Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 354 A Different Hollywood

Some people say that Hollywood is full of discrimination and is a place of white supremacy.

Nanyi sneered at this kind of remarks, "Why, in Hong Kong films, will white people be the protagonists, or will blacks be the protagonists? Or in anti-Japanese war movies, devils will be the protagonists?

Going to someone's home as a guest, but also sitting in the main seat, do you want to go to heaven? "

After getting off the plane, Nan Yi was not in a hurry to go to 20th Century Fox, nor was he in a hurry to find a place to live. He just let the school girl follow him, and the others hid away. He found a tour guide and driver to take him around Hollywood , look at another side of Hollywood.

The tour guide Nanyi invited was Chen Fang, a Chinese-American whose parents had opened a restaurant in Los Angeles, and hoped that his son would inherit the family business and become a restaurant owner.

But young people like freedom and don’t want to be restrained. Anyway, their home is very close to Hollywood, so Chen Fang went to Hollywood to try his luck to see if he could become a star, but after a few years in Hollywood, he was not satisfied.

The main reason is that Chinese movies are mainly based on white themes, and there are too few Chinese actors needed. In addition to Bruce Lee's kung fu movies that entered Hollywood in the past few years, Chinese movies have caused a wave of movie watching in China, and some Chinese actors have a chance , but with the death of Bruce Lee everything returned to the starting point.

Now Chen Fang works part-time as a tour guide when he is playing tricks, otherwise he would not be able to support himself at all.

"The buildings here in Hollywood are not much different from those in ordinary Chinese towns. Except for more people, the billboards are more modern, and there are more buildings than ordinary Chinese towns.

Nansheng, do you think this place is a bit misnamed?

When I first came here, I also felt strange, how could Hollywood, which is so famous all over the world, look like this? But after staying here for a long time, I don't think it's strange.

In another half an hour, we can reach the bustling place. "

While driving the car, Chen Fang introduced Hollywood to Nan Yi, who was pretending to be a foreign couple.

Nan Yi remained calm, acting as a novice who came to Hollywood for the first time, expecting Chen Fang to show him the Hollywood in his eyes, Hollywood from different angles.

After a while, Chen Fang brought the two of Nanyi to the bustling area of ​​Hollywood.

There are many high-rise buildings and bars everywhere. Most of the people walking back and forth on the street have a handsome face, whether they are men or women, they are all quite good-looking.

There are even some women who dress up very eye-catchingly. On a January day, they wear something a little bigger than a bra on their upper body and hot pants on their lower body. They are not afraid of the cold, so they just hang out like this.

Seeing that Nan Yi kept staring at the woman outside, Chen Fang said: "Nan Sheng, there are too many girls like this in Hollywood. If you want, they can be delivered to your room at night, and the price is very low." It’s not too expensive either, thirty dollars can do it.”

Hearing Chen Fang's words, Nan Yi's face darkened a little, "Feelings, do you think my 'girlfriend' doesn't exist?"

However, Nanyi was not surprised by Chen Fang's enthusiasm for pimping. The wild guide and driver like Chen Fang had kickbacks as one of their sources of income.

"Chen Fang, are there many girls of that kind in Hollywood? And the price is so cheap? Logically speaking, such a girl with this quality can't be cheap no matter where. Hollywood can't be so cheap, right?"

"It's strange, doesn't it? It was also strange when I came here. In fact, this is also a unique situation here. Do you know what those girls are doing?"

"Come to Hollywood to find opportunities?"

Nan Yi couldn't pretend that he didn't understand farts. He really didn't understand this too well. Which film and television base wasn't accompanied by a "pink street"?

Actors in the film and television industry, except for those who earn a lot of money, the rest are not as high as the salary of an ordinary office worker, but their expenses are much higher than that of ordinary people.

Especially for women, the entertainment industry depends on the face after all, and the investment in face and skin care is indispensable. A "side job", which is also understandable.

"Nansheng, you guessed it right, these girls are all actors, and they all come to Hollywood to pursue their dreams."

"For life?"

"Well, the cost of living here in Hollywood is not low, especially for girls, their cost of living is higher, before they become famous, they can only work in restaurants and coffee shops to earn a meager income.

