Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 579 The Winning Starts From Improving Salary

"No, Miss Yang needs to approve my valuation if she wants to invest. In addition, we are not talking about capital injection, but share trading."

Nanyi has to struggle with the difference between capital injection and share trading. Capital injection is to inject a sum of money into the company's account. The money belongs to the company, which means that all shareholders have a share; while for share trading, Nanyi sells shares to Yang Kaiyan and pays taxes After that, the remaining money is Nanyi's personal [shareholder's personal].

"As far as I know, apart from the fundraising money, Genzheng Miaohong has no money in his account, right?"

"One more thing, after this month's salary is paid, there should be no money, but it doesn't matter." Nan Yi deliberately looked at his watch and said, "If our conversation ends earlier, I still have time to go to the bank. There is a thousand yuan deposited in the company's account."

"Comrade Nan, Genzheng Miaohong only registered for the Yaqing project?" Yang Kaiyan asked tentatively.

"No, Genzheng Miaohong will involve a series of projects and investments, but in the next two years, my main energy will be on raising my children, and I don't have much time to take care of the company's affairs.

During this period of time, I have been looking for a capable manager to help me manage Genzhengmiaohong, but I haven’t found one yet. If I can’t find a suitable person by the end of this year, the business development of Genzhengmiaohong may temporarily stagnate. Only operate the project of Yaqing. "

The meaning in Nanyi's words is to say to Yang Kaiyan directly: "I still have a lot of projects to do, but I just send someone to manage the company. Aren't you a talent? Hurry up and invest money to join. I will provide ideas, you come Execute, be a happy CEO."

This is an era where creativity can also create wealth. Unlike later generations, which have entered the era of naked capital, creativity is worthless at all, and no matter how awesome the new concept is, it has to kowtow to the capital master.

"for example?"

"Miss Yang, you are too greedy if you want to know 'for example', the Yaqing project can guarantee that your investment will get a sufficient return, of course, in Ms Yang's eyes, the investment must have a return of hundreds of times to be considered qualified If not, then the Yaqing project is not suitable for you, and I have no chance of picking up the loopholes here."

"I never thought of picking up leaks. There can be hundreds of thousands of times of returns. It can only be speculation rather than investment. I am very clear about this. I have indeed discovered the value of Yaqing. I do not deny this , Otherwise, I would not think about investing in Genzheng Miaohong. But, Comrade Nan, the valuation you proposed is still too high, and I have to think about it again."

Nan Yi found that when Yang Kaiyan spoke, she began to gesture with her hands. She didn't move her hands when she spoke before. This should be a sign of her lack of confidence, and her psychological defense line began to loosen.

"Okay, Ms. Yang thinks about it slowly. If you want to find me in the future, please call the office of Yaqing Company in Yannanyuan. My home phone is not for business."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he beckoned Cao Lin to come to him, took out thirty dollars from his pocket and put it on the bill folder, "It's cheap for you today, I'll give you a chance, let's see if you can keep it secret."

"Underestimate people." Cao Lin snorted and said, "Nanyi, you are not authentic, can you give it to Meizi next time when you are alone."

"Don't panic, Ms. Yang is not an outsider, so don't look for money, you are leaving soon, just treat me as a gift for you." Nanyi said generously.

Cao Lin said disdainfully: "That's all, you still want me to praise you for your game."

"It's good to have it, are you going to set up a table before you leave?"

"Several acquaintances must get together, and I will call you then."

"You should call me. I have acquaintances in the country. Not to mention that I can help you a lot, at least when you arrive in Laomei, someone will pick you up, so that you won't be left helpless in a foreign country."

"Okay, then I have to curry favor with you."

"Hehe, okay." Nanyi and Cao Lin teased a few words, then nodded to Yang Kaiyan, "Miss Yang, goodbye."


When Nanyi returned to the old bungalow, Liu Zhen pointed to the coffee table and told him that a postal package from New York had arrived.

Opening the mailbag, Nanyi took out a stack of pages from it, inspected it and started to flip through it.

"what is this?"

"A clipped article from a magazine, about semiconductors." Nan Yi replied without raising his head.

"Oh, let me tell you, you won't send important documents to the capital."

