Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 328 The Future of Shanghai Real Estate

Before the opening, where was the most developed economy in the Mainland?

Without a doubt, Shanghai.

Shanghai is not only the largest base of light industry in the mainland, but also has been going out of Shanghai for more than 30 years to help build light industry everywhere.

It can be said that the light factories in Shanghai played a pivotal role in the development of Huaguo's light industry.

How did Shanghai's light industry develop?

"Nansheng, there are now three commercial housing development companies in Shanghai including our Chunshen, one is the Huhua Enterprise Company under the Real Estate Bureau, and the other is the Shanghai Construction Company, which was established in 1979 with a fundraising of 57 million by Shanghai industrial and commercial investors. .

It has to be said that there are many rich people here in Shanghai, and among the fundraisers, there are many who have raised more than one million, and hundreds of thousands are also everywhere. "Huang Xie, the boss of Chunshen Construction, said so.

"It's normal. Before the liberation, there were many businessmen in Shanghai. After the public-private partnership, there are quite a few people with a lot of money in their hands. It's not surprising that they can get the money. Go ahead."

"Nan Sheng, when Shanghai was first liberated, the urban area had a total of 129,000 mu of land, of which 12.40% were public, 74% were privately owned by Chinese, and 13.6% were owned by foreigners.

The total construction area of ​​buildings in the urban area is 46.79 million square meters, of which residential buildings account for 50.4%, most of which are privately owned.

The Shanghai Navy Management Committee first took over the public property of the old regime and confiscated the houses of war criminals, bureaucratic capital and counter-revolutionaries. In 1950, control was imposed on the property of American businessmen, and from 1951 to 1952, foreign real estate was requisitioned at a discount.

In 1956, public-private partnerships were implemented for private real estate developers and owners with a rental area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. From 1957, private houses for self-occupation and rental were limited to 150 square meters, and 70 square meters for suburban areas. department management.

At the end of 1978, there were 86.53 million square meters of houses of various types in the urban areas of Shanghai and Shanghai, of which 31.95 million square meters were residential houses, 94.5% of which were directly managed by the housing management department, and the direct management rate was the highest in the country.

According to statistics in 1979, there were more than 48,000 people in the housing construction system in Shanghai and Shanghai, accounting for 70% of the total number of employees in the housing and land system, and the annual cost of housing maintenance accounted for 50% of the rent income.

These are the materials I have collected from public channels. In addition, there is also the situation we have obtained through ourselves. When I first came here in 1982, I conducted a thorough investigation of the housing situation in Shanghai.

In September of this year, I conducted a second survey. Based on the results of the two surveys, among the 1.8 million households in the urban area of ​​Shanghai, 455,000 households had difficulties with a per capita living area of ​​less than 4.5 square meters.

Many families have three generations in the same room or parents and older children live in the same room, and many or even more couples live in a loft with only 12 square meters.

There are 600,000 young women who have reached the age of marriage [applying for a house for marriage is based on the age of the woman] waiting for the house to get married, of which 40% are over 25 years old.

I also investigated the housing situation of middle and high-level intellectuals in Shanghai, and almost half of the households were overcrowded and inconvenient.

There are already many people in Shanghai calling for the restoration of the commodity attributes of houses. I believe that the real estate market in Shanghai will undergo commercial reforms in a short time. Otherwise, it will be impossible to solve the increasing demand for houses from the public. "

"Mr. Huang, according to your estimate, how long is this soon?"

"The shortest is one year, and the longest will not exceed three years. I believe that Shanghai will introduce a method for land transfer with compensation. At that time, the opportunity for Chunshen University's development will come." Huang Xie said confidently.

Nanyi nodded noncommittally, and said: "Make a written report and submit it to the headquarters. I want to see it as soon as possible. I'm a little tired today, so let's stop here. I will listen to your report again when I return to the headquarters in Xiangcheng next time." .”

Huang Xie stood up and said, "Okay, Nan Sheng, then I'll take my leave first."

Chunshen Architecture is not the same as Tota Architecture. Since Nanyi often appears in the capital, he will intervene more in Tota Architecture. Tota is also relatively independent of Creativity Real Estate.

The affiliation between Chunshen Construction and Creativity Real Estate is more clear. In terms of organizational process, Chunshen Construction reports to Creativity, which in turn reports to the Industrial Group of the Intelligence Policy Committee, and then the Industrial Group reports to Yiliang Report from the core level of the Intelligence Policy Committee headed by Huiwen.

Through Liang Huiwen, Huang Xie's written report was handed over to the South Office, and finally to Nanyi.

Nanyi can ask Huang Xie to come over to report on his work, but he will not directly give Huang Xie any tasks and instructions, and directly command the middle management directly under the top management, which is also a taboo in corporate management.

This will send two bad signals: first, Nanyi does not trust the senior management of Creativity Real Estate;

What's more, the purpose of Nanyi's establishment of the Emotional Policy Committee is to allow it to play a neutral role between the cabinet and think tanks of the Ming Dynasty.

Whether or not a project will be implemented, and how it should be implemented, should be proposed by the EPC and then submitted to Nanyi. If he is a "prophet", he will give back the correct answer. If he does not know, he will choose according to the success rate and feasibility. a plan.

Nanyi sets the general direction and the details should be handled by the Emotional Policy Committee.

This model will not change within thirty years, and it is unlikely to change within fifty years. The general direction of 30 years is known to Nanyi, and the general direction of 50 years, standing at the current height and mastering abundant resources, it is not difficult for Nanyi to figure it out.

From within the Nan Clan, as long as Nan Yi listens and listens, he will understand, and if he is not self-willed, there is little possibility of problems. If something really went wrong, it would have to be the battle of successors thirty years later.

For the time being, Nan's is still in the period of great strides in external expansion, and the period of internal friction is still in the distant future.

