Before Nanyi finished his meal, Wu Kun came back with a painting tube in his hand.

"Didn't find the person who framed the painting?"

"Boss, I asked a lot of people in Panjiayuan, but none of them know how to frame pictures."

Nanyi put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said, "Give me the painting tube, I'll take a look."

As Nan Yi said, she asked Xiao Hua to find a pair of medical gloves. After she put on the gloves, she took the painting tube from Wu Kun. She first checked the surface of the painting tube and smelled it. If there was no problem, she went to Pull out the drawing paper rolled into a cylinder inside.

As soon as he started, Nan Yi immediately frowned.

Through the back of the drawing paper, the ink marks on the front can be seen directly.

This is a problem. The drawing paper looks like rice paper, even if it is single rice paper, the thickness is not small, and the ink is not easy to see through the back of the paper.

He checked carefully again, sniffed the smell, raised his head, and looked at Wu Kun from head to toe. Then Nan Yi unfolded the drawing paper; held it up high, and observed the back of the drawing paper through the sunlight, it was obvious that Seeing the traces of the paper fibers being torn, the one in his hand could not be a single leaflet, it should be a folder leaflet.

Turn the drawing paper over and observe again. There are also traces of paper fiber tearing on the front.

"Damn it, it's not the second layer, at least the third layer."

Nan Yi complained, and didn't care about what the painting was, but stared at the partial ink stains.

The ink is very light, the front and back are almost the same color.

Needless to say, this is Jiehua. What Nanyi holds in his hand is the middle layer, and the other two layers are the upper and lower layers. That is, one painting is divided into three identical paintings.

After confirming that there is something wrong with the painting, Nan Yi has the heart to appreciate the content of the painting.

The painting shows a woman wearing a woolen coat, not too beautiful, but she looks very graceful, and the charm she reveals can be seen as a woman from the Republic of China.

In the lower right corner, there is an inscription "Yi Haidong, draw a portrait of you to comfort your mind"; there is no seal under the inscription, only a signature "Xu Beihong".

After contacting the signature of the inscription, Nan Yi guessed who the woman in the painting was, Sun Duoci, Xu Beihong's student and lover.

The "love story" of the two lasted for more than ten years, throughout the years of the Anti-Japanese War, and wrote a song of passionate romantic love. The bastard, the 38-type, the zero-type aircraft, and the pig rush all cheered for their love.

It's a pity that in the end it was the bride who married, and the groom was not him; when the groom married again, the bride was not her.

The husband Sun Duoci married was also a well-known figure, and he also left a strong mark in the Republic of China. Back then, he wanted to arrest the "degenerate literati" Zhou Shuren, but he caught Lu Xun by mistake. Blind, if you arrest someone with the surname Zhou, what does it matter to me, Lu Xun?"

Being scolded by Lu Xun like this, Sun Duoci's husband was also short-tempered. As a result, he was so angry that his brain burned out and he got an incurable disease-sex ghost disease, and put a big green hat on another well-known literati.

Looking at the Jie painting in front of him, Nan Yi was a little confused. The current price of Xu Beihong's handed down works is not that expensive. The painting in front of him, even if it is his authentic work, sold for 50 yuan, who the hell is full? Is it okay to expose this painting?

Exposing a painting is not a simple craft, not many people know it, and regardless of the value of the painting, the wages for exposing a painting should be more than fifty.

Take a picture and send it to him for mounting, just to cheat him for dozens of dollars?

Even if it is finally theoretically said that this painting has great commemorative significance to the owner, if you pay the sky-high price, you will definitely be able to settle it within 1,000 yuan.

"Who received the person who sent the painting?"

Wu Kun said, "Me."

"Have you left your name?"


"Retell the communication process between you and him, don't miss anything."

Wu Kun recalled for a while and said: "Around 9:30 in the morning, the man came in with the painting and asked me if I could mount the painting here. I answered yes, and then he took out the painting and spread it on the table for me to see. Ask me how much it costs to mount a picture.

I told him that I am an apprentice, I don’t know very well, I have to ask the master; he said that he doesn’t care about the price, but it must be beautifully framed, he will put the painting first, and come back to pick it up in two days, and pay at that time money, and he left. "

Well, once Nan Yi heard what Wu Kun had said, he was basically sure that this was a game set up by others.

When the man asked "How much does it cost to mount a painting", Wu Kun should have asked the person "How do you want to mount a painting and what materials do you use?" His answer has already revealed that he doesn't know anything about mounting a painting.

If it is a normal painting shop, the apprentice who can stand at the counter, even if he has not learned how to mount paintings, the master should have taught how to treat people, know the classification of painting techniques, and know how to quote.

In addition, the apprentice in the painting shop couldn't tell the thickness of the rice paper, and he didn't question the painting at all. How could the other party not know that Wu Kun is a stick.

