Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 336 When Love Approaches

Winter rain is an elegant poem and a lingering song.

Come naturally, come without haste or anger; go calmly, go without any worries or restraints. It is not as soft as Chun Yu, nor as noisy as Xia Yu, nor as silent as Qiu Yu.

Dongyu makes all things understand: don't miss the beauty of spring flowers, don't give up the passion of summer, don't indulge in the richness of autumn, and don't refuse vitality in winter.

It always treats all behaviors of everyone with a flat attitude, a tolerant demeanor, and an affectionate look. You close the window and cover the door, it still lingers in your ears and lingers in your heart; you open the door and window, it is still bit by bit...

There is a fireplace in the living room of Fang Mansion. At this time, the firewood inside has been lit, emitting a gentle red light, and making beeping and beeping sounds.

Gong Xue came down from the second floor after tidying up her room, and saw Nan Yi lazily slumped on the sofa, holding a book in her hand, all in foreign characters, which she didn't know.

He was wearing a brown turtleneck sweater with long sleeves, rolled up a little, exposing a section of his arm. There was a teacup beside him, and white smoke was floating out shyly, slowly and faintly.

"People who have never been in contact with him will definitely mistake him for a modest gentleman, it's too deceptive." Gong Xue thought to himself, and walked towards the sofa opposite Nanyi.

"When will you help me with my troubles at home?"

"What's the rush? Didn't I tell you to let your family rest for a few days, and the results will come soon. Don't you feel that things have changed?"

"Changes?" Gong Xue thought for a while, and said: "There are changes. After I went back yesterday, the phone at home didn't ring. A few days ago, Chen Meng called several times a day to threaten him."

"My parents said that good days will always come, and the darkness before dawn will not be too long."

Nan Yi responded casually, staring at the book in his hand, holding a pen in his right hand, and would draw a line on the book from time to time to mark the key points.

"What book are you reading? I think it's a wheat field on the cover, isn't it "The Catcher in the Rye"?"

"It seems that you have also been exposed to a lot of outside cultures. There seems to be no Chinese version of "The Catcher in the Rye," right?"

"In the first half of this year, I just went to China."

"Oh, this book in my hand is related to wheat, but it's not a literary work. It's a school reading for foreign agricultural majors, and it talks about wheat diseases and insect pests."


Nanyi's answer made the goodness about Nanyi's modest gentleman collapse instantly in Gong Xue's heart. You said, if you don't have a copy of "Shakespeare" in your hand, you have to take a copy of "Idle Love" "ah.

The plague of wheat diseases and insect pests really spoiled the atmosphere.

It has to be said that Gong Xue has changed a lot. Yesterday she was still worried about the future, but today she has already integrated into this house a little bit. It is exactly the same as the little bourgeois life she imagined.

It would be even better if it could be as described in "Our Wife's Living Room", where the living room is full of guests and everyone talks about art and ideas.

"Wheat...why not philosophy?"

Nan Yi didn't know the romance in Gong Xue's belly, he continued to read his book, there was really a golden house in the book in his hand, he had to study how to move the golden house out as soon as possible.

Ringing, ringing, the ringing of the phone interrupted Gong Xue's tranquility, the man opposite her got up from the sofa, went to the side of the phone to answer the call.

"It's settled? Shares... It stands to reason that his formula can account for more than 50%, but we must hold the controlling stake. Well, I think June Fourth is a good ratio, and it's not a bad treatment for him.

By the way, his formula belongs to us and his joint-stock company, not to him personally. Tell him that you will soon go to other countries to apply for a patent. The patent holder is the company, not him personally. If He personally, why does he get 40% of the shares?

Having a formula is only the first step, and there are still many places to spend money later. You can tell him what steps are needed to push a product to the market, and how much it will cost. Bad luck, how can we cooperate in the future?

People, don't bring them to see me, I don't show up, you are the agent, you are the boss... Yes, you are the plenipotentiary representative of everything.


It's very simple, he is not qualified to discuss cooperation with me...

No money? Got it, I'll send someone to send it to you, hurry up, the factory will be opened in Shanghai. "

Seeing the man hang up the phone, Gong Xue immediately made another call, first in Mandarin she could understand, then in Japanese, she babbled for a long time, then hung up the phone again, and went back to the sofa to continue reading.

"Well, this is an educated dude." Gong Xue gave Nanyi a new definition.

One morning, Gong Xue watched the man and spent time reading a book. At noon, he went to the kitchen to wash the dishes first, and then cook.

In the morning, she didn't wash the dishes on purpose, and she didn't earn a mere 20 cents.

"This man's face is stinky, but he is very careful." When Gong Xue saw that Nanyi was making braised pork, she only put half a spoonful of sugar, but hesitated, and added a little more. This should be to take care of her mother. Sea sweet mouth.