Nan Yi lit up the pages of the book in his hand, and said, "This is an important document. If you miss one, you may miss billions or tens of billions."

"Tell me, what's the important news?"

"Yes, in the wireless field, everyone is now mainly promoting TDMA technology, and they are all working in this direction, but there are also different types, and Linkabit has set its sights on CDMA technology."

"TDMA Time Division Multiple Access, I've heard of this. When I was still in Cambridge, I went to a public lecture, and it was about this."

"Huh? Since when did you become interested in semiconductors?"

"No, as long as I'm free, I'll go to any public class. I'll listen to one first, and I'll go to it if I'm interested. If you didn't urge me to come back, I really plan to stay there and take another course."

"You can do it if you don't come back. Don't forget, you have signed a contract with the country, and you must fulfill your obligation to come back. CDMA is code division multiple access technology. Has Heidi Rama heard of it?"

"That Hollywood star?"

"Yes, that's her. Heidi Rama's first husband was Fritz Mandel, who was a Jew, but he supported the Nazis and was the Austrian army supplier of the Nazis' main armaments.

His business focuses on radio signal remote-controlled torpedoes and wireless communication jamming technology. When Mandel talks about related technologies with weapons experts, Heidi will listen and record them.

Later, when the Nazis entered Austria, Heidi divorced and went to the United States, and also brought the military secrets of the Nazi wireless communications she recorded.

In 1939, Heidi got acquainted with the musician George Antheil. He was one of the avant-garde composers at the time and composed film music for Hollywood.

As for Heidi, instead of discussing music with Antar, he treats him as a gland expert and asks him for advice...Hey, guess what Heidi wants to ask for advice? "

"You take me for an uneducated rural woman?"

Nan Yi frowned and said, "Women are women, don't add the word rural."

"Well, your question is not simple. Heidi wants to ask Antaier how to make her breasts bigger."

"Hmm, smart, they did talk about this at the beginning, but then the topic was extended to weapons, and Antaier proposed that the idea of ​​frequency hopping can be achieved by learning from the practice of the automatic piano.

The principle of a player piano is very similar to that of an old-fashioned computer, which is played by reading coded punched paper.

A female star and a pianist, they designed an aircraft navigation system, and developed a set of "frequency hopping" device, the two applied for a patent for frequency hopping, and later donated the patent to the country government.

But because of the relationship between Heidi and Mandel, the country has always suspected that she is a spy of the Nazis, and the frequency hopping technology has never been used in World War II.

In the mid-1950s, the U.S. Navy granted the Hoffman Radio Company a patent to manufacture sonobuoys and radios that accompanied aircraft.

Hoffman Radio Company has perfected the frequency hopping mechanical equipment on the basis of the patent. On the basis of it, the old United States also put into use a remote control drone in Nannan; during the Cuban missile crisis, the frequency hopping technology used covert communication The form also constituted a naval blockade between warships. "

"Huh? Drones and the Navy are military secrets, how do you know?"

"It's not a secret. It's written in magazines. CDMA code division multiple access is proposed on the basis of frequency hopping technology. I think this technology is good and I plan to bet on it."

"Independent research and development?"

"Independent research and development and investment together with others, in terms of semiconductors, we don't have many talents, and there is still a long way to go, I asked Rachel to contact Jacob and Viterbi of Linkabit to see if there are any investment opportunity."

"How much money have you invested in the semiconductor field?"

"Not much, less than 60 million. I'm talking about RMB, so don't ask for specifics. You have no right to know."


"Hmph, you're a freeloader."

"Why do I just eat nothing, as if I haven't provided any useful advice. Didn't I just analyze Japan's economic development forecast for you?" Liu Zhen said unconvinced.

"Don't be in a hurry to claim credit. When it becomes a fait accompli, I will definitely reward you according to your merits. Nan's net income will be 0.15% for you personally, and 0.85% for our son."

"Why don't you just leave it all to your son and give me a little bit, fool."

"Don't think it's too little. Three months ago, my private money was not as much as yours. My pockets only bulged at the end of August." Nanyi said, and suddenly thought of something, "Ah, no, my private money It's less than a fraction of yours, I forgot, you still have a colored diamond mine.

