On the way back, Dai Xiuxiu woke up from the shock when she was blown by the cool breeze at night. She wrapped her coat a little tighter, then turned to Luo Kun and said, "Master Luo, what do you think our boss is doing?" Yes, why are there bodyguards with guns?"

"You didn't know that you just left the country. There are many people playing with guns here in Yiguo and Yingguo, much more than in our country. It's nothing unusual to have guns here. Before I came here, I went to Yiguo and stayed on a farm. The ranchers and the farmers on the farms have guns."

"They all have guns. Isn't that very dangerous? That drunk also has a gun. If someone who wasn't the boss restrained him just now, would I be in danger?" Dai Xiuxiu said with lingering fear.

Luo Kun recalled the scene just now, and said: "Probably nothing will happen. The boss should have found out that there was something wrong with the person just now, or else he wouldn't have reminded you to keep your view away from the gate."

"Yes, why did the boss ask me to do this?"

"Aren't you from the Northeast? You are the front line of anti-Soviet revisionism. When you were studying, you didn't receive military training?"

"The Northeast is getting bigger. Not every place is a border. I'm from Bingcheng, and besides, I'm not very old. I was still young during the most tense years. I also participated in military training when I was in junior high school. If you haven’t even touched it, just walk in a queue with a wooden stick.”

"It's a pity for you, I didn't catch up. Before I became a soldier, I was a militiaman in the village. I have played with mortars, anti-aircraft guns, and recoilless guns. Let me tell you, I also played with that howitzer..."

"Brother Luo, let's not talk too far away, let's talk about the immediate, the immediate."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the present." Luo Kun said indifferently: "The boss is telling you not to block the shooting range. His bodyguards outside the door are already watching the drunkard, and they will shoot if there is any abnormality."

"So this is ah."

Dai Xiuxiu responded thoughtfully.

On the second day, Longmenzhen’s business was better than the previous day, with a higher attendance rate. A total of 135 guests were entertained at noon, the turnover reached 401.75 pounds, and the unit price reached nearly 3 pounds.

From the mouths of the guests, Nanyi heard a lot of good comments. The food of Longmenzhen was in line with their preferences. Moreover, Nanyi observed carefully, and 39 guests came here yesterday.

The good business is a bit too much, which is beyond Nanyi's expectations.

Seeing Streeter and Dai Xiuxiu busy walking around, Nan Yi thought about the day of salary next month, and looked at giving them a raise. There is no need to add regular waiters for the time being. There are only ten tables in total, and three waiters are a bit more. There is a bit of overstaffing, but part-time staff can be added.

Nanyi wrote another recruitment notice and posted it. Perhaps the unemployment situation in Yingguo was really serious. This time, as soon as he finished posting, there was already someone standing behind him waiting.



"I can?"

"you sure?"

Nan Yi looked at the woman in front of her. She had a pink afro head, two eyebrows on both sides were shaved off, and three letters "FUC" were painted obliquely on the top of the crossing; black eye shadow was painted on her nose, and her nose The same black nose ring is hung, and the lips are also painted in a conspicuous black;

There is a black collar tied around the neck, with stainless steel nails on it, and a large ring at the Adam's apple, giving the impression that the woman in front of her is a cellar, waiting for someone to pull the ring to open her;

The upper body is wearing a black vest, which should be one size smaller. Because the mountain peak is too high, the hem can barely reach the foot of the mountain; the lower body is wearing a pair of jeans, which have been cut to the position above the knee; Combat boots, the outer yellow canvas boots are also covered.

The woman has a good figure, wipe off the makeup on her face, and remove the strange parts. This is a very beautiful and sexy woman. Nan Yi looks familiar, very similar to Jennifer Kang in the period of riding a wooden horse Nali.

"Yes, I need a job."

The woman was chewing gum, and there was absolutely no sign of lack of income on her face.

"I'm hiring waiters here, not young punk girls." Nan Yi shrugged.

Nanyi believed that among the girls who smoked, drank, and went shopping, there were also some kind-hearted, clean-spirited, unstained from the mud, but he knew that eating should go to restaurants, not to public toilets.

"I've lost interest in punk. If you don't like what I have, I can replace it all."

"Well, what's your name?"


"OK, Elizabeth, please go and change your clothes first, change the makeup on your face to normal, or don't wear makeup at all, come here at five o'clock in the afternoon, if you can do it, then you can stay, if you can't , you can leave at any time, and I will give you the money."

