Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 577 Which frog does not make a sound

"Hi, hello, Nanyi, Yaqing Company."

Nan Yi just pondered for a while, the phone on the desk rang.

"Vice Chairman Nan, I'm Liang Xing, and Wangdefu's recruitment is about to start. Do you want to participate?"

Nanyi is also the vice chairman of the Wangdefu Beijing branch. The vice chairman is a false title and has not been assigned specific responsibilities. Nanyi can't get involved in the affairs of the Wangdefu branch, only for one month 420 yuan, a seemingly expensive salary.

In addition, as a shareholder who holds 9% of the shares, you can check the accounts from time to time. For other things, you can go to a meeting if you give face, but if you don't give face, you will be nothing.

No, it’s best not to go to work, just remember to collect your salary on payday.

"Manager Liang, as long as you are responsible for the recruitment, I won't participate. Yaqing's affairs are quite busy."

"Okay, Vice Chairman Nan, then I won't affect your work."

This Liang Xing is the manager [store manager] of the Wangdefu branch, and he is also the person in charge of the recruitment of the preparatory team. The first batch of employees of Wangdefu will definitely be recruited by him. To outsiders, he is Wangdefu The big boss of the Fu branch.

Others in the Wangdefu branch didn't take Nanyi seriously, but this Liang Xing was an exception, they would say hello to him for everything, although it was limited to just saying hello, but Nanyi still remembered him well.

There is nothing Nanyi needs to worry about at the Wangdefu branch. Everything has a well-regulated charter at the head office, and the branch can only be carried out in accordance with the charter. Expenses only.

The exemplary role that the branch should play will not be lost because Nanyi does not participate in the operation. This is enough for Nanyi, even if he can't get a penny of dividends from the branch, it doesn't matter to him.

Of course, it is impossible for him not to receive dividends. If a joint venture with no foreign capital participation loses money, it is not a purely commercial failure, but concerns the overall situation of the country's investment attraction.

Everyone in the branch has a magic spell on their heads. It is impossible for the people in the branch to do something that is too outrageous.

Knock knock!

"Please come in."

"General Manager Nan, come to work."

"Chairman Lin, why did you come to me in person? I was thinking about reporting to your office later."

Nan Yi stood up from his seat and walked towards Lin Deqing.

Lin Deqing was wearing a gray suit and a checkered sweater inside, with a fake collar protruding from the sweetheart collar of the sweater, and he was holding a yellow military coat in his hand.

"General Manager Nan, we are an enterprise, so don't pay too much attention to formalities." Lin Deqing piled his military coat on the armrest of the sofa, and sat down on the sofa, "You haven't come for a month, Yaqing The work has only been suspended for a month, and it will be freezing soon, let's discuss the matter at the construction site."

Nan Yi went to the sofa next to Lin Deqing and sat down, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, "Chairman Lin, I don't smoke, and I can't walk outside without cigarettes, so I always carry a pack of cigarettes with me. You Draw whatever you want, don't pay attention to me."

"It's better not to smoke." Lin Deqing took the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and lit it, "I stole my dad's cigarettes to smoke when I was fourteen, and I was often beaten by my dad. I smoked for twenty-two years in a blink of an eye. I can’t quit even if I want to.”

"I was earlier than you. When I was ten years old, I secretly smoked with the bad boys in the family home. When I went to the countryside in 1977, I was a heavy smoker."

"Almost, almost, how do you think about things on the construction site?"

"The weather has already started to drop below zero, and the freezing weather is not good for construction, and the cost will increase sharply. I think we will stop construction in winter and start construction again in spring next year. We can recover the lost construction period by working overtime."

"There are only a few people in the construction company in the district. Even if you work overtime, the progress will not be fast, right?"

"I never thought of asking the construction company to do Yaqing's work. Chairman Lin, have you read the "Mouthpiece News" on the 2nd of this month?"

"You mean about the disarmament?" Lin Deqing asked.

