When Pan Disheng wanted to pay the bill, he found out that the bill had been bought by Mi.

When passing by Yueqian again, Nanyi left a business card for Mi.

Nanyi had a flash of inspiration not long ago, and he had an idea of ​​making money from celebrities. He planned to turn his idea into a plan, and let the plan come to fruition during this time.

Just now, Nanyi thought up the name of the plan, which is called "Artist Care Fund", a fund that focuses on profit and also takes charity into account.

After leaving Youqiao Tea House, Nanyi went to the Civet Law Firm in Central.

The Civet Law Firm, ostensibly founded by Qian Haohui, is actually the camouflage of the legal team of the EPC.

Some of the lawyers in the law firm only serve the Nan family, and the other part is no different from other lawyers. They also accept business from outsiders. position, there is also a partner system.

"Have Fang Zhenting explained Fang Zhenting's property rights structure?"

As soon as Nan Yi sat in Qian Haohui's office, he said this to Qian Haohui.

"I've already shown it to him. He should be very clear that Fang's control cannot flow out of Nan's."

"That's good."

Fang Zhenting, the deputy head of the industrial group of the Emotional Policy Committee, Nan Yi intends to let him work part-time in the Fang Group, and by the way, act as the heir of the Fang Group and share some of the firepower with him.

Nanyi needs a rich grandma, but he doesn't want outsiders to associate him with Fang's heir. Now is the time for Fang Zhenting, the Fang's heir, to make his debut.

Nanyi never believed in absolute loyalty. He only believed in the balance of pros and cons. In order to prevent Fang Zhenting from having any unreasonable ambitions in the future, he asked Fang Zhenting to visit the civet cat law firm in the name of knowing Fang's. Look at Fang's "under-the-desk files".

Fang Zhenting, Nanyi has a certain degree of trust, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be the deputy leader of the industrial team.

Although the Emotional Policy Committee is the key department of the Nan family, the people in it can be said to be high-ranking and powerful and well-paid, but the people in the Emotional Policy Committee have no access to "money" at all.

It seems that the EPC formulates various plans of Nan's and mobilizes resources and funds, but no matter whether it is resources or funds, there is a layer of barriers between them and the people in the EPC, because the people who implement them are not the people in the EPC.

The Intelligence Policy Committee can mobilize hundreds of millions and billions to implement various plans, but it is impossible to make profits for itself.

Strictly speaking, the Intelligence Policy Committee is more like a consultant-type staff group.

Members who want to earn some extra money outside of salary and dividends can earn it in the open. Nan's various investments, the Emotional Policy Committee can build a "rat warehouse" to participate in the investment, but they have to advance and retreat with Nan's, Instead of using Nan's as a cushion.

To put it simply, the ethos within the EPC is to put everything on the table, and there is no soil for ambition.

But the Fang Group is not the case. The Fang Group is relatively independent, and can independently formulate and execute plans. The money flows in the hands of the manager, and the zeros are passed around under his nose. Greed is not deceived. possible.

The addition of the dual identities of administrator and heir makes it easy for people to feel overwhelmed and embark on the path of crime.

Nanyi wanted to dispel the fog on the surface of the "heir", so that Fang Zhenting could see clearly and clearly, and eliminate the hidden dangers that would cause betrayal first.

As for changing some money surnamed Nan into those surnamed Fang, as long as the length of the zeros does not exceed Fang Zhenting's contribution and does not exceed Nanyi's bottom line, Nanyi will know how to be a blind and stupid hat.

Over the past few years, there have been more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and Qian, who should have been surnamed Nan, has changed his name and changed his surname. Nanyi has been cited and kept silent. Before the matter develops in a corrupt direction, he will not take any action. Only when the signs are wrong, he will catch a chicken out. , come to a chicken killing show.

Nanyi believes that greed and laziness are the driving force behind social development, and he dare not use those who are free from desires and who don't like money. People who say they don't like money often want to suck out the bone marrow of others.

"Haohui, I want to establish an artist care fund, which mainly absorbs funds from celebrities in the entertainment industry for investment. Most of the profits obtained will be returned to investors after deducting commissions, and a small part of them will be used for charity.

Except for slightly different charities and client groups, it is no different from other funds.

However, I would like to add a clause to the client’s entrustment terms. If the client breaks the law or causes a wide range of negative impacts in the society, the fund has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract signed with the client and not return the entrusted funds. "

"Nansheng, according to the principle of equal rights and interests of both parties in the contract law, it is very difficult to add this clause. In court, we will probably lose the case." Qian Haohui said.

"Then you should study how to achieve equality, or if there is a way to delay the lawsuit for ten or eight years, take your time, it doesn't matter to us, the other party can't afford it."

On the positive side, the artist care fund can bring a lot of income to celebrity clients, and it can also be labeled as a "charity", gaining both fame and fortune.

