Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 521: Agency Store Economy

"Dad, why are you doing something crooked? I'm just going to do a normalized cigarette trade."

"Is it normal? What you say doesn't count, and what I say doesn't matter. The power has the final say. In the cigarette business, you want to play side-by-side, and there are several countries in one dozen. Do you know what the consequences will be if you do so?"

"Father, what consequences can it cause? I just wholesale cigarettes to customers. I don't care where they ship the cigarettes to sell. I can't control whether they enter the customs formally."

"Well, there are cleverness." Nanyi nodded and said, "If you only sell the goods to wholesalers at the factory gate, no one will really trouble you.

You mentioned Yunxiao at the beginning. I understand that you will work hard on the product to improve the quality of cigarettes and improve the competitiveness of the product.

But have you ever thought about it? The production cost of cigarettes is relatively transparent. People with a little knowledge can calculate your cost clearly. You sell goods at your doorstep. How much profit do you think those wholesalers will leave for you? space?

Do you spend a lot of time and effort, trampling on the laws of many countries, just to make a small profit but quick turnover business?

If you want to make your profits thicker, then you must include transportation.

Packet transportation, even if you just send it to the open sea of ​​the destination, the nature has changed. Legally, you can still quibble that what you are doing is a formal business, but does that make sense?

As long as someone is determined to deal with you, there are plenty of ways to put shit on your head.

Raid your freighter, detain all the people who transported the goods, let them identify you as the backstage boss, and then say that your cigarette factory is a large-scale drug production base, Interpol or special forces, which one do you like to blow your head off?

This is still light. Believe it or not, dare to say that your cigarette factory produces biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction, and you are directly classified as a terrorist?

Or do you prefer the term centrifuge? "

After Nan Yi finished speaking, her eyes were still fixed on Nan Ruofing's face. When her eyes became blurred, Nan Yi suddenly reached out and tapped her on the head, "Say, why don't you wear a hat?"

"Dad, you are too bully."

Being hit by Nanyi, Nan Ruofing instantly became pitiful.

"Do you have an opinion?" Nanyi frowned coldly, "Just because I'm better than you, just because I'm sure of you, I'll slap you both if I'm not happy, and I'll give you a jujube if I'm happy, don't care what you think If you don’t want to eat, you have to be grateful to Dade for showing me the food.

Even if I put a stinky fart, you have to change the way to boast to me, if you want to say that this is not a fart, this is me like a bully..."

"Okay, okay, Dad, don't pretend to be in front of me. I understand what you mean. You mean that the business pay is not proportional to the gain. You think the risk is too high and the profit is too low." Nan Ruofing Pouted, and said a little frustrated.

"It's good to know that if you want to make a lot of money in the cigarette business, you have to step on a lot of high-tension lines, which is more dangerous than selling arms. If you really want to do something exciting, why not sell arms to Cambodia, Lao, and Ah Khan .

No one will come to your troubles except the KGB. But before you do it, let's sever the relationship between father and daughter. In two years, your father and I will go to Suxiu, so don't get me involved. "

"Dad, is this business really dangerous?"

"It's not dangerous to take it easy, but it's definitely dangerous if you let it go." Nanyi stroked Funan Ruofing's hair and said, "What you put in front of you is always a multiple-choice question. You can have a lot of choices, and you don't have to go into a dead end. Lu wants Go step by step, don't think about eating into a fat man.

Dad asked you to go into business by yourself, either because he really expected you to do big business, or because he wanted you to learn by doing.

To give a simple example: a consignment store opened in the countryside, it generally sells needles, thread, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, pickles, cooking wine, drinking wine, pencils, ballpoint pens, letter paper, exercise books, erasers, pencil sharpeners, corner cases Melon seeds, snacks, small toys, cigarettes, etc.

For these things, shopkeepers have to go to the wholesale market to run more than seven or eight stalls, and basically have to go to two places for cigarettes, one is the regular channel of tobacco, and the other is a den for selling counterfeit cigarettes.

The owners of the consignment stores are meager and cannot overstock. They need to travel to and from the wholesale market frequently. If something is out of stock, they have to go to replenish it.

In rural areas, apart from collecting public grain, electricity bills, and withdrawals, there is no door-to-door service at all.

Let’s take the consignment store in Wenchangwei as an example. The business is relatively good. The owner, Auntie, has to go out to buy goods once a week, and with temporary replenishment, she has to go to the city at least five or six times a month.

Regarding the purchase of goods, it involves how to bargain with wholesale stall owners, product selection, quality control, and tricycle driving.

