Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 357 The Truth of the Traveler

When the time came to January 28, the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Nan Ruofing and her school have already started winter recess [winter recess, which can be understood as winter vacation]. Fan Hongdou went to work on her own company, but Nan Ruofing asked Nanyi to send a plane to Hollywood.

When Nan Ruofan arrived, Nanyi asked Rachel to contact Barry Diller, and he took Nan Ruofan to run outside. In order to find the Gunner's office more conveniently, Nanyi recruited the first One employee is the tour guide, Chen Fang.

Chen Fang has long been tired of the job of a tour guide, but he couldn’t find a chance to enter the film industry, so he can only use this job to make ends meet. Now that he can enter the Gunners Company, even if it is a newly established screenwriting company, he can only do odd jobs He is also very happy with the work.

Even if the Gunners company went bankrupt, for him, it was a qualification in the film industry.

Naturally, Chen Fang became the first employee of the Gunners Company, job number 002, and of course the only regular employee at present, with a very deceitful position called Chief Great Strategy Implementation Officer.

Others can be ignored, the key is in the word "realization".

To put it simply, whether it's Nanyi's strategy or Nan Ruofing's strategy, Chen Fang just needs to carry out the orders of the two of them.

To explain it in plain language, this position is doing odd jobs. Of course, if Chen Fang is willing, he can also be called a "reserve cadre".

Nanyi doesn't have high demands on him, as long as he can maintain the normal operation of the company, pay phone bills, water and electricity bills on time, don't ask people to turn off the water, and it's fine if he can't make calls.

Naturally, for the time being, Chen Fang's salary will not be too high, 240 US dollars per week, and he can receive an extra four weeks' salary at the end of the year, which is considered a year-end bonus.

In addition, Nanyi also gave him a promise that was not a promise. If there is a role suitable for him in a certain script, Nanyi will find a way to recommend him to the crew.

Nanyi also arranged for Chen Fang to clean the shooter's office alone - an old warehouse on the edge of Beverly Hills. It should have belonged to a medium-sized supermarket before, but I don't know why it was no longer used.

The area is not small. In conversion, it is more than 500 square meters. It is the kind of ventilation window with very high windows. There is no problem with ventilation. Just install a few exhaust fans. However, the lighting is a bit poor, and the office area needs to be turned on around the clock.

This problem is not too big. The Gunners Company will not have too many on-duty employees. Like the screenwriters of "Jurassic Park" recruited by Rachel before, their salary structure is a low basic salary plus project commissions and project points. .

If "Jurassic Park" is published or adapted into a movie, all screenwriters participating in this project can get a commission and continue to get dividends. As long as the project is still profitable, their dividends will not be interrupted.

Of course, Nanyi is still relatively humane, and the screenwriters can also choose to get a considerable amount of commission at one time, so how much income this project will generate in the future has nothing to do with them.

This requires the screenwriters to measure their actual situation and test their own vision. How to choose, Nan Yi will not force them, everything depends on themselves.

Chen Fang was in charge of cleaning, and Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing to patrol around the warehouse. Nan Yi said, Nan Ruofing recorded, what needs to be added here, repaired there, how to arrange the office area, and what things can be removed Pick up from the garbage dump outside and so on.

"A few pool tables can be placed here, a wine cabinet can be placed here, and a few refrigerators can be placed next to it. Let's go to the garbage dump to see in a while, and the refrigerator should be picked up."

"Dad, the old refrigerator consumes more electricity. After a long time, the extra electricity consumption is enough to buy a new refrigerator."

"I know, this is a transition. When the gunners are on the right track, they must move to a better place, maybe our own place. When they move away, the things here will not be moved, just throw them here and leave them for the next one." home use."

"Oh, where is the meeting room?" Nan Ruobing wrote it down in his notebook and asked again.

"Just install it at the gate, where the lighting is better. There is no need to prepare a conference table, just buy dozens of chairs with retractable writing desks, and then buy a movable blackboard and a slide projector."

Nan Yi pointed to an empty area near the gate and said: "In addition to the conference room, there are also about 20 workstations reserved here. If several screenwriters want to write while discussing, they can also come here to write, no Be sure to stay home.

