Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 501 Overseas investment risk of state-owned assets

The next day, Nan Yi sent Nan Ruofing to the airport first.

Nan Ruofing's land in Jiudu Mountain has already been photographed, and she has to go back to focus on her own land construction. In addition, she still has a business of acquiring collateral in Xiangtang, her schedule is really busy.

"School beauty, it will be good if you come back."

Sending Nan Ruofing off, and picking up the school belle by the way, she just flew over after finishing her business in London.

"Hunter and the others went on vacation?"

"Yes, they went to Amsterdam."

"Hey, I don't have any other entertainment. They are going straight to the source. When their vacation is over, please remind me that they still have things to do."


"In addition, there is another thing. Find a refitting company to make a bulletproof car based on the appearance of the Toyota Hiace H50. Having a car is not too eye-catching. In the mainland, I also build a car and drive it myself."

"Does the interior need to be changed according to the pattern of a commercial vehicle?"

"No, it's enough to ensure safety, and proper consideration is enough for comfort. My own car is my private account."


After talking with the school belle, Nanyi took out a copy of "New Sports" and started to read. The Olympics is coming, and most of the magazines are about the Olympics, introductions of domestic players in various sports, introductions of foreign sports stars, etc.

The foreign sports star introduced in this issue is Muhammad Ali, who is the first foreign sports star known and familiar to Chinese people. He came to China once as a sports ambassador in 1979, and he was reported extensively in newspapers.

As a post-607080, even if he has no interest in boxing at all, the words "Boxing King Ali" must be familiar to him. This is the subtle psychological hint that he often hears these four words by accident.

For example, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which was just broadcast some time ago, is the first martial arts TV series "officially" introduced in China [Blueberry Channel let go of "The Change of the Silkworm" in 1980, whether it was officially introduced or not].

The reason why I chose this one is that "Wulin" magazine has been serializing "Legend of the Condor Heroes" since the day it was first published, and it should be responsible for the martial arts enlightenment of this group of people in the current year.

Nowadays, many martial arts novels can be bought on the street stalls outside. Yesterday Nanyi also bought a copy of Gu Long's "Flying Knife and Seeing Flying Knife".

After flipping through for a while, Nanyi finished reading the content he was interested in, put the magazine aside, picked up a copy of "Economic Information Daily" and read it.

At first glance, Nan Yi saw what he was interested in. An article contained a calculation data, saying that by 1990, the annual domestic car sales should be around 900,000.

From the point of view of the introduction, the national annual output can reach 2 million vehicles at that time, and in the end, it was vaguely pointed out that there are phenomena such as blind assembly of complete vehicles, multiple introductions of the same technology, repeated imported projects, and lack of cooperation with each other;

In some places, in order to facilitate self-approval of the start-up of projects, the method of breaking up the whole into parts is used, and a large project is broken down into small projects.

Regarding cars, Nanyi vaguely remembered that a panda would make a lot of noise. There should be a car company called Panda Auto that made a lot of noise in China. It should have been seen in the two years after the Asian Games.

Panda brand car is also the first car brand that Nanyi knows besides Jiefang. Before Panda, he had no concept of car brand at all.

"Daya Bay, panda car."

Nanyi still remembers these six words. Since Daya Bay is mentioned, the panda car is probably a Huizhou project.

"Panda Motors has nothing to say, and I haven't heard of any car brands in Huizhou. This project is probably a failure in the end. There is a lot of noise, so the amount of investment should not be low. I don't know at what stage it will become a failure. If Huang is in the position of the waist and eye, but he can consider cutting off the mess to take care of the mess."

Nan Yi stroked his chin, thought for a while, and then put it down quickly.

There is a high probability that Nan's will step into the domestic automobile field, but they will not be in a hurry. At least within five years, the actual launch of the plan will not be considered.

The car quickly returned to the old house. When Nan Yi got out of the car, he saw Chen Feng's car also killing him.

"I said, does this car grow below your butt? Didn't you say that it's not your special car, but shared by several people?" Nan Yi said as soon as Chen Feng walked in front of him.

"Don't tell me, from now on, this is my special car. I just notified you this morning." Chen Feng said with a smile on his face.


"I can't talk about being promoted. The nature of my work has changed. From today onwards, I will be working in the foreign investment department. Supervisor... This word is not appropriate. It should be said to cooperate with the leadership and manage the company's overseas investment."

"Hey, your Central China trade is developing very fast, are you thinking about foreign investment?"

"Nonsense, with my talent, how could the company not develop well. My buddy is going to fly to the United States again soon. This time it's not for studying. I'm going to buy their Statue of Liberty."

"Come on, just don't pay all the money for tuition."

The pace of domestic and foreign investment has already started. This Nanyi has heard from Liu Zhen that the National Policy Trust where she used to work has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in Hong Kong. The funds invested are the so-called Huaguo dollars.

