The Nan family is not professional at all in the business of cooperating with armed forces in mining.

It is extremely necessary to find a test that is not too difficult, not too difficult, and not slippery, to practice and see if you have the talent in this area.

The trouser leg army is the experimental partner selected by Nanyi, and Wenmao is the first experimental field.

The reason for choosing this place is that Nanyi has invested in Myanmar. The money was thrown down without even splashing a single splash, so how could he be willing.

Where the money is lost, you have to find it there.

On Xian Yaodong's side, he returned to the old bungalow three hours later with a spring breeze on his face.

"Nanyi, it's going well. The Liu family didn't ask for any excessive conditions. The eldest brother of the Liu family made an additional request. He wants you to help him buy a Jiawa 350 two-cylinder motorcycle. He will pay for it himself. "

"Is this car hard to buy?"

"I'm not too sure about that, I've never heard of the brand Jiawa."

"The Czech brand, Jiawa 250 is the ancestor of the Happiness 250. There are many in the army. I have never seen a 350." It is estimated that there are.

"Uncle Xian, is there nothing else?"


Well, Xian Yaodong just finalized the dowry, and didn't talk about other details at all.

I still have to ask Yi Jinru to come over, there are still many details to discuss, such as how many tables the woman is going to set up, whether the sugar, tobacco and alcohol will be provided by the woman or the man, and other issues that need to be discussed.

Is there any other candidate for the bucket of children and grandchildren, who should the child who pissed on the boy turn to...

There are too many tedious things, Nan Yi still decided to find someone else to take care of him for him, so he just calmly waited to be the groom's official.

After having a meal with Xian Yaodong, and then sent him to the hotel, Nanyi then hung up a call to Repulse Bay, but Nan Ruofing was not at home, so Nanyi called the big brother again.

"It's eight o'clock and you're not at home, where are you going to play?" Nan Yi said as soon as the call was connected.

"Dad, wait a minute."

Through the receiver, Nan Yi heard a very noisy voice from Nan Ruofing, with curses and cheers, it should be at the scene of some competition.

Today Saturday, if you don't run the night horse, you are definitely not in Happy Valley.

"Dad, tell me, I'm listening."

"Where are you?"

"Pipa Mountain, Sister Sophie took me to watch the boxing match."

When he heard that he was watching a boxing match at Pipa Mountain, Nan Yi frowned. Why didn't he know that there was a regular competition boxing gym at Pipa Mountain.

Even if he is ignorant, but Pipa Mountain is so remote, boxing matches that need to sell tickets will not choose to put them there, unless it is an underground boxing match.

"Underground boxing match?"

"It's not underground, it's in a warehouse." Nan Ruoying said cutely.

"Play stupid for me again, Dad really hit you."

"Okay, it's an underground boxing match."

"Tell me, what are you doing there, don't say that Sophie took you there, it's no wonder that she doesn't know the place well enough to touch it."

"I want to make money." Nan Ruobing explained cleanly: "Dad, I just came here to see if there is any opportunity to make money here. I really found it. I found that they were all making fake punches. They're all controlled."

"Okay, there's no need to observe, the clubs are behind the underground boxing fights, the money you make is not enough for Dad to wipe your ass when the time comes.

Also, Dad didn't tell you before, but now I'm telling you solemnly, don't think about business related to gambling, our Nan family doesn't care about gambling. "

"Dad, are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm very serious, you little girl, don't be fooled, and think about what can be ordered."

"Oh, Dad, I see."

"Go home early, don't run around outside." Having said that, Nan Yi paused before saying what he wanted to say, "Also, take Sophie to play in Xiangtang for a few more days, Dad I need to register with your Aunt Liu in the next few days."

"Ah! Dad, you won't let me go when you get married?"

"It's not marriage, it's registration. The wedding is still early. How could Dad forget about you, little girl?"

"Oh, how many days?"

"A week, I will return to Xiangxi on the 11th."

"Is there any benefit?"

"Yes, I will reward you with two half a million."

"Hmph, Dad, girls are for pain, not drips."