Of course, we also need to find a coffee shop and talk to them about discounts. Usually, screenwriters can also go to the coffee shop for brainstorming. "

"If the screenwriters live in a scattered place, the staff is not in place yet, so it's hard to count where they live, and we can't judge which cafe is more balanced from most of the residences."

"Ruopin, you don't need to think about this issue so carefully, just find a hotel that is closer to here and has more convenient transportation.

Screenwriters need inspiration to write, and maybe a small thing encountered on the bus, subway, or taxi can inspire them.

So, they spend a lot of time on the road, which is not a big problem, and it may turn into a good thing. "

"Oh." Nan Ruofing nodded and said, "I understand."

Chen Fang, who was cleaning by the side, strained his ears, wanting to hear what Nanyi and the others were talking about, but after listening for a while, he gave up.

"It's torture to be a freshman and a junior. Changing a language after a while shows how much you know the language?"

Nanyi and Nan Ruofing often switch languages ​​when talking, not because of any precautions, but because they want to integrate teaching into their daily life.

It is impossible for him to let Nan Ruobing completely herd the sheep, stay by his side, and never let go of his studies.

Nan Ruofing can be regarded as a genius. If she stayed in China, she should have been sent to the junior class of HKUST by now, but even if she is a genius, her studies cannot be interrupted.

Nanyi didn't want to see the story of hurting Zhongyong happen right under his nose.

After going through the warehouse, Nan Ruofing compiled a list of purchases and pick-ups. Nan Yi went through the list and saw that there was nothing missing, so he went to a car rental company and rented two F-150CrewCab double cabs Pick up the truck, and then follow the map to wander around the trash cans next to the residential area of ​​Luoshanji.

I picked up a lot of good things along the way. There are 60 to 70% new TVs, Atari game consoles, bread ovens, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, etc. Most of them should be good, and a small part needs to be repaired.

If there is a problem with the circuit, Nanyi can still fiddle with it. He is a thief with multimeters and electric Luotie. He is still capable of soldering tin feet, changing capacitors and so on.

Most of the seventy and eighty-seven monkeys are good at dismantling TV sets and radio recorders, but many people probably can't put them back together, and it's basically inevitable to suffer a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

Sadly, it may be that the parents beat and scold the mother, or even men and women take turns beating or mixing.

The leather monkey hugged its buttocks and ran around the yard, crying and shouting to attract neighbors to watch. This was also a common thing in the 1980s and 1990s.

If unfortunately the old man or uncle in the family is a pig butcher, it will be miserable. It is also possible to drink two liang of yellow soup and tie the child to a long bench to simulate the process of killing a pig. The monkey was frightened, shushing in front and puffing in the back.

After transporting it two or three times in miscellaneous ways, Nan Yi and Nan Ruofing rushed to the garbage dump again.

There are more things in the junkyard, but most of them were damaged during transportation. It takes a little patience to find useful ones.

Giving the staff fifty dollars in exchange for "choose whatever you want", Nan Yi helped Nan Ruofing put on protective clothing, found her a thin iron rod, and asked her to dig in the trash.

Nanyi himself gathered into the metal pile, picking out things that seemed to be useful and useful.

I pulled out a refrigerator that was seriously damaged on the outside. This one is the same model as the one I picked up earlier. I tried that one when I moved it back just now. It won’t make a buzzing sound when it’s plugged in. Most likely the compressor is broken, and Nanyi wants to remove this compressor.

He doesn't know how to repair the refrigerator, but it can be settled by changing something.

After a while, Nanyi removed the compressor, looked at the removed compressor, and muttered, "I don't know if it's good or bad, I have to look for it again, and take two more back."


Picking it up during the day, and at night, Nan Yi held a complete book on electrical maintenance. Nan Ruofing helped him, learning and tinkering with him.

When the refrigerator is replaced with a second compressor, it will make a buzzing sound. After a few minutes, you can feel the coldness even if you put your hand in the refrigerator. The refrigerator is ready.

It was a success at the beginning, but when I was tinkering with the second microwave oven, it broke. I took it apart, looked around, and tested the circuit with a multimeter, but I still couldn't find out what was wrong.

"Dad, is the transformer broken?"

When Nan Yi was reading, Nan Ruofing was also reading, so naturally he could apply what he had learned.