I have been here for five years, and I have heard of many girls sleeping with people in the circle. If you don’t sleep, you have no chance at all. If you sleep, you can get some chances. Even so, the chances you get are pitiful. .

Even if he gets it, it won't be a particularly important role, maybe it's just a line or two, and not only won't he get paid for such a role, he may have to pay some people back. "

"Oh, that's really not easy."

Nanyi agreed with his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart.

The entertainment industry is a master of evil in the world. In other industries, things that are only occasional and not normal have become the norm in the entertainment industry, and then evolved into unspoken rules.

As far as Nanyi knows, Hollywood has changed a lot for the better. In the past era of big Hollywood studios, Hollywood was completely monopolized by the big studio system. At that time, the power of Hollywood executives was unimaginable.

In Nanyi's own 20th Century Fox, there is a legend about the five o'clock girl. Every day after get off work at five o'clock, a beautiful actress is sent/voluntarily sent to the boss's office. If she disagrees, she will be banned immediately.

For example, Marlon Brando has the handsomeness that attracts girls, coupled with his status in Hollywood, girls throw themselves into their arms, and boys wait to be submerged.

After all, he is a person who can be a godfather, has a broad mind, and is not too rigid about gender.

Due to the disintegration of the studio system and the strengthening of the actors' union, this phenomenon has only improved. However, many unspoken rules in Hollywood have directly become explicit rules, and they are no longer half-hidden.

There are too many deals in this area in Hollywood. Even if you have become a big star, it is inevitable. The entertainment industry is like this. If you want a good opportunity, you have to pay a price.

It's just that there are more and more abrupt transactions at the bottom of Hollywood, which obscures the higher-level transactions.

Just like the actresses Chen Fang talked about, these girls are indeed actors and have been registered with the Screen Actors Union. But such an identity is not very popular in Hollywood. There are too many registered actors in Hollywood. Even if you haven't made a movie, you can still register.

Of course, it’s not that there are articles that wash away this phenomenon, saying that unspoken rules are no longer popular in Hollywood, and Hollywood pays more attention to the market. If the film produced does not have a market, it will be the investors’ money that will be lost.

The producer smashed his own job just for unspoken rules, no one would do that stupidly.

However, as long as someone has a certain understanding of the entertainment industry, they will naturally sneer at such articles.

Nanyi also feels that unspoken rules are giving way to the market. Wall Street capital has begun to enter Hollywood. For investors, making money is the most important thing.

But now, Nanyi heard the version told by Chen Fang from another angle.

Regarding the so-called actors, those actors came here with the dream of becoming Hollywood stars, but in Hollywood, even if the stars have a high output, compared to the wider practitioners, they come from all over the world. For the handsome men and beauties, the number of celebrities is pitifully small.

And there is another point, that is, although there are many big-investment and big-production movies in Hollywood every year, which can also achieve super high box office, but more of them are small-investment and low-cost movies.

Similar to 20th Century Fox, at least 30 to 40 films are made every year, and among them, films with large investment such as "Star Wars" will only have two or three films a year, or even one in two or three years.

It can be said that the major Hollywood film companies only gamble on a few big-produced movies a year. If they win, they will make a fortune;

Big productions and big investment companies pay attention from top to bottom. It can be said that there will be strict scrutiny on any actor used as the protagonist. It is almost impossible to rely on unspoken rules to rise to the top.

It can only be a person who is qualified to take the position, come and accept the unspoken rules and quickly take the position.

At this time, the unspoken rules are just a spice.

However, those small productions and independent films are all C-level productions with an investment of less than a million dollars. Such a film has a low investment, and it is impossible to hire big stars. Only second- and third-tier stars or newcomers can be used, because everyone is similar. It can be said that it is the same for everyone.

There are too many monks and too few porridge, so if you want to be in the top position, you will naturally have unspoken rules.

And more importantly, even counting those small productions and independent films, Hollywood only produces a few hundred films a year, thousands of films in the sky, how many actors are needed?

As for how many film actors there are, there are hundreds of thousands registered with the Actors Association, among which there are at least 100,000 young and beautiful girls. This is a collection of beauties from all over the world.

