Nan Yi returned to the Great Wall Hotel, first called Chen Dan, said hello to her, and then dialed the number to Nie Kai who worked in the Beijing Planning Commission.

From Nie Kai, Nanyi inquired about the proportion of planned and unplanned domestic production materials.

The proportion of steel is 78/22, coal 92/8, petroleum 83/17, cement 64/36, food 59/41, clothing 59/41, durable consumer goods 48/52.

After getting the data, Nanyi went to the library again and read every issue of "Mouthpiece News" this year. Either reading carefully, or looking for the information he needs, the speed of reading is not slow, and he finished reading the newspaper before the library closed.

After reading it, Nanyi deliberated and quickly came to a conclusion—at least in the next two years, the supply of cotton yarn to township enterprises will be even tighter, and there is still a small door opening to get cloth. Don't even think about getting a piece of cotton yarn or a foot of cloth through formal channels.

Next year, for some people, the era of 10,000-yuan households has passed, and the million-dollar household is nothing but a dream.

"The age of the big bastard economy has begun."

Walking out of the library, Nan Yi sighed with emotion and got into the car on the side of the road.

"Tiger cub, did you buy it?"

"I bought it, it's in the trunk."

"How many?"

"Two catties."

"Almost, there is not much oil residue left."

Back at the old bungalow, Nanyi boiled the oil, washed another baby dish, and made a stir-fried baby dish with oil residue.

In the past, baby vegetables were not grown in the mainland. That is to say, since last year, Shanの味 has received a custom order and planted a piece in the Gaoligong Mountains of Yunnan Province. It can be harvested every two months and can grow five and a half crops a year.

After the dishes were fried, Nan Yi took a pair of chopsticks and picked out 80% of the oil residue in the vegetable bowl and put it into the rice bowl. Filled it with rice to cover the oil residue, and then took the vegetable bowl out of the kitchen.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry." Seeing Nanyi coming out of the kitchen, Liu Zhen urged.

"What's the hurry, isn't it here?"

As Nanyi said, he put the vegetable bowl beside Liu Zhen.

Liu Zhen glanced at the few scattered pieces of oil residue on the surface of the vegetable bowl, and quickly picked up the baby vegetables with chopsticks. After pulling, her face turned dark, "I said Nanyi, our family is so poor Come on, can't afford to eat a few pieces of oil residue?"

"It's enough to satisfy your hunger. You can't eat too much. The oil residue is in my bowl." Nanyi said, picked up some vegetables on the table, and walked out into the yard with his rice bowl.

"I said what are you hiding, afraid that I will rob you."

"Yes, I'm afraid you will steal it."


Nan Yi took the bowl and walked out of the yard, squatting against the wall.

Even if it wasn't for the oil residue today, Nanyi would still eat outside the courtyard. The landlord of the house across the street has just rented it out to a young married couple.

Yesterday, Nanyi also came back from dinner, just in time to hear the couple quarreling, and unconsciously listened to a few words.

The man said that there are seeds in the woman's belly, and the woman said that the man has vixen outside. Just these few words ignited the fire of gossip in Nanyi. He is here to stay now, waiting to see if there is any excitement. .

But the half bowl of rice was eaten, and the man and woman on the opposite side were still eating in the open space without any trouble.

On the other hand, Nanyi's surroundings became more and more lively, Qin Xiang and Ge Pudao also came out after dinner and waited to watch the play.

"Your eyes are bright, can you see that man's mouth?" Nan Yi raised his head and said to her when he saw Hao Po.


"Read, what did the man say?"

"Okay." Hao Yao agreed, squinted his eyes, and looked at the opposite side, "Xiao... there are two words I can't read, and the rest is to have a good meal. I don't want to quarrel with you today."

"It should be a stop. It's okay. You can continue. If you can't read it, skip it."

"What did the woman say, the man is a little bit angry, so he can't have a good meal, I said it, I have nothing to do with x woman, but you x x, who planted the seeds in your stomach...Mr. Nan, I started fighting, and I couldn't see my mouth."

"Hey, I see, it's okay, just watch the show yourself."

Nan Yi laughed, and stared straight at the men's and women's singles scene.

"Damn, it's too tasteless, how can you hit a woman's stomach, what should you do if you have a miscarriage?" Nan Yi looked at it, and commented, "Hey, kick the crotch, this woman is so cruel, how can she kick there? , I don’t plan to use it anymore.”

