Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 533: Scheming, Guano, Note

Nan Yi walked up to Wu Shizhen, took the two sheets of paper in her hand, and looked at the Chinese one first.

Fortunately, when Nanyi saw Wu Shiyi's name written on the paper and his current job as a nurse, he confirmed that Wu Shiyi in front of him was indeed the working queen he thought.

Nan Yi knew about Wu Shiyi's previous life experience. She knew that she had worked for IBM, Microsoft, and a large domestic appliance group. Nan Yi didn't know Wu Shiyi's specific abilities.

But thinking about it, if he can climb from a miscellaneous role in IBM to the general manager of Huaguo sales channel step by step, his future ability should not be bad.

"Keep her, observe slowly, and give her opportunities to exercise. As long as she is really talented, she can grow up in IBM, and the same can be done in Genzhengmiaohong."

Nanyi has already made up his mind to keep Wu Shiyi. It is a very affordable thing to use a position that is not important and many people can be qualified to verify a "high probability talent".

After reading the Chinese, Nan Yi picked up the English one, and while reading it, he drew circles on the paper with a pen.

"Comrade Wu, show me your ID card." After drawing the circle, Nan Yi said to Wu Shiyi.

Wu Shizhen took out his ID card from his body and handed it to Nanyi.

Nan Yi took it, just glanced at it, and returned the ID card to Wu Shizhen, "Can you type?"

Wu Shixuan's eyes flickered, and he said, "Yes."

"Yes is yes, no is no, we value a person's quality more than whether he can type, and I will give you another chance to answer again, whether he will or not." Nanyi looked into Wu Shiyi's eyes, serious Said.

"No... no."

"How much is your current monthly salary?"

"37 bucks 5."

"Do you need to pay wages to the family?"


Nan Yi looked at Wu Shixuan from top to bottom again, then took out a wad of money from his pocket, picked out 80 yuan and put it on the desk.

"The price of an ordinary typewriter in Zhongguancun is between 150 and 180 yuan. Here is 80 yuan. I sponsored you to buy the typewriter. Today is not counted. You have three days. At six o'clock in the afternoon on July 20, or Here, you show me your typing skills.

Of course, if you don’t want to do this, you can also disappear with the 80 yuan. I will not tell the foreign company service company about this, and I will default that the money is for your interview expenses. "

Nan Yi said, and handed the piece of paper written in English to Wu Shizhen, "The circled place is either a misspelled word or a grammatical error. You still need to continue studying. Now, I want to say see you in three days, or never goodbye."

Wu Shizhen was taken aback by Nanyi's words, looked at the paper in his hand, then at the money on the table, pursed his lips, and asked timidly, "I... did I pass it?"

"Hehehe, three days later, you still dare to come back and talk about it."

It is best for Wu Shizhen to learn to type in three days, and it's okay if she can't learn it. What Nanyi values ​​is whether she dares to come back, and whether she dares to come back to demonstrate her poor typing skills.

After sending Wu Shiyi out of the room, Nan Yi walked towards the sofa.

"Senior brother, what if you misunderstood, what if she really didn't come back with eighty yuan?" Nan Yi just sat on the sofa, Jin Que'er asked with a smile.

"That means I was blind and misjudged the wrong person, so I'll dig out your eyeballs." Nan Yi pounced forward, stretched out his two fingers, and made a digging motion at Jin Que'er's eyeballs.

"Why don't you dig your own?" Jinqueer said angrily.

"You've seen what you shouldn't have seen, and if you don't dig yours, who will you dig?" Nanyi withdrew his body, leaned back on the sofa and said, "Chief Jin, tell me, there has been no news for several days, what is going on with your TV station?" Do you want to treat big customers who come to your door like this?"

"Brother, you are so smart, you should be able to guess what's wrong with it."

"I guess it's my business. If you don't say it, it's your business. No matter what problems you encounter, if things don't go well, you should say hello to me. You can't have no news at all. Is this reasonable? Do you know , Our shareholders are already angry, clamoring to come over and fight your stage, but I just stop it."

"Come on, I still call the door and pay you back, brother, just shake me." Jin Que'er lowered her face and said: "The conservatives in the station said that buying out commercial time is too aggressive, advertising is okay, but buying out is not allowed.

In the past few days, I have been looking for people up and down the stage, and I want to do their work well, but I am the deputy section chief of Sesame Mung Bean, and I am still a newcomer, who will listen to me.

