Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 523 The Train Shift Meets the Glass King

For a day and a half, Nan Ruofing left a legend in the alley where Li Lamei lived.

Although in the 1980s, stories of overseas relatives coming back to visit relatives and friends, giving color TVs, refrigerators, and gold and silver jewelry happened from time to time.

Even if you don't have it around you, you will have it in your mouth.

It is not a new thing in this year for someone to have a rich overseas relative. Apart from attracting envy, it does not have the value of wide spread at all.

Many losers at this time, their starting capital came from overseas relatives.

It's just because of Nan Ruofing's age that people talk about it, and this legend may take longer to spread.

At the same time, Nan Ruofing also made people in the alley feel distressed.

Eighty-nine-year-olds are already small adults, and there are examples of very sensible people. In this era, although they are not everywhere, they are not rare.

Precocious maturity is often accompanied by misfortune, and children's maturity is basically ripened by suffering.

People in the alley would think, how much hardship did it take to force an eight or nine-year-old girl into what she is now?

This is the symbol of this era, the way of thinking of people in this era.

If it is changed to thirty years later, it will have to be changed to time travel, rebirth, and slicing. Most people have never experienced suffering, and they cannot understand suffering. It was an era when eating instant noodles for a month wanted to jump off a building. That is a personality Era.

In the late 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, this spanned 20 years, and most of them were born in the five years from 8 to 13 years old. They can be compressed and fast-forwarded, except for eating, playing, and knowing more. A new word, these five years have contributed almost nothing to the establishment of personal three views.

The establishment of the three views of an ordinary person mainly depends on three factors: knowledge, vision, and time. They need time to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

But if a person's living standard is particularly poor or the conditions are exceptionally good, the time of the decisive factor will become secondary instead.

It is difficult for a person who is busy from morning to night and can barely fill his stomach to have the opportunity, energy, and time to learn continuously. If he is trapped in a certain place and cannot go out, it is difficult to broaden his horizons , his three views will be formed and fixed very early.

For those with excellent conditions, he doesn't have to wait for the duck-feeding machine to fill his stomach with "knowledge" step by step. He can naturally find a way to learn what he wants to learn in advance.

Wherever he wants to increase his knowledge, he can go there at any time, and he can appreciate different worlds and different cultural customs.

In today's universities, teachers will also talk about the "Yuan Kingdom" to students, which is the country with the most powerful economy; they will also talk about Soviet revisionism, which is the country with the most powerful military.

Most of the teachers who gave the lectures had never been to China or the Soviet Union. What they said were all based on books, and most likely they were books out of touch with the times. Their cognitions about China and Soviet revisionism have been guided and influenced intentionally or unintentionally by the "book writers", and they are just following the scriptures.

Furthermore, they may also incorporate their own subjective consciousness, and then relay it to the students. It is conceivable that what the students receive and learn in the end is full of loopholes.

Nanyi's way of educating Nan Ruofing was different. He asked her to open her eyes to see the world.

How farmers farm and where their pain points are; how workers go to work and where are their pain points; Why do family members of kneeling patients kneel...

Nanyi will let Nan Ruofing experience different people and different lifestyles in the world.

Whether it is boy scouts, mercenaries in Africa and Southeast Asia, civilians living in areas where warlords contend for hegemony, community members, mafia, business elites, plutocrat leaders, small civil servants, presidential candidates, etc., all kinds of people, Nan Ruofing has or Going to contact and explore soon.

During the eleven years from the age of eight to eighteen, Nan Ruofing had to practice reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles.

She has already stood in Rome, where billions of people may not be able to reach it in their lifetime. Next, she will change the track and race with a small group of people who are also standing in Rome, heading for the next Rome.

After dealing with Li Lamei's matter, Nan Ruobing went back to Xiangxi first. She had to go back for a few days to take care of her own business, and then she would come back to meet Zhou Maode.

July 10, June 12, Tuesday.

