Before November 1984, there were no real "private enterprises" in China.

Although the word "private enterprise" has existed majestically for a long time no matter in certain documents or newspapers, there is one fact that cannot be avoided. The so-called private enterprises that currently exist do not have the concept of a legal person.

Strictly speaking, these private enterprises should also be classified as "self-employed".

However, these so-called "private enterprises" are treated as real "private enterprises" by default, and they have to bear all the obligations, but no one dares to give them the rights.

Just like the newly registered Genzhengmiaohong Advertising Company in Nanyi, it is actually an individual industrial and commercial household. With a license, it can engage in retailing of clothing and electrical appliances, but there is no way to engage in joint ventures.

After the license was issued, Nanyi invited Jin Daosheng out to consult him about the joint venture.

"According to the "China Foreign Joint Venture Law", individuals are not allowed to form joint ventures with foreign companies, because self-employed individuals do not have legal personality and cannot sign. Nanyi, if you want to turn Genzheng Miaohong into a joint venture company, you must first affiliate it with Wenchangwei Collective Under the name. Otherwise, it will be done in private and not reflected in the documents, and no one will take the initiative to pursue this kind of matter."

"It's meaningless to do it in private. I want to engage in a joint venture just to hold foreigners to my self-respect. How can I do it if I don't reflect the nature of the enterprise." Nanyi told him his thoughts on Genzheng Miaohong and contacting the imperial court for advertising time. Jin Daosheng.

After listening to Nanyi's words, Jin Daosheng thought for a while and said, "If it's just to achieve this goal, then there are other solutions, go to Xiangxi to register a joint-stock company, and directly sign a contract with the TV station in the name of this company.

As for you want to undertake business in the name of Genzhengmiaohong, you have to wait. Regarding the nature of private enterprises, the higher authorities may make big moves in the near future.

There is a man named Jiang Huai in Bincheng who has recently been running around various ministries and commissions in Beijing, just to apply for a joint venture qualification. "

"Joint venture qualification? I really haven't heard of this matter. Lawyer Jin, please explain in detail." Nanyi said politely.

"I'm not too clear about the specifics. Let me tell you what I know. This Jiang Huai is from Bincheng. After he changed his job, he was assigned to the Cultural Bureau. It happened in the 1980s. Do you know what happened in that year?"

"Of course I know. A large number of cadres need to be resettled. In addition, the educated youths have returned to the city, and the jobs are very tight. Did this Jiang Huai wait for a long time and didn't receive any news about specific job arrangements, so he went to work as an individual?"

"Yes, he has waited for eight months without receiving any notice. He is depressed, suffering, and living like a year. It is not an option to think about continuing to wait. It just so happens that he has studied photography for a period of time in Bayi Studio, and he is sneaky. Noxi borrowed 400 yuan, bought a camera and printing equipment, and went to the entrance of the Bincheng Zoo to take pictures.

Back then it was quite shameful to be an individual, so..."

"Uh, that, Lawyer Jin, I know very well what the individual situation was like in the past few years. Let's skip the bitter history and start directly from the joint venture." Nan Yi interrupted Jin Daosheng's long speech.

Jin Daosheng adjusted his glasses, and was a little dissatisfied with Nanyi for interrupting his emotional brewing.

He is a lawyer, and he is still thinking about charging consulting fees by the second in the future. How to describe a simple matter in as many words as possible, prolong the conversation without causing the client's resentment, this is what he wants Skills to learn well.

Nanyi didn't give him a chance to follow his own pace, of course he would be upset.

It’s okay to be unhappy, but the person in front of him doesn’t say that he has a personal relationship with him, but he just said that three of the four dishes and one soup on the Jin’s table have to be provided by the benefactor in front of him, and he can’t afford to offend him. .

What's more, this benefactor is about to become his daughter's benefactor again, so there is no double offence.

"Okay, then I will briefly talk about it." Jin Daosheng adjusted his glasses again, and continued: "In August 1983, a speech about 'Glory and Disgrace' was broadcast on TV to give self-employed a platform.

After seeing the speech, Jiang Huai stopped fighting guerrillas at the gate of the zoo. He rented a store and opened a small photo studio.

At the beginning of this year, when a businessman surnamed Liao from Xiangtang visited Bincheng, he heard that a self-employed man named Jiang Huai was very capable, so he asked to meet him.

So, Jiang Huai met with that Mr. Liao at the banquet hosted by the leaders of Bincheng.