"Thank you, you're a nice guy."

A punk girl named Elizabeth sent a good person card to Nanyi.

Nanyi was secretly happy, the good guy card was really rare for him, this was the first card he received in two lifetimes, but the bad guy card was often received.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Nanyi went to Regent Street.

It didn't take long for his car to arrive at the door of Jinggexuan on Regent Street. A person who had been watching at the door saw Nanyi's car appear and immediately ran into the house.

"Nansheng, I should rent a few new cars as spares. These cars have already fallen into the eyes of others." Xiaohua, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was keenly aware of the onlooker.

"Yeah." Nanyi nodded and said, "You can figure it out."

After speaking, Nan Yi got off the car, and Wu Zaisheng also happened to arrive at the door of Jingexuan, and walked towards Nan Yi with a smile on his face.

"Ayi, here we come."

"Sorry, the store is too busy to keep you waiting." Nanyi said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's okay, our appointment time hasn't come yet, come, go in and talk." Wu Zaisheng waved his hands repeatedly, and walked in to meet Nanyi.

Following Wu Zaisheng to his office, he opened the door, and saw two old men inside, Wu Jingyuan and the housekeeper Ah Da.

Seeing Nan Yi appear, Wu Jingyuan nodded at him, then waved again, and said, "Yi Zai, come and sit down."

Wu Jingyuan showed an amiable smile, just like the amiable face of the old man next door.

"Old man, why are you here too?" Nan Yi walked quickly towards Wu Jingyuan, stopped in front of him and bowed his waist and said.

"Stop standing, sit down and talk." Wu Jingyuan patted the armrest of a chair beside him and said.


Nan Yi agreed, and sat next to Wu Jingyuan. The butler, A Da, immediately took out a new cup from the tea table, scalded it first, and then poured him a cup of tea.

"Ah Sheng told me what you thought when I went back yesterday, Yi Zai, this old man knows that you are a great talent, since you are a great talent, you should be treated accordingly. After all, Ah Sheng is still young, and he hasn't learned how to act with dignity. Now I am the master, I will give you another condition, and you will definitely be satisfied."

Wu Jingyuan's words have an undeniable taste, what is meant by "you will be satisfied", his subtext is actually telling Nan Yi that one must be sensible and not push his feet.

Of course, Nanyi estimated that Wu Jingyuan would offer a condition that he would definitely agree to under normal circumstances.

"Grandpa, tell me."

"The starting salary is doubled, and the annual salary is 500,000 pounds. Regarding the autonomy you mentioned, it can also be given to you. In the past, Jardine Bank's system was too rigid and its business scope was too narrow. It is time for reform.

Jardine Bank can no longer only serve the Chinese in the UK, but also increase its customer base. No matter if they are white or other people, as long as they are suitable, they can become our customers.

Yi Tsai, I hope you will take up the post of deputy manager at Jardine Bank to develop our new loan customers and also develop investment business. You take the lead to establish a business development department, and you also serve as the head of the development department. You can get three points of dividends for the profits of this department. "

"It's low. I want eight points. I can guarantee that I will bring more than ten million pounds of profits to the bank within a year. If it is not achieved, I will not pay any dividends."

"Okay, very people do extraordinary things, eight points are eight points." Wu Jingyuan readily agreed.

He must agree, why not agree, the current annual profit of Jardine Bank is just over 10 million pounds, and Nanyi's promise can be said to double the bank's profit, and give out 800,000 to others. , Wu Jingyuan must be there.

Dividends are not shares, they are given as they are given.

If you don't want to give it, it's very simple. The accountant is from the Wu family. After making a fuss about the cost and expenditure, he can calculate a disgusting figure that is only 1 penny away.

This kind of cleverness is often played by many bosses who have no structure.

"Eat the king's salary, and do your best. The king treats me as a gentleman of the country, and I will repay the gentleman of the country."

"Okay, Yi Zai, I'll wait and see." Wu Jingyuan smiled wryly, "Ah Sheng, you will learn from Yi Zai in the future. Although you are a few years older than him, you may not be as experienced as him in terms of things."

"Okay, Grandpa, I will definitely learn from Ah Yi with an open mind." Wu Zaisheng promised, and then said to Nan Yi: "Ah Yi, you can give me more advice in the future."