Brother, I am also in trouble. "

"No matter how difficult you are, you can't hide the fact that you are impolite." Nan Yi spat and said, "Since the buyout is not possible, then let's work around it. I can only do advertisements for two years in a row."

"Brother, you're just changing the concept. Let me put it bluntly. The meaning above is very simple. It's okay to advertise and sign a contract, but the contract can be signed for a maximum of two months, and whether to renew it after two months will be discussed."

Nan Yi listened to Jin Que'er's words, and complained in his heart: "The conservatives don't agree, this is obviously a reformist, and it has to be the idea of ​​​​advancing reformists. It takes two months to sign, and it depends on the situation after two months. Price. Jinque’er hasn’t heard from her for the past few days, so she’s trying to stretch me, right?”

"It's meaningless to sign a contract every two months. Your court platform has a high threshold, so I won't go to the door. I'd better find a local platform. Look at how low the terrain of the capital platform is. I can go there along the way." The slope slides all the way down, save effort."

Jin Que'er said calmly: "I think so, brother, let's find a local station, and the conditions are better."

"Oh, I'll listen to you." Nanyi nodded and said, "Since this is the case, I'm quite busy, so I won't keep you. When I'm free some other day, you can treat me to dinner."

As Nanyi said, he stood up from the sofa, ready to see off the guests.

"Okay, there are a lot of things going on in the stage, so I won't sit any longer." Jin Que'er took the bag that was set aside and stood up as if.

"Okay, I'll see you off."

Nan Yi sent Jin Que'er to the door, closed the door and said softly: "Little girl, play with me and wait for work, please enter the urn."

Jin Que'er stood outside the door, glanced back at the door, and twitched the corner of her mouth, "You're playing scorpion, playing with me, playing with me? Find a local station, go find it, I don't see if you will come back beg me."

"Edwin, there is nothing to do in the next three days. You can take a vacation for yourself. Walk around the capital to get familiar with it. First, go to the Summer Palace. There are many college students working as field guides there. You can hire a translator for you. .”

"Okay, I've been in the capital for three or four days, and I've stayed in the hotel. I haven't stepped out of here yet. I just want to go for a walk." Edwin agreed happily.

Edwin was straightforward, went back to his room and changed into casual clothes, hung a camera around his neck and went out immediately.

After Edwin left, the bored Nan Yi searched around the room, looking for something to pass the time, and finally, Nan Yi saw a "National Geographic" magazine on the desk of the executive, with a picture on the cover In the photo of the girl, the deep eyes are particularly attractive.

Nanyi picked up the magazine, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Coke, and went back to the office to read it.

This issue seems to be a Southeast Asia special. Nanyi opened the first article and described Angkor Wat. After carefully looking at a few beautiful photos, and then scanning the text, Nanyi turned to the next article...

After reading half of the magazine, Nan Yi turned to a new article.

This article is about Kanglong Island, an island in Wangguo Bay. The photos published in the magazine show the island with many mountains and mountains, and the spring is as deep as the sea. Nanyi can tell at a glance that this island is a virgin land that has not been cultivated. The islanders in the photos smile very innocently, without being polluted by the world at all.

Nanyi looked at the three photos for several minutes, and then he turned to the back to read the text introduction.

"There are many caves on Kanglong Island. There are millions of bats living in the caves, and the smell is very bad...Kanglong Island is a midway habitat for migratory birds. A large number of migratory birds stop on the island for a short time every autumn. A large amount of bird droppings were left on the island, and the migration of migratory birds on Kanglong Island lasted at least thousands of years."

"Bats", "migratory birds", "guano", "thousands of years" and "bat droppings" not introduced in the text, these five keywords made Nanyi's eyes bright.

Picking up the phone and calling the front desk of the hotel, someone sent a map of Asia.

The scale of the map was too large, and Nanyi didn't find Kanglong Island on the map, so he returned the map, picked up the phone and called Xiangtang.

"Look up the information on Kanglong Island. In Mingguo Bay, call the Great Wall Hotel, Room 8716. I'll wait for a reply."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he hung up the phone and continued to read the magazine.

About an hour later, the phone on the desk rang.

"Hello... oh, say."

"Kanglong Island is an island belonging to Cambodia, with an area of ​​34.7 kilometers. There are about 2,000 old people living on the island. It is a very closed primitive island. The residents on the island rarely communicate with the outside world."