"Yes, I have a buddy who is a soldier in the logistics department of the Beijing Military Region. I heard from him that most of the infrastructure battalion of their logistics department will collectively change jobs and set up a construction company;

I think, let them do our main projects in Yaqing, and leave a small part of them that are easier to do and have more oil and water to the construction companies in the district. In this way, we also have an account for the district. "

"It's good to leave it to the army, but if the construction company in the district makes trouble, it will be very difficult for us to explain." Lin Deqing said with embarrassment.

It is really difficult to explain that the construction of Haidian District is not entrusted to the construction company in Haidian District, but to outsiders. But for the construction company in the district, Nanyi is really worried. They have never done any major projects. The most brilliant achievement is that they participated in the civil air defense project in the capital and dug the air defense tunnel.

The reason why Nanyi is not in a hurry to start construction is that winter is coming soon, the construction progress cannot be accelerated in winter and the cost is high, and the second is to wait for the establishment of a construction company for army logistics.

Grabbing progress and fighting tough battles, Nanyi still believes in the people's soldiers, not to mention their own organization and discipline, but to say that the Yaqing project is their first order. As long as Yaqing company pays enough for the project, the progress and quality will definitely be guaranteed. guaranteed.

"It's not difficult to explain. Give them a good job, give them more project funds, and let them work with the soldiers. When the time comes, compare them and see if they have the face to make trouble."

"Your method is good, but you need to pay attention to the scale, and don't offend the construction companies in the district too much."

"I know." Nanyi nodded heavily, "Construction site matters are trivial matters. The biggest thing before us in Yaqing is attracting investment. We can't wait for the two shopping malls to be built before attracting investment. That would take too long. was delayed.

I have already asked professional people to calculate that if we catch up with the progress at all costs, the exterior buildings and interior decoration of the two shopping malls can be completed in only five months, and we can add a little more flexible time, which is half a year.

Construction will start in February next year, be completed in August, and open for business in early September.

I did the math, and even if we spare no expense, the cost is still lower than the cost of winter construction. The earlier the opening, the earlier the rent can be collected, and the extra rent can fully compensate for our increased expenditure on costs. "

"Since General Manager Nan has already done the calculations, I won't say anything more. Let's talk about the investment promotion. How do you plan to carry out the investment promotion work?"

"Huh? No objection?" Nanyi murmured for a moment, then suppressed his doubts and continued: "For investment promotion, I think so, first find someone to make the architectural renderings, and I will take the renderings to go Take a trip to the south, Yangcheng, and Shenzheng, hold a business promotion meeting there, and invite all the wholesalers who have done a good job to the meeting place;

In addition, I also plan to go to Xiangtang, Lijiapo, and Japan to directly invite foreign businessmen to come in. The fourth floor in Asia will directly introduce foreign electrical appliance brands.

Regarding this point, I need to ask Chairman Lin to help me..."

"What's busy?"

"Please go to the Foreign Trade Bureau and give us a little import quota for Yaqing Company. It doesn't need to be much, and 20 million US dollars a year is almost enough."

"How many?"

Lin Deqing was startled.

"Twenty million."

"General manager Nan, 20 million yuan. I used to be a director of the Second Light Industry Bureau. Why do you think I have such a big face?"

"Hehe, Chairman Lin, blame me, blame me, blame me for not making it clear. All I want is the import quota, not including the foreign exchange quota. I don't need to allocate foreign exchange for us from above. The foreign exchange needed for imported goods is settled by ourselves."

Lin Deqing shook his head and said, "That won't work either. Don't talk about how we raised so much foreign exchange. Even if we can raise it, it is impossible for us to use 20 million U.S. dollars of foreign exchange to import goods. You know, Our country's foreign exchange is very tight, no matter who's foreign exchange is impossible to use for the import of electrical appliances."

"I know this situation. Actually, let's put it this way, I have a way to buy imported goods directly with RMB." Nan Yi said.


"No, bartering is actually taking advantage of the country's loopholes and causing the country to lose foreign exchange. I will not do this. I will not talk about the specific methods now. I haven't sorted out some things. When I get it clear, I will Then report to Chairman Lin."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Chairman Lin, you can rest assured. I don't like to talk empty words. Since I say it, it means that I have great confidence."

"That's good. In the past two days, I will run to the Foreign Trade Bureau to try to get the import quota down as soon as possible."

