Jiang Wenwei wanted to commit murder, but he didn't restrain himself after being warned, and was shot dead on the spot.

The matter was very clear. Lin Jiahua, who shot the gun, acted in full accordance with the police procedures. Not only did he not have any responsibility, but he was also rewarded.

Although the commendation doesn't mean much to him who has submitted the resignation report.

The "woman" was first sent to the hospital by Bai Che for an examination. She was fine, so she was invited to Wanchai Police Station to record a statement.

"what name?"

The person in charge of recording the statement for Xie Wanhua, code-named "Toupai", was Chen Dasheng, CW detective of Wanchai Police Station, with the rank of Sanchai, also known as Santiaogang, Shazhan, and Sergeant.

[CW Criminal Department is the CID criminal investigation department in Hong Kong movies. The CID has actually been revoked long ago. Let’s put it this way, as long as there are criminal investigation dramas with BP cameras in Hong Kong movies, there will be no CID. When CID was more active, uniformed policemen still wore shorts. ]

"Xie Wanhua."

"Where do you work?"

"Investigator of the Southland Bank Investigation Office."

"Investigator? Investigate what?" Chen Dasheng asked.

"The investigation office has two main responsibilities. One is to investigate the background of potential customers who borrow from the bank, and the other is to investigate whether the bank's internal staff have violated regulations."

"Oh, ICAC." Chen Dasheng, who recorded the statement, teased and asked again: "Why did you appear at the scene of the crime at the same time as the deceased?"

"The senior management of the bank suspected that Jiang Wenwei had colluded with Liang Bing from the loan department to defraud the bank of a huge loan, and ordered our investigation office to investigate. On the day we started the investigation, that is, on June 21, Liang Bing asked for a day off, and then did not ask for leave the next day. Absenteeism did not go to work at the bank and has not reappeared to this day."

"Today is the weekend, is your bank closed?"

"In order to better serve customers, our bank adopts a rotation system, and people are on duty throughout the year." The head card saw the opportunity and played a soft advertisement.

"You did not answer why you appeared at the scene of the crime at the same time as the deceased."

"According to the procedure of our investigation room, I conducted an informal interview with Jiang Wenwei. In order to avoid negative impact on him, I put the place of the interview outside. Who knows..." The face of the head card slammed Turned white again, "Just in the middle of the questioning, he suddenly wanted to stab me in the neck with a knife. Fortunately, the car door was not closed tightly, so I could avoid it. It was so dangerous, so dangerous!"

The leader patted his chest as if in shock, Chen Dasheng picked up the water on the table and handed it to the leader, "Miss Xie, drink some water."

The head card took the water glass and said thank you!

After the pause, the statement was continued, and the first statement was quickly finished.

Chen Dasheng quickly took the confession to the office of his boss, Inspector Zhang Peiyong, the leader of Wanchai Serious Case B Team.

"Inspector Zhang, the statement is finished."

"Is there any problem?" Zhang Peiyong asked.

"There is nothing wrong with the confession, it is impeccable, but I have doubts about the identity of this Xie Wanhua."

"Do you have any questions?"

"I checked her file. She is of Cambodian Chinese descent. She came here in 1979 with the refugees from the south of the Yangtze River. She lived in a refugee camp and worked odd jobs outside. In 1981, a lawyer came forward to help her The Hong Kong ID card solved her identity, in May 1982..." Chen Dasheng took a document and put it on Zhang Peiyong's desk, "Inspector Zhang, take a look for yourself."

Zhang Peiyong picked up the document, looked at it, and said, "Does she have a license to hold a gun?"

"Yes, at the beginning it was registered as a security company, and later it was changed to Nanguo Bank. There is no problem with the gun license, and everything is compliant. The point I want to say is that Xie Wanhua has a gun license. What kind of person would apply for a gun license? certificate?"

"Bodyguards with guns, security guards with guns, Dasheng, do you want to say that this Xie Wanhua has a certain fighting ability?"

"Yes, I suspect that Xie Wanhua not only has the ability to fight, but also has a very high level. Only when she has confidence in her fighting ability, can she dare to face Jiang Wenwei who is armed with bare hands."

"You want to say that this case is a scheme set up by someone to get rid of Jiang Wenwei?"

"Yes." Chen Dasheng nodded.

"What about the evidence?" Zhang Peiyong said: "Even if we guessed that this was a bureau, so what? Jiang Wenwei was shot dead by our police, and depending on the situation at the time, even if we have evidence that this is a bureau , what charges can the Department of Justice prosecute Xie Wanhua?

Do you think this lawsuit will win?