"Okay, got it, check out the June issue of National Geographic, and remember that unity is strength."

Nanyi's words were quickly relayed to Liang Huiwen. She read National Geographic, saw the article introducing Kanglong Island, and then chewed on what Nanyi said, "Unity is strength".

"Guano, bat guano, solidarity fertilizer... feces, should I look for a shit stirrer or a grain guard?"

Liang Huiwen thought about it for a while, and felt that it was more appropriate to send a grain guard to the "shit" matter, so she called Rebecca and asked her to send a team to Kanglong Island to have fun.

Twenty minutes, only twenty minutes later, in an orchard in Bodhiya, a U82 helicopter soared into the sky. This is a helicopter purchased by the Food Guard from Bell. The prototype of this helicopter is UH-1, with electronic equipment And after upgrading, AM-23 aviation cannon is also loaded.

Playing air combat with other helicopters will be hit by dimensionality reduction, but climbing up and down the ground is a relaxed and enjoyable one.

At the same time, at the U.S. military base in the Philippines, two special ships sailed along the river to the direction of Guoguo Bay, a team codenamed Justice Strike under the Special Ship Squadron.

They are going out to do private work and escort a hired team to Kanglong Island.

This time they were looking for old customers, and the price for this job was not high, but they still took it.

As for the old customers, you have to curry favor with them. If you suffer a loss this time, the next one may be a job that can make a lot of money. Think about the first time I took on this client's job, I just hugged a shuttle, and everyone got tens of thousands of dollars.

Good job!

When it was time for lunch, Nan Yi went to the French restaurant on the first floor of the Great Wall Hotel.

As soon as the food was ordered, Ye Jing came over.

"have eaten?"

"No, Qinghe came here when he came back." Ye Qian said, throwing a piece of paper on the table, and sat opposite Nanyi, "You are still reliable in doing things, knowing that you can put a note on the door, Otherwise, I don't know where to find you."

"The words mean something, things are not going well?"

"Not going well, a good news and a bad news, which one to listen to first?"

Nan Yi said angrily: "Let's put it together."

"Okay, then I'll put them together." Ye Kai took out the cigarette case, lit a cigarette, and said, "Zhao Yuanzhi is inclined to rent the old factory building to us, but he encountered a lot of resistance. I gave him a note, signed by Zhao."

"Zhao?" Nan Yi thought for a while, and asked, "From the Erqing system?"


Nan Yi rubbed his temples and thought: "There is no leader named Zhao in the Erqing Bureau in Beijing, but there is one in the Erqing Department...has a headache."

"Order yourself."

After talking to Ye Qian, Nanyi tapped his fingers on the table and fell into deep thought.

"The efforts to fight the bills are not enough. To do business in China, you have to be pro-government and far away from politics. Doing business with privileges can be convenient for a while, but in the long run, the gains outweigh the losses.

Originally, I wanted to complete the construction of Qinghe International in a low-key manner, and then negotiate with the Haidian District Government after it becomes an established fact and has a certain influence, but now it seems that the stereotyped essay can no longer be suppressed, and it has to be moved . "

"After dinner, come to my place. I have an application document for you. Take it back and take a look first. Tomorrow, you can go to Qinghe again and tell Zhao Yuanzhi that he will give us three days. Clear up the relationship.

After visiting Qinghe, if you come here again, I will introduce a foreigner, Edwin, to you.

You are the general manager of Genzheng Miaohong Trading, he is the president of Genzhengmiao Hongxiang, and I am the vice president of Genzhengmiao Hongxiang. Qinghe International is nominally a joint project between two Genzhengmiaohongs. You It is the representative of the Chinese side, and Edwin is the representative of foreign capital.

Tomorrow, you and Edwin will communicate first, and then take some time to go to the HD district government, find the district chief Min Jinsheng, and discuss Qinghe International with him. "

"Nan Batian, one is the district and the other is the ministry, can Min Jinsheng stand it?" Ye Qi said unconfidently.

"Our plan can bring a lot of tax revenue to Haidian District, and increase the flow of people in the district. When there are more people, consumption will naturally increase, and the economy in the district will be driven. For Min Jinsheng, This is a good political achievement, a political achievement that can be put on the table, why doesn't he agree to it? Why don't you dare to stand up for it?"

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