"Adam, this is a good idea. You should go home and find out if you have Jewish blood."

Nanyi and Scarlett told her the idea of ​​the film and television fund and crowdfunding through a satellite video call, and then Scarlett had this conversation.

As for satellite video calls, there are already very mature technologies in this era, but the cost cannot be suppressed for the time being, and it is not yet popularized on a large scale. users are using.

In fact, the popularization of video calls had to wait until the end of the 1990s when the Internet was relatively mature. At that time, many communication software already provided free video call functions, such as Yahoo Messager.

"It's not funny at all. Take your son and let me see him."

"Stingy man, wait." Scarlett said something, left for a while, and soon appeared in the camera with Nan Youqiong, "Adam, say hello to our big Adam."

Nan Youqiong's big eyes looked curiously at the screen showing Nanyi's portrait, and stretched his hands to touch the screen, but Scarlett hugged her tightly.

"Hello, my baby, do you miss Dad?"

Nan Yi and Nan Youqiong had a romantic relationship for a while, and Scarlett took Nan Youqiong away.

"Adam, what do you think Congress will do next?"

"Don't talk about this kind of topic on the phone. If it's too free, do community service." Nan Yi blackened his face and interrupted the video signal, "What a silly girl, this kind of topic can be talked on the phone. "

Perhaps because she really wanted to talk about this topic, or because she was dissatisfied with Nanyi's attitude, Scarlett flew to Los Angeles that day.

"Didn't you say you can't talk on the phone? Now face to face, answer my question."

When Scarlett arrived, Nan Yi and Nan Ruofing were still looking at the documents.

"You're very busy. You didn't care about your son or Hongdou, so you just ran over?"

Scarlett said disapprovingly: "Someone is watching my son, Hongdou is very self-disciplined, and I don't need to take care of her at all."

"Heh, why did you ask me that question? Wouldn't it be better to ask the Elephant Party directly?"

"Is it funny?"

Scarlett glanced at Nan Yi.

"It's not funny." Nan Yi straightened his face and said, "You don't need to guess. The most important thing is to pull out the thorn of Su Xiu. Star Wars is bluffing, right? But look at how much NASA's investment has increased. ?

In your home and my study, there is a report on the output value of light and heavy industries in the Soviet Union for the past ten years, as well as the production status of various industrial and agricultural bases in the past ten years. After reading it, you can probably understand how bad the situation in the Soviet Union is.

To put it simply, there is only a big shelf left for Suxiu, and the inside is rotten and riddled with holes. If it weren't for the blood transfusions from all the allied countries, Suxiu would have collapsed long ago.

Star Wars bluffed them and forced their own planetary plan, which would drain the last of Su Xiu's blood. "

"What do you mean, Su Xiu can't hold it anymore?"

"Hurry up, when the financial consortium is dispatched, it will be the moment of the final fatal blow."

"Can we have a share?"

"Why not? Soviet revisionism is not a problem that a certain party can handle. We must work together like the party and the donkey party, and move around more with Morgan."

"I don't need you to teach me this, I will go to the donkey party's gathering every time."

"That's fine, you are flying over in a hurry, don't you just want to discuss this issue?"

"Almost, I haven't seen you for a long time, come here to collect the rent, isn't it dishonest in Hollywood?" Scarlett said ambiguously.

"Don't talk nonsense, Rachel is still here."

"Dad, I didn't hear anything. Aunt Scarlett, you go on."

"Rachel, help me keep an eye on your dad and tell him not to mess around with women outside. Auntie will reward you well."

"Hee hee, thank you, auntie." Nan Ruo smiled, turned to Nan Yi and said, "Daddy, can I betray you?"

"The benefit is half for each person." Nan Yi looked at Scarlett provocatively and said.

"make a deal."

"Adam, you're not afraid of my turning against me at all, are you?" Looking at the father and daughter, Scarlett said with a dark face.

"Am I not afraid that you will turn against me? I have confidence in my integrity. I have no interest in Hollywood female stars. Well, let's not talk about this. Since you are here, let's talk about something serious. Let's go to the Hollywood Hills , talking while playing.”


The two, one and one, put on casual sportswear and drove to the foot of the Hollywood Hills.

There is an uphill road in the Hollywood Hills, but there are signs blocking a certain section of the road. The car cannot drive to the top of the mountain, and can only go on foot.

The three of them walked up for a while, and there was a vacuum around them, and other people who also came to climb the mountain were far away.

