 15 million, and Xian Yaochang is just a small role in Wenchangwei. If he can spend so much, Wenchangwei will only have more money.

Wang Wanke had already called the relationship between Jianyong Bank yesterday, and he also knew how much money was in the accounts of the two factories in Wenchangwei.

One hundred million and one is not, but most of it can be scraped together, plus myself and Xian Yaochang, it is not a problem to eat more than 20 million shares.

Wang Chuntang's 30 million US dollars of foreign exchange retention does not have to be bought all at once.

"Boss Wang, you can do this business, but we in Wenchangwei can't do it. However, we in Wenchangwei don't mind doing some lending business. If you want to borrow money, it's easy to say, I can lend you 50 million yuan for one and a half months. Just pay back 52 million.”

"Then I would like to thank Accountant Nan. In two days, I will sign a formal lending procedure with Wenchangwei in the name of the company."

When Wang Wanke heard that Nanyi did not cooperate, but was willing to borrow money, and the interest was not too high, he felt happier. He still had a profit difference of about 5 million yuan.

"Okay, if there is nothing urgent in the morning, just stay here for a light meal."

"Also, I happened to be walking around the village."

"Uncle Yaochang, then you can accompany Boss Wang for a walk in the village. I still have some work in the field, so I can't accompany you."

"Accountant Nan, then you are busy, and Lao Xian and I will take care of ourselves."

"excuse me."

Nanyi sent the two away, and went to the warehouse of the third team to get a little lime powder. He gestured for a while on the open space on the left side of the Nanzhai, and then filled the lime powder with a dung dustpan to draw horizontally and vertically on the ground. on line.

Not long after, two lines forming one line appeared on the ground. If it covered the house, it would be clear at a glance that this was the planning foundation.

Nanyi's original plan to expand the South Residence was something he wanted to move about. In addition, he also wanted to build a small Su's Garden and a small children's playground, as well as basketball courts and tennis courts.

Last night Liu Zhen called and said that she had a strong premonition that she would be pregnant this time, and that Nanyi would soon welcome a second son.

Of course, this is what Liu Zhen said. If there is a choice, Nanyi wants to have a daughter first, and then have a son and a daughter later. Two sons and two daughters are enough.

After painting the foundation, Nanyi stood there thinking about what to build here and what to build there. Except for having dinner with Wang Wanke at noon, he spent the whole day here, but he didn't figure it out.

"It's really strange. It's not difficult to build a rammed-earth house. How can it be so difficult to plan something complicated." When the sun was about to set, Nanyi became confused.

"I have studied masonry and carpentry in my previous life. Although I didn't learn it very well, I still understand the truth behind it. Why is it so difficult..."

Nanyi couldn't figure it out, it wasn't building high-rise buildings, it was just planning a little gadget, he couldn't figure it out.

"Well, I'm really not a genius. Apart from being a bit gifted in learning languages ​​and having a fairly good memory, everything else is useless."

I don't understand, Nanyi didn't force himself, I thought I could brag in front of my children in the future, hey, son, I designed and built this myself.

Now it seems that this bull has no chance to boast. I can only say that it was built by my father and I paid for it.


When Nanyi was thinking about creating "toys" for his children, in the capital, a man named Chen Chuanxian was working hard in the Zhongguancun area of ​​the capital. Chen Chuanxian, who is already fifty years old, dreamed of building a Chinese Silicon Valley.

And the four young scientific researchers have already come out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They have stayed in the rigid Chinese Academy of Sciences enough, and left a sentence: "No matter what method, transfer, hire, resign, or fire, as long as they can get out, they will be fine." OK."

These four young people, after leaving the Chinese Academy of Sciences, founded the four most famous companies in Zhongguancun, "Two Links and Two Seas".

Compared with this young staff member, Liu Meiliang, who is still unknown at this time, has already ushered in his mid-life crisis. He is 39 years old this year and will soon be 40 years old. It is okay for him to stay in the Chinese Academy of Sciences For the future, he wants to venture out.

For Liu Meiliang, he doesn't have to worry about his lack of technology. He doesn't have to take the path of R\u0026D to start a business by himself, but he can take the path of comprador.

After the change, because of the huge technological gap between China and foreign countries, the mainland has been importing various advanced equipment from abroad in the past few years. living soil.

Liu Meiliang was poor and had no start-up capital if he wanted to start a business, so he thought of borrowing chickens to lay eggs, instead of jumping out of hard work to start a business alone, he could start in the name of the unit first, and then find a way to develop the unit after it grows stronger. Kick it off.

After a day of wasted effort, nothing was done. At dinner, Nanyi ate very delicious noodles in soy sauce with more than two hundred thousand cash on the table.

There is nothing to eat at home, just a little dried noodles, Nanyi made a portion for four people, and put some soy sauce in it when the pot was served, and it was enough for a meal.

In Houston, just 18-year-old Michael Dell climbed out of bed at five o'clock. Dell, who has been very business-minded since he was a child, advertised stamp business in philatelic magazines when he was 12 years old. $2,000, and used the money to buy his first personal computer.

That experience taught Dell the benefits of cutting out the middleman for business.

Not long after, he couldn't hold back his curiosity, and he disassembled his computer, trying to figure out how it worked.

When he was in middle school at the age of 16, Michael found a job to attract subscribers for the Houston Post. He assumed that newlyweds were the best subscribers for this newspaper, so he hired his classmates to transcribe the names and addresses of the newlyweds.

He entered the information into the computer, sent a distinctive letter to the newlyweds, and gave each couple a two-week copy of The Post for free. As a result, he made a big success and made $18,000 and bought A BMW car.

When Dell was playing with computers, he found that on the one hand, the PCs taken over by some local computer wholesalers could not be sold in time, and on the other hand, users could not get the computers they wanted to configure.

So Dell went to wholesalers to buy back the overstocked PCs at wholesale prices, added features to the machines, such as more memory and disk drives, and published a small, one-page article in the local newspaper. paper advertisements selling these computers for 10-15% below retail price.

His business is doing very well, and he originally thought of registering a formal company to grow his business slowly.

But after the press conference of the richest man Albert, many entrepreneurs came to it and successfully obtained venture capital from the richest man Albert. All of a sudden, Albert, the richest man, became the most concerned and popular company among entrepreneurs in the United States.

Affected by this trend, Dell suddenly felt that maybe he could take his first step a bit bigger.

He got up so early today, just to catch a plane. He was going to New York to meet with the richest man, Albert. This meeting is very important and determines how much investment he can get.

As for his company, he hasn't registered yet, but the name has been decided, so he uses his surname to name the company, Dell Computer, yes, it's called Dell Computer.

After tidying up in the bathroom, Dell clenched his fists at the vanity mirror, "Michael, come on, you'll be fine."

While eating noodles, Nanyi pondered in his mind, "Should I have a foot in the PC field? Perhaps, I should find someone, give him a little investment, and spend a million to see if I can make a splash."

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