On the other hand, there are very few crotches without shit. The one Nanyi wants to add seems to be applicable to everyone, and every customer has the risk of assets being taken away.

Therefore, the one that Nanyi wants to add will not be added at the beginning, but will be added when the contract is renewed in a few years, and the bait will be spread, so that the fish will eat and eat first.

As for why Nanyi added this item, it will naturally become clear after a few years.

"Nansheng, are you in a hurry?"

"No hurry, I don't have the energy to do this right now. Just register the fund before September and hang it under the name of Tangqianyan Group. Haohui, how much do you pay per minute?" Nan Yi looked at his watch and said .

"500 Hong Kong dollars." Qian Haohui replied.

"We talked for a total of nine and a half minutes. It's half and half between public and private. I should pay you 2375 Hong Kong dollars." Nanyi said, took out his wallet, put the money on the table, "Your money is really easy to earn, Here it is 2300, no change will be given."

Qian Haohui picked up the money and said with a smile: "Thank you Nansheng, I will send the receipt to my house, welcome to visit next time."

"Don't send it, you keep it, I almost forgot, I still have 2% private shares in the civet cat, explain to me why I didn't get the dividend last year?"

"Nansheng, did you forget? At the end of last year, the law firm wanted to jointly purchase a villa as a vacation home. Your dividends have been used to buy the property. Now you have 2% of the property rights in the villa, and there is a pillow in the villa. , a desk lamp, two bottles of beer, two bottles of milk..."

"That's right, needless to say, don't forget about beer and milk, can you get this year's dividend?"

"Several of our partners have decided to use some of this year's dividends to buy a yacht. In order to ensure that you have more property rights for Nansheng, based on the current business volume of the law firm, you have to spend about half of it. Dividends are used to pay for the yacht."

"Yes, a lawyer is a lawyer, and he said he took advantage of me in such a high-sounding way." Nan Yi chuckled and said, "Let's go, it's too expensive to chat with you, and I'll come back when I have more money."

"Nansheng, I'll see you off."

"Don't send it off, just tell Zhao Jinshui that he will go to the capital on a personal business trip after I inform you."

Tolerance is Nan's work, which belongs to his duty; private work is to do things for Nan Yi personally, and Nan Yi has to pay additional lawyer fees according to Zhao Jinshui's charging standard.

"Understood, Jin Shui will be very happy to hear that, he just bought a villa, money is tight."

"Very good, within two years of becoming a regular, you will have the money to buy a villa, just don't forget your original intention." Nanyi said, and he had already walked out of Qian Haohui's office.

Lawyers are similar to doctors. They are hard-working professions at the beginning, but they have great stamina. After two years as a full-time lawyer, they can afford to buy a villa. They are among the best lawyers in the world. Other lawyers in the same period as him can make a living. It's amazing in itself.

This has something to do with Nan's high treatment and Zhao Jinshui's own personal ability, both of which are indispensable.


Sitting back in the car, Nan Yi called Zhao Shixian.

"In Xiangtang?" Zhao Shixian asked cheerfully after receiving the call.

"Well, I just finished my work, but I can't go to you. I had supper with someone yesterday, and it happened that she had tuberculosis."

"Such a coincidence?"

Zhao Shixian's tone was full of suspicion.

"You know my character, I won't lie to you about this kind of thing."

"Well, we haven't seen each other for a long time." Zhao Shixian said resentfully.

"I know, if you don't mind being with my son, after a while, let's find a small island to go on vacation, and live a life without shame or anger. I won't lose ten pounds without leaving the island."

"Hey, you can go on vacation on the island, but don't take your son with you."

"Miss Zhao, haven't you learned the method of time management? Don't worry, I can stand being a good father and a good lover at the same time."

"Eat shit, Pujie boy."

"Hey, why are you scolding people, you washboard?"

"Who are you scolding by the laundry board? Don't you know what my figure looks like?"

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. It's fine if I don't take my son, but the vacation time has to be shortened. You can choose."

"Then I'd rather have a shorter time. I don't want someone in the middle, not even your son."

"Okay, it's up to you, I'm going to get out of the car, let's do this first."

"No, just give me a kiss first."

"Kiss a fart over the phone, I want to kiss you, come here now."

"Mmmm dear!"


Nanyi hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. He felt that Zhao Shixian had a tendency to become sticky, and it was best because he hadn't seen him for a long time. If he really became sticky, he would be busy.

I opened the door and got off the car, went to the fruit stall on the side of the road to buy some fruit, and asked the school girl to take the car to Happy Valley.

Twenty minutes later, Nanyi was in the garden of the Sanatorium and Hospital, sitting and standing with Ruan Mei a few meters away. Ruan Mei was sitting and Nanyi was standing, with fruit in his hand The knife is peeling an apple.

"what did the doctor say?"

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