As long as the defense lawyer grasps the fact that Xie Wanhua is a weak woman, and pushes the question to her at the time, she was stunned and forgot to resist. What can the prosecutor do?

She was not a police officer, and it made perfect sense not to resist but to run away from an armed gangster. "

"Inspector Zhang, since Xie Wanhua can be selected as a bodyguard, she probably has service experience in Cambodia. We can contact the Cambodian police and ask them to provide Xie Wanhua's information."

"Dasheng, your thinking is too simplistic. Now that Cambodia is in power, the puppet government supported by Lai Nan, do you think they will try their best to help us check the information? Even if we know that Xie Wanhua has military experience, so what, in court, Defense lawyers still have a way to argue.

Back to the question just now, what shall we sue her? "

"Sue her..." Chen Dasheng blurted out, and then stopped abruptly.

Yes, what can you tell Xie Wanhua?

The conversation between Chen Dasheng and Zhang Peiyong ended here, he could only keep his doubts in his heart, and could do nothing.

Soon, though, he won't have to worry about it.

Last night's case of homicide and dumping of corpses in Podian Zhashan was handed over to Serious Case A Team. At this time, the leader of Serious Case A Team had already gone to Zhang Peiyong's office with the case file.

The case of homicide and dumping of corpses and Jiang Wenwei's murder were quickly investigated together, and Xie Wanhua's matter was quickly ignored.


"Wanchai Gunslinger?" Wang Lin took the A4 paper Nan Yi handed him, glanced at it and said, "Nan Sheng, is this the new film you want me to make?"

"A case happened next to the Indian temple this morning. A policeman in uniform shot dead an armed gangster. I just heard about this incident, and a friend came to me and asked us to customize a policeman in Donglaiwu. When the protagonist is in a play, the image of the policeman should be positive.

It occurred to me that we don't necessarily have to set the hero as a very special policeman. Ordinary uniformed policemen can also make good stories and show the glorious image of the police. "

"Customized drama? Who pays for the filming?"

"My friend pays, and your director's fee will be paid, but the box office share will be lost. All box office will be donated to the police construction fund. We in Donglaiwu are working for nothing."

"Nansheng, who is your friend?"

"The young owner of Nanguo Bank, their bank wants to expand their business and needs to increase the deposit car. You also know how fierce the current big circle is, there is nothing they dare not do, who knows when they will call the deposit car My idea, of course the bankers are afraid of them.

So, Nanguo Bank also wants to fight for the treatment of HSBC, and ask the police to help take care of the deposit car. If it really happens to be a robber, it will be more guaranteed. "

The era of prosperity in Xiangtang is coming soon, and all kinds of big thieves are born one after another. Ye Guohuan, Ji Bingxiong, Ye Chengjian and other famous people who have heard of Nanyi have appeared, and their names can already be heard from the road.

Coupled with the occasional robbery of gold shops in the past two years, local tigers and dragons crossing the river from time to time, it is not at all peaceful here in Xiangtang.

Although it can increase the security of Nanguo Bank's deposit car, there will always be mistakes in preventing thieves in a thousand days, and Nanyi does not think that Nanguo Bank can be lucky not to be patronized by big thieves.

What should I do if I am really patronized? Is it true that the defense team and the robbers are shooting at each other?

It's better to go ahead and say hello to the big thieves, "Hey, Nanguo Bank belongs to me, don't take it's idea, if you mess with me, I will kill you too."

To do so is to give in to weakness and put yourself and the gangsters on the same level to have a dialogue.

Adapt measures to local conditions, where you have to abide by the rules of that place. Xiangxi is a place for playing with money, playing with the law, and playing with circles.

The legitimate defense team can operate in Xiangtang and is responsible for protecting the important figures of the Nan Clan. This is the game allowed by the rules;

People who don't follow the rules will be ostracized wherever they go.

"No bonus..."

Wang Lin muttered, a little dissatisfied.

"Okay, Ah Xiang, if you have a good relationship with the police, it will be more convenient to shoot films on the street in the future. You can be the screenwriter and producer of this film, and you can name the director. You have so many apprentices, find someone Wouldn't it be nice to come here to earn some extra money?"

"My old man's apprentice?" Wang Lin thought for a while and said, "Then find Fengzi, he is more suitable for this kind of film."

"Fengzi? Which one?"

"Du Qifeng, now follow my old man, I just filmed "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" last year."

Du Qifeng, of course Nanyi knew about it, but he recalled Du Qifeng's films. The later films were all good and all classics, but Nanyi still felt that Du Qifeng's style was not suitable for "Wanchai Gunslinger" , if you make a gangster movie, you can find him.