"We are still in the initial stage, and we have to trouble Chairman Lin to do it himself. When Yaqing is on the track, Chairman Lin can sit firmly at the back and leave it to me to charge forward."

"Hahaha, General Manager Nan, you are too good at talking. Well, you are busy first. I will go to my own office. If you need anything, just come and find me."

"Okay, go slowly."

If Lin Deqing could really sit in the back and leave everything alone, then Nanyi would be the happiest, but this idea is unrealistic. Lin Deqing is only thirty-six years old this year, and he is in his prime, so how could he not have his own ambitions.

Whether it's good or bad, how long can it be quiet, who doesn't want to make their own voice?

Unity will only last for a while, and struggle is the main theme. It is difficult to seek common ground while reserving differences.

In the morning, Nanyi was studying Yaqing's architectural drawings in his office. This drawing was designed by Rudnev, a famous architect of the Soviet Union. The high space utilization rate of Soviet-style buildings.

The two buildings of Asia and Qinghe International have horizontal and vertical interiors, without any twists and turns, so as to save construction costs as much as possible and improve space utilization. The decoration on the top is made of stainless steel, so the construction is not difficult.

After looking at the architectural drawings for a while, Nanyi picked up the perspective drawings, looked at the drawings, and imagined in his mind the behavior patterns of women in this era when they go shopping and shopping in shopping malls. Entering from the gate, what position should be placed, according to his imagination , Mark them one by one in the notebook.

One morning, Nanyi had just finished the first floor. At noon, He Ping knocked on the door of Nanyi's office and invited him to go out for dinner.

Nan Yi wanted to find an excuse to refuse, but he agreed because he thought about walking the map.

Yannanyuan is not only next to Peking University and Wudaokou Technical School, but also not far from Zhongguancun. There are many state-owned restaurants and small private restaurants nearby, even if you can go to the student canteen and faculty canteen of Peking University to eat.

Nan Yi and He Ping went to a small restaurant called A Guo Restaurant at the back door of Beijing University. This restaurant opened secretly in 1978. From the day it opened, there were only four tables in the restaurant. Six years later, it is still four tables. Tables, neither increased nor decreased.

"Cripple, lame."

As soon as he entered the store, Nan Yi shouted into the room through the curtain.

"Damn, who is it?"

Following the rough sound, a young man in his twenties limped out with a cane.

"I said who would be so fat and dare to call me lame uncle like that. It turned out to be you boy, dammit. Three years ago, you didn't pay for the meal you ate at my place."

"Damn it, pretend to have amnesia, right? Have you forgotten what you said at the time? I'll serve the wine, and you'll serve the food, so it's a farewell to me. Why, are you counting the meal money with me now?"

The lame man limped to the side of Nanyi, holding his cane with one hand, while groping with the other hand on Nanyi's body. After a while, he showed a disappointed look, "You don't have any cigarettes on you?"

"I quit early."

"Tianqiao's hand style [just talk but not practice]? Quit buying, but didn't quit smoking, right?"

"Fuck you, Dong Demao, the doctor of the grinding factory, if you tell you to quit, then quit, don't just know it's useless, the guests are coming, let's get together, three dishes and one soup, pick what you are good at."

[There is a street to the east outside Zhengyang Gate, called Momochang. At that time, in the south of this street, there was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine who was listed for consultation. His surname was Dong and his name was Demao, and his medical skills were average. "Know the hat?" There is a saying in the capital, which means that you don't understand anything, with a contemptuous tone. ]

The lame man smacked his mouth and said, "Give me the money?"

"My little master went to Donglaishun to boil mutton and didn't bring any money. How dare you ask for money to patronize your poor restaurant?" Nan Yi and the lame man argued.

"Beating sex, I haven't been here for three years, and I'll eat your uncle and me as soon as I come, what about your face?"

"Okay, give me the money, give me the money, hurry up, I'm hungry."

"That's about the same."

The lame man leaned on his crutches and limped towards the back kitchen.

"Career He, sit down, don't stand still."

Seeing the figure of the cripple disappear, Nan Yi greeted He Ping.