It doesn't matter if you don't stay far away, there are three teams to protect Nanyi, one team from Nan Ruofing, two teams from Scarlett, and five teams with about 30 people, naturally keep others out.

The three of them first experienced the fun of climbing a mountain. When the word sign of Hollywood was less than half an hour away, Nanyi started to talk about business.

"Do you know how the rich gold reserves of European countries come from?"

"Of course I know that when the Korean War broke out, the White House froze Hua Guo's deposits in the Chinese banking system. This aroused the vigilance of the former Soviet revisionists and Eastern European countries in the same camp at that time, and they began to transfer funds on a large scale.

As a result, a large number of US dollars from the Soviet Union and Eastern countries were withdrawn from the banking system of the Soviet Union and transferred to commercial banks established in other European countries in the Soviet Union. This was the initial reason for the formation of the Eurodollar.

Since then, with the recovery of the European economy and the rapid growth of exports, European countries have accumulated a large amount of US dollars, and then expressed doubts about the ability of the United States to exchange an ounce of gold at US$35.

Faraday took the lead, throwing a large amount of U.S. dollars to the Federal Reserve to exchange for gold at the official price, followed by Germany, Italy, Spain, etc., and the strong gold reserves of European countries came from this. "

"You're right. Those dollars kept in Europe are also called Eurodollars. Ruopin, tell Dad what petrodollars are."

Nan Ruofing thought for a while and said, "Father, the Middle East war that broke out in 1973 and the subsequent soaring oil prices not only greatly affected the economic development of China, which is the largest energy consumer, but also the Middle East countries rely on oil trade to earn money. A large amount of U.S. dollars has become a creditor of the country in one fell swoop.

The petrodollar refers to the large amount of surplus funds accumulated by the oil-exporting countries after the outbreak of the Middle East war in 1973 due to the increase in oil revenue after the sharp increase in oil prices.

The emergence of petrodollars has brought about great changes in the structure of the international balance of payments. This is reflected in the fact that oil-exporting countries have huge surpluses due to the sharp increase in oil revenue, while oil-consuming countries have huge deficits due to the sharp increase in oil expenditures.

The original pattern of "surplus for developed countries and deficit for developing countries" has been reversed.

The huge amount of petrodollars has had an impact on the entire world economy. For oil-exporting countries, due to the huge income of petrodollars and the small domestic investment market, they cannot fully absorb so many dollars and must export capital to foreign countries.

For the developed countries in the West, due to the substantial increase in the expenditure on imported oil, most of the balance of payments has a huge deficit.

If austerity measures or restrictions on oil imports are adopted to improve the balance of payments, it may lead to economic recession. Therefore, most developed countries hope that petrodollars will return.

In 1973, then-Treasury Secretary Schultz struck a secret agreement with the Saudis.

The main point is that most of Saudi Arabia's petrodollars are deposited in Saudi banks, and oil transactions are denominated in dollars and listed on the New York commodity futures market.

Because of the link between oil and the US dollar, the foreshadowing of the close relationship between the two has been laid. "

"Okay, I'm quite familiar with the information, and I'll try to add my own understanding next time. In the 1980s, the price of oil has been rising all the way, but in fact, the world's average daily oil production has not exceeded the normal level.

Why did oil prices rise so much? Is the demand increasing?

Probably not. I have read the information. In the last five years of the 1980s and 1970s, the world's oil demand did not increase much, and the increased demand was not enough to support a substantial increase in oil prices.

The reason is very simple, it is because of the excessive issuance of US dollars, which has caused a decline in purchasing power.

Scarlett, besides Japan, which countries and regions in Asia do you think will experience rapid economic growth in the next ten years? "

"That's needless to say, now we have seen the clues. The economies of South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiyuan, and Lijiapo have been rising rapidly. For the time being, there is no other place in Asia that has developed more rapidly than them. for swift.

In the past few years, the production bases in Europe and the United States have been transferred to three other places except Hong Kong. The textile industry in Taiwan, Lijiapo Electronics, pharmaceuticals, and South Korea are also dominated by semiconductors. However, the textile industry has a tendency to transfer to the mainland of China. .

Hasn't Nike's production base been transferred to the mainland? "

Scarlett mentioned Nike at the end, a little bit of meaning. Nanyi was able to pull one of Nike's branch factories into deep water, so it can be said that it took advantage of Scarlett.

