"Yesterday, the roof of the old building renovation project on Aixian Street was poured overnight. As a result, a worker, Zhou Momou, died suddenly. While cleaning up the DB, a doctor's medical certificate was found on him. The worker who died suddenly had liver cancer at an advanced stage. , time is running out. The company will soon formulate the compensation standard for him, and needs your guidance, Nansheng."

"I asked you to send a notice, and Zhou Moumou, what alias?"

"Nansheng, you misunderstood. The worker who died suddenly was called Zhou... Mou Mou, Mou Mou."

"Oh, how long has Zhou Momou been in the company?" Nan Yi asked.

"A total of 3,061 hours were worked."

"According to the standard of creativity, a construction worker can't work more than 12 hours a day. I regard this Zhou Momou as the hardest-working person. When he works every day without rest, he has done at least nine jobs in the company. moon.

In nine months, if I'm not mistaken, he caught up with the entry physical examination, the year-end physical examination and the mid-year physical examination this month. Please explain to me why a worker suffering from liver cancer can still Continue to work? "

"This is due to the poor implementation of the system by the people below. It may be out of good intentions, so they turned a blind eye." Zhu Youren explained.

"Out of kindness? Being kind to Zhou Momou is full of malice towards the company, right?" Nanyi picked up a shrimp dumpling and chewed it in his mouth, saying, "It's a good thing for a person to have a kind heart. For good deeds, you should pay out of your own pocket, don't just think about letting others contribute.

He took the reputation of a good man himself, but someone else contributed the money and efforts. Why, all the good things in the world have to revolve around him?

Thorough investigation, find out who is responsible for me, I don't care what reason you use, he must be fired, and then give him a bonus of 5,000 yuan to reward his kindness.

I hope that after he has gone through this incident, he can continue to maintain his kindness, but don't keep it to harm me, let him harm others.

This is the way to punish the person responsible. As for Zhou Momou, let's talk about the situation in his family. "

"Zhou Momou's mother is still alive and in poor health. She takes medicine all the year round. His wife works in an electronics factory in Chai Wan. The salary is not high. There are three children under her, who are still very young. His family lives in a public housing estate in Shek Kip Mei. Here, life is not very good."

"How old is Zhou Momou?"

"I'm 42 years old this year."

"What type of work?"

"Ordinary site workers, not skilled workers."


Nanyi put the phone on the table, asked the waiter to bring paper and pen, and began to calculate.

Creativity occupations give site workers [people who work on the construction site are called site workers] a day's salary is 120 Hong Kong dollars, and the normal working hours are 8.5 working hours. If there is no accident, the working time can be 9 months a year.

Pruning the beginning and the end, and rounding up, the time that you can get paid in a year is 275 days.


33000*18 years=594000≈600000

If you don't work and get paid for nothing, you have to make a discount, 20% off.


After finishing the calculation, Nanyi crossed out the number "480000", wrote "48+2" on the paper, then picked up the phone and said: "Pete, listen carefully, the compensation will be based on the standard set by the company In addition, in your own name, give Zhou Momou's family 500,000 yuan in condolence money.

Listen well, it is in your own name, not the name of the company. This money is not compensation, it is humanitarian compensation.

In addition, 480,000 of the 500,000 will be borne by the company, and the remaining 20,000 will be deducted from your salary.

Safety on the construction site is the top priority. As for the whole creative real estate, I don’t care how big the plate is in the future. I will give you three death quotas a year. If there are more than three, I will hold you accountable.

Also, 500,000 plus compensation is quite a lot of money. Even if it is not disclosed to the public, the news will definitely be leaked. The money is touching, and I am afraid that someone will take risks.

All the construction sites of Creativity have to put up new slogans, which read: ‘Working on the construction site, remember to be safe. In the event of an accident, the old man and the mother will be taken care of, and others will sleep with your wife, beat your children, and pay you compensation. '

Explain to each shift leader that before the site workers go to work every day, they must emphasize the safety system to them. They must wear hard hats, masks, labor protection gloves, and labor protection shoes. All safety measures must be taken.