That Mr. Liao said to Jiang Huai: "People in Xiangxi especially admire the self-employed in the interior of the motherland. I heard that you are engaged in photography. Is this good? I have advanced color printing equipment. I don't make money from you. I will give you the cost price. 198,000 units. '

Where did Jiang Huai have the money to buy, even if he didn't eat or drink, he couldn't afford so much money.

For some reason, he later figured out the idea of ​​a joint venture. Mr. Liao provided the equipment, and he provided the venue and manpower.

He told Mr. Liao about his idea, and Mr. Liao agreed. When he went to go through the formalities, he encountered the problem that self-employed people were not qualified for joint ventures.

He didn't give up, so he ran to the capital, and ran for several months. Now the issue of private enterprises has reached the sky, and the above is already discussing this matter. Someone from our legal counsel office has also been called to discuss this matter together. "

After listening to Jin Daosheng's words, Nanyi was in awe of Jiang Huai, and even thought of worshiping him.

Because, Nan Yi knows very well that he will never become a person like Jiang Huai, he will only cultivate himself into compass legs within the scope of the rules, and dance the swan dance crazily at the boundary of the boundary, his feet will never protrude boundary.

After thinking for a while, Nanyi said: "Lawyer Jin, then I will follow your suggestion and register a company in Xiangtang first. Genzheng Miaohong will start some electrical wholesale and retail business first. There will be a meeting in Wenchangwei soon to decide on Xiongqi When the plan is finalized, I will send a copy to you for review, and you can help me see what works and what doesn't."

"Okay." Jin Daosheng nodded and said, "It seems that Wenchangwei attaches great importance to Xiongqi drinks. It took a year to prepare."

"Yes, I attach great importance to it." Nan Yi said, looking at his watch, "I have something to do in the morning, so I won't sit with you any longer."

"Please relax, I will sit down later."

"Okay, goodbye."

Nanyi stood up, glanced at the storyteller who said Zaoer on the front stage, and quickly walked out of the teahouse in Houhai.

An hour later, Nan Yi sat in a wild teahouse in Xiaowei Hutong again.

At the entrance of the alley, a shed was set up, with a few short legs, a low table that Lu Ban would criticize when he saw it. There were big tea bowls and glasses on the table. To prevent dust and flying insects, the top was covered. a piece of glass.

Although it is not placed by the pond, under the willow tree, nor in the vegetable garden or orchard, but here you can eat the fly ash floating over the curb, and you can also see a trace of the scenery of the skirt. In terms of artistic conception, it can barely It is a wild teahouse.

Holding the famous "Relying on Tea" in his hand, Nan Yi tilted the long bench and watched the old man at the next table playing leaf cards.

After watching for a while, I found that one of the old men had been grabbing two cards.

Leaf tiles are similar to mahjong, grabbing, grabbing, grabbing one and playing one.

When the old man draws cards, he often hides a card he doesn't want in his hand. He draws two cards and puts one back, so that the number of cards in his hand will not be wrong, and it is easier to win cards.

It's just that the old man was a bit unlucky, so he grabbed two cards as soon as possible, but the cards in his hand were still thirteen, so Nan Yi was anxious for him.

The old man looked at the card, shook his head, then turned his head to look at Nanyi, pawed and pulled one hand on the table, and handed a cigarette to Nanyi.

Nanyi waved his hand, but didn't accept the cigarette, "Master, my throat has been inflamed for the past two days, so I can't smoke, and I don't want to talk."

The old man stared at Nanyi's eyes, took back the cigarette, put it in his mouth, turned around, and continued to frown at the leaf card in his hand.

After watching it for a while, Nan Yi understood that these old men did not bring any money to play leaf cards, but only brought the lottery of treating guests to dinner, which belonged to a game between acquaintances and friends.

The old man in front of him may have lost a lot and was impatient, so he used the method of grabbing two cards.

In this situation, how can Nan Yi talk too much.

Besides, the old man's hands and feet are not very good at all. The two grasps are scattered. Nan Yi guesses that the other old men also know it well.

It's really not good, after another old man wins the cards, the game starts again, and this old man draws another bad hand, even if the gambler's mouth is a god of cards, he can't win with this card.

Nan Yi laughed and said, "Old man, I know Zhang Baocheng, why don't you invite me over and let him rub cards for you?"

"Young man, you are a real gentleman when you watch the cards and don't say anything." The old man said angrily.