In such a prosperous market, it’s no longer that unspoken rules can lead a movie, because those stars all play this. Even if you are a newcomer who plays unspoken rules, the crew will not like it. Why should they give up? Can you have a chance to dive into a star, come to dive into you as a newcomer?

At the moment when unspoken rules have become clear rules, unspoken rules are actually not very helpful to the career; Hand out the knocking brick, and the door won't open to you.

This is like going to work in a big company. Education is a stepping stone. Without education, you will not be given the opportunity to show your ability.

Those who can enter the gate, that is to say, can be actors, in fact, for this problem, it is equivalent to a part of life, too much will not work, and too little will not work.

When everyone is playing this way, it is basically difficult for newcomers to rely on this high position.

Girls who came to Hollywood with dreams of stardom, but after handing over their bottom line, got nothing. Naturally, they will not give up so easily, or they have already fallen into the comfort zone, which has formed those huge pinks on the streets of Hollywood.

Fortunately, in the eyes of Westerners, this kind of issue is not very important to them. No gossip media will pick up the past of a celebrity, and they prefer to focus on the news of "derailment".

For Westerners, promiscuity before marriage is fine, but having a family and messing around outside is a big deal.

The dream chasers who came to Hollywood with the dream of being a star have no way to go before they get something. If they want to survive, they can only do odd jobs to earn money to support themselves.

Let's put it this way, in Hollywood, whether it's the parking boy on the street, the waiter in the restaurant, or the salesperson in the store, almost all actors registered with the Screen Actors Guild work part-time.

Even so, there are still many people who cannot find a job and are forced to do nothing. In order to survive in Hollywood and lack money, they have to sell themselves as goods.

People with this kind of thinking are very common in Hollywood. Under the fierce competition, the supply exceeds demand, and the price naturally plummets.

Naturally, they knew that they were at a loss by doing so, but with the support of their star dreams, and the thought of just making a vote and making a transition temporarily, they just persisted like this.

Persist until the end, whether you can get rewards, only God knows.

Every year, many handsome men and women come here to pursue their star dreams, and many people leave every day disheartened and disheartened.

When Chen Fang told the truth about it, Nan Yi confirmed what he knew, and coldly dubbed it "cruel".

It is worthy of everyone's admiration to be able to interpret yourself as a silly, white and sweet actress on the screen. She flows upstream through the sewage and fights a bloody way out of intrigues. With a shrewd heart, she can also perform "silly" ", this acting, don't you have to click twice?

Hollywood is like a slot machine, it devours countless dime [coins], and only a few lucky ones will come back with big prizes; those unfortunate people, few people will think about them, they will end up in obscurity and waste youth.

Back at the entrance of the village, seeing that Mr. Shu, who regarded himself as Bai Yueguang, was still single, his heart broke, and he silently burst into two tears of grievance, doing the only wrong thing in their life - marrying the wrong one.

When Nan Yi lamented the injustice of fate, Chen Fang said again: "Nan Sheng, in fact, if it's just like this, it's still a better result for the girls."

"Oh, could there be a worse result?"

Nan Yi guessed that Chen Fang was going to say 'San Fernando Valley'.

"Yes, Nansheng, you just came to Hollywood, and there are many things you don't know. In fact, not only you, but anyone who has not studied Hollywood carefully would not have imagined that Hollywood not only has the world's largest film creation base, but also has The world's largest small film production base."

Glancing at the school girl who looked out the window, as if she didn't listen to the two of them, Chen Fang suddenly whispered to Nan Yi: "Nan Sheng, if you are walking on the street, a scout will ask you to make a movie, or tell you that you can have more Don't believe the convenient way to help you become famous in Hollywood quickly."

"A liar?"

"It's more hateful than a liar. Liars only lie to you for your money, and they are the ones who lie to you. I was fooled by them. If I didn't run fast, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Chen Fang gritted his teeth and said: "Those so-called scouts are actually employees of small film companies. When they see handsome men and women who are new to Hollywood, they go up and talk to them. They fooled.

Yes, they take you to Hollywood studios to audition, but that's another Hollywood, the San Fernando Valley, the little Hollywood movie-making scene, and once you're there, you're cut off from Hollywood. "

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