"I don't smoke."

Nanyi declined Hurley's kindness and continued to lick his ice cream.

Hurley put the cigarette case back, leaned against the wall like Nan Yi, slowly took a puff of cigarette, a mouthful of ice cream, licked the left side and right side of the little tongue, there was a hint of evil in the beauty.

Nan Yi turned his body to one side and admired it generously.

Seeing Nanyi's eyes, Hurley didn't dodge, and deliberately stuck out his tongue to lick off the ice cream froth on his upper lip.

Nanyi smiled knowingly, and stuffed all the egg rolls outside the ice cream into his mouth.

"Boss, do I look good?"

"Yes, comparable to another Elizabeth."

"Which one? The one in Buckingham Palace?"

"No, I'm talking about Elizabeth Taylor."

"I think I'm more similar to Vivien Leigh, so, do you think I'm suitable to be an actor?"

"I think it's a good fit."

Nanyi could tell from Hurley's tone that she was not asking for his opinion, but wanted to get approval and spiritual support from him. In fact, she had already decided that she wanted to be an actor. Even if Nanyi gave A negative answer should not change Hurley's determination, so he simply gave encouragement.

"Really? I think so too. I can definitely become an actor. I will go to the London Film and Television Center to sign up in August."

"come on."


"The woman who came to see you yesterday was Catherine Boleyn?"

"Yes, you know him?"

"Of course I do. I read in the newspaper that Chelsea's new owner, new chairman, nobleman! It seems that you are very close. Is she your girlfriend?"

When Hurley said the word "nobility", Nanyi could feel a sour taste.

"No, I have business dealings with her."


Hurley then changed the topic to punk rock, and talked to Nan Yi about the Who, Police, Pink Floyd, Sex Pistols, and the Iron Maiden band that has been very popular in the past two years.

Nanyi, who didn't know much about rock and roll, could only listen quietly as a listener, until he heard the Dragon Gate Array begin to take guests.

On this day, Nanyi didn't stay at Longmenzhen until it went out of business, and handed over the accounting work to Dai Xiuxiu. Before six o'clock, Nanyi left and returned to Downton Abbey.

In the study, Uedo Masami was already waiting. As soon as Nanyi arrived, the two began to talk about work.

"Chairman, Cannes shares are 24% of the Bout family, 28% of Swire Pacific, and 7% of the other 17 small shareholders. The other 41% of the shares are in the secondary market, with a total of 17 million shares. Currently The stock price is HK$5.19.

According to the news from Hong Kong, there are dozens of accounts sweeping the market. These accounts belong to two forces. One of them should be Li Tongban, which has been operating for a long time; The order is from the securities department of HSBC Bank, and they just entered the market today. "

"It doesn't matter if we can't find it. We will treat the person behind the scenes as Wu Zhenlin. Call me, and I will call Catherine to ask if Catherine is related to the Bout family."

"President, are you going to buy Cannes Yingni?" Masami Ueto asked while handing the phone to Nan Yi.

"Well, Hong Kong real estate is so prosperous, but there are only two cement factories in Qingzhou Yingni and Kangcheng Yingni. It will not lose money to buy it, not to mention that it also holds so much land in the Hung Hom area. You call Sandeep Masala Ni [the leader of the Finance and Accounting Group of the Intelligence Policy Committee] asked him to prepare 200 million Hong Kong dollars."


Nanyi finished the phone call with Catherine, and heard good news from her. The Bolin family and the Boot family have a certain relationship. Although they are not too close, they may be able to talk.

For Nanyi, this was enough. He greeted him, took Uedo Masami with him, backed up the car several times on the road, and went to Boleyn Castle in secret.

"Catherine, you fly to Hong Kong tomorrow to meet with Mr. Chavik of the Bout family. The highest premium is 30% to buy the shares of Cannes Yingni in their family's hands; whether it goes well or not, you still have to go to Swire Pacific, See Mr. Milton Swire, likewise, offer to buy their share."

"OK, I'll take the first flight tomorrow." Catherine happily agreed.

Nanyi asked her to do something, and she was very happy in her heart. Since she was asked to come forward, it means that the shares of Cancheng Yingni will definitely be placed under the name of Bolin Holdings after the acquisition. You know, she will have shares in Bolin Holdings in the future .

"You don't have experience in business negotiations. When you arrive in Xiangtang, I will ask someone to assist you."

Nanyi said it was an assistant, but in fact she still used Catherine as a mascot. She had no actual combat experience, so how could Nanyi let her lead the acquisition of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.


After Nanyi and Catherine finished talking, they looked at the time, then picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hello, Fang Mansion, who are you? Did you dial the wrong extension number?"

"You little girl, don't be naughty. When did you install a program-controlled phone at home?" Nan Yi changed his ear on the phone and said with a smile.

"Hmph, bad dad, it's been a month, how long has it been, I miss you so much."

"Hehe, Dad misses you too, don't you live a fulfilling life, busy with your own business every day, tell Dad, how much money do you earn?"

"Hee hee, not much, Dad, are you coming back?" Nan Ruofeng put the phone on his shoulder and sat on the ground wearing sneakers.

"I can't go back for the time being, but an aunt is going to Xiangtang to talk about an acquisition. Aunt Liang will take you to the acquisition team tomorrow. You can watch and listen."

"Oh, I see, Dad, how long will it be before you come back?"

"Father doesn't know yet, it shouldn't be too long. If you are bored, you can go to the capital to visit your Aunt Liu."

"Yeah, I'll go, Dad, I'm going to exercise."

"Go ahead, don't exercise too much."

Exercising, at the beginning, relies on persistence, but after a long time, it becomes a habit, an addiction. Nan Ruofing's addiction has already been picked up, and now she doesn't need to be supervised at all. Instead, she has to be watched, so as not to let her exercise too much.

"Understood, Dad, goodbye."


Nanyi hung up the phone and said to Uedo Masami: "In the next few days, you will work here, and coordinate with Xiangyu, so that they can report the daily sweeps in the secondary market."

"Which department in Xiangtang will handle the operation?"

"Contact Zhao Shixian and let PY Securities come forward to sweep the goods." Nan Yi said after thinking for a while.


Masami Uedo responded and started calling.

Nan Yi sat down aggressively on the executive chair, turned on BBC Two, turned the volume down, and watched the sitcom "Yes, Minister" on the TV.

This sitcom has been on the air since 1980 and has been loved by audiences and friends, from ordinary viewers to politicians of all parties. There are even many political figures who have made cameo appearances in it, and even the Iron Lady has made a cameo appearance in one episode.

Politicians cameo in a sitcom that satirizes politics. Nan Yi thinks about it and has a little Coca-Cola. I have to say that the Eagle Countryman is quite affordable.

"Adam, are you going to stay up all night today?"

Catherine walked to Nanyi's side and sat on the armrest of the executive chair.

"No, the Hong Kong stock market opens at 1:30 London time, and the market closes at noon at four o'clock, so you can rest at that time."

"Then I won't accompany you, I have an early flight."

"Don't accompany me, go to sleep."

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