The food at the Great Wall Hotel is too expensive, it is impossible for Nanyi and the others to eat in the restaurant, let alone it has become a practice.

Wu Shixuan can not only receive the salary from the foreign enterprise service company, Genzheng Miaohong will also give her an extra salary of 60 yuan per month, as well as miscellaneous subsidies, which add up to more than 100 yuan.

If her food allowance is still implemented in the Great Wall Hotel, the benefits will be too high.

Time and space are shifted, which means that in 2022, Wu Shizhen's working meal standard is set at 3,500 meals. Such a high standard, Nanyi can't afford it, and whoever can afford it will go.

In fact, Nanyi himself is reluctant to eat more at the Great Wall Hotel, who can afford the expensive ones.

If you go to a restaurant outside for 100 yuan, you can order "a book" and bring change.

Besides, there is a price for face in Nanyi. As long as someone is willing to give him money, he can cash it out at any time. Oh, and the gold under his knees can be sold at any time.

It's just that the price of gold under his knees is expensive, and he wouldn't sell it without tens of billions of dollars plus privacy.

It’s not ashamed to ask for a private space, but when it’s convenient for him to sell it twice, he can also boast that it’s his “first time”. In this way, the price can be higher, and selling one more is one.

Nanyi dug all the vegetables and rice in the foam lunch box into the enamel lunch box, threw away the ones that got on the box together with the box, and sat at his workstation to eat.

"Shi Yan, have you completed the resignation procedures?"

"Not yet, we have to do it on Thursday." Wu Shiyi said while picking up the rice.

"Oh, you don't need to use it on that Thursday, just go to the hospital and have a comprehensive physical examination. Edwin, give me two thousand dollars later, and I'll exchange it into RMB."

Nanyi must go to the black market to exchange, and it is impossible to go to the bank. Thinking about the two million dollars in the bank, as long as they use them, they will definitely be forcibly exchanged by the bank into RMB at the official price. Genzheng Miaohong will cost 17.36 million yuan His little heart hurt like a needle prick.

Nanyi quickly finished the meal, took a few sheets of white paper and a ruler, and began to trace the forms used within the company, such as requisition slips and withdrawal slips.

While tracing, the phone on Nanyi's desk rang.

"Genzhengmiaohong Nanyi, please tell me."

"Mr. Nan, a comrade named Xian Jijie called just now, saying that he is in the capital and wants to meet you."

"Oh, did he say where he was?"

"The call was made from a payphone near Workers Stadium."

"Then you call him back and tell him that I have to go out at two o'clock, and let him come to the Great Wall Hotel if I can, and let him go to the old bungalow at night if I don't."


Nanyi hung up the phone and continued to trace the format of his list.

The Workers' Stadium is less than three miles away from the Great Wall Hotel, just past Sanlitun. In less than half an hour, Xian Jijie was already sitting on the sofa in Room 8716.

Xian Jijie and Xian Weimin are of the same generation, but the age gap is a bit big. Xian Jijie is already 38 years old this year. His son got married in March this year, and his daughter-in-law just got pregnant. If there is no accident, he will be a grandfather at 39 years old.

The idea of ​​sanitary napkins proposed by Nanyi at the meeting of the village committee finally fell on his head. He owns 58% and the village 42%, and jointly opened a Jijie Sanitary Products Factory.

"Jijie, where are you from?" Nanyi asked as he put the brewed tea beside Xian Jijie.

"Come here from the Wenling factory. The factory has just developed the first product. I want you to have a look." Xian Jijie said.

"Ji Jie, I'm not an outsider either, we don't need to play throwing stones to ask for directions, we just talk about it if we have anything."

It's nonsense to ask Nanyi to look at sanitary napkins. He doesn't know the quality of sanitary napkins.

Instead of showing it to him, it is better to find a few women to try it out.

If Xian Jijie couldn't figure this out, he wouldn't have accepted the job of sanitary napkins. He made it clear that he had other things to do, so what new product should he start talking about first?

Xian Jijie smiled awkwardly, and said: "Then I'll just say it straight. Some time ago, I went to Weilin's father-in-law's house. There were many people in their village who smuggled into the country to work illegally. One of them came from the country. Send things home.

There is a child in his family who is not yet half a year old, so he sent back some foreign diapers for the child. I found it very novel, so I asked for one, took it back to the factory and tried it. These foreign diapers are really amazing and absorb water. It is very strong, pour a glass of water on it, and no drop leaks out. "

"The term "foreign diapers" is a bit outdated. Now it's time to add foreign characters to things that are not foreign." Nan Yi waved his hand and said with a smile: "You might as well call it diapers to make it more vivid. Diapers are such a thing. , I know, and I have always kept the idea of ​​producing diapers in my stomach.

