Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 44 Breakfast in New York

"If the school disagrees, you can go to the principal's office and cry. Just say that your wife and children are hungry, and you can't live anymore. You are a big man, and the monthly subsidy is not enough to fill their stomachs. .

If the school wants to talk about learning, you can say that when you are out, you still recite your homework, and your grades will never drop.

We get up at four o'clock in the morning to work, and close the stall until seven o'clock, just in time for early self-study, that is, we sleep less than an hour every day, and our studies will not be delayed at all.

Besides, we can also make some gimmicks, we shout, come to our stall to buy food, we have to speak English. In this way, we are not doing business, but setting up an English corner to help students improve their English. "



"Then do it, but I have no money to do business and buy household items."

"It's okay, I'll put the money first, and then just deduct it from the money I earn."


As soon as they said it, the two first went to the waste collection station, repaired a tricycle that was no longer worth repairing, and then found replaceable parts from all kinds of junk to make a snack cart.

Then, it was another wandering around the capital to get the guys all together.

At 3:30 in the morning, Lao Nan woke Xiao Nan from his sleep. While Xiao Nan was in a daze, Lao Nan helped her get dressed, and led Xiao Nan to the bathroom to wash up.

At three quarters past three, Lao Nan locked the door, walked into the yard, and drove a dining car to Beijing University.

Xiao Nan was still very confused, holding Lao Nan's clothes with his small hands, closing his eyes, and being led by Lao Nan to walk forward.

At 4:05, Lao Nan and Xiao Nan had arrived at the entrance of the canteen of Beijing University.

Lao Wu, who was waiting there, came over immediately, and Lao Nan and the two put the dining car back together, and then added all the ingredients that had been prepared yesterday into a large lead pot.

Lao Nan opened the seal of the coal stove and took a fan of cattail leaf. The briquettes that had not been extinguished last night became more intense.

Adding six briquettes to the two briquette ovens, and fanning them with a cattail fan for a while, Lao Nan took out a piece of briquette from the bottom of the dining car.

The cover looks colorful, and there is a line of English words written on it: Newyork Breakfast.

Inserting the cover on the top of the dining car, Lao Nan took out a menu with pictures. There are two holes on the menu, which can be hung on the two hooks of the dining car.

The preparation work was very cumbersome, and it took Lao Nan nearly an hour.

By the time it was open for business, it was already in the early five o'clock in the morning, and there were already students on campus who got up early to exercise or study.

"Ruopin, wake up, it's time to attract customers."

Nan Yi woke up Nan Ruofing who was dozing off on the dining car, and wiped the gum from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Here, drink the milk and start recruiting customers."

Nanyi took out a bottle of Sanyuan milk, opened the lid and handed it to Nan Ruofing. The little girl took the milk, gulped and drank it.

After drinking the milk, Nan Ruobing climbed onto the stool by herself, took the loud man Nanyi made for her with paper, and shouted in the direction of someone: "Ladies and gentlemen, New York breakfast..."

The students who had been looking this way curiously just now heard a little girl shouting here in a very good Oxford accent, and in an instant, people came here.

Seeing people crowding around, Nan Ruobing became even more excited, pointed to the menu on the dining car, and said loudly: "Everybody, Look, we have Yuan ㄝ Kai Hu spicy soup, Huo Yuanjia pancakes, and side dishes: Zuo Zongtang Chicken, Li Hongzhang miscellaneous stew, Seng Gelinqin pickled radish, Yehenala fermented bean curd.

Today is our first day of opening, all food is 70% Sale.

Shakespeare said: Above all, you must be true to your stomach. Smelling the delicious Hu spicy soup and looking at the soft pancakes, are you hungry? "

"This little girl is amazing, her English accent is better than mine."

The person who spoke was Qu Liuyan, a student of the English Department, and Nanyi knew such a person, and the person talking next to her was Qi Ying, also a student of the English Department.

"It's true that people are more angry than people. My son is older than her, let alone English, and he can't even speak Mandarin well." Qi Ying said.

"Is this little girl Nanyi's daughter?"

"Yes, although the face is a bit different, you can still vaguely see the original appearance. Nanyi really knows how to raise children. Look at the clothes the little girl wears, so foreign."

"Nan Yi is a good father. He himself wears patched clothes all year round. Look at his pants. There are also two patches on his knees. Are these the same pants as last year?"

"I'm talking about Liu Yan, why do you always pay attention to people's trousers? You even know they've been wearing them for a year. Don't you?" Qi Ying said with an ambiguous expression.

"Oh, sister Qi Ying, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Two sisters, don't just watch, each of you has a set of Huo Yuanjia's pancakes.

Huo Yuanjia, do you know?

The one from the Jingwu Gymnastics Club defeated the Russian Hercules with one hand, defeated the little devils who kicked the gymnasium, and forced the Orientals to eat the plaque of the sick man of East Asia.

I solemnly introduce to you two, this is my father Nanyi, he studied under Liu Zhensheng [Chen Zhenzhen prototype], that is, Huo Yuanjia's big disciple, his martial arts are not very good, but the way of spreading pancakes with one hand is amazing. Perfect.

Smell the fragrance, look at the color, it only costs 20 cents to add eggs, not 10 cents to add eggs.

You two seem to be the ones who are not short of money. I suggest you add two eggs, add some Li Hongzhang chowder and Senggelinqin pickled radish, and if you put some Yehenala fermented bean curd on the pancake fruit, this taste, oh, it’s simply delicious. There is no cure.

How about, two sisters, how about a set of supreme version pancakes?

Usually a set costs 80 cents, but today it’s 30 cents off, and I only charge sisters 50 cents, and I’ll make the decision to wipe you a cent, 55 cents, how about a set? "

"Haha, you can really say that with a small mouth. Although the price is not cheap, we still get a set of Supreme Edition for each of us."

"Okay, we can give money here, and we can also give tickets. Cloth tickets, food tickets, industrial tickets, milk tickets, bicycle tickets are all available, and I will convert them for you according to the price."

"Little girl, you are so cruel, who would buy pancakes if you have a bicycle ticket?" Qi Ying said.

"That's not good, if someone is not bad."

"Here's the money, one yuan and one yuan." Qu Liuyan handed the money to Nan Ruobing, and then said to Nanyi: "The money for a set of pancakes is enough for me to eat for a day. If it doesn't taste good, you have to refund it." money."

"Aren't you underestimating people, do you know what my ancestors did?"

"What for?"

"Let me tell you, in fact, my ancestor was the imperial cook in the imperial palace, and he followed Xuantong to Tianlong, and later this thing wanted to go to the northeast to build some kind of Manchuria.

Although my great-grandfather is only a cook, but he also has national integrity, how could he join forces with him. He wanted to poison Xuantong to death, but who knew that the old horse stumbled and was spotted.

Didn’t the Qing Dynasty want to wear braids? My great-grandfather learned kung fu on braids since he was a child, and his braid skills are superb. He is the one who is called the god of braids.

Just relying on braiding skills, my great-grandfather and his old man killed seven in and seven out. Even Xuantong's imperial guards were willing to bow down and said to my great-grandfather: You can leave your name when you come!

My great-grandfather looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, flicked his braids, and replied domineeringly..."

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