Nanyi is personally not very optimistic about these investment behaviors. Guoce Trust, Hongxin, and Xiarun are all OK. They all have a long history. They evolved from underground transportation stations or money bags during the war years. Capable people who can manage.

As far as Lai Biao's identity is concerned, he majored in economics, has study abroad experience, understands both theory and practical work experience, but he has not climbed to a high position in Hongxin. One can imagine how many capable people there are in Hongxin.

The foreign investment of these three companies is targeted, and they will definitely not invest blindly.

But others seem to be making a profit, but they can make a profit because of their special status and control of special channels. They can get some in-demand materials that others cannot get.

To put it bluntly, if Xian Weiqi is placed in the leadership position of this kind of enterprise, he can create greater profits because he has no brains and does not have too much selfishness.

These companies are fine playing in the mainland, but investing overseas can only pay tuition fees.

"Stop looking down on people, I am also a top student in Colombia, and I have stayed in the country for so many years, I still know about the country." Chen Fengzhi said complacently.

"Yes, you are a talented student." Nan Yi waved his hand, not arguing with Chen Feng, "You came here to tell me this?"

"That's not it. I came here to tell you that I've found the first deal, and it's a big deal." Chen Feng said mysteriously.

"Come on, let's go into the house and talk."

Nan Yi invited Chen Feng into the living room, opened a bottle of Coke for him, and made himself a cup of tea.

Chen Feng drank half a bottle in one breath, burped, wiped his mouth and said, "Italy's Meroni company has a production line of Ariston refrigerators, and I got the news that nine different provinces and cities in China are going to introduce them at the same time." For this kind of production line, Meloni's quotation is 12 million US dollars.

Jiutiao, if this business is won, as long as we can suppress 200,000, we can earn 900,000, if we can suppress 1 million, we can earn..."

"4.5 million, if we can suppress 5 million, we can earn 22.5 million, a lot?"

"The yin and yang are strange, why, is there a problem with this transaction?"

As soon as Chen Feng heard Nanyi's tone of voice, he knew there was something in Nanyi's words.

"Nonsense, what do you mean by 'simultaneously', are the nine production lines talking together, or are they doing their own thing?"

"Respectively, they are all self-raised funds from various places, not appropriations from above."

"The problem is coming, even if you are sure to win all the orders of the nine production lines, nine masters, nine voices, each with different demands, are you sure we have a bowl of water? They will all be satisfied? Or should we satisfy their different demands?"

Hearing what Nanyi said, Chen Feng also understood the rationale. Even if the nine production lines were negotiated at the same price, everyone might not be satisfied; if the prices were different, it would be even more troublesome. Offending people is certain. .

One is high and the other is low, the low one is happy, and the high one has to jump.

Why the price is high, and whether there is any trick in it, this article can be done by others.

"Okay, I didn't say that. I'm telling you something else. The business is very small. The Zhabei Bean Products Factory wants to import a boxed tofu production line from Japan. The Japanese offer is 162 million yen, equivalent to RMB 160. About 10,000 yuan, we can earn more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan if we are exhausted?"

"You're dreaming. It would be nice to have tens of thousands of yuan left over from the travel expenses. I have a little understanding of the tofu production line. 1.6 million, this price should not be too much water.

Let me tell you, I don’t think the profit is small, but it’s meaningless to do this kind of order. The amount is too small. Even if we can get back this production line for free, it’s only 1.6 million. . "

"Well, neither of the two pieces of news I got so hard to use is useless. This business is not easy to do." Chen Feng said with a sigh.

"Business is not so easy to do, take your time. Since it is a business, you have to let go of your body, run more, inquire more, your body must be soft, and your means must be tough."

"I know, my posture has been kept very low, do you think when I have posed with you?"

"That is, at least you didn't show me the beating nature of the stubborn master of Forty-Nine City."

"Fart, I want to show it. The first time my buddy said this, my sister cleaned it up. She told me it was not a good thing."

"It deserves it. The naughty master of Sijiu City is talking about the Eight Banners boy who was walking dogs and fighting cocks and wandering outside with a birdcage."

"They're all bannermen?"

"There are also children of Han officials. Back then, there was a Han official named Liu Tongxun, who worshiped as the chief minister of military aircraft. He had a son named Liu Yong. This guy was the stubborn lord of the Forty-Nine City."

"That's it, that's enough. I won't poke at you anymore. I have to go back to work. I'll let you know if there's any news."

"Don't inform me. If you have any news, just call Ruopin. This is a business between the two of you."

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Chen Feng stood up, waved his hands, and walked towards the door.

"Come back, I have something to ask you."

"What the hell, tell me tonight if it's okay, I really want to go back." Chen Feng turned his head and said.

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