Anyone who does not abide by the safety system will be severely punished, punished to death, and lawyers will be involved in the reformulation of the reward clauses of the safety system. Within a reasonable and legal range, the fine can be set as high as possible. Let the land workers be fined once, and they will be punished. "

"Nansheng, if the fine is too harsh, the site workers will complain." Zhu Youren said.

"If you complain, just complain. If you don't want to do it, let them do it in another place. If you want to talk about masons, the inland Jiangsu province is the best. Send someone to the north of Jiangsu, find a few counties with more masons, and go directly to the county labor bureau. Talk to them about labor export."

"Nansheng, this idea is very good. The workers from the inland are obedient and willing to work, and the expenditure will be less. In addition, they can also make good friends with the local government in the inland to prepare for the future." Zhu Youren said, and there was a turning point. "It's just that I'm afraid that the Labor Department will think about us."

"I didn't ask you to use all the land workers from the mainland, let's use them in cross-use. We try our best to do what we should do. In the face of the land workers, we have to be upright, but we don't want to promise them unreasonable things endlessly." condition.

Okay, that's it, Zhou Momou's matter is done, give me a report. "


As soon as Nan Yi hung up the phone, Nan Ruofing, who was sitting opposite him, asked, "Dad, did something happen on the construction site?"

"Well, someone died, and that person had terminal cancer."

"Father, is the compensation of 500,000 yuan too high? I'm worried that someone will die on the construction site on purpose." Nan Ruofing said worriedly.

"What you said is unavoidable. Some construction workers who are in trouble and have nowhere to go will definitely go to extremes. In the second half of the year, it is not uncommon for someone to die on the construction site. If this is made up, the next one will have to make up for it. Creativity spending will definitely increase.

But we can’t refuse compensation because of the increase in expenditure, although legally speaking, we don’t have this obligation, because the compensation that creativity will give far exceeds the compensation regulations of Hong Kong law.

Ruobing, most of the construction workers are the pillars of a family, and the whole family depends on them to earn money. If the construction workers lose their ability to earn money, the whole family will be affected.

Because of lack of money, their children will drop out of school early, and without a good diploma, they will not be able to find a good job, or even a job. In order to survive, the men will work as dwarf mules, and the women may go to Bowland Street. life will be completely changed.

Therefore, we must be responsible for our site workers. If something goes wrong, we must pay them enough compensation. Even if this leads to loss of creativity and bankruptcy, we must adhere to this principle.

The most is that we will not build houses ourselves in the future, but only focus on taking over buildings from the outside. "

"Gentleman, do something and don't do something." Nan Ruofeng nodded and said.

"Yes, we don't want to be saints, but we can't bully poor people either. If you want to earn hard-hearted money, you can go to the stock market. There is a battlefield for competition of intelligence and capital. Since you want to end, you have to have the consciousness of losing everything and jumping off a building.

To make money in the stock market, you don’t need to have any psychological burden. On the premise of not breaking the law, if you can make a few more people jump off the building, Dad will only praise you, and will never scold you. "

"Father, what if I lose?" Nan Ruobing asked with a smile.

"Haha, as long as you don't play stud, Dad will poke you in the back. At most, if you become a shareholder by speculating in stocks, then Dad will take over the company. If you lose in stocks, Dad will help you run the business." Earn out of the dividends, and then drive up the stock price and cash out."

"Hee hee, Dad, then don't die of exhaustion."

"Then what can I do, who told me to be your old man, since you were one year old, I will wipe your shit and piss for you. I will wipe your shit until you die."

"Dad, you are too kind."

Nan Ruofing stretched out her hands, clapped her hands, and waited for Nanyi to give her a hug.

"Okay, continue to eat, little girl, don't learn to show your mouth, the world is only in your mouth."

"Hee hee, my world is not only in my mouth, I will use my feet to measure the world. Dad, I will go to all the places that can be reached on the earth once."

"You must have time to go. Twenty to twenty-five years old is the period of rebellion and debauchery given to you by your father. In five years, you can do whatever you like. Whether you are a backpacker to get to know the world, or go to Be a mercenary, or just eat, drink and have fun.