On the days when the TV station was overhauled, there was no TV to watch, and the National Day was approaching, so the days were quite special. Nanyi didn't choose to take the plane, but asked Chen Feng to get a soft sleeper box and boarded the train going south.

When the train was passing through Shanghai, there were a man and a woman, a man and a woman, in the compartment.

"Xian Sang, are the cherry blossoms in my hometown blooming?"

"It's already opened, Mr. Xu misses you, let you go back and have a look when you have time."

"Hey, after working hard for more than a thousand years, when will my Xu family become the hegemony, and when will I, Xu Gui, be able to show my real name to others."

"Pujie, you are a son of a family, so you deserve the surname Xu?"

"My family shovel, spoil my taste, it's rare that I have such a strong desire to perform." Nan Yi spat, then turned to Fan Hongdou and said, "It's quite early to come back, I thought you would come back at the end of this month."

"Godfather, I miss you." Fan Hongdou said, blinking her big eyes.

"Godfather misses you too."

Nanyi didn't expose Fan Hongdou's insincere words. If it happened that the Akaisa Vegetable Company was not busy recently, Fan Hongdou would not have come back so early.

"Weimin, when do you plan to expand your business to the domestic market? If those scavengers don't get together, the initial work will be in vain." Nan Yi threw a copy of "Modern Writer" to Fan Hongdou, and they talked with each other. Xian Weimin began to speak.

"In a while, Japan is still attacking the city, and the e-waste processing plant in Manila is expanding. Now you have called me back, and I am too busy." Xian Weimin rubbed his temples and said: " Look at me, I've lost more than a dozen catties, and I'm tired."

"It's over after a long time. I came here from there. Isn't it the same in my sophomore year? I lost about 20 catties in less than three months. When I come back, I will pass through the capital and go to Zouyi. Go there and have a look, and prescribe some prescriptions for food supplements."

Xian Weimin's work intensity is not low, and he has to spare time to study. For the past two years, he has been living in his third year of high school.

"Alright, you didn't eat up all the herbs that Men San'er took back at the beginning, did you?"

"Nonsense, you treat me like a pig, there are still more. You can eat ginseng like a carrot, and you can eat it. I plan to send people to North Korea in a few days to discuss matters related to Korean ginseng on Mt. Paektu."

"Didn't you already plant ginseng in the Northeast, why did you go to North Korea?"

"The Northeast side is too uncontrollable. Seeing that the market of ginseng is good, those who follow suit will follow. Sooner or later, the brand of Northeast ginseng will be destroyed. I have to find a way out for myself. North Korea is easier to control. As long as we get through The way of the Jin family will do."

"Can it work?"

"Of course, Su Xiu's own life is not very easy, and the aid to the Jin family has almost stopped. This is a good time to find him."

"In the name of the reclamation group?"

"No, it's inappropriate for the Reclamation Group to come forward. It's too politically sensitive. To set up a new company, the Reclamation Group will secretly control it. In addition, I plan to set up a company in South Korea to participate in the competition for Korean ginseng. Forget it, these are things to come later. , let’s talk about it later, let’s talk about what’s going on right now.”

"Tell me, I don't know why you asked me to come back this time."

"I called you back this time because I want you to take over my seat, so you can worry about things in Wenchangwei in the future."

"Ah? You don't care anymore?" Xian Weimin exclaimed.

"Don't get excited, I'm just asking you to take over in name. As soon as the Olympics starts, Xiongqi and Fitness Pants will be famous. By then, Wenchangwei will be famous all over the country, even more famous than the other two villages.

Wenchangwei will definitely be very lively next time. You know, I don’t want to be famous, so I’ll let you be the early bird. Just in time, you can also publicize the Weiminshengsheng Group to prepare for entering the mainland. "

"I see, I thought you didn't plan to control Wenchang Wai anymore." Xian Weimin said with lingering fear.