"Egg dumplings, fried bean curd with soybean sprouts, these are my favorite dishes, no, the dishes that Shanghainese love to eat, he probably doesn't know what he likes."

While eating, Nanyi was still reading a newspaper, Gong Xue continued to observe Nanyi while savoring the delicious food, "The food tastes really good, but why is this man never idle for a moment?

There is also a man and a woman next to him, who should be his subordinates. They have been in the house all the time, but they only see people when they are eating. What are they doing? "

Curious, Gong Xue is curious about everything here, and even more curious about Nanyi, she wants to know about this man.

It is said that love begins with being curious about the other person, and Gong Xue has fallen into this vicious circle unknowingly.

After half a day of observation, Nanyi preliminarily determined that the woman opposite was basically a free eater. He didn't find any points in her that could benefit him, and he didn't find any genes suitable for doing business from her.

"No, under the same roof, this woman will turn into a wolf and kill herself sooner or later. Since she will sleep herself sooner or later, what can she do if she doesn't earn money for herself?"

When a man sleeps with a woman, whether it is a woman or a man, they will subconsciously think that the man is taking advantage of the woman, as if the man and woman are in a relationship, the one who suffers must be the woman.

But Nanyi never thought so. He always thought that he was the one who suffered in the relationship between men and women. Therefore, he had to make up for it, and strictly abide by his own barriers. If he couldn't make up for himself, he would not sacrifice his body easily.

His body is so precious that a woman can miss it?

In order to survive, wandering among different women, with a pair of healthy arms and a pillow for thousands of people, is it easy for him?


After eating, the rain outside not only didn't stop, but also changed from patter to clatter.

Zhang Youren must have been kicked out of bed by the queen mother, otherwise he would not have cried so sadly. Back then, Patriarch Bodhi knocked the monkey's head three times in order to let him go to the Peach Garden to have a tryst with the Queen Mother, but who knew that the monkey was so stupid that it pulled up the peach tree.

Being crushed under Five Fingers Mountain for five hundred years, it's time!

Yesterday, when I was playing mahjong, the Jade Emperor gave me a handful of thirteen yao. I felt ashamed and didn't dare to mess around. It was all caused by this monkey.

Whoever accepts the monkey as an apprentice in the future will be the grandson.

Patriarch Bodhi slapped the Dragon King of the East China Sea and asked him to slap him a little bigger. Then he reached the Banana Cave in Cuiyun Mountain with a ground shield. He took out a banana fan like a treasure offering, "Raksha, this is my new magic weapon. Here you go." You used it."

Saying that, I'm going to hug Rakshasa!

"Oh, don't hug me, you forgot, today is the first day of junior high school, and the Taishang Laojun is coming to see the child."

Bodhi slapped his forehead, "Oh, my brain really forgot. In this way, you hold the plantain fan, and from now on you will be called Princess Iron Fan, and I will call you Iron Fan. Only I can call this name."

"Got it, dead ghost, let's go."

Heck, Bodhi burnt incense on Rakshasa girl's face.

A ground shield, oh my god, I was itchy in my heart, I didn't grasp the direction, and when I came out, it was the Dragon King of the East China Sea, "Damn, you are so badass, you are really unlucky."

Clap clap!

Bodhi gave three more slaps to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Covering his face, the Dragon King of the East China Sea cried aggrievedly: "I have provoked whoever I provoked, and everyone will bully me. Wei Zheng will kill me, and you will beat me again. No, I want to go back to five hundred years ago and take Dinghaishenzhen For that monkey, let that stupid monkey make another disturbance in the Heavenly Palace."

Having made up his mind, the Dragon King of the East China Sea flew to find Mr. Thunder and Mrs. Dian, and asked them to strike thunder and lightning. The Monkey King was born, and there had to be some commotion.

Boom boom boom!

Hearing the bursts of winter thunder and seeing the roar of lightning, Nan Yi was surprised, "Thunder in winter is really rare."

Seeing the lightning and thunder, he suddenly became poetic, but he couldn't think of a sentence, so he generously used it, "Suddenly there was a chain of fire in the sky, could it be that the Jade Emperor wanted to smoke? If he didn't want to smoke, why would he want to smoke?" A chain of fire."


Gong Xue, who had been paying attention to Nanyi all the time, covered her mouth and laughed out loud when she heard this doggerel.

"Is it funny?"

Gong Xue shook her head, and brushed her loose temple hair to hide the embarrassment of being caught.

"It's raining too much, so I don't want to go out in the afternoon. I can't cook, but I can always clean up the house, right? The third floor hasn't been cleaned up yet, so you can accompany me to clean up the house in the afternoon, which will pay for your three meals."


The two words blurted out in an instant, and it was too late for Gong Xue to change her words.

Nan Yi nodded, walked to the table, picked up the newspaper on the table, folded two Jigong hats, put one on for himself, and gave one to Gong Xue.