"Learn from each other, learn from each other."

"Yi Zi, when will you be able to join the job?" Wu Jingyuan asked.

"Mr. Wu, please give me a week to deal with my own affairs. Next Monday, which is the 11th, I will report to Jardine Bank."

"sure, no problem."

Wu Jingyuan happily agreed, then chatted with Nanyi for a few more words before leaving, leaving Wu Zaisheng and Nanyi to continue chatting.

"Ayi, since we are working together soon, I will tell you about the situation of Jardine Bank. Now the president of the bank is my second uncle Wu Fuye. He doesn't usually go to the bank, but there are two of his confidantes in the bank. .

One is Zhang Fuxin, who is his secretary; the other is Jin Ke, who is in charge of Jardine Bank's loan review and disbursement. The last time Boss Ye's loan didn't go well was because he got stuck. "

"Jing Ke? Same name as Qing Ke from the Warring States Period?"

"It's not that Jing, it's Ge Jinjin." Wu Zaisheng explained: "Also, Zhang Fuxin is a woman, not a man. She is two years younger than me and has very good abilities. You should be more careful about this person."

"Is this woman married?"

"How do you know? They're married. It's been almost three years."

"It's normal, as soon as you hear this name, you can tell that it must have been changed later. Even if the parents like boys, they will at most choose Zhengnan or Shengnan. How can they be called Fuxin.

The name Fuxin is particular about the five elements. Wealth belongs to water, and faith belongs to gold. It has a very good meaning. Most of the time, the man asked someone to read it and then changed her name. "

Wu Zaisheng gave a thumbs up and said, "It's great. The real situation is similar to what you guessed. This is Zhang Fuxin's name changed by her father-in-law. His husband's name is Wang Bozheng. The Wang family is also a large Chinese family here in Yingguo. In Bond There are more than a dozen shops on the street."

"Oh, New Street or Old Street?"

Bond Street is divided into New Bond Street and Old Bond Street. It is a famous street, less famous than Champs Elysees.

"All of them. The Wang family came from Li Jiapo. They are mainly engaged in fashion department stores. Their family has agency rights for several luxury brands, and they are also engaged in the real estate industry."

"So, the strength of the Wang family is not bad. Why is Zhang Fuxin still working outside and not going home to help?"

"I'm not sure about that. Maybe it's because my second uncle helped her back then, and he was kind enough to know her." Wu Zaisheng was evasive, obviously not telling the truth.

Nanyi didn't ask any further questions, but just nodded and talked about other topics.

The two chatted until around 4:30, Nan Yi left and went back to Longmenzhen. As soon as he arrived at the store, he saw Elizabeth standing and chatting quietly with Dai Xiuxiu and Streeter.

Elizabeth's image has changed drastically, the bits and pieces on her body have been removed, her hair has turned into blonde, which should be the true color of her hair, and her clothes are still exposed, but they are already in the normal category.


"It's me, is this suit okay?" Elizabeth turned around and said when she heard Nan Yi's voice.

"Very well, come with me, you need to fill in the information."

In terms of beauty, Nanyi has always been in the normal range of men. Like countless old perverts, he likes women who have nothing to do with him to dress a little more revealingly, so that his eyes can receive some benefits.

Nan Yi found a form from the cash register and handed it to Elizabeth, "Please fill in the blanks above. Age and marital status can be left blank. I don't intend to offend your privacy, as long as you indicate in the bottom blank column You are already 18 years old, you are 18 years old, right?"

Part-time employees are different from full-time employees. There is no rule in Eagle Country that people under the age of 18 cannot work part-time outside, but there are regulations on working hours.

"Yes." Elizabeth looked at the form, picked up a pen and filled it out.

Nan Yi took a glance. In the name column, she filled in the full name Elizabeth Hurley. After converting the name into Chinese in his mind, he felt a sense of familiarity.

After glancing at it, Nanyi stopped looking and walked into the kitchen.

"Old Luo, have you decided who to call over?"

"Think about it. I want to call one of my former colleagues over. He doesn't have a good job now. He works in an individual restaurant. He should be willing to come over."

"Okay, then give me your name and address, and tell me something that only the two of you know, so that the person I send can prove your identity."


Luo Kun went to find a pen and paper, and Nan Yi leaned over to Douglas who was working and said a few words to him...

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