"It may also be that the waveguide and the magnetron are broken. No matter where these three are broken, Dad can't figure it out anyway. Forget it, find a place to throw it away tomorrow."

It has already taken nearly half an hour, and Nan Yi thought that it would be useless to spend more time on research.

"Let's go to the job-hopping market tomorrow, maybe we can buy new ones." Nanyi said, and threw the dismantled pieces into a plastic basket, and placed the bread machine on the workbench in front of him.

"You can also go to the spontaneous exchange market in the suburbs. Tomorrow is Sunday."

"It's too far, it's not cost-effective." Nanyi put down the screwdriver in his hand, took a sip from the teacup, and said earnestly: "Dad took you out to pick up things today, not because our budget is tight and we can't afford new ones. Tell you, money is wisely spent.

The flowers that should be spent must be saved if they can be saved.

No matter how rich you are, you have to know how to save. If you want to have a net worth of tens of millions, you can earn it, or you can go out and spend a lot of money; but if you want to pass it on to a family, you must know how to save.

Especially in business, the quotation must be justified, even if it is unreasonable, you have to fight for three points; but in entertaining customers, you must not save money, even if the cost of entertaining exceeds the profit you get back.

Business is business, and it must be separated from friendship. It should not be mixed together, but should be handled separately. In business, you should accept as much as you want. Even if you give away tens of millions out of friendship outside of business, you can't give up a point in business. "

"Well, Dad, I still don't quite get it."

"It's okay, you will see the actual example later, and then you will understand how Dad handles it." Nan Yi smirked, and said to the rosin flux beside him: "Help Dad pour some, the circuit of this bread oven It's broken, and I hope it can be used after welding."


Nan Yi was a little nervous. Regarding the part of inheritance, he himself had no actual combat experience. In his previous life, he didn't have a son, and he had never done family property transfer. All his knowledge about inheritance came from books, and he didn't know if he could pass on the inheritance. Do it well.

He needs to make more preparations so that he has more capital to try and make mistakes.

The next day, Nanyi and the two squeezed the time very tightly. First, they went to the job-hopping market, bought three pool tables, and a few other things they needed, and then went to two office supplies companies. , After comparing prices, I bought the rest of the things I wanted to buy.

On the third day, I went to the place where Luoshanji was working, and found a few black Mexicans with good reputations. There were many places to be repaired, as well as the pantry and bathroom.

The reason why I went to Black Mexicans was because they were cheap. Labor is notoriously expensive here in China. If I went to local people, the wages would be half the difference.

"Chen Fang, I'll leave the rest of the work to you, just keep an eye on it." Taking the Hexican man back to the warehouse, Nan Yi handed him over to Chen Fang.

"Okay, Nan Sheng, I must take care of him."

Nan Yi said in a low voice: "The hands and feet of these people are very clean. I'm just afraid that they will shit and pee casually. I told them not to be troublesome, so I will go out and do it. Buy a few boxes of beer and drinks and put them in the refrigerator, so that they can drink whatever they want .”

"Okay, I'll ask them what they like to drink later."

"Here's the money. Remember to keep the receipt. It needs to be credited." Nanyi handed Chen Fang a few sheets of Franklin and said, "We will take care of the meal at noon. It doesn't take much to take them out to eat or buy them back. But the amount must be sufficient, and the attitude should be good, don't treat them as if they owe you."

"I understand."

After giving instructions, Nanyi took Nan Ruofing out of the warehouse and returned to No. 5103 Beverly Hills. Rachel was not there, so Nanyi let Nan Ruofing occupy her glass room, and he went upstairs to get a stack of manuscripts down.

I went to make a pot of cocoa, walked into the glass room with it, and divided the manuscript in two.

"You read half, I read half, pick out the stories you think are more interesting, even if only a certain paragraph is interesting."

"Dad, is this the story about the dinosaur?"

"Yes, the story of dinosaurs. Children of your age are the main consumers of this story. So, your preferences are more important than dad's, understand?"

"Understood." Nan Ruofing nodded, and began to read the manuscript.

After seeing Nan Ruofing's attention sinking in, Nan Yi first took out a folder and started to look through it. Inside the folder were the resumes of each screenwriter. He planned to read the resumes first, and then read the manuscripts.