Within a certain limit, you can do whatever you want, where is the boundary of this limit, you understand? "

"Understood, what to do and what not to do."

"Well, that's it. You are a rich second generation and a genius, so you should have privileges. You must use your best years to waste your time. When the waste is enough, you will get back on track and do what you should do."

"Father, what if I wave myself to death?"

"Honghu water, the waves hit the waves, the front wave is dead, and the back wave is on. Dad will stamp a dead red stamp on your file bag, and then change to another one to continue training. By the way, if you want to die, die quickly, don't delay Dad's time." Precious time."

"Hmph, Dad, I'm your daughter, blood is thicker than water." Nan Ruobing said with eyes wide open.

"It wasn't dad who strangled you, didn't you die by yourself?"


Nan Ruofing's expression softened, and she grabbed a piece of bean curd skin roll from Nanyi's chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth.

Nanyi shook his head and picked up another piece from the cup.

After drinking morning tea, Nan Ruobing went to do her own work, while Nan Yi went to a shrimp fishing restaurant in Haiguang Street, Quarry Bay.

Indoor shrimp fishing is very popular in Taiyuan. There are not many people here in Xiangcheng, but there are a few shrimp fishing restaurants. The one in Nanyilai has the best business, but on weekday mornings, not many There may be too many customers.

When Nan Yi arrived, there was no customer in the store except the boss, and even the boss poured a bucket of shrimp into the shrimp pond temporarily.

There are many kinds of bait with strong fishy smell in the store, including chicken heart and liver, sheep heart and lamb liver. Nanyi chooses shrimp meat that looks cleaner as bait, boiled beans to burn Osmunda, and shrimp meat for shrimp fishing.

When the bait entered the pond, Nanyi continued his usual style, taking out a book and reading it.

From time to time, Xiaohua would go to Nanyi and report the progress of Nanguo Bank.

Today, the Nanguo Bank is shaking the mountain and launching an investigation on Jiang Wenwei and Liang Bing. They must not be allowed to stay quietly, but must be moved.

In the past two days, Jiang Wenwei was not idle. He ran into Zhao Shixian every day. This grandson took Nanyi's money, speculated in Nanyi's stocks, and picked up Nanyi's girls, as if he was determined to eat Nanyi. Not polite.

Picking up the third Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Nanyi, Xiaohua came to Nanyi again.

"Liang Bing asked for leave because he was not feeling well. Five minutes ago, Jiang Wenwei went to the corridor to make a call. It was for Liang Bing. Our people didn't dare to get too close. We didn't hear the whole call, so we heard him persuade Liang Bing, don't panic."

"Well, according to Jiang Wenwei's patience, nothing will happen during working hours, and there may be stories happening at night. It's a rare opportunity to find a paparazzi to follow the murder case a little later."


On the first day, the weather was calm, and what Nanyi expected did not happen.

The next day, Nanyi continued to fish for shrimps. Liang Bing did not go to work, nor did he ask for leave. Jiang Wenwei still went to work normally.

At 10:07 in the morning, Liang Bing called Jiang Wenwei, and then took a taxi to the airport. After arriving at the airport, she did not enter the airport lobby, but turned back.

At 11:26 in the morning, Liang Bing called Jiang Wenwei again in the tea restaurant, probably talking about the fact that she hadn't left. Show fierce light.

At noon, Nanyi continued to eat shrimp at the shrimp fishing restaurant.

In the afternoon, Liang Bing went in and out of her and Jiang Wenwei's love nest, went to the flower shop and the vegetable market, presumably to prepare a candlelight dinner; Jiang Wenwei continued to work, but was a little restless.

In the evening, Jiang Wenwei and Liang Bing had a candlelight dinner, Nanyi's people were feeding mosquitoes in every corner, and Nanyi was sitting in a car parked by the side of the road at Cape Collinson, studying Jiang Wenwei's materials under the reading light.

The place where the car was parked was near the only way to Mount Pottinger. Mount Pottinger was the closest wilderness to Jiang Wenwei and his love nest. There was a large area that was inaccessible, and it was an ideal place to kill people and bury their bodies.

