Speaking of Chen Meng, since he left the People's Restaurant that day, he really used his own channels to find out the details of Nanyi. Chen's father was working at the propaganda outlet, and Chen Mengneng's borrowed relationship was almost also in this outlet.

Chen Meng couldn't mobilize the intelligence agencies, and Nanyi didn't have the evil SSS confidentiality level. Chen Meng could easily grasp some superficial information about him in the country.

Naturally, it also includes Nanyi's current Xiangxi identity. It is not difficult to check at all if he goes out through regular channels, and everything is backed up, and he returns to the mainland with a home return certificate.

Including who is Nanyi's grandfather and grandma.

Fang Mengyin's newspaper has reported many times that she has become a public figure, and she can't hide it at all.

Besides, Nanyi didn't want to hide it, Fang Mengyin and Fang's Group were his bright cards.

After Chen Meng got Nanyi's resume, he was already apprehensive. When he saw the names of Nanyi Revolution and Fang Mengyin, he immediately stopped thinking about giving Nanyi something to lose. He turned his attention back to Gong Xue himself and Fang Mengyin. Her family does not intend to expand the battlefield.

Instead, we want to fight a small-scale special warfare and sniper warfare, and fight a surgical battle.

On Nanyi's side, the idea of ​​the old bungalow was a little bit stuck, so he threw this issue to Liang Huiwen, asking the EPC to build a model to deduce possible consequences, and verify whether the idea is feasible to implement.

He himself focused on Nanguang 010 again. It has been a few days since Leng Yan took over this matter, but she has never reported the progress to Nanyi once.

Early in the morning, the tiger cub opened the door of Leng Yan's room, and Nanyi rolled into the room with a tumbling, twirling and half a circle, squatting up, and aimed the Mauser military pistol [box cannon] in his hand. With a contemptuous smile on Leng Yan's forehead, Nan Yi decisively pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang, there was a continuous cracking sound, but the warhead could not be seen flying out at all, and the bullet casing was not thrown out from the bullet port. There was a gunpowder smoke reaction.

"Tiger cub, magazine."

"Boss, wait, the ammunition hasn't been cut yet." The tiger cub took out a ring-shaped ammunition from his pocket, cut off the "ammunition" on it one by one with scissors, and then buckled it on the magazine.

"No need, the VIP is already awake." Nan Yi blew the gunpowder smoke from the tip of the gun, and inserted the gun into his belt, "If you don't get up on time tomorrow, you won't be a gunpowder gun anymore, I'll kill you with a water gun. "

"Patch, are you childish? Are children's toys fun?" Leng Yan, who was woken up, shouted angrily while getting up.

"A man is a boy until he dies."

Nan Yi shrugged, and walked out of the room after speaking, not forgetting to close the door intimately.

Going downstairs and back to the living room, Nanyi picked up two revolvers from the table, threw them into the air handsomely, then jumped up, received "one" accurately, and hit the other with his forehead , Enduring the pain, Ka Ka Ka pulled the trigger.

After playing wildly for a while, Nan Yi wiped the gun he had shot with a rag.

These guns are all treasures. Nanyi found someone to make them carefully with copper, and he planned to take them as treasures. He has been thinking about the copper smashing guns for decades.

In his previous life, when he was a child, he only played with plastic revolver guns. When he saw other children playing with copper box cannons, he should not be too greedy, but unfortunately he couldn't afford them at all.

I remember that at that time, the small plastic cannons cost only two yuan a piece, and the copper ones cost more than ten or twenty yuan. How could I afford it? I had to save some ammunition for two cents a piece, let alone buy a gun. up.

Once wiped, each gun was buttered and returned to the gun case.

It's not yet time for the smashing gun to be launched on the market. Nowadays, air guns can be bought casually outside. Who would want to play a smashing gun that can't fire bullets? This can wait.

However, the first cut of children's nutrient solution after harvesting in the 1980s can be prepared next year. The oldest post-80s will be four years old next year, and the first buds have already sprouted sharp corners and can be cut.

When Nan Yi finished his madness and sat down at the dining table, Leng Yan had finished dressing up, but her face was full of anger that was about to burst out.

"Patch, you bastard..."

"Stop talking nonsense, talk about business, how is the matter going?"

"I have found the person you are looking for. Lin Nanguang was born in 1943 in an ordinary peasant family in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. Due to his poor family background, he did not have time to finish middle school, so he had to pick up a hoe and shoulder the burden of the family.

Lin Nanguang's father was a country doctor who specialized in dermatology. Lin Nanguang learned a lot of medical knowledge by himself since he was a child. After reading poetry and books, he followed his father to diagnose hundreds of skin diseases, and eventually became a well-known local doctor. A dermatologist, he developed Nam Kwong 010 by accident.

There was a girl named Chen Hanying who once had long black hair that everyone envied. But for some reason, in less than 2 months, the white hair was completely removed.

For Chen Hanying, who was only 16 years old at the time, it was nothing less than a bolt from the blue.

From then on, she no longer wanted to go out to meet people. After spending countless days without food and sleepless nights, and even committed suicide once, Chen Hanying found Lin Nanguang with the last ray of hope.

In the following months, two more women with hair loss came to Lin Nanguang for treatment.

One of them was a girl from a neighboring village who was just in her early 20s. She was engaged to her fiancé, but suddenly suffered from alopecia areata overnight.