"Wu Kun, did you give him the receipt?"

"Give it."

"How did you write it?"

"Today I received a picture that needs to be framed, and then I signed it with my name and date."


Nan Yi responded, walked out of the living room, walked across the courtyard to the courtyard gate.

There is a simple white sign hanging on the gate of the courtyard, with the words "mounting painting shop" written on it with a brush. It looks a bit nondescript, and there is no sense of elegance.

"With such a facade and signboard, will business come automatically? But Wu Kun's receipt only states that he has received a painting. What kind of painting is it? "

Looking at the sign, Nan Yi fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, Nanyi didn't think too much about the inside, he felt that the painting in front of him might be just a test, and the real killing move would come next time.

No matter it came with malicious intent or the other party was just a stunned young man, no matter what, the painting must be framed well.

"Wu Kun, come here."

Wu Kun heard the greeting and walked to Nanyi.

"Take the painting and go to Panjiayuan again. Make a big fuss and ask someone. You must find out where the painting is mounted. The budget is 60. Within this amount, bring the painting back and wait for that friend to come to your door. Tiger cub, hang behind Wu Kun to see if anyone is staring at him."



Both Wu Kun and Tiger Cub agreed, and immediately set off for Panjiayuan.

"Mr. Nan, call, Mr. Xian from Wenchang Wei." Nan Yi had just ordered the matter, and Yan Du came to report.

"Oh, I'll pick it up."

Nan Yi didn't need to ask Mr. Xian who he was. According to Yan Du, the only person in Wenchangwei who could be called Mr. Xian was Xian Weimin.

Walking into the living room and picking up the microphone from the long table, Nan Yi said to the microphone, "For the people, what's the matter?"

"Two things. You can get subsidized loans, but the money is not much. The total in Shajiaotou is only 5 million."

"It's a little less, let's broadcast it in the village, and those who want to borrow money can run around by themselves."

The amount is limited, and Nanyi understands as soon as he hears it that the interest discount should be the local finance, and this money is not easy to deal with.

"I see. The second thing is that someone in the village wants to contract the lotus pond."

"fish culture?"


"The second thing, you don't need to tell me at all, the reclamation group knows a lot about pearl cultivation."

"I asked my aunt, and she told me that to grow pearls, we need to fertilize the water to promote the growth of plankton, which will damage the water quality." Xian Weimin said.

"Now that you know, what are you talking about? I've only been walking for a day, and my eyelids are so shallow?"

"What my old man means is to inform you of every detail."

"Well, Uncle Yaohua has a heart. It's all right, straighten things out, and go back to Tokyo to do your own work. I'll hang up if it's okay."

"Don't worry, there's still something to do."


"You know Zhou Guanbao from Zhoujia'ao Village, right?"

"I know, the supplier in the village makes cartons for the food factory."

"Yes, that's him. He came here today. There are still two things. One is to discuss the payment period with the village. He wants the village to pay in cash, and the other is to ask the village to borrow money."

Nan Yi rubbed his temples and said: "The account period needs to be changed. The receivables cannot follow the pace of others. The pace must be accelerated. The sooner the money is returned, the better. In order to achieve this goal, the accounts receivable 2% can act as a catalyst."

"2% is so much, is it necessary? The village is not slow to pay back now."

"For the sake of the people, ask the accountants of several state-owned factories to inquire about the amount of receivables in their factories, how long they have been delayed, how much they owe to the outside world, and how long they have been owed. If you ask them clearly, you will know my debts. On purpose."

"Cross debt?"

"Do you understand what the consequences will be if this situation continues to spread?"

Xian Weimin paused for a while and said: "It will lead to a credit crisis, and the bad debts of the bank will increase. In order to protect themselves, the bank will tighten its money and increase the intensity of loan collection. Due to our special national conditions and the low status of township enterprises, we will become a victim."

"Sacrifice is not enough. If the debt is not returned, it is a certainty. Money is money in your own hands. Debts that cannot be recovered are waste paper. Tell Uncle Yaohua to find out what that Zhou Guanbao wants to borrow money for. Whether to borrow or not, let him wait until he turns into a hot pot ant, so that the village can easily raise conditions."

"Okay, I see. I'll go back to Tokyo after making a dividend plan."

"Well, I will continue to use the remote control after I go back. I will use up all the liquid funds in the village account before setting up the tent this year. After New Year's Day, the village committee will go to the bank. After Wenchangwei, I will rely on borrowing chickens to lay eggs."

"Nanyi, it's a good idea to push up the debt ratio. There is too much money in the village, and all of them are floating away. The fat in Wenchangwei is also a concern."

"Heh, it would be great if everyone in the village committee is as sober as you. Remember to come to the full moon wine."