Let's talk about the process of selling goods, that is, operation.

As for consignment stores, there is basically only one in a village, and they do exclusive business. It seems very simple, just wait for customers to come to your door.

But in fact, the operation of consignment stores will also encounter difficulties, that is, credit.

Although they are all from the same village, they usually don't go too far if they look down and don't see each other when they look up. They are not convenient at hand, and they will send the money after a few days. "

Nan Yi flashed his hand, and continued: "But the five fingers are long or short, let alone human beings. If there are shameless people, there will naturally be shameless ones. Every credit is one or two. There are not no young people.

There are three knowledge points involved here: working capital, cost accounting, and accounting period, and there is also an accounting skill that cannot be put on the table.

In addition, in the south, consignment stores generally also run tea rooms for the elderly, selling tea for one cent and two cents, selling rice wine for one cent and two cents, and by the way, they also provide gambling equipment.

For playing cards, it is impossible to start owed as soon as you sit down, you have to carry some capital with you, if you don't have any, you will definitely borrow some from the shopkeeper. Tea is sold for one cent and two cents, and gamblers can borrow money for ten yuan and twenty yuan. This kind of money generally does not have interest, and it is uncertain when it will be recovered.

This also involves the knowledge points of peer-to-peer lending and liquidity occupation.

In addition, four people are usually needed to play cards, and it is very common that one of the three is missing. Whenever there is a need for people to make up, the owner of the consignment store must top it. This is a passive high-risk investment.

During Chinese New Year and holidays, people often play betting in rural areas. This kind of game is the most equal game between the banker and the player among the various gambling methods that Dad has seen. So, once someone sits on the banker, they will participate in the game. Much.

If the owner of the consignment store can't stand the temptation, he will bet on it, which is to take the initiative to invest in high school venture capital.

Whether it is active or passive, it is a venture capital investment outside the normal business scope. This is the same as the bosses in Hong Kong. No matter what business they are mainly engaged in, once the stock market is good, they will invest their operating funds in stock market.

What is the psychology of this, and what problems exist in it, it is worth thinking about it carefully. "

Nanyi patted Funan Ruofing's head again, "Father wants you to discover business and also run business, don't just think about investment and speculation, you understand the operation of a consignment store, and personally solve the problems encountered in the operation. The problem, this kind of experience, is more useful than reading a book.

It is better to have no books than to believe in books. How many of those economists who have written economic masterpieces have done business and have practical experience?

Learn more theory, participate more in practice, deeply analyze human nature, and exercise insight into people's hearts. Only by doing four in one, can you have a chance to become a successful businessman.

Oh, if you want to stand in the foreground and face the flashing lights in the future, you'd better take a minor in acting. What kind of person do you want to be, Dad will not force you, and will not ask you to be like Dad, willing to be lonely and hiding in the dark all the time.

If you are willing, you can act as the face of our Nan family in the future. "

As he said that, Nan Yi deliberately glanced at Nan Ruobing's face, and said teasingly, "It seems to be close, you look so ugly, or red beans are more suitable."

"Hmph, Dad, your nose is getting longer when you talk big."

"Pinocchio doesn't care about things here. This is the world of false beasts. Talking big words will only turn you into a rabbit."

"Hehehe, rabbits are so cute, put more spicy peppers. Dad, let's go to Chongwenmen and see if there is any wild rabbits in the vegetable market. I want to eat it."

"The season is wrong. It is best to eat wild rabbits in winter. There are so many parasites on them now. If you are really greedy, let's go and see if there are long-haired rabbits for sale."

"Long-haired rabbits, forget it, they're very patient." Nan Ruofing thought for a while and said.

"Then let's run to the suburbs and catch some loach. It's the right season to eat loach. It happens that Dad wants to invite someone to barbecue at night, and the grilled loach tastes good."

"Dad, let's go, let's go right away, I haven't gone to the countryside with you for a long time, I really miss the snakes in the countryside."

"Catch the snake. You don't need to go to the countryside. You can go directly to the Forbidden City. There is also a snake that has lived for more than 600 years. Dad will catch it for you. I will roast it tonight."

"Father, you're playing tricks on me again. You're so powerful, you should have caught Jin Shuihe here."


During the day, Nan Yi took Nan Ruofing and Liu Zhen to the countryside for a day of fun, and at night, he took Yu Dongfang to the courtyard for a barbecue. When he was happy, Nan Ruofing proposed to go swimming in Houhai.

It was rare for Nanyi to accompany her crazy for a while, and on the next day, one big and one small got together very seriously to plot something.

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