Nan Yi always hopes to find out a name he is familiar with, although his knowledge of Hollywood screenwriters stays at George Lucas, Cameron, Nolan, and Spielberg, he has not yet I'm sure if this person can write scripts, I think he can.

Anyway, all of them are well-known. Anyone who likes to watch Hollywood movies must have heard of the four of them. Especially the first three, the screenwriter's share is taken by himself, and he doesn't give others a chance to share the profit.

Of course, Nanyi didn't expect to see the names of the four of them. They were already in their prime, so how could they come to the Gunners Company to be gunners.

John Logan, Sofia Coppola, Nora Ephron, Alan Ball, Nanyi looked at the files, and the time spent on Sofia Coppola's files was the longest long.

This is all because she is very young, she is only 13 years old this year, and she is still a student at school, but in her resume, she has participated in the filming of two movies "The Godfather" and "Betta Fish" as an actress.

"The Godfather" was filmed in 1971, and Sophia was also born that year. Nan Yi recalled the plot in "The Godfather". Except for the baby who was baptized at the end of the film, there was no other role she could play.

"Why did the crew of "The Godfather" call the newly born Sophia to make a movie?"

Nan Yi thought for a while that the film was released by Paramount, but he didn't know who the director was, so he paid attention to Marlon Brando.

"Ruopin, do you know who the director of "The Godfather" is?"

"Dad, don't you know that Francis Coppola also filmed "Betta Fish" last year. Aunt Scarlett took us to the cinema to watch it. By the way, his daughter and nephew also had Oh, his daughter's name is... I forgot, his nephew's name is Nicholas Coppola."

When Nan Ruofing mentioned "Nicholas", Nan Yi realized, isn't this the famous Coppola family, "Nicholas is still Coppola, and he hasn't become Cage yet. Do you want to get to know him and let him simply Call Zhao Si forget it?"

"Oh, Dad knows." Nan Yi replied, and his mind continued to turn, "Before Cage became the king of bad movies, he seemed to be a panacea for the box office. What movies did he act in? "Firebird Attack" For helicopters, the MD500 helicopter inside is good."

Nanyi can't remember the plot of this film, but the pictures of several helicopters are still fresh in his memory.

For the understanding of aircraft models, Nanyi can be an expert in civil science. When he was in junior high school in his previous life, he could memorize the entire "Aviation Knowledge" magazine in order to pretend to be aggressive in front of his classmates.

He has always maintained this hobby. Nanyi is a veteran military fan, and he has a deep understanding of aircraft and firearms; of course, it is only limited to the appearance, and he will be able to recognize the model when he sees the picture.

He can even live in vain a glorious record about this model. Where has it been bombed?

Men, who doesn't like to brag, especially those who can't get out of bed for three to five days, and pierced the earth. I believe most men have bragged.

""Into the Deadly Island", this film, especially wants the villain to win, and Cage is fucking redundant; ", "Lord of War", "Bangkok Killer"...there is one step riding a cool motorcycle, what is the name of the film...

Forget it, don't think about it, it seems that none of them have a high box office, only "National Treasure" is okay, this kind of film is meaningless, treasure hunting movies, I can write a few good scripts at any time. "

Nan Yi looked through Sofia Coppola's information. The face of the Coppola family can be sold a little bit, but there is no need to sell it. vegetable.

Nanyi went on to look at the resume of the next screenwriter. He didn't know that the resumes of the few people he saw just now actually contained future talents.

John Logan is "Alien: Covenant", "007: Specter", "007: Skyfall", "Sweeney Todd", "The Aviator", "The Last Samurai", "Sinbad" ", the screenwriter of "Gladiator", is still the youngest of the young.

Nora Ephron is already a well-known novelist, but as a screenwriter, she is still a rookie, but this year's Oscar, she will be nominated for the Best Original Screenplay Award.

I don't know where Rachel found her, maybe she came here to play tickets.

Alan Ball, 2000 Oscar winner for Best Original Screenplay.

Nan Yi knew nothing about these, and his focus was still on Sofia Coppola.

It has to be said that although Nanyi is a time traveler, he is not an all-powerful prophet. There are too many things and characters that he does not know.

Fortunately, he only needs to grasp a few key nodes, and the rest is left to the business ability inherited from the previous life, and the persistent study in this life.

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