Others may not be clear, but Xian Weimin, who has already managed a large business, is very aware of the importance of Nanyi to Wenchangwei. It seems that Nanyi has not done much, but the overall strategy is set by Nanyi. The tactics were also formulated by Nanyi, and the overseas channels were also developed by Nanyi.

If Wenchangwei loses Nanyi, the future will be very bleak. If we don't talk about strategy and tactics, the situation in the village will become full of rumors. No one can integrate the power of the entire Wenchangwei.

"For the people, as I said, I will not take the initiative to leave Wenchangwei. I will wait for the day when the villagers will kick me out. In the entire Wenchangwei, at present, only you are qualified to play the leading role. After returning to the village, I will talk to Uncle Yaohua and wrong him a bit, and he will be your mouthpiece in name from now on."

Wenchang Holdings has 8% of the shares of Xian Yaohua and 15% of Xian Weimin. The combined shares of the two of them are 23%, which exceeds the 22% of the largest shareholder Nanyi. If Xian Weimin stands in the position of the nominal decision maker, plus Xian Yaohua still controls the right to speak, so the village committee has really become the voice of his family.

Nanyi agreed, but the rest of the village committee would not agree either.

The truth here is very subtle. Nanyi can hold the position of decision-maker firmly because he has never made mistakes, and secondly because he is a person with a foreign surname. If he wants to secure the seat under his buttocks, he cannot do without the support of the foreign surname supported by Mrs. Xian people.

In the eyes of other people in the village committee, they can hold Nanyi to the seat, and they can easily pull him down.

In fact, it was true. On the premise of not destroying Wenchangwei's family business, whether Nanyi could sit or not, the decision was not in his own hands.

Nanyi only has the right to make mistakes twice. Wenchangwei only treats him as a mistake once. If he makes two mistakes, everyone will doubt his ability, and he will definitely be kicked out of power. He will not be given the right to make a mistake a third time.

"One heart" is easy to say, but it is not so simple to do it.

Farmers have both simple characteristics and short-sighted bad roots. Once a halberd is broken, people's hearts will immediately become unstable.

"That's the only way to go, but tomorrow you have to stay overnight at my house." Xian Weimin said after thinking for a while.

"Heh, I can hide past the first day of junior high school, but I can't hide from the fifteenth day. If Uncle Yaohua doesn't let out the anger of being overwhelmed by his own son, it's not finished at all."

"It doesn't matter, if you procrastinate for one more day, his anger will be less. If you procrastinate, I will slip away. When he comes back during the Chinese New Year, his anger should be almost gone."

"You go to sleep with me, there are only two beds in your house, who the hell wants to sleep in the same bed with you." Nan Yi frowned.

"Whatever, Hongdou is back, why didn't Ruofeng come back?" Xian Weimin asked suddenly.

"Stayed in the capital for a few days, just returned to Xiangyu, and will come back in a few days. I plan to let Hongdou go back to the village to study for six years, and then go to Guoguo after finishing the first year of junior high school in Shenzhen, and then transfer back to wait for the college entrance examination. .”

"Godfather, do you want me to come back?"

"That's right, the godfather is going to fade out of Wenchangwei, so you represent the godfather and go to Nanzhai to sit in town."

"But what about Akaisa?"

"Godfather will send capable people to manage the company, don't worry, godfather won't let your property suffer any loss. This time when I go back, I will plant chicken feathers in the vegetable garden, and godfather will leave it to you to take care of it. If you plant it at this time, you can harvest it in a month, and you should be able to earn five or six yuan."

"Can you earn so much? Isn't it only eight cents of land? How much is a catty of chicken feathers?"

Vegetable growing has become Fan Hongdou's old profession. She can figure out how many vegetables can be grown in one mu of land and how much it costs, but she can calculate the national price.

"This godfather really doesn't know. It's five or six yuan. Godfather just said casually. He didn't care about the domestic vegetable prices for a few days. When you get to the village, you can ask Grandma Ge."

