Seeing what Nanyi took out, Liu Zhen rolled her eyes at Nanyi.

"Auntie, does this look familiar?"

"Nanyi, why did you take out the sanitary napkin? You don't want Wenchangwei to make this?" Niu Aihua said.

When a woman in the country gets married, she is very courageous. It is just a sanitary napkin, and people will not be embarrassed to discuss it.

"Yes, do this." Nanyi nodded solemnly, and said: "In 1981, I chatted with a foreign female tourist in the Summer Palace, and the chat was relatively good, and she complained to me that it was not available in our country. sanitary napkin.

At that time, I kept this question in mind and began to pay attention secretly.

I also went to learn about the women's products that were available in our country at that time. I know that the best seller is the Meimei brand menstrual belt, and I also know that most women in our country...

Last year, that is, in 1982, our country introduced the first sanitary napkin production line from Japan Ruiguang Co., Ltd., which produced straight sanitary napkins without wings.

7 cents a pack, a pack of 16 pieces, this price is outrageously expensive for ordinary people. After all, the paper that women reuse only costs 1.7 cents a pack.

The two aunts must know whether the sanitary napkin is good or not, and Weimin has brought it to you several times.

You know it, and so do other women who can afford pads.

Now this problem is more embarrassing, because most women can't afford it, so the sales volume of sanitary napkins is not high, and the production plan of the women's sanitary napkin factory is also very small, only guaranteeing supply to Friendship Store.

After all, the sanitary napkin was introduced into the production line to meet the needs of foreigners. It is not considered a commodity, but at most it is a prop for attracting investment.

Let me say this, do you think that making sanitary napkins has no future? "

"Nanyi, you also said that ordinary people can't afford it, so if we make this, will anyone buy it?" Ge Cuizhu said.

Nanyi didn't answer directly, but said: "I saw an ultra-thin type in Tokyo, which many Japanese women use every day; when I was in Shanghai, someone asked me to bring it for his wife from abroad.

I also inquired about it by the way, and like the two aunts, as long as women can afford it, they don't like to use it.

Is 7 hairs expensive?

Compared with the salary, it is indeed not cheap, almost catching up with some people's daily salary, so it is normal not to be willing to use it.

Is meat expensive?

Expensive, what is the price of meat now?

But even if it is expensive, you still have to buy some meat every month for tooth-making festivals, and some people even have to eat meat every three to five times, and they can't put vegetarian dishes, so they have to be braised pork. "

Nan Yi smacked his mouth, looked at Xian Yaodong and the others who smoked a little fidgeting, so he said: "Forget it, let's take a fifteen-minute break, and the smokers should go out and smoke."

As soon as the words fell, Xian Yaodong and the others stood up and walked outside as if they had been pardoned. Meetings take a lot of brainpower, and I can't stand it without smoking. Usually, the cigarettes are always in my mouth during meetings, and I don't stop at all.

Nan Yi helped Liu Zhen also go to the grain drying field outside, walked to a corner far away from Xian Yaodong and the others, and stood there to breathe.

"Nanyi, why did you think of making sanitary napkins?" Liu Zhen asked after taking a few deep breaths and taking in some fresh air.

"It seems that pregnancy has made your brain rigid, otherwise you should have imagined it." Nanyi didn't hold back, and said directly: "For industrial support, Nanguang Paper is the downstream support of Jigong Recycling Club and Luban Forestry. The sanitary napkin factory is To do downstream support for Nanguang Paper, no, it should be said to be the target customer.

I don't intend to let the village committee do the sanitary napkin factory, but hand it over to the villagers. The village committee only invests and takes a certain share. "

"Oh, Luban Wood Industry is also going to make a big move? Don't you continue to stay in India and chop red sandalwood?"

"No problem, the Indians are not all fools. They cut too hard in the Tarakuna Forest, which attracted the attention of the timber merchants in Hyderabad. They are dancing happily recently. I guess it won't take long. Limit logging."

"How cruel?"

"Cut all the ones that can be sold for money. I cut down every tree I saw. As for the roots and stumps that have been cut down, I didn't let them let them go. I dug all that could be dug."

"Then you are really ruthless, it's no wonder people don't rush with you." Liu Zhen chuckled lightly.