"Nansheng, who are you supporting?" the tiger cub next to him asked.

"I, bet on both ends... It's nothing to look at, the man has been KO." Nanyi saw the man lying on the ground kicking his legs, and the woman walking into the house, and said with a lot of meaning: "Be more careful." , Don’t worry about fighting, stop if you want to kill someone.”


Nanyi carried the bowl and walked into the house, thinking that in a few days, Aunt Liang from the street would come to her house to do her work.


The next day, there was still no news from Min Jinsheng, but Xian Yaohua called him.

"Uncle Yaohua, what's the matter?"

"About Jijie, the village committee voted just now, 2 to 5. Only Cuizhu and I objected, and everyone else agreed. Xu Lianqi, the shareholder that Jijie wanted to absorb, also came to the village. That person is not simple. Others People are persuaded by him."

"Well, since there are already results, let's implement it. The minority obeys the majority. This is the principle we have always adhered to. I won't mention this matter. Has Xiuyun's third investigation got any results?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, I got it, Uncle Yaohua, please let me know if there is any result."


Nan Yi hung up the phone and went to the coffee shop downstairs, and found Xiao Hua who was sitting in the coffee shop reading a magazine.

"Go and make a phone call to Huiwen and ask her to inform Lian Zhenke of the bad group. If you are not busy with something you cannot do without him, let him come to see me in the capital as soon as possible. If you are busy, come and see me when you are done." .”


After the school belle left, Nan Yi sat down in her booth, raised her hand and asked the waiter to order a cup of coffee worth 45 yuan.

When the coffee arrived, he held it and looked around.

There are seventeen people sitting in the coffee shop. This is a consumption area. You have to spend as long as you sit down. The cheapest cola is fifteen yuan a cup. block sales.

Look at the front desk again, there is one checking in, and three people are waiting.

The price of the rooms here is not cheap. The price is based on the US dollar. They implement their own exchange rate. The US dollar is 1 to 5 RMB. For a suite, if you stay on a daily basis, the price for one day is 1,860.

According to Nanyi's memory, this price is almost the same as that of a four-star hotel twenty-five years later, and much higher than the price thirty years later when the hotel competition was fierce.

If inflation is included, well, forget it, anyway, the annual income of 90% of the country is not enough to live here for a day.

Nan Yi stared at one of the people waiting at the front desk for a while, and he was sure that this person must be from the mainland, and most likely from the capital.

Whether it's dressing, the mental outlook on his face, his appearance, or the way he's holding a wad of money in his left hand and slapping his right hand, Nanyi has narrowed down the scope again—the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who's the one who got the approval. , The stubborn master of the past.

Taking away the focus from his eyes, Nanyi continued to look in the direction of the front desk for half an hour.

"It's not the peak season. There are 8 people checking in and 1 checking out. It seems that the hotel's business is doing well."

Nan Yi muttered, drank the coffee that had changed from cold to warm, and was about to end his observation game when he saw a man and a woman standing in the glass revolving door of the hotel.

So, he dropped his tender buttocks onto the chair again, watching from the corner of his eye.

Nan Yi didn't know the man, nor did Nan Yi know the woman, but after looking at the photos, it was Yang Kaiyan, Yang Shanqing's fake foreign devil cousin.

"Ponytail, with such a long face and such a pointed chin, I don't know if he has moved it, but his gaze is very sharp, and his ability should not be bad, but he thinks too much of himself and is too proud.

Knee-length skirt with riding boots, what taste, like a cowgirl?

Poor girl, her breasts were stolen.

Except for the breasts, everything else is okay, with a full score of 100, you can score 84 points. "

Nan Yi took a few glances at Yang Kaiyan, wrote down her physical characteristics, and made a simple, but not necessarily accurate, analysis of her personality.

"The man next to him... Hey, his eyes are a little cautious, a little pretending, his face is dark, his neck is white, his hands..." Nanyi looked at the man's hand, the back of his hand was a little chapped, and it was a little abnormally black, " It doesn’t look like he was born in the military, he is either a farmer or he has been exposed to corrosive chemicals for a long time, so he is a grassroots?”

After a few more glances, Nan Yi could see that this man was interested in Yang Kaiyan.

"Interesting, with tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket, you dare to think about the rich and powerful young lady?"

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