How do you think about your colored diamond mine, is it ready to organize mining, or is it under pressure in your hands? "

Liu Zhen thought for a while and said: "Let's hold on, wait for the diamond market to go up again, it's useless for me to ask for money now, and I have no place to spend it. I haven't taken off that ring yet, so I forgot where I put it. Throw it away." Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Throw away the gift I gave you. If you really can't find it, I'll beat you up." Nanyi put the pages of the book beside him, picked up a few pages and continued look.

"Beat? Do you know how to fight? Why have I never seen it before?"

"No, but it's enough to beat you."

"I don't believe it, Xiaolan, poke him." Liu Zhen turned her head and said to Miao Xiaolan who was watching the child.

Miao Xiaolan, the nanny that Nanyi found for Nanwuwei, is a native of martial arts in Hebei Province, proficient in poking feet and pistols, worked in an orphanage before, and has rich experience in raising children.

The person looks very "ordinary", and her appearance has no characteristics. If you don't deliberately remember her face, you can't remember her face after only touching it a few times.

As soon as Liu Zhenfu became pregnant, Nanyi was looking for such a candidate. It was not until a few days ago that Miao Xiaolan was officially in place. From the beginning of the search to the arrival of the personnel, Nanyi spent nearly half a million yuan.

"There is no chance of winning. Mr. Nan has flying nails on his body. His aim is very good." Miao Xiaolan looked up, then lowered her head and continued to look at Nan Wuwei.

"Where is the flying nail, show me."

Liu Zhen leaned in front of Nanyi and groped for him.

"Don't touch it blindly. Can you touch the life-saving thing? What if it doesn't work?" Nanyi slapped Liu Zhen's hand away and continued to stare at the page.


"Nanyi, tell me, should I also practice martial arts?" Liu Zhen moved her buttocks and said after sitting upright.

"Don't mess around, you can't bear that hardship." Nanyi showed Liu Zhen his left hand, "Look at my hand, before I knew you, I started practicing flying nails, and it has been more than seven years now Already, how many times have I slept late?"

Liu Zhen patted Nanyi's hand and said, "I don't want to look at your hands. I'm tired of looking at them. You must practice in the morning. Can't you practice in the evening? I haven't seen you practice flying nails in the morning."

"Practicing flying nails doesn't have to be holding flying nails..."

"There are no nails in your hands, but there are nails in your heart?"

"It's not so evil, it's just to practice the sensitivity of the fingers, hahaha, you don't know, I am the famous left pistol in the world..."

"Nan Xia Zhan Zhao?"

"Huh? How do you know that Zhan Zhao has a TV series "Bao Qingtian"?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

"I watched "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" when I was in elementary school. How could I not know about Zhan Zhao? I also know that the Five Rats are in Tokyo."

"You are quite courageous, you dared to read banned books back then."

"Haven't you seen it?"

"Saw, watched Paul Korchagin and Holden Caulfield."

"Oh, I've read both of these. At that time, the big kids in the alley stole a lot of books from the library. They all hid the books in a secret place. I know that place, and I often steal them out. Look." Liu Zhen said cheerfully, "I was so happy reading during that time, I even forgot about being hungry."

Nan Yi patted Liu Zhen's hand and comforted him: "It's over, you won't be hungry again."

"Well, I'm fine." Liu Zhen shook her head and said, "It's the suffering of yesterday that made me live today."

Nanyi put down the paper in his hand, organized his words and said: "Suffering has nothing to do with achievement. Suffering is suffering. Everything you have today is obtained by your efforts. Suffering and suffering are not the same thing." , suffering is not worthy of praise.”

"Hee hee, why don't you say that I depend on you today?" Liu Zhen said with a smile.

"It's up to you to meet this noble man like me." Nan Yi scratched Liu Zhen's nose and said with a smile, "You still have a long maternity leave, do you want to go out for a few days?"

"It's so cold, where can I go to play, besides, there is still Wuwei, he can't blow the wind."

"You can go to the south, either Yangcheng or Yecheng, the weather is hot there."