The reason why I didn’t tell you is that you should know it by now. The production process of diapers is very demanding and the cost is not low, and there are patents for this product. If you want to produce it, you have to develop new materials and new processes yourself. How much money to invest in it, have you thought about it? "

"I thought about it."

Xian Jijie nodded solemnly, groped his body for a while, and stopped his movements again.

"It's okay, you can smoke." Nan Yi said to Xian Jijie, and then said to Wu Shixuan: "Shixuan, please, bring the ashtray here."

After Xian Jijie smoked, Nan Yi said again: "Continue talking."

Xian Jijie took two more puffs and crushed the cigarette in the ashtray, "I have thought about it and discussed it with the technicians in the factory. I want to produce a new production line in the... The second time I came to Beijing, I actually came to ask the representative of Ruiguang Co., Ltd."

"Oh, you were on the sixth floor this morning?"

The office of Ruiguang Co., Ltd. is on the sixth floor of the Great Wall Hotel, and coincidentally, it is room 8616 directly below Nanyi and the others.

"Yes, I ate lunch here, and Little Japan invited me."

"After thinking about it, do you want to go now?" Nan Yi frowned and asked.

Xian Jijie said firmly: "Think about it, put sanitary napkins and diapers together."

"Then I understand, you're not looking for me, you're looking for Liu Zhen to get a loan, right?"


Xian Jijie smiled awkwardly.

"Then you made the wrong idea. First, you insisted on opening Jijie Sanitary Products Factory to Wenling at the beginning. I heard that the village is not very happy. It may be difficult for you to ask the village to come forward for a loan;

Second, the factory is not earning a dime now, and it is a township enterprise, so if the loan is in the name of the factory, it is impossible to get the loan;

Third, you are in a hurry.

We have to eat one bite at a time, will sanitary napkins sell well? Thinking about it, it should be easy to sell, but we haven’t started selling it yet. We don’t know how good it will be and how much it will be sold for.

The money has been invested, and there is no hope of getting back the capital. Now you want to buy diapers. If it is not easy to sell, if you can’t sell it, you will have to spend another million to invest in it. What if you lose money? How do you explain to the village? "

"I've thought about this matter. It's not appropriate for the village to come forward, so I want to bring in another person to let them invest money and give them a share."

As soon as Nanyi's words fell, Xian Jijie took over directly, without a single slap in the face.

"That's right, the first vile thing to poach the wall by taking the village as a fool. I don't have any expressions of disappointment, confusion, or hopelessness, so I just answer the conversation. This is the idea I made in my stomach a long time ago."

Nanyi was a little disappointed. He knew that this kind of thing would come sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to come so early. The muddy legs had only been washed halfway, and the roundworm in his stomach couldn't hide and pulled out.

"It's a good idea to find another shareholder. Risk sharing is a good idea. Then go back to the village and discuss it with the village committee. I'll ask Liu Zhen for you. If there's any news, I'll call the factory. My side I'm also rushing out, and I have to visit a very important guest in the afternoon."

The meaning of seeing off guests in Nanyi Huatou was obvious, and of course Xian Jijie understood it, so he stood up and said, "I plan to go directly to the train station to see if I can get a ticket back to Shenzhen in the afternoon, if I can, I'm going back today."

"Okay, then I won't keep you anymore. There are indeed many things to do today. Next time, come over and say hello in advance, and come to my house for a light meal."

"It's okay, it's okay, Nanyi, you are busy with your work."

Nanyi politely sent Xian Jijie away, and when he returned to his station, his face drooped.

He had to wait and see how the village committee would respond. If he agreed to Xian Jijie's request for more shareholders, he wouldn't fart any more. Instead, he would find a pair of white gloves and go to Zhejiang Province to set up a new hygiene product factory.

Whether it's sanitary napkins or diapers, the market potential in the future is huge. If Qian Wenchangwei can't make money, then he can just do it himself.

After thinking about it for a while, Nan Yi put this matter aside and continued to drum up his list format.

When the time came to exactly two o'clock, Nan Yi and Edwin set off for the Haidian district government, met Ye Qi at the gate of the district government, and the three of them walked into the courtyard together.

It was the same office as last time, and the three of Nanyi quickly sat in.

"Xiao Nan, in the planning book you showed me last time, it said that you want to put Qinghe International in the old factory building of Changhe Wool Textile?"

Min Jinsheng called Nan Yi "Mr. Nan" last time, but this time he called him "Xiao Nan" so affectionately.

Nanyi is afraid that others will be too close to him, so please be polite, he is worried that others will miss him.

I made a mistake in the chapter numbers of the first two chapters, sorry.

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