He Ping glanced at the greasy tabletop, then carefully glanced at the stool, seeing that the stool was clean, she sat down. The greasy tabletop left He Ping with no place to rest her hands, so she could only lower her hands and say to Nan Yi, "General Manager Nan, do you come here often?"

"I don't come here often. I came here a few times when I was studying. The lame man is very interesting. I just passed by and thought of visiting again. Don't look at the dirty here. The lame man is good at cooking."

As Nanyi said, he touched the crosspiece of the table familiarly, and a rag came into his hand.

After wiping the table vigorously, Nanyi hung up the rag again, "Where did you and the people from the company eat in those days?"

"Not necessarily, pick and choose, sometimes I will bring rice."

Nan Yi asked again: "Did Chairman Lin talk about the meal allowance?"


"Oh, then let's study the problem of meal supplements in the afternoon. Before the food comes, I have some work for you."

"General Manager Nan, tell me, I will follow your orders."

The word "submissive" popped up in Nanyi's mind. This is the feeling He Ping gave him now. Many old men like this hexagram very much.

"Have you seen Yaqing's drawings?"

"I've seen it." He Ping nodded and said.

"Those drawing lines are called perspective drawings. Looking at the drawings, can you imagine the architectural space in your mind?"


"Ah, very good."

Nanyi nodded and told He Ping about "walking the map".

"General Manager Nan, you mean to let me look at the blueprints and treat myself as if I were shopping in a shopping mall?"

"Yes, when you walk into the mall, what product do you want to see first, and what product is next, write it down according to your favorite display order, you can write any product, you don't have to worry about whether you can buy it in the mall outside. "

"Anything is fine?" He Ping's eyes lit up, and she said, "General Manager Nan, does Yaqing sell a lot of rare commodities?"

"Yes, we will sell both rare and in-demand goods."

According to Nan Yi's idea, apart from avoiding the products in the Friendship Store, Asia will be full of all kinds of hot goods.

"Great, it will be more convenient to buy things in the future, General Manager Nan, do internal employees have internal prices?" He Ping's brows were filled with joy.

"Hehe, of course, there must be discounts for internal employees. So, you must do the work I entrust to you seriously. This will affect our Yaqing's decision on what to sell in the future."

"Well, I will definitely do it seriously."

Nanyi will not only ask He Ping to do the map work, but he will also conduct sampling according to multiple factors such as different regions, different income levels, different consumption habits, different family situations, different marital status, and different cultural levels in different urban areas of the capital. Different people come and walk the map.

When the building is completed, Nanyi will invite a group of "sample" people to visit the site and ask them to provide opinions. After all the opinions are collected, they will be combined with building load-bearing, fire prevention and evacuation, and management. After comprehensive consideration of convenience and other aspects, the commodity display plan in Asia will be determined.

"Here, guest officer, your dish is here. Hello, there is also a soup."

As soon as Nan Yi and He Ping finished talking, a tray came over their necks, and three dishes were slapped on the table.

"Lime, it's not bad, I can yell, don't be in a hurry to serve the soup, first bring a hot water bottle, look at your chopsticks, use it to rinse, and make a braised eggplant."

"You boy, don't ask so much, just eat it, I have a disability certificate." The cripple said unhappily: "Do you understand taking care of the disabled?"

"Brother likes to hit cripples since he was a child, let's practice?" Nan Yi said bitterly.

"Okay, you eat your meal first, and pay for the meal later, let's practice again, lest you say that I bully you."

"Success, let's go."

After arguing with the cripple for a while, Nan Yi and He Ping had dinner.

After eating, they chatted with the cripple again, and then Nan Yi and the two left A Guo Restaurant and walked towards Yannan Garden.

For two days in a row, Nanyi focused on walking the map. By the way, he also gave He Ping money to buy some odds and ends for the office, and reimbursed everyone for the money they had bought earlier.

In addition, Nanyi also discussed with Lin Deqing and relaxed the financial system a bit. For expenses not exceeding 50 yuan, only the signature of either of them is required; for expenses less than 20 yuan, the cashier can directly Withdrawal, signature can be supplemented later.

On Saturday, Yaqing Company only worked for half a day. At the gate of Yannan Garden at noon, Nan Yi saw He Ping getting into a gray Polonaise.

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