"Okay, I keep your contribution in mind. Let's put it this way, with the economic rise of these four places, through trade exports, a large amount of US dollars has been left in the commercial centers of Tokyo, Lijiapo, and Hong Kong International Financial Center. in the bank.

Then there are Asian dollars, Eurodollars, petrodollars, and Asian dollars. A large number of dollars are stranded outside. Do you think Congress should find a way to bring these dollars back?

Compared with the decline in the purchasing power of the US dollar, it is more important for the developing countries to restore the trade surplus.

How to restore the trade surplus as soon as possible? "

"The dollar is depreciating." Scarlett said disapprovingly: "Adam, haven't you already said this before, and I have also received news that Congress is already planning a plan to devalue the dollar."

"I don't have dementia yet. Of course I remember what I said. I mean, after targeting Japan to restore a little trade surplus, who should be targeted next?"

"Su Xiu."

"How to do it, where to start?"

Scarlett was stopped by Nanyi's question. After thinking for a long time, she tentatively asked, "Germany? Unification of East and West Germany? No, it should be Eastern Europe and East and West Germany working together."

As Scarlett said, she realized that what she said was wrong, and she added: "Saddam and the Soviet revisionist are too close. Yin Lak also has 18,000 Soviet revisionist air force advisers. They should be from Eastern Europe, Germany, The Middle East adopted a three-pronged approach, and dragged Su Xiu into the quagmire of Luan Nan and Ah Khan.

From the outside to the inside, first cut off the Soviet revisionists' external expansion, drive them back to the mainland, and then implement the subversive plan for the mainland. Adam, according to what you mean, this time will be a bloodless economic war? "

"It must be an economic war. Don't forget the torrent of steel. It will be no problem to penetrate Europe in three days. All European countries are frightened by Soviet revisionism.

A few years ago, it was rumored that the Soviet revisionists were developing an intercontinental bomber. Who knows if they have finished researching it. With an intercontinental bomber, it will threaten the mainland of China, and Congress must not wait for it.

In addition, promoting Soviet revisionism can be regarded as the aspiration of all people. All countries that can speak out in the international arena wish for Soviet revisionism to fall. How many years has it been since peace has not been fully restored, and no one wants to fight anymore. "

"So, this is an opportunity for us too?"

"Yes, taking advantage of the situation, Pan Am is ready to expand abroad, and wants to bite off a piece of fat meat from Su Xiu's huge body."

"Dad, we're at the top of the mountain. It's bare. This mountain is not beautiful at all."

Nanyi looked up, and they had come to the edge of the white English letters of "Hollywood", "It will become more beautiful when the lights at the bottom of the mountain are on. Let's have a picnic here, and we will go down the mountain after admiring the lights."

"How about a picnic, we didn't bring anything to eat." Scarlett said.

"Just ask someone to go to the restaurant halfway up the mountain to buy some. Ruobing, come here and make a flying pose. Dad will take a photo of you."

"No, it's too naive." Nan Ruobing said with a pouted mouth: "Dad, stand a little lower, shoot from the bottom up, and shoot me a little taller, I want to point out the country."

"Hey, the tone is not small, so try it."

Nanyi asked Nan Ruofing to stand in front of "Hollywood". He took two steps down and took it down. He clapped the Polaroid in his hand up at a 35-degree angle, "One, two, three, call Cheese."

"Cheese!" Nan Ruobing shouted with a smile.

Nan Yi took a good picture, waited for the photo paper to spit out from the camera, shook it in his hand, took a look at it himself, and handed it to Nan Ruofing.

"Adam, your photography skills are too poor, and you haven't found a good exposure angle." Scarlett leaned over to Nan Ruofing to take a look at the photo, and said, "Give me the camera, and I'll take it."

"Here you are, I know you have been a reporter, you are awesome, you come and shoot."

Nanyi shoved the camera into Scarlett's arms angrily, stood aside, and thought to himself, "Find someone who can flatter and put it next to me. You don't have to do anything, just be responsible for flattering yourself, shitting, You have to blow it to me as a big step forward for mankind."

Scarlett didn't fight with Nan Yi either, she took a new photo of Nan Ruofing with the camera, and then showed it to Nan Yi in a daze, with "convinced" written all over her face?

Nan Yi looked at the photos and compared them with the ones he took. There is indeed no comparison. A professional is a professional.

"Do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I will teach you."

"Scarlett, have you ever heard of a palm technique that falls from the sky?"

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