"There's no need to be too anxious about the director. We'll talk about it after your script is written. You need to be careful when writing the script. You should write a strong and weak dual protagonist. The first male protagonist should be Lin Jiahua, and the second male protagonist should be Lin Jiahua." Ren Hua of Binbin Film and Television."

"Ren Hua? Who, I haven't heard of it."

"If you haven't heard of it, you haven't heard of it. You just need to know that his brother is now an inspector of Sdu and a celebrity in the police circle."

"I've never heard of the name, are you good at acting?"

"Try it and you will know. I heard that the life of Binbin Film and Television is not easy. You can contact Ye Zhiming and see if he is willing to sell the actor contract."

Nanyi is not interested in Binbin Film and Television, so the company opened the big drama "Dancing Ashes". , set a box office record breaking through 1 million Hong Kong dollars within three days, and set a precedent for New Wave movies.

The local box office of "Dancing Ashes" was very high, but it didn't make Ye Zhiming any money, because the film's Hong Kong taste was too pure, Southeast Asia and Taiwan didn't like it at all, and huge advertising expenditures and theaters were deducted. For the six-point account of the line, there is not much left after subtracting seven and eight deductions.

If Binbin Film and Television wants to make money, it is very dependent on the box office in other places.

The local box office of "Jumping Ashes" was good, which made Ye Zhiming, who had been focusing on the clothing industry and only interested in movies for fun, suddenly became very interested in movies, so he diverted his energy to Binbin Film and Television.

Ye Zhiming is a smart businessman. He is fully aware of the shortcomings of "Dancing Ashes", so he invited foreign stars to prepare a new movie "Fox Page", hoping to open the box office in other cities in one fell swoop.

Originally, this was an opportunity to break through the difficulty of selling in the port. With foreign stars, the selling price in the international market can be increased, and it can also form a good box office effect in the port.

However, the idea may not be able to coordinate with the reality, and there has always been no reason at all. The very evil Xiangshan film market seems to be very picky about films that cooperate with the West. This type of film is not very popular in Xiangshan.

Although the income of "Fox Page" is good, it can't keep up with the huge production cost. Soon there are rumors that Binbin's capital turnover is not good, and HSBC has acquired 82% of the shares.

This acquisition rumor has been an interesting mystery for three full years, from the release of "Fox Page" to Binbin's abandonment of Lianhua Cinemas last year.

However, it was soon confirmed that it was not Binbin Film and Television that was to be acquired, but Binbin Fashion Company, Ye Zhiming's main business.

Ye Zhiming, troubled by the acquisition rumors, made Binbin Film and Television independent in order to protect the interests of Binbin in film development.

Due to the reform and opening up of the mainland, the rise of the textile industry in the mainland has impacted the textile industry in Xiangtang. In the past two years, clothing companies in Xiangtang have closed down one after another.

Ye Zhiming is not alone either, the life of Binbin Fashion is not easy, he shifted his energy to the film and television industry, and there are also reasons why he can no longer get along in the textile industry and needs to find another reason.

Nanyi didn't quite know the reason. The relationship between Ye Zhiming and Jiahe was very bad. Jiahe Cinemas would not show the films of Binbin Film and Television, and Shaw Cinemas didn't like Ye Zhiming. He could only show the films of Binbin Send it to Lisheng Cinemas for screening.

Before the 1980s, the main theater chains of Xiangcheng were Golden Harvest, Shaw Brothers, and Lisheng, and Lisheng was the weakest among them. Concerned about the theater business, his purpose of opening the theater was actually for the real estate business.

It is precisely because he spends most of his time and energy on businesses such as real estate, gold speculation, and stocks, and does not care much about theater management. As time goes by, power gradually falls into the hands of some subordinates. With these weaknesses, he began to establish his "base camp" for distributing movies in Lisheng Cinemas by means of crowdfunding.

Since the end of the 1960s, the film industry in Hong Kong has been booming day by day, and the film box office is getting stronger every year.

Since the mid-1970s, there have been more and more people involved in the film industry, and people who had nothing to do with the film and television industry have also entered the industry to grab food.

The movie bowl of rice looks delicious, but it is actually very difficult to eat.

The work before the release, as long as you have money, is not too difficult to do, but it is a bit difficult for a movie to be released to earn box office. Not all movies have the opportunity to be shown in theaters.

Although in the early years, it was popular in the theaters of Xiangcheng to cover the base fee, that is, before the movie was released, the producer had to pay the theater a sum of money, similar to renting a theater, billed by the day, and paid the package fee. The base fee and the share of the film are negotiated, and then the film will be released.

