"Hua Xiangrong's grandfather is a retired veteran cadre, who can go to beekeeping. Both parents work in the Cultural Bureau, and they are also cadres. The family lives in the compound left by the former Qing officials. How could they fall in love with Ma Jiajun? ah.

In case Hua Xiangrong really fell in love with Ma Jiajun blindly, then she would lie on the body of Ma Jiayan, who is also a sister and mother, to suck blood. Anyway, she is capable, and she can afford to have another one. "

The beekeeping lane used to be an ordinary alley. Although there have been many allusions and legends in this alley, it is still an ordinary alley.

Because of its special location, it has become unusual since the 1950s. In 1958, a "guest house" was built in that alley, specially for those who went to the world's first sea for meetings to take a nap and rest in their spare time.

People in the capital mentioned beekeeping, but they were actually referring to this place.

"That's not easy. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hasn't enlightened the black bear spirit yet. If we have to add another monkey grandson, how will the Bodhisattva's life be?"

"Hey, you really look up to Ma Jiayan, and you even turn people into Bodhisattvas."

"For the third child of the Ma family, isn't Ma Jiayan a bodhisattva? The old saying goes that the elder sister is like a mother, but that's just a helper, not all of them are carried by one person. Ma Jiajun is eighteen, so she Ma Jiayan is considered a root Drive him out with a stick and let him fend for himself, no one can say what happened to Ma Jiayan, right?"

"That's right, Ma Jiayan is really the bodhisattva of her old Ma's family." Cao Lin agreed: "I don't like to see this Ma Jiajun. Although he is not a bad person, I don't know that I feel sorry for Ma Jiayan. I guess she owed Ma Jiajun in her previous life. Pay off your debts for the rest of your life."

"Okay, let's not talk about them, let's worry about it, can the large intestine be eaten?" Nan Yi avoided the body, leaving room for the stall owner to put the fried large intestine on the table.

"Is there anything not to eat? In the past few years, the sow pork had to be eaten."

As Cao Lin said, she picked up a pair of chopsticks from the vegetable bowl, picked up a pinch of large intestine, and stuffed it into her mouth. Nanyi looked at it, picked up the chopsticks, wiped it on the T-shirt, and then picked up the large intestine to eat.

After eating two intestines, Nanyi suddenly remembered disposable chopsticks.

"In the past two years, the consumption of disposable chopsticks in Japan has been increasing. I believe that it will not be long before trees in Japan will not be allowed to be cut down. Japanese businessmen will definitely focus on neighboring countries.

For foreign exchange, the forest will suffer, trees will be cut down and soil will be lost.

It is impossible for a mantis arm to stop a car from being cut down. It is nothing to cut down trees for money. Both the Reclamation Group and Shennong Nanliang have plans to regenerate bamboo, and introduce disposable bamboo chopsticks to dump in the Japanese market at low prices, making disposable wooden chopsticks unprofitable.

By encroaching on the market, the purpose of forest protection is achieved.

What wood can do, bamboo can basically do as well. By digging deep into the potential of bamboo, bamboo products can also create a brilliant road. "

Nanyi kept the three words "bamboo products" in mind, and thought about setting up an experimental group specializing in bamboo research under the Fanshengzhi Research Institute.

After eating supper with Cao Lin, the next day, Nan Yi called Huang Xia and Huang San'er over and asked her to go to the half alley to inquire about Ma Jiayan.

Huang San'er doesn't look like a woman anymore, but she is indeed a woman. As long as she is a woman, she must be much easier to inquire about gossip than a man.

After Huang San'er left, Nanyi sat in room 8716 to study the bank's loan policy.

If everything is in accordance with the regulations and does not cross the boundary, Genzheng Miaohong can loan up to 6 million yuan out of the 2 million U.S. dollars in the Universal Bank. With this money, the project can be operated, and then as the project construction progresses, the valuation will become higher. The first phase The first-phase refinancing will finally complete the project.

The normal steps are like this, but the delay is too long. It is easy to get a loan this year, but it will be difficult to say next year. The loan matter cannot be postponed until next year, and all the funds needed must be loaned out this year.

If you want to lend money this year, you must either cross the line and leave hidden dangers, or find a strong guarantor.

Nanyi won’t do things that cross the border, but if you want to find a guarantor, it doesn’t matter whether this year or next year, the mainland is short of foreign exchange but not short of RMB, as long as the Fang Group guarantees it, Genzheng Miaohong can go to the bank to get a loan at any time .

The bank is eager for Nanyi to pay back the money, so that they can let the Fang Group pay back the Hong Kong dollars.

"But if Fang's Group guarantees it, it won't show your ability?" Nanyi was a little tangled in his heart.

Nanyi originally planned to play the project of Yaqing [Asia \u0026 Qinghe International] as a dungeon, to create some fun for himself, but if it is for fun and leaves some hidden dangers, then it is meaningless.

Picking up the teacup, Nanyi walked out of the door, leaned in front of the window in the corner of the corridor, looked out of the building, and wondered if there were any other alternatives.

After standing for more than half an hour, there was one more person beside Nanyi.