One afternoon, Nanyi was in charge of the heights, Gong Xue was in charge of wiping the glass with a newspaper, and sweeping the ground with a broom.

Cooperating with each other, the atmosphere looks very harmonious.

Invisibly, Gong Xue's heart moved a little closer to Nan Yi, but she still didn't know it.

The next day, the wind stopped and the rain stopped.

Last night, she slept anxiously and got up countless times to check the door lock. Gong Xue, who didn't fall asleep until after two o'clock in the middle of the night, still woke up to the sound of the alarm clock.

Confused, she walked towards the toilet according to the familiar track, but she walked seven steps, before her feet touched the toilet, she rubbed her eyes, opened her eyes, and realized that the toilet that should be there was not there. I don't live at home.

Shaking his head, he walked to the bathroom on the left, took off his pants and sat down, and the presumptuous clatter sounded immediately.

"It's great, no need to fight, no need to fight, no smell, no need to worry about stains on the edge of the toilet, no need to worry about splashing, and no need to rush to pour the night incense."

After washing up, I rubbed some glycerin on my hands, and some Pechoin on my face, walked out of the bathroom, took another look at the big bed that could roll on it greedily, opened the door, walked out of the room, and deliberately slowed down my stride. It was very small, as if moving around, with a distance of more than 20 meters, and after walking more than 200 steps, it reached the stairs.

Stretching her hands, she sniffed her nose vigorously, the musty smell of the stairs got into her nose, she thought it smelled good, she took a few more greedy breaths, and then stepped on the stairs.

When we got downstairs and turned into the dining room, the man was already sitting there with a newspaper in his hand, concentrating on it.

"If at this time, there is a kind greeting, 'Axue, you are up, come and have breakfast', that would be great." Gong Xue shook her head to shake her unrealistic fantasy out of her mind, and quickened her pace. Go to the dinner table.

"Four Great King Kongs? Flatbread fried dough sticks?" She exhaled happily.

"What are you crying about early in the morning? If you want to eat, hurry up. I have to go out. Don't make me wait for your bowl and chopsticks."

"Oh oh oh."

Gong Xue quickly sat down, picked up the small bowl on the table, and scooped out thick white rice porridge from the small pot in the middle.

"This rice is really white and fragrant. It's not the rice of the previous season, but the rice of the second season."

There are two kinds of rice in the south. The rice in the first season looks shriveled and yellowed, and the taste is not very good, a bit astringent; the rice in the second season looks plump, crystal clear, and has a good taste. When there is one less process, the rice will basically not look too white, and there will be some chaff that has not been cleaned.

This rice is the Wuchang rice that Nanyi bought from the Friendship Store. It has been refined, so Gong Xue was surprised when she saw such white thick porridge.

"Five fingers don't touch the spring water, leeks and weeds can't be distinguished clearly, if you don't understand, don't pretend, what kind of late-season rice, this is a crop of rice in the Northeast, and you only plant one crop a year. It seems that your re-education of poor and lower-middle peasants is in vain gone."

"You..." Gong Xue was furious, "Don't underestimate people, I have been in the countryside of Gan Province for three years, and I have done all kinds of farm work."

Nanyi gathered up the newspaper in his hand, squeezed his throat, and imitated a female voice and said: "Oh, my hands are blistered; oh, there are leeches on my feet; oh, my burden has fallen...

Could it be that at this time, there will always be a male educated youth jumping out and saying to you gently: 'Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you, why are you so careless, let me do it. '

Is it true that the married young people in the village will also help you do this and that, and you have fully enjoyed the help of others? "

"You didn't go to the countryside with me. How could you know how much I suffered in the countryside?" Gong Xue bit her lip and said.

"Open your hands."

"What are you doing?"

"If I tell you to open it, you will open it."

Gong Xue put down her chopsticks and spread both hands for Nan Yi to see.

Nan Yi looked at Gong Xue's hands, then at her cheeks and neck, and said firmly, "I don't know how long you have been in the countryside. If it's been more than half a year, then you must have suffered nothing, and you haven't left any dry skin on your body." The imprint of farm work."

"You're looking at calluses and tanning? I've been back for ten years, isn't it normal to recover?" Gong Xue said unconvinced.

"No, I'm looking at the scars. It's impossible for a little girl who has never done farm work to suddenly do farm work without leaving some injuries on her body. I didn't see any scars on your neck, palms, and finger bones , you can't have worked hard in the country.

A barefoot doctor apprentice, a radio station, a teacher, or a direct worker, which one is it? "

"radio station."

"Oh, that's not surprising." Nanyi nodded, spread out the newspaper again, scooped up the thick porridge, and continued to read his newspaper.

Gong Xue pursed her lips, surprised, "This man's eyes are so sharp, he seems to be able to see through himself. I haven't suffered much in the country, so he can guess. How old is he? At his age, Have you ever been to the countryside?"

"Have you ever been to the countryside?"

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