"Going to Yecheng is either by plane or by boat. It's too much trouble. I still don't want to go. I have been to Yangcheng several times. It's not bad this time. I still don't go out. It's good to watch TV at home. Help me Come back and watch some American and British dramas, I’m tired of watching Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas.”

"Do you want to watch cartoons?"

Nan Yi pawed on the coffee table, took out a book page and handed it to Liu Zhen.

""G.I.Joe: The Revenge of Cobra", Cobra's Revenge? What's the abbreviation for G.I.Joe?"

"I don't know too well, I haven't paid attention to it, but when you translate it, you can understand it as a soldier or a special force." Nanyi thought for a while and said.

"Oh, is it adapted from a comic, is it good?"

"It should be okay. I'll ask the people over there to find out if there is a video tape. If there is one, I'll buy it for you."

"Okay, buy "Ultraman" again, I want to see it."

"Back when Ruobing and I watched "Dinosaur Express Kesai", didn't you still call me childish, why do you still want to watch the even more childish "Ultraman" now?"

"I don't like to watch it. I read it for my son. Who knows whether Wuwei will watch it in the future. I have to read it first, and review it carefully. Don't let Wuwei see what he shouldn't see." Liu Zhen said.

"Look at what you can, you can educate children, you shouldn't look at it."

"No, I don't know how to learn yet. Have you ever seen a mother who can't educate her children?"

"Aren't you just that?"

"Stop it."

Liu Zhen really cared about children's education. She asked Nanyi to get her various books on children's education, saying that she wanted to learn theoretical knowledge.

Nanyi was also willing to satisfy her and asked people to collect all kinds of books.


November 12th, it's Monday again.

Nan Yi came to Lin Deqing's office.

"Chairman Lin, have you heard about Wang Defu's recruitment?"

"How could I have never heard of it? There is a lot of noise. The "Beijing Evening News" also has their recruitment advertisements. The requirements are not low. Not only do they require at least a high school education, they also require men to be at least 1.75 meters tall and women to be 1.65 meters tall. Above, tsk tsk, high school students."

In the 1980s, high school diplomas were more effective than junior college diplomas, and sometimes even undergraduate diplomas. Later generations could call junior college students migrant workers, but now they treat high school students as cultural people.

"Yeah, there's a lot of movement. Our Asian shopping mall needs a lot of salespersons, shopping guides, and security guards in the security department. I want to learn from Wang Defu, and I will also publish recruitment information in the newspaper. We will start recruiting from now on. "

"Learn from Wangdefu?" Lin Deqing said in surprise: "I heard that Wangdefu's wages are not low. The average waiter can get two hundred yuan a month, and the counter at the Asia station, counting shifts, requires 300 people. right?"

"Not enough. At least 400 people are needed. The security department needs about 80 people. I plan to recruit all veterans. Not only must they be retired from field troops, they must also be tall and have a good image, so their wages should not be too low."

"480 people, 200 yuan a month, plus other benefits, more than 100,000 a month, and logistics personnel, security personnel, management personnel, a month's salary can't be more than 100,000 yuan?" Lin Deqing Zhang Dumbfounded.

"200 is not enough. The salary structure of salespersons and shopping guides is basic salary + bonus commission. The basic salary is temporarily set at 80 yuan. With bonuses, they must get at least 300 yuan a month." Nanyi shook his head and said.

"3... 300 yuan? My salary is 340 yuan a month, but you only get 270 yuan a month, General Manager Nan? You want to pay the salesperson 300 yuan a month?"

"That's right." Nan Yi nodded, and said with a smile: "As the tide rises, all boats rise. If the salesperson gets 300 yuan, Chairman Lin's salary will naturally be higher. Today I want to discuss with you and make an estimate of the salaries of all the staff in Yaqing Company." Adjustment."

"How to adjust?" Lin Deqing said excitedly.

"Chairman Lin, you and Vice Chairman Edwin's salaries were adjusted to 800 yuan, my salary was adjusted to 600 yuan, Li Hao, Kan Jinqian, He Ping, and Shen Zhehua were adjusted to 420 yuan a month.

In addition, the company needs to buy two Crown MS132s and a Toyota Hiace. One of the Crowns will be allocated to you, Chairman Lin, and the other will be used to receive guests. The Toyota