The price of chicken feather vegetables can't be blurted out, and he doesn't even have any idea about the price of this dish in his mind. This makes Nan Yi feel a little bit self-blame. He doesn't want to know the price accurately, at least he has to know it in his heart.

Eighty percent of the land is planted with chicken feathers, and Nanyi can't estimate how much profit it can make. This makes him feel a little uncomfortable, so he secretly reminds himself not to slack off, planing food in the ground is the foundation of the Nan family.

When Nan Yi was blaming himself, there was a knock on the door of their box.

Opening the door, the train conductor came into view, and beside him stood a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Comrade Nan, this is an acquaintance of mine. He got off the train in Yucheng, Jiangxi Province. Can you squeeze in your box?" Seeing that it was Nanyi who opened the door, the conductor said.

The train conductor is called Gaotie, Hu Jianren, and he has an older brother named Gaogang, who is in the key department of the railway, and has a lot of energy. Chen Feng's soft sleeper is made through Gaogang.

Nan Yi glanced at the middle-aged man beside the high-speed rail again from the corner of his eye, and said with a smile: "Of course, no problem, comrade, please come in, there is still a berth in the box."

The purchase qualifications for soft sleepers are not as strict as those of the previous two years. After all, the market economy is in place. If the soft sleepers are relatively empty, some of them will be sold to those who have "something to do". Empty boxes for emergencies.

Chen Feng just helped Nanyi get the purchase qualifications, and Nanyi paid for all the eight beds in two private rooms.

Under this premise, Gaotie brought someone here, which means that he has a good relationship with the visitor, or the person's way is very wild, and Gaotie has to sell face.

No matter what the situation is, Nanyi has to give the face of the high-speed rail.

"Sorry to bother you." The middle-aged man said in Mandarin with a southern Hokkien accent.

"Don't disturb, please come in."

Nanyi led the middle-aged man into the carriage, said something to the high-speed rail, and then closed the door of the compartment.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Xian Weimin, a farmer; this is Hongdou, my little princess; my name is Nanyi, a village accountant."

There is no need for Nanyi to give a false name. If he is willing, he can ask his name from the high-speed rail. He can't hide it himself, so there is no need to hide Xian Weimin's name.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Hello, my name is Cao Teler, from Hu Qing, who sells glass."

"Hehe, Lao Cao, come and sit, the bed over there is the little princess's phoenix chariot, no one else can do it." Xian Weimin greeted with a smile.

"What kind of cultural person do you pretend to be? The phoenix chariot is for the queen, and the red bean chariot is at most called the brown eaves. Lao Cao, you are free, bring a cup in your bag, and taste my tea." Nan Yi picked it up from the table. A can of tea leaves shaken.

"Bring it, how can you not bring a teacup on a business trip."

Cao Teller put his bag on the floor and sat next to Xian Weimin.

"Then go wash it up and change to a new tea. It just so happens that the water in the thermos has just been filled." Nanyi said in his mouth, but he was counting the list in his heart. He has met several future celebrities in the business world, and now he is adding more. Previous.

Whether he is confident or arrogant, no matter who he sees, Nan Yi is very calm. He never has any thoughts of worship, and some of them just observe quietly, and consider whether the other party's gloves are white or not.

"Wait a minute, the tea in my teacup was just brewed at the station, it's a pity to throw it away." Cao Teler said, taking out his own teacup from his bag.

"Since it's new, let's drink a couple of brews first. Lao Cao, Weimin and I are used to it casually. You don't mind calling me Lao Cao. If you want, just call me Xiao Nan."

"I don't mind, I don't mind, call Lao Cao and get close."

In the early 1960s, Cao Teller traveled extensively with his father to do small business, selling shredded tobacco, selling fruit, and growing fungus. Make friends, who else will you make friends with?