In terms of physical age, Nanyi is still a baby.

"Take a look around this house with me, it's my first time here." After Huang Xie left, Nan Yi said to Leng Yan who was sitting on the side in a daze.

Leng Yan nodded mechanically when she heard Nanyi's words. She originally had an imagination about Nanyi's strength, but now it seems that her estimate is much lower than the reality.

Fang mansion, a four-story reinforced concrete structure, the passage in the building is circuitous and runs through from top to bottom. The hall and living room are decorated with oriental traditional art, and the interior is equipped with painted murals. .

To the south of the main building, there is a garden lawn of 1.3 hectares. The garden is lush with green trees and grass, with pools, small bridges, rockeries, and flower beds. The garden is full of flowers blooming in all seasons.

The main building of Fang Mansion has four floors, including one basement floor and three floors above ground. It has a reinforced concrete structure and faces south. Its appearance is Gothic, but some facades have Spanish architectural style.

The building has a symmetrical layout. There is a large outdoor staircase in the center that goes over the ground floor of the semi-basement and directly enters the foyer on the first floor. The whole building has two halls, one large and one small, and 32 rooms.

The living room in Fang Mansion is decorated with oriental traditional art, and the beams and columns are decorated with colorful paintings and murals on the flat roof. The floor is made of teak wood inlaid into a cane pattern, the step railings are also made of teak wood, and the interior escalator pattern is made of copper for antique casting.

The living room is decorated with Spanish classics, while the study and bedrooms adopt different modern styles. There is also a reception room in the boudoir of the hostess, which is used to entertain female relatives, showing elegance amidst luxury.

On the south side of the main building of Fang Mansion, there is a garden lawn, full of flowers and trees, pavilions, rockeries, small bridges and flowing water, which are full of elegance.

Speaking of which, the house is not big, and apart from the scope of the house, the garden lawn, pavilions, rockery, and small bridges are no longer part of the house. The Fang Mansion has the right to use it, but the ownership still belongs to the Shanghai Municipal Government. .

Still, the Fang Mansion will basically be included in the cultural relics protection unit, and these ancillary facilities on the side should not be pushed down and built.

"Patch, this house?"

After walking around, Nan Yi and Leng Yan stood on the edge of the lawn outside the house.

"My grandma's house, I just bought it some time ago."

"Your grandma's family turned out to be a big capitalist?"

"Probably." Nanyi replied perfunctorily, then changed the subject, "I called you back because I have a little private property besides the public property, and I also have private money to take care of, so you can take care of it for me Private money."

"Private money? How much?"

"Now it's about a little over 100 million yuan, ah, yes, it's negative."

Leng Yan was sweating profusely, and said playfully: "A big company on Wall Street asked me to go to work, or should I go back to New York? I can pay you back the money I owe you in installments."

"Heh, you have already sold off your mouth, below your thighs, and your hands, and you still want to take a walk?"

"Why don't you cover me all up?"

"No need, the rest is for your future husband."

"Then what role am I?"

"I don't need a personal secretary who sleeps with me, oh, it's better to remove the word personal, you probably don't have much time to stay by my side."

As Nanyi said, he took out the wallet from his pocket, took out all the banknotes and similar banknotes in it, took out a few from it and put them back into the wallet, and handed the rest to Leng Yan.

"In addition to these, the money I can move is about one million. When I return to the capital, half of it will be handed over to you for safekeeping. In Shanghai, there is only so much money. Save some money."

Leng Yan roughly estimated the money in her hand, "Including foreign exchange certificates, it's less than two thousand here."

"Don't tell me that you spend all your living expenses every month. If you don't have enough, you should pay for it first and keep the account. Alas, the landlord's family doesn't have any food left."

"Okay, what about my treatment, this, you haven't said yet."

"A guarantee of 50,000 yuan a year, 1‰ of my private money belongs to your commission and management dividends."

"Hey, your tone is quite loud. Just now you said that the negative value is more than 100 million, but now it is positive 50 million." Leng Yan teased.

"Stop pretending to be stupid and cute, you don't even know what it means if you want to guarantee the bottom line, so what use do I need you for?"

"Okay, so am I going to show my worth?"

"There will be two people coming later, they will report to you what they are doing, your first job is to be responsible for what they are doing, I will only give you a week, you must come up with what I want result."

"Okay, then take a good look at my performance."

"Hehe, if you screw up, I'll throw you into the Huangpu River to take a bath."

"Don't underestimate people." Leng Yan said arrogantly, before Nan Yi let her go, she turned and walked into the house by herself.

"Oh, woman."

Nan Yi sneered and exhaled.

The generals under him now are all women. The advantage is that they are obedient, and the disadvantage is that women are too extreme. If they are soft, they will be very soft.

But men's minds are too complicated, the city is deeper than women, and the strategies they can use are richer and more complex. Unlike women, most of them will use beauty tricks as the mainstay, so it is easier to prevent them.

A man needs a longer time to observe and make a judgment on his character. Nanyi is in urgent need of employing men, and he can't afford to wait, so he can only use women first.

It just so happens that after thirty, they should also think about men and get married. Except for Liang Huiwen, female executives can be transferred to other positions in the future, and let them be the top decision-makers of a subsidiary company.

Walking to a tree, Nanyi took off a young leaf from the branch, wiped it, stuffed it into his mouth, and blew out an out of tune sound.

The voice is harsh, but Nanyi is very intoxicated, as long as there is a tune in the heart, there will be a tune in the mouth.

What he blew out was a beeping sound, but in his heart was the passionate "Star Sky". Along with the music, the text introducing Nan Yi's life was slowly displayed—Mr. Nan Yi, the world's number one diary philanthropist, In his diary, the names of 8 billion people who have received his help are recorded...

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