"Ghost spirit, father will definitely give you the benefits, you just need to handle things for me."

"Yes, Sir!"

"come home early."

Nan Yi asked again, then hung up the phone and put away the satellite phone.

Originally, they planned to take the plane back to Wenchangwei, but Liu Zhen suddenly suffered from severe morning sickness, and the two of Nanyi could only take the train.

Fortunately, Liu Zhen's class can buy a soft sleeper, and it can be more comfortable on the road.

Back in Wenchangwei, I first got a certificate from the village committee, then took the certificate to the family planning office to issue a certificate, then took the certificate to a designated photo studio to take pictures, got the photos urgently, and then took the certificate to the civil affairs department to complain After pulling the certificate, I took the certificate to the family planning office to pull the birth certificate.

After going around in a circle, the time has come to the 9th. Although it is a bit tiring, fortunately, Nanyi helped his second bloodline get the right to come to this world for a circle.

After finishing the chores, Nan Yi helped Liu Zhen to walk around the village.

"Nanyi, I haven't been back for several years, and Wenchangwei hasn't changed much." Liu Zhen said with emotion after walking around half of the village.

"Let me tell you, the meat is not on the folds of the buns. Every family in the village has at least tens of thousands of deposits. Everyone, whether it's a toddler or a maidservant with snowy temples, is a household with ten thousand yuan."

"Is Wenchangwei the richest village in China?"

"Probably, I haven't compared it. It doesn't matter whether you are the richest or not. You just need to live a good life. Fame is a burden."

To be honest about the wealthiest village, Nanyi is actually more optimistic about the future of Nanchen Village.

Chen Zongqing said one thing in Nanchen Village, and his mind was very clear. Under his command, Nanchen Village is like a sophisticated machine, and everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

Chen Zongqing's majesty is very deep. From Nanyi to becoming a Mr. Da, the village has not paid dividends once, but even so, no villager in Nanchen Village raised any doubts.

As long as this cohesive force persists, Nanchen Village will surely have a solid foundation, and the future can be expected.

Wenchangwei is more complicated. Although there are ancestral halls, the cohesion is not so strong. Each household is more concerned about their own small family, and their vision is more short-sighted than Nanchen Village, which can be said to be more realistic.

Wherever they see it, the investment must pay off.

Therefore, what Nanyi implements in Wenchangwei is a plan that can see returns in the short term. Similar to Nanchen Liquor, a plan that will not see returns for several years or even more than ten years, he dare not implement it in Wenchangwei.

"Since we have money, why don't we build houses in the village? I think some houses are very old."

"The plan is already in place, but the village committee doesn't want to be too high-profile. If it can be delayed for a day, it will be counted as a day. When it can't be suppressed, the villagers strongly demand to build a new house before starting the plan."

"This should not be the village committee, but what you mean?"

"Yes, it's mainly what I mean."

"Oh, it's not surprising, you have never liked high-profile, and you have never thought of being the number one."

"What's so good about being number one? Mount Everest is the number one peak. As a result, a person wanted to climb on it to shit and pee, and he also nailed nails and planted flags on its forehead.

K2 is the second highest peak, not many people know about it, they live a peaceful life, and not many people bother it.

You said, if the Everest Summit spoke, would it use foul language? "

Liu Zhen thought for a while and said, "Maybe."

"In the same way, if Wenchangwei wins the title of the richest village in the country, inspections, studies, research, and autumn winds, all ghosts and monsters will come over, don't do business, just deal with them.

If this is the case, just the annual entertainment expenses for eating, drinking and drinking, as well as the benefit fee for playing the autumn wind, in less than three years, Wenchangwei will have to return to before liberation.

More than once, the township wanted to send a shrewd and capable leader to the enterprises in Wenchangwei, and it was not that they had never thought about upgrading the village collective enterprise to a township enterprise, and the village just resisted. "

Wen Changwei was able to guard the stall in front of him, but he was able to block a lot of swords and swords under the table; Xian Yaowei had a book that could not exist in his mind, and a sum of hidden expenses could already go around the drying yard, and he was striding towards the The goal surrounded by the village advances.

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