Nanyi is also very happy to get close to Cao Teler. This man made a fortune earlier than him. He already has tens of thousands of net worth in 1975. He was still in the sea in 1977. Seeing the old speculator, he has to respect him. point.

"Old Cao, what kind of glass are you selling?"

"The glass on the water meter is not easy to sell. I have been running around Shanghai for several days, but I haven't sold a single piece of glass. There are two water meter factories in Yucheng. I plan to go for a run." When Cao Teler was talking , his face was full of bitterness.

"Water meter glass, I don't understand glass, but I've seen water meter glass before, so it shouldn't be difficult to make, right? Can any factory that can make glass make it?"

"Not all of them, but almost the same. It is not difficult technically. As long as the production direction is changed, any glass factory can do it."

"Township enterprises?"

"That's right, I contracted out a small factory in the town." Cao Teller said flatly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lao Cao is still the director of the factory." Nan Yi said in surprise.

"Don't mention it, this year's contract fee hasn't been paid out, don't mention making money, worry."

"Old Cao, you have been in Shanghai for several days, and you haven't visited Santana?"

When Nanyi mentioned Santana, Cao Teller immediately became very excited, "Of course I have seen it, and I heard that Santana is fully localizing parts for tackling key problems."

Well, since he has been to Santana and knows about "comprehensive localization", Nanyi guesses that Cao Teller has already started the idea of ​​making auto glass.

Alas, the name of a guide has been lost.

"Santana is fucking expensive. The car is not much better than a Toyota sedan, but the price is more than ten times different." Nan Yi said pretending to be filled with righteous indignation.

"It can't be compared like this. Santana has just started. Whether it is the investment in the factory or the cost of research and development, it is much higher than that of a very mature Toyota. I believe that when the technology matures, the price of Santana will definitely come down."

Cao Teller put forward his different views.

"Hey, I hope."

Nanyi doesn't believe that someone who is lying down and can hold a lot of money is willing to sit up; where there are people who are cursing and giving money on poles, they will take the initiative to say "welcome".

Only when there is an existential crisis, the old man is willing to come down from the sky to be grounded, and then he welcomes him with his mouth, scolds his mother in his heart, criticizes the times have changed, and misses the good times, how happy his life was.

Yes, it’s a good time, it’s okay to put the red envelopes in the pockets of the sellers and go through the back door.

Then, Cao Teller didn't mention the car glass, and Nan Yi didn't mention it either. The two chatted for a while, and then took a break.

Nanyi and Fan Hongdou took a notebook and drew backgammon, Cao Teler climbed to the upper bunk to take a rest, Xian Weimin took out a Japanese economics book and read it, the whole private room only had occasional giggles.

Nanyi was crushed by Fan Hongdou's IQ, and only won the first set, and then lost all the time. He even used his trick, the Eight Diagrams Formation, but just after he drew three circles, Fan Hongdou's triangle broke the formation.

I can't figure it out, Nan Yi can't figure it out, he was a number one figure in the backgammon circle of Lianzhong World back then, relying on his superb chess skills, but several girls asked him to chat in the chat room.

After losing thirty-seven games, Nan Yi has recognized himself. In front of Fan Hongdou, his backgammon level is to fight against the five dregs.

So he turned into a referee and directly lifted the table, "Don't play, Hongdou, if you play backgammon again in the future, I will spank your ass."

"Hee hee hee!"

Nan Yi shook his head, walked out of the box, went to the washstand to wash his face, feeling extremely depressed.

Thinking about the sports that he thought he played well in his previous life, when he got here, they were all crushed by others. No matter what basketball, football, table tennis, badminton, backgammon, and rubber band jumping, there were people who could restrain him.

Fortunately, chess still maintained an undefeated record, but there is nothing to be proud of, he only played against a stinky chess basket who thought he was a master.

"Well, apart from farming, I can't be called an expert in anything."

Nanyi was depressed for a while, and then immediately cheered up. He thought that he seemed to be able to make money well.

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