Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 517 Director Liu Patrols the Street

"Father, the old bungalows are gone, why don't we go back?"

Nan Yi's car passed through the old bungalow on South Street, the car did not stop, but continued to move forward.

"Miss Rachel, you are a distinguished foreign guest, how can you be allowed to live in a private residence, of course you have to live in a foreign-related hotel with better conditions and facilities."

"Although the dress is on..."

"Stop singing, this time, you have to highlight your foreign identity, Miss Rachel, welcome to the capital."

Nan Ruobing glanced out of the window, sighed, and chanted: "Books move the nostalgia, and return to prosperity. The old country is a farewell, and Caiyi has been idle for eight years. Comrade Nan, look around, I want to find a child Memories from when I was there. Sigh, I was only three years old when I left, and now I have gray temples, as if I had been a lifetime away."

"It's overdone. You don't even know how many stamps the immigration department stamped on your passport."

"Hmph, it's just one. My passport has just been renewed."

Nan Yi stroked Nan Ruofing's head, and said, "Little girl, you are only nine years old, and you have renewed your passport. Daddy, I have just changed to the third one."

"Hey, then I have to fly a few more places and catch up with Dad as soon as possible."

"So what if you catch up, it can only prove that you, like me, are also floating around." Nan Yi stroked Nan Ruofeng's head again, and said, "Today there is a reception at the Chinese embassy, ​​so go and take a look around. Play the Cox family brand."

"Oh, dad, are you going?"

"Don't go, arrogant, high-spirited, cross the Yalu River, imperialist bastard, get off."

"Father, you just threw me here?" Nan Ruoying said pitifully.

"Tonight, you can settle your dinner at the hotel by yourself. I will pick you up at noon tomorrow. Let's go out and find out if there is any fresh food."

"I don't eat dinner, it's so expensive here, I'll eat it at the reception."

"Come on, I live in a hotel that costs more than two hundred dollars a day, so I don't have to worry about a meal."

Nan Ruofing pushed the door open and got out of the car, held the door and looked at Nanyi and said, "It's time to spend time, save time, isn't that what you said, Dad, I'm going in."


Seeing Nan Ruofing walk into the hotel, Nan Yi asked Xiaohua to drive.

Back at the old bungalow, Liu Zhen was already at home.

Although the units at this time are all single-day work, the labor intensity is actually not high.

Not to mention those workers who work in three shifts, other office workers usually go to work at 8:00 or 8:30, get off work at noon at 11:00, go home and cook the meal, eat at 12:00, take a lunch break after eating, or run Go to department stores and non-staple food stores to buy what you need to buy.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, I got stuck and went to work to wait for get off work.

As soon as you arrive at the unit, first ask each other what you eat for lunch. If there is something new to eat, you can discuss it for half an hour; while discussing, refill your teacup with new water, and have a leisurely cup of afternoon tea .

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they began to learn from each other about the "spirit" in the newspaper, and exchanged information in their hands by the way, what happened to the son of the Wang family and the son-in-law of the Li family.

While exchanging information, some continued to comprehend the spirit of the newspaper, some put on wool, and some took out the chess records to make scores.

When the time comes to 4:30, the teacup should be rinsed, and the stomach is full, and it is time to relax. If it can be resolved in the work unit, it must be resolved in the work unit.

Basically, they show up at the gate of the unit at exactly five o'clock, and some leave early, and the reason is very good, to pick up flowers from the motherland.

Generally, women leave work earlier than men, because they have to pick up their children or rush home to do housework, and men, in order to avoid doing housework, will deliberately "work overtime" at the workplace.

Although it is a single holiday in name, most units have political studies on Thursday afternoons, which means that they can leave work early; on Saturdays, if there is nothing to do, they can not go to work in the afternoon or leave work three hours earlier.

Regardless of the fact that you only go to work for three hours in the afternoon, leaving get off work three hours earlier and not going to work in the afternoon seem to be the same, but they are actually different. Not going to work in the afternoon means that after get off work at 11 o'clock, you will come to work again on Monday morning; and leaving get off work three hours earlier means that you have to come to work in the afternoon.

Liu Zhen and the others are not so free in their work unit, but if there is nothing to do on Saturday, they can leave work early.

Today is Saturday, when Liu Zhen came back, the clock had just struck half past three.

As soon as Nanyi came back, he saw that the pendulum of the clock was weak, so he rewound the clock first, then took off the gauze wrapped around the clock, and wiped the whole clock with a damp cloth.

"Nanyi, why don't we change to one that uses electricity, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't need winding. I always forget to wind this broken clock."