"You are really in a hurry. You are thinking about the full moon wine before you are born. The son in front of you didn't set the wine, why do you want to do it now?"

"I'm so idle."

As Nanyi said, he hung up the phone.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Nan Yi had dinner with Liu Zhen first, and was half full after eating. After Liu Zhen finished eating and digesting, he helped her upstairs to wash up, and then went out with Zuo Can.

Nan Yi and Zuo Can got off the car outside the small shop at Beixinqiao Luzhu in Xiwai, and walked to a mutton skewer stand on the side of the road.

"Hyperthyroidism, give me a hundred skewers, and send them to me later."

Hyperthyroidism, whose surname is Kang, and whose full name is Kang Steelmaking. Hearing this name, one knows that his family is inseparable from the steel factory. In fact, it is true. Kang Steelmaking is a child of Iron and Steel.

Qian Nanyi and him were classmates in elementary school and junior high school, and they met again some time ago. Today is the second time that "Nanyi" has seen him.

Nan Yi knew that Kang Steel was called Kangtou in elementary school, Huokang in junior high school, and joined Jinggang Steel as soon as he graduated from junior high school, and was called Anti-Japanese War. Also known as hyperthyroidism.

"One hundred skewers, how many of you can eat it? Look at my meat skewers are so big that there are too few people to finish them." Hyperthyroidism turned over the mutton skewers on the grill and said in his mouth.

"There are too many people, a hundred strings may not be enough, so be careful, call again when there is not enough, and the money will be counted after the work is over."

"Let's go, I'll send it to you in ten minutes at most." Hyperthyroidism said without raising his head.

Nan Yi stepped up and walked into the shop, thinking about the mutton skewers in his mind. The price of mutton skewers in the capital is quite messy now. You can eat them for five cents, ten cents, twenty cents, and twenty-five cents. It can be eaten, the skewers are big and small, and the meat quality is also good or bad.

Hyperthyroidism sells for 2 cents here, the skewers are not small, and the meat quality is not bad. Even if there is no relationship with classmates, Nan Yi will definitely take care of his business.

Now the mutton on the prairie ranges from six cents to one yuan and two according to the grade. In the capital, only second- and third-grade mutton can be bought, and the retail price ranges from one yuan to one yuan. There is still money to be made domestically.

It's just a pity that it is definitely impossible for the country to use precious foreign exchange to import a large amount of mutton. If it is settled in RMB, it is useless for the Nan family to hold so many RMB in their hands.

Besides, the official exchange rate is too pitted, so you can't afford to lose.

"Let's consider selling to Suxiu first, the ruble is strong now."

Combined, Shennong Nanliang and Scarlett will slaughter more than 5 million sheep this year, and it is estimated that nearly 270,000 tons of mutton will increase by 40% next year.

In the next few years, it will also increase at a rate of 30% every year, and it will last for about seven years before the pastures planned to raise sheep will reach the saturation of a rotational grazing.

The two groups are still continuing to merge land and pastures around the world. Nanyi can't figure out how many pastures Nanyi will own in eight years, and how many sheep will be raised in a year.

Now the quantity is small, and there is no need to worry about selling it, but it will be hard to say after eight years.

Nanyi not only needs to consider opening up the market, but also considers the deep processing and fine processing of mutton and the establishment of high-end brands.

"Nanyi, why did you come here? We've already had a big bowl."

As soon as Nan Yi entered the shop, Chen Feng greeted him.

Nan Yi raised his eyes to look at Chen Feng, greeted him with his eyes, and at the same time glanced at the man in military uniform sitting opposite Chen Feng, the red collar badge on his collar was a bit conspicuous.

"It's okay, there is a big belly woman who needs to be taken care of at home." Nan Yi sat down beside Chen Feng, said in his mouth, and stretched out his hand to the man opposite, "Nan Yi, a young man who is unemployed."

"Li Jin, the head of the logistics department of the Beijing Military Region."

With a Tianlong accent and being able to sit with Chen Feng, Nan Yi could easily guess where this Li Jin was going.

"Four pockets, not like big soldiers." Nan Yi laughed.

Holding the Erguotou bottle in his hand, Chen Feng asked, "Nanyi, what do you drink?"

"It's so hot, let's have some cold ones, does this stew taste good today?"

"It's okay, the smell of shit is quite authentic."

"That's good, then I'll order a big one too." Nan Yi nodded and walked towards the dining outlet.

It's getting late, but there are quite a lot of people in the store. There are several newcomers and meat adders waiting at the outlet. After paying the money, Nan Yi joined the waiting line.

I didn't mean to be disgusting. After careful cleaning, the pig's large intestine still smells like feces, so the taste will be particularly good. This shows that pigs mainly eat pig grass and rice bran, and the growth period is relatively long. Now it is not easy to eat, and they are all fed feed, and there are messy additives.

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