"In addition, ports, real estate, water conservancy, telecommunications, railways, and natural gas are all areas we want to invest in, especially telecommunications. The current communication network based on analog signals is not stable and cannot support the popularization of mobile phones.

The European Postal Telecommunications Regulatory Conference [ETST predecessor], established a mobile task force, and they were authorized to improve many proposals on the pan-European digital mobile communication system. Since the previous year, they have been preparing to develop a global system for mobile communication, GSM.

You all know how deep the connection between European countries is. Many alliances such as the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community have been established. All unified. "

"Adam, is it true?" Catherine asked.

Nan Yi nodded and said: "It should be possible. The establishment of the European Union is a general trend, but it will not include your eagle country in the end. As for why, you can find out why the eagle country did not join when the European Community was established in 1951, and The reason why you actively joined in the 1970s is clear.

Okay, let me continue talking about telecommunications. Let me put it this way, I am personally optimistic about the future of GSM. In addition, there are many large companies in the telecommunications business in Europe, such as Nokia in Finland, Siemens in Germany, and Ericsson in Sweden. The telecommunications business was laid out very early.

You said, if they were to develop their own mobile phone, what communication network would it be based on? "

"BOSS, there is no doubt that they will choose a communication network that is accepted by most countries in Europe, which will facilitate their mobile phones to enter the market of other countries." Dunstone said.

"Yes, the three companies will not make much profit by relying on their own markets alone. They need the markets of other countries, and a unified communication network will allow them to spread their products more easily without the need Develop different communication modules for different countries.

GSM already has natural supporters from top to bottom, and we can already bet that it has a bright future.

Therefore, in fields related to GSM, Bolin Holdings can try to invest.

This is about the future investment direction planning of Bolin Holdings. Let me talk about the investment direction of Sun Never Set Capital.

My positioning for the never-setting sun is a capital company that focuses on investing in high-tech fields, and what I want to invest in is high-tech. For example, I saw a man named James Sendai in Malmesbury in the newspaper some time ago. , he invented a new cyclone vacuum cleaner called G-Force.

The production and sales of dust-collectable bags is not a small industry, with an annual output value of over 1 billion pounds. Driven by market interests, companies in the industry have chosen to maintain the status quo and are not interested in Sendai's invention.

They are not interested, but we can be interested. In that industry, our interests do not exist. As a latecomer, it is a very good thing for us to have such an opportunity to break the industry convention and reshuffle the cards.

This means that we can pull these pioneers back to the starting line and start a race with us from the same starting point; we can even sneak a few steps forward before the starting gun is fired.

So, Yingzi, go to Sendai, and verify whether his invention has epoch-making significance. If so, invest in his Sendai company. "


"In addition, as long as electronics, aerospace, chemicals, and machinery are high-tech related to civilian use, you can invest in them at any time." Nan Yi said and paused, "I usually like watching science fiction movies. Based on the current technological development and the prospect of the future, the various high-tech tools that look beyond the present and look a bit magical are very interesting.

Especially the invisibility cloak, I am very interested, and I hope I can own one.

With the invisibility cloak, I can do some bad things. For example, Catherine can't see me, so I can play some pranks to play tricks on her. "

Nanyi repeatedly added herself to the indecent jokes on serious topics, which made her have to give Nanyi another roll of the eye.

Seeing her white eyes, Nan Yi laughed, then turned his face hard, "Okay, I'm not kidding. I thought the invisibility cloak was just a delusion of mine, but when I paid attention to this field, I found that , invisibility cloaks may become a reality.

In 1968, the Soviet revisionist theoretical physicist Fislag discovered that the light beam enters the water obliquely from the air, and the incident light and refracted light are located on both sides of the normal.

So, he suddenly thought: Is there another medium, contrary to the above phenomenon, that can make the incident light and refracted light on the same side of the normal?

Do not understand?

It's okay if you don't understand, in fact, I don't understand either.

Fislag's anomalous question was later confirmed to be not whimsical.

Theoretically speaking, it is only necessary to find a material with both negative permittivity and negative magnetic permeability for this anomalous physical phenomenon to appear.

It's just that no experimental verification was carried out at that time, and functional materials were still in the early stages of development, so this bold scientific conjecture of Fislag did not attract attention.

In recent years, due to the in-depth understanding of electromagnetic theory in many laboratories in various countries and the rapid development of micro-nano processing technology, an artificial device with a periodic structure on the micro-nano scale was born.

It not only realizes all theoretical predictions such as negative permittivity and negative magnetic permeability in experiments, but also verifies a possibility - through the design of various physical structures, breaking through the restrictions of natural laws, a new substance.

A new substance with the function we need. "

"Adam, what can this new substance you mentioned be used for? Can it be used as an invisibility cloak?" Catherine asked.

"No, theoretically speaking, this new substance is designed according to our needs. It can be the same as our skin, or even every organ in our body. If you lack anything in the future, you don't need to pick it from other people. Just design an organ that doesn't reject your own body.

Of course, this is just a theory, and it will be many years before this step is realized.

In the short term, we can look forward to self-healing, invisibility, and micro-manufacturing. If this new substance can achieve these three things, it will be very remarkable. "

"What is Microfabrication?"

"Make things very small. For example, semiconductor chips can be made smaller and smaller. It is possible that the size of a computer in the future will not be visible to our naked eyes.

It is also possible to use a new substance to create a small medical machine, which can enter our blood vessels and clear the stasis inside, or climb into the kidneys, directly crush the kidney stones, and then take them out of the kidneys little by little .

Because it is small enough, the damage to the human body will not be too great.

Imagine if you replaced those two balls with a material that was exactly the same as them, and that material could be made bigger and smaller, and had the ability to repair itself so that your balls didn't sag, and you said, How much can this material be sold for? "

"Adam, if you make fun of me again, I'm going to be angry." Catherine said with a cold face.

But she said so, but her eyes subconsciously glanced down, thinking, "If there is such a material, do you want to change it?"

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