The base fee can basically guarantee the cost of the theater, and the film share is pure profit.

It seems that it is not difficult for the film to be released. The big deal is to pay the basic fee. With the theaters, a situation of too many monks and too few food, the film company has to ask the theaters.

In order for theaters to make more money, they have to select films.

Movies that are not good-looking and have a high probability of not doing well at the box office, the boss of the film company is not good, the female lead does not meet the requirements of the theater to play "poker cards", etc., etc., will all be the reasons for the film to be screened out.

There are many film producers who suffer from the lack of distribution channels for their films, and each of them is looking forward to a "hero" with super distribution ability to stand up. Ye Zhiming is willing to do good things and is anxious for everyone's urgency, so he stands up to be this Superman.

However, his family knew about his own affairs, and Ye Zhiming knew very well that he did not have super powers, so he was not qualified to be this superhero at all. But his kindness, which has no place to rest, is so troublesome that he can't sleep if he is not a superhero.

So, he gave full play to the iron man spirit of "if there is no condition, create the condition, but also go up", and he had an idea, and thought of a crooked trick:

He approached those producers who had already lined up their films in Lisheng theaters, and discussed with them, "Hey, brother, I will give you tens of thousands of dollars or advertise your film on TV. You are in the opening credits Advertise me. Just put the words 'Bin Bin Honor Release' on the opening title, and you'll get my money, easy, right?"

As for why Ye Zhiming exchanged "advertising on TV", it wasn't that he had resources on the TV station, but that Binbin Fashion had an advertising contract with the TV station back then, and the contract was an annual contract, not only discounted, but also gold. time slots.

There is still a long time for the contract, but Binbin Fashion is already out of stock, the contract has been signed, and there is no advertisement, and the advertising fee has to be paid. Ye Zhiming simply used this resource and put the film's advertisement on TV.

When the producer heard it, hey, there is such a good thing, the money is not profitable, so the words "Binbin Honor Release" appear in the titles of each film.

The people outside looked at it and yelled, Binbin Film and Television is awesome, with such a strong distribution ability, they all begged to Ye Zhiming's door, with gifts in their left hand, money in their right, and flattery in their mouths.

Not to mention, Ye Zhiming took all the gifts, money and flattery as he ordered, but he did get things done, and sent many films that would not have been able to enter the Lisheng theaters to be screened.

As for how it was done, although Nanyi didn't ask anyone to investigate, he can roughly figure it out.

The person in charge of film selection in the theater chain is the distribution manager. As long as this person is settled, it will be easy for the film to be sent to the theater chain.

In addition, the theater chain directly green-lights the films of its own film company. Lisheng Cinema Chain is actually a loose organization formed by the union of several theaters, and there is no statement of shareholders.

The money earned is not divided according to the shares. Whoever's theater earns the money, and there is no need to share it with everyone.

In this way, there is a loophole. Ye Zhiming can find a theater owner with the least number of theaters and not much money to make a name, and put all the films to be released under the name of this boss, so that the purpose of film release can also be achieved.

Ye Zhiming not only used TV commercials as a benefit for the producer, but also bundled the TV commercials into the distribution conditions. If you find Binbin Film and Television to release a film, you have to advertise on TV through his channel. Naturally, Ye Zhiming has to earn a lot of money from it. pen difference.

Just because the TV commercials are in prime time, the effect of this publicity is naturally better. The film is distributed by Binbin Film and Television, and the box office often exceeds the expectations of the producers, so more producers are willing to believe that Binbin Film and Television is a very good way Of course, more business will come to your door.

If this business can continue like this, then Ye Zhiming will really find a way out.

But the reality cannot be so good. In a short period of time, the distribution managers of the theater chains can still find excuses to prevaricate the bosses of the theater chains.

This reason should not be too easy to find, it is easy to find Ye Zhiming's head, and the theaters will naturally fill in the loopholes. After that, Ye Zhiming has nothing to play, and Binbin Film and Television began to go downhill.

After watching the movie, Ye Zhiming looked for other ways of making money. Now he is focusing on building the Qiaozui Island Resort, and he is not as concerned about Binbin Film and Television as before.

But I have to say that Ye Zhiming has a good vision. Binbin Film and Television has many good actors and good behind-the-scenes contracts. Not to mention others, but Xiao Fangfang and Leslie Cheung are worthy of Nanyi's concern.

Of course, this is a matter of course. What Nan Yi really wants is Ren Hua, this young actor who is not even half famous and Wang Lin has never heard of.

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