"What's so good about not having to wind it up? Winding it up once in half a month is so ceremonial." Nanyi wiped the pendulum clock, shook the ashes on the gauze scarf and put it back on again, "I'll tell you , with this pendulum clock, I plan to pass it on from generation to generation.”

"Come on, at most twenty years, the parts inside must be aging."

"What are you afraid of when you get old? Let me tell you, just to keep this clock. In a few days, I will go to Faguo to buy the watch workshop that produced it." Nan Yi said, walked to Liu Zhen's side and sat down.

"Smelly virtue!"

Liu Zhen gave Nan Yi a supercilious look, and continued to rummage through old clothes in the basket.

"Let me ask you, is a hundred diapers enough?"

"It's almost there. Even if it's rainy, you can take turns. Don't mess with it. Just let me do these things. It won't be hot. I'll go out for a walk with you."

"Okay, then I'll leave this to you, where are we going?" Liu Zhen put aside the work in her hand and said.

"Walking, it doesn't matter where you go, if you get tired from walking, take a car."

Nan Yi helped Liu Zhen out of the door, and the two walked on the street, chatting while walking slowly.

"Our unit is discussing housing allocation."

"Not everyone has it?"

"How is that possible? It must be solved first, and the others will follow slowly."

"How is the length of service counted?"

Nanyi directly asked the most core question.

"Calculation starts from the time of working, and then how many times the time spent working in this unit can be calculated. The exact number of times has not yet been concluded."

Nan Yi calculated in his mind, and said: "Then your working life is not long, and it is only six years and four months if you work hard and work hard?"

"It's nothing short. I'm a veteran in the unit. I was a member of the unit on the first day the preparatory committee was established. Besides, I'm already married. I've done the math. No matter from which aspect, the first batch of I'm eligible for the house."

"Hehe, don't take the house, carry forward your style, and give your house to comrades who need it more."

"Nanyi, are your words naive? Is this style so easy to carry forward? As long as I am noble and noble, I will carry forward my style. If I really do what you say, I will not offend the people in the unit." Mostly."

"Yes, yes, yes, what you said is that I am indeed naive."

Nan Yi quickly admitted his mistake, just now he just blurted it out without careful consideration.

It seems that he still has to practice. Every word he utters has to go through his mind three times. Even if it is a joke, he has to think carefully.

"Squat down." Liu Zhen looked at Nanyi and said.

When Nanyi bent his knees and fell a little lower, Liu Zhen patted Nanyi's shoulder in a comfortable posture, and said earnestly: "Xiao Nan, personnel is politics, it's not that simple, you , you have to keep learning."

"Yes, yes, Deputy Director Liu's lesson is that I will definitely learn from you in the future. I just read the summary report you made yesterday, and the more I read it, the more interesting it becomes. Give me a chance, let me listen to your teachings by your side all the time."

"Well, not bad." Liu Zhen patted Nanyi's buttocks, "I have to continue to shoot in the future, but next time, remember to remove the word 'deputy' for me."

Nanyi raised his hand and gave himself a mouthful, "Look at my mouth, Liu Chu, your lord has a lot, please forgive me this time, and I will never do it again in the future."



"Slave dog, you've raised yourself up very quickly. You were the only one yesterday, but you're the only one today?"

"You have attained the Tao, so I have to be promoted, too. School belle, Chu Liu is out for a walk, we have to keep a low profile, go ahead and tell those standing on the side of the street to stay out of Chu's way."


Liu Zhen spat on Nanyi, put her hands in her waist, and moved forward with heavy steps.

Nanyi is like a shadow.

When the two of them walked to the side of Chengfu Road, they saw a tape stand facing the east gate of Beijing University.

"Nanyi, go over and see if there are any new songs."


Nan Yi helped Liu Zhen to the tape booth. There were only two people around the booth, and the business was a bit slow.

Going forward, I saw that the tapes on the booth were all broken, and there was either a hole on the left or right, or a piece of it collapsed.

"Diaping tape, this is new."

Nan Yi leaned down and rummaged through it, and quickly picked up a tape with the words "Hollywood Rose" printed on the sticky paper. Nan Yi was surprised, he had never heard of this band or singer.

Looking at the tracks on the sticker, I saw a song "My Way, Your Way" and a song "Don't Cry". Nanyi suddenly realized that this should be the predecessor of Guns N' Roses.

"Nanyi, pick up the plate on your left and let me have a look."

When Nanyi was in a trance, Liu Zhen pointed to the tape on the left of Nanyi and said.

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