"Come on, I'm going to get an infection, you play, you play."

Nanyi straightened the long bench, set his eyes on the pot by the stove, adjusted the focus, and became blurred, and people began to let go.

"Nansheng, there's news from New York that Yang Kaiyan has flown back to the capital, and Zheng Pingchuan will come back soon." Nanyi didn't have time to let go, and the school belle leaned into his ear and said.

"Do you know where he flew?"

"Our people inquired about Zheng Pingchuan's itinerary from the container company. We only know that he is going to fly to Huaguo, but we don't know where he is going to fly."

"Well, no matter where you fly, you must see your daughter. The matter will probably expand. You can make another phone call and ask Scarlett to pay attention to Zheng Pingchuan's property, and let the people from Scarlett Fund study the attack plan. See if it's profitable."


"When you come back, bring me a grilled cake or toad bone, just buy whatever you come across."


The school belle responded and left immediately.


Not long after Xiaohua left, she was thrown on the table as soon as she mentioned four bottles of beer.

"White beer, after passing by the non-staple food store, I bought some when I saw it was on sale." Ye Qian sat down opposite Nanyi, took a large tea bowl and went to pick up tea.

White beer, a kind of beer, has a higher alcohol content than ordinary beer, and it will get drunk after drinking.

Meeting the top means that the brewing technology is not good, but these days, there are many people who like the feeling of being top, which also makes white beer very popular, and they are all supplied to special channels, and they cannot be bought in general.

Nanyi didn't care about the beer, and when Ye Jia gulped down his stomach, he asked, "How's it going?"

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"I want to use a brick to cut a hole in your forehead first, will it work?" Nan Yi said angrily.

"Yes, I will give it directly. Changhe Wool Textile does intend to rent out the two factories. The contract must be signed for ten years, and the rent must be paid all at once."

"How many?"

"Eight hundred and fifty thousand."

It covers an area of ​​2,800 square meters and has two floors, equivalent to about 15 yuan per square meter per year, which is neither expensive nor cheap.

"Okay, what's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that I saw Yang Shanqing today, and I saw him bring a woman with him. Judging by the woman's behavior, it should be that fake foreign devil Yang Kaiyan."

"Do you know what step he talked about with Changhe Woolen?"

"I've inquired, and it's still in a stalemate. Yang Shanqing wants to pay the rent once a year."

"Is this the latest news?"

"No, it should be the news before today. I don't know if things have changed this morning." Ye Yan shook his head and said.

"Now, right away, kill me back to Qinghe, go directly to the factory office to find Zhao Yuanzhi, 850,000, we rent it, sign the contract today, and send the money tomorrow. If he wants to increase the price, one hundred Within 10,000, you can agree, if it exceeds...

Within 1.5 million, we will continue to do it. If the number is higher than this, we will stop doing it. Let's go back and do the good work of that bad guy named Yang. "

"Success, I'll go right away." As soon as Ye Kai raised his foot, he immediately retracted it and asked, "What is my identity?"

"Xiangcheng Genzhengmiao Honghuaguo Development Company, you are the chief executive officer of the mainland region, change your outfit and go back; tiger cub, you follow first, serve as his follower, learn the style in the movie, reach out to light a cigarette, Er stretched out his hand to flick the cigarette ash, and helped the weight to save face."


"Then I'm walking?" Ye Qian asked.

"Let's go, I'll play the fou and sing for you." Nanyi tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, singing in his mouth: "The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone!"

"Fuck, it's auspicious."

"I have a chicken in my left hand, a duck in my right hand, and a fat baby on my back. Hey, babble!"

"Well, I might as well be Jing Ke." Ye Kai clasped his fists together and said, "Prince Dan, I'm leaving now, show me the princess, and when I destroy Ba Qin, I will come to marry her."

"Damn, don't add so many dramas to yourself. What is Jing Ke? According to today's words, he is a little rascal, a stubborn master, and married a princess. You are not awake, are you?"

"Don't tease you with a cough, I'm going."

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Nan Yi called Ye Qi to stop, leaned into his ear and said, "Don't give Zhao Yuanzhi benefits in private."

Ye Qian's eyes flickered and said: "I don't know how to do this kind of thing. I heard that you lost a wallet yesterday. How much money is in it?"

"It's not old or young. It's enough to buy a color TV, a refrigerator, a washing machine, and a video recorder. My heart hurts. I have to go back and look for it later."

"Then you keep looking, I'll go first."

"Be careful."

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