There is also a workshop halfway up the mountain, which has oil drums and electric welding machines. According to Jiang Wenwei's IQ, he should be able to figure out how to make full use of these things.

"Nansheng, the hamburger is here."

At 7:30 in the evening, Xiaohua got into the car with a bag.

"You eat hamburgers yourself?"

Nan Yi poked around in the bag, only seeing hamburgers and Coke.


"You have a bad stomach, eat more things that nourish your stomach."

"One meal or two is fine."

"Be more careful." After Nanyi finished speaking, he picked up a hamburger and a glass of Coke, peeled off the wrapping paper and stuffed them into his mouth.

At 8:20 in the evening, Nanyi turned off the reading light, and the car suddenly fell into darkness.

It was very quiet outside the car, only the sounds of various insects, and cars would pass by every few minutes, very sparsely.

At 11:30 in the evening, Nanyi, who had already closed his eyes and meditated, heard a voice from the walkie-talkie: "Two VIPs are here, both of them are alive, Over!"

"Copy." The school girl responded and turned to look at Nanyi.

Nan Yi opened his eyes and said, "Go back to the hotel."

Xiaohua pressed the call button and said: "Hyena, hyena, the boss is leaving, you go on."


After the school belle reported, she immediately started the car and left.

Now that Jiang Wenwei brought Liang Bing to Mount Podian, Nanyi's previous predictions could basically come true, and he had no interest in staying and witnessing a murder.

Even if things don't go as he expected, it's okay, you can ask Jiang Wenwei to confront him tomorrow, let him spit out the stocks first, and then let the police pull people.

Nanguo Bank can carry out a targeted charity activity for the people who are studying in Stanley. It is a real charity activity, not a bribe. Add a little entertainment to the Stanley Training Center, donate some books, improve a few meals, and so on, all the glamorous behaviors that can be displayed on the table.

Cannibalism has a short mouth and short hands, Nanguo Bank played a positive role, then Jiang Wenwei and Liang Bing are the negative roles, and Hunjianghu is talking about a righteous word. At that time, some righteous brothers and sisters will come to fix this pair of dogs.

If they have forgotten the meaning, please ask someone to teach them how to write the meaning.

Well, to teach people loyalty, no one can say that there is something wrong!

Back at the hotel, Nanyi slept through the night until dawn, and the school belle's words "I got it" whetted his appetite, and he ate an extra portion of chicken feet for morning tea than the normal amount.

Although Jiang Wenwei just killed his "close lover" last night, he is still the same today, going to work at Nanguo Bank without changing his face or beating his heart.

He didn't need to panic at all. Once Liang Bing died, Nanguo Bank had no evidence to accuse him of fraudulent loans. At most, it suspected that he had violated the risk control rules of the risk control department. Even if he was to be fired, he would have to be compensated enough.

Gu Jing came to the office of the risk control department calmly. Jiang Wenwei just sat down when his phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Jiang Wenwei."

"Jiang Sheng, hello, I couldn't sleep last night, so I went to Mount Pottinger and took some wonderful photos, let's chat."

Hearing these words, Jiang Wenwei could no longer maintain his composure, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he said in a trembling voice, "What do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything, I'm just asking for money. I'll be downstairs, waiting for you for ten minutes."

"Okay, I'll come down right away."

Jiang Wenwei hung up the phone, forced himself to calm down, adjusted his suit, and walked towards the elevator shaft. When he came to the gate of Nanguo Bank, he saw a hand sticking out of the window of a car waving to him.

Walked over, opened the car door, and took a look inside the car. There was only a woman in the driver's seat, and the other seats were empty. Jiang Wenwei's keen eyes also saw a long blade on the armrest box between the driver's seat and the co-pilot. Thirty centimeters of rib difference.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm just a weak woman, get in the car, let's have a good chat." The woman in the driver's seat said with a smile.

Jiang Wenwei opened the car door and sat in the co-pilot. When he was seated, he glanced at the rib cage again.

The woman stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out.

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