The other is a local private female teacher who suffers from total baldness. Whenever she gets on the podium, there are always children pointing at her wig and talking about it.

The experience of these three unfortunate girls who suffered from mental torment due to hair loss shocked Lin Nanguang's heart like never before, and he began to attack hair loss research.

Although the promise was given to the girl with hair loss, the research on hair growth is actually extremely difficult. There are two biggest difficulties: first, there is no money, and second, there are no experimental tools and materials.

Lin Nanguang devoted himself to studying many medical books, including "Behind the Elbow" by Jin Dynasty warlock Ge Hong, "Waitai Secret Yao" written by Xuzhou Sima Wang Taozhi in Tang Dynasty, "Compendium of Materia Medica" by Li Shizhen, a famous doctor in Ming Dynasty, and "Compendium of Materia Medica" by Qing Dynasty The "Selected Discussions of Cixi Guangxu's Medical Prescriptions" compiled by the imperial physician has accumulated a lot of experience in hair loss.

He prescribed a lot of formulas, and he had to dig out the medicinal materials he needed, and he went to buy the medicinal materials that he couldn't find. It was a very difficult time.

Because Lin Nanguang, who studied and spent all his savings, began to bite the bullet and borrow money, 1,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan...

Borrowed 5,000 yuan, but the research still has no clue.

His life is extremely difficult, and the money for daily necessities at home has been embezzled by him time and time again to buy medicines. Still not enough funds, Lin Nanguang also sold his lover's only ring.

In the end, he decided to sell the ancestral house. The life after that was even more difficult. There were only two rooms left in the house. His parents lived in one room, and he, his wife and seven children lived in the other room.

The living space was already limited, but this crowded house also doubled as Lin Nanguang's drug laboratory.

Not only can you smell the pungent smell as soon as you enter the house, but also in front of the bed, in front of the table, in the corner, wherever you can put medicine, there are his medicinal materials, materials and bottles and jars of various shapes and colors piled up everywhere. Can.

In those days, experimenting, failing, changing the formula, experimenting again, failing again... was the whole life of Lin Nanguang.

He tested it on himself, on the skin of his wife, five children, mother, father.

One trial after another, one failure after another, such days passed for 6 years.

In the spring of 1974, Lin Nanguang finally developed a potion for hair growth, which he named '010' Hair Regrowth Tincture.

In the few years after the development of '010', Lin Nanguang has been living a life accused of being an illegal quack doctor.

After the potion was developed in 1974, Lin Nanguang went to the county health bureau to ask for permission to practice medicine, but unexpectedly, all the county health bureaus cast suspicion and indifference.

They have already associated Lin Nanguang's name with fake medicines, swindlers, and quacks. The person in charge warned him, 'Stop practicing medicine to deceive people again, otherwise it will be banned and brought to justice. '

This situation lasted for 6 years.

There is no place to stay here, but Lin Nanguang decided to leave.

In the summer of 1980, he brought his medicine kit and came to downtown Wenzhou. Lin Nanguang looked around for a local hospital to co-operate with him to set up a hair loss clinic. He took the trouble to introduce the efficacy of '010', but unfortunately, he waited for it. The same is rejected.

Lin Nanguang was not discouraged. In the second year, he boarded a ship and went north to Ningbo, imagining that he could find a place to display his talents in Ningbo. While listing to practice medicine, he contacted the hospital to ask for cooperation, but was rejected again. In the end, forced by life, I had to return home..."

"Come on, what about you compiling memoirs and struggle history for Lin Nanguang? You just need to tell me if you can find someone, and if you can reach a cooperation with him.

Remember, it is cooperation, not to buy out the formula.

There are very few people in our country who are willing to invent and create. If inventors are not set a model for making inventions and getting rich, they will be even more discouraged. "

"It can be found, I believe I can talk to him." Leng Yan said confidently.

"Then let's do it as soon as possible. By the way, go to Hong Kong to register a Longtinghou Technology Company, and use this company's name to cooperate with Lin Nanguang."

"Registered in my name?"

"When you get to Xiangtang, someone will look for you, and he will tell you how to register."

"Okay, I'll leave for Vancouver after breakfast."

"Well, you still haven't said how Nanguang 010 came into the hands of Chen Wude, the walking doctor?"

"Lin Nanguang and Chen Wude lived in the same guest house in Ningbo." Leng Yan looked at Nanyi and said, "Need me to elaborate on how they met?"

"No, I just want to know if Chen Wude has the formula."

"I'm sure not. What Chen Wude got from Lin Nanguang were all finished medicines."

"Then it's all right, let's start, change into sports clothes when you go, so that you can run away with your life, it's not peaceful over there in Wenzhou."

"Don't be so scary, okay?" Leng Yan said with disgust, "You should wish me success."

"You can't open this flag and try it. I'm going to be poor and crazy. If you can't handle it, I'll just change my job as a groom and let you do it for 100 hours a day."


After Leng Yan set off, Nan Yi began to review the follow-up plan he had thought up before.

After obtaining the cooperation with Lin Nanguang, he still needs to invest in the establishment of a factory. It will take a long time for the product to go on the market. He can't wait that long, and he doesn't have the money to invest in the construction of the factory. He has to find a way to get a sum of money first. .

Nan Yi set his target on the chain pharmacies in Japan. He needs to obtain at least 1.5 billion yen in cash from the chain pharmacies, and he has to get the marketing authorization of Nam Kwong 010 through them.

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