"Mr. Nan, what are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything, I came out to take a breath, Mr. Li, how about you?" Nan Yi turned around and said.

The person who came was Li Shunran, the manager of the Beijing Office of Wang An Computer.

Wang An Computer's office used to be in the VIP building of the Friendship Hotel, but for some unknown reason it was moved to the Great Wall Hotel, and it was still in room 8711 on the same floor as IBM.

Wang An Computer and IBM are deadly rivals. Wang An founded "Wang An Laboratory" in 1951, sold 1/3 of the company to Warner \u0026 Swasey Company, and obtained 50,000 US dollars in factory capital.

In 1955, Wang An sold the memory patent to IBM for US$500,000. In the same year, Wang An and his classmates established "Wang An Computer Co., Ltd.", and quickly transferred to the more profitable LOCI logarithmic calculator and 300 series programmable calculator. And other simple but cheap computers that can quickly enter the civilian population.

At that time, many companies did not really need powerful and expensive computers. Slower but small and cheap devices were enough to speed up many business processes at that time. For a time, Wang An computers became popular all over the United States.

In 1967, when Wang An’s computer stock was listed, 400,000 shares were sold out in a few hours, and the stock price skyrocketed again and again. Within a few days, Wang An’s total asset value miraculously increased to nearly 80 million US dollars.

After that, Wang An Computer began to develop "industry-specific computers", such as digital control devices for lathes and printing machines. After the emergence of integrated circuits, Wang An accurately judged that the era of general-purpose computers would come.

In 1975, Wang An Company first launched the world's first word processing system with editing and retrieval functions. This "WPS" computer can directly display text on the screen, and can quickly modify documents with the keyboard. print documents like a printing press;

It has greatly increased the work performance of office clerical white-collar workers, and at the same time changed the scene that for nearly half a century, factory machinery has been changing with each passing day, but office workers have always used cheap typewriters as the only equipment. It is also the first computer application of "word processing".

In 1978, Wang An Computer became the largest word processor manufacturer in the world. In the 1980s, Wang An Computer reached its peak. Just this year, Wang An and the Wang family held 55% of the shares of Wang An Computer. Forbes magazine estimated about Worth 1.6 billion U.S. dollars, ranking fifth in the country's richest list.

It is precisely because of the fierce momentum of Wang An Computer that IBM is facing a formidable enemy. In response to the crisis, it started the research and development of PCs, and disclosed the design specifications of PCs, encouraging peers to imitate compatible machines, so as to quickly make up for the gap in scale. Although it encountered some competition in the same industry, it also quickly formed an allied army.

But Wang An insisted on not disclosing his computer design, he just wanted to play by himself, and didn't even think about bringing others with him, which also created a situation where one family was fighting against an alliance.

The PC camp attracted global manufacturers to join in the production through the public specifications, and indirectly used the wisdom of global talents to continuously enhance PC functions, forming an overwhelming talent power for Wang An.

Now the Wang An computer is still playing well, but as more and more excellent new software and new hardware come out, consumers find that these new gadgets cannot be used on the Wang An computer, especially in the rudimentary Internet era that is coming soon. If Wang Anji cannot form a network communication with PC, Wang Anji will face the dilemma of being completely eliminated by consumers.

In fact, both Apple and Wang An are taking similar routes, except that Apple has Jobs, countless excellent scientific researchers, and a good foundation for the dispersion of shares. Apple's interests are the interests of countless investors. In order to ensure its own interests, They naturally want to support Apple.

It is precisely because of these favorable factors that there is a lot of negativity behind Apple.

As for Wang An Computer, the Wang family holds the shares too tightly. The Wang family eats meat, and the others lick some soup residue. Who will contribute to Wang An Computer?

In addition, Wang An is self-willed, and he only wants to build Wang An Computer into the world, and he helps his son Wang Lie, who has no management skills, to be the chairman of the board. It is inevitable that it will end badly.

"Me too, I'm bored in the office, Mr. Nan, do you smoke?" Li Shunran took out a pack of cigarettes and asked.

"Thank you, no smoking." Nanyi waved his hand and said, "Mr. Li, I have a question I would like to ask."


"Your Wang An computer is fine at the Friendship Hotel, why did you move here?"

"It's nothing, the environment here at the Great Wall Hotel is better, we just want to improve the office environment." Li Shunran replied perfunctorily.

"Oh, so that's the case." Nan Yi nodded and said, "Then you stay here, I'll go back to the office first, the company just bought Word software, I have to go back and explore."

Nanyi deliberately disgusted Li Shunran, and asked a question in a perfunctory manner. Isn't Wang An Computer mainly a word processor? I just don't use yours, but use IBM.

Back in the office, Nan Yi continued to think about his affairs.

Regardless of whether this copy is printed or not, the deal with the bank is a must.

Fan Guangfu, the president of Guoming Bank's Beijing head office, doesn't drink or smoke, so he likes to play table tennis.


Boom, Nanyi threw two gasoline balls on the ground, and he appeared in the sporting goods store in a flash.

After staring at sports air guns for a while, I bought a pair of Double Happiness table tennis bats and three barrels of table tennis balls, and flew to Erhua's staff club on colorful clouds.

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