The loggers hired by Luban Wood are Dalits, that is, untouchables, the lowest caste in India. They don’t have a good life at ordinary times. Luban Wood gave them a job. In order to repay Luban Wood’s kindness, they Of course, I have to work overtime and work day and night. If they are asked to rest, they will not rest.

Well, it’s actually nonsense. Luban Wood Industry adopts a piece-by-piece payment system, and the more you work, the more you get. Dalits have to work hard to seize the opportunity to make money.

"Let them hurry up and stop cutting for a few months. Those grandchildren are going to anger me. I sponsor an environmental protection organization to fight with them. If it doesn't hurt, it won't hurt."

Internationally, environmental protection organizations and animal protection organizations have long been reduced to tools and turned into a business, being used by others to attack their competitors. Not to mention, it is easy to use and affordable, and the service attitude is first-class.

"Hehehe." Liu Zhen smiled and looked at her watch, "It's almost time, let's go back."


The two returned to the office and the meeting continued.

"I also said earlier that meat should be eaten every month, because everyone knows that meat is delicious and expensive, and the big deal is to buy less at a time, but you have to buy it.

Because the meat is delicious, everyone buys it.

So why do women think that sanitary napkins are expensive and don't buy them?

It's very simple, because they haven't used it before and don't know how easy it is to use this sanitary napkin. If they don't know, let's let them know..."

Ge Cuizhu said: "Nanyi, do you want to say free trial?"

"Auntie is right, it's a free trial. As long as people who have used it, they can't live without it. It's 7 cents a month, and 8 yuan a year. For this money, anyone who receives the salary will pay Affordable, and it won't hurt muscles at all.

Sanitary napkin business is definitely a good business, it depends on how to do it.

Well, for the explanation, I will stop here, and then I will talk about something else. "

Nan Yi picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and moistened his throat.

"We in Wenchangwei have been doing business since 1978, and we have been doing business for six years now. In these years, everyone is united and the weather is good. We have also earned a lot of money.

There are tens of millions of people here, and millions of people at least. Although dividends are distributed to the villagers every year, what is distributed is a small amount of money, which means that everyone has become a household of ten thousand yuan.

But a million-dollar household is nothing. If you buy a motorcycle and some electrical appliances, you will spend almost the same amount of money.

We ourselves are very rich, we can't just let the villagers become small rich, at least let them reach the middle level of wealth, and some of them should be as rich as us, or even extremely rich.

We want to gradually change from a state where the villages are rich and the people are strong, to a state where the people are rich and the village is strong.

In addition to clothing factories, food factories, plastic factories, straw weaving factories, reclamation groups, and Wenchang Construction, the village committee will no longer establish new enterprises. In addition to intensive cultivation, the main task of the village committee will be to vigorously support villagers to start businesses.

In the future, the village committee will play the role of an investor more. If villagers want to expand their own business, they will find the village committee. We will evaluate his project, invest a certain amount of funds, obtain shares in the village enterprise, and give him support at the same time. . "

"Nanyi, the village committee you are talking about is just the village committee, or does it include Wenchang Investment?" Xian Yaodong asked.

Nan Yi glanced at the crowd, and found that everyone was looking at his face nervously, waiting for his answer. They couldn't help being nervous, Nanyi's answer was directly related to their vital interests.

"Including, of course, we must balance public and private interests."

Nanyi's words made everyone's hearts drop again.

"The business of sanitary napkins is not for the village committee, but for the villagers. I will make a feasibility report. Uncle Xian, how about you, inform the villagers who are doing business outside, and let them know I sent a letter to the past, and I will come back if I am interested.

This is the first project, and to make it a model, the village committee must provide more support, not only to buy shares, but also to lend start-up funds to the villagers.

Because of the strong support, we must be cautious when selecting candidates. This project is only allowed to succeed, not to fail. "

After talking about the sanitary napkins, the meeting continued, and everything about the Wenchangwei company went through.

When it was over, it was time for the lights to come on again.

"Nan Yi, Liu Zhen, you two are going to my house for dinner. When I came, I asked Ah Yu to prepare the dishes. This meeting should be done." Just after the meeting ended, Xian Yaodong said.

"Okay, I haven't eaten the dishes made by Auntie yet, so it's time to try her handicrafts."

Nan Yi intuitively told him that this meal was not that simple, probably because Zhang Yu couldn't help but want to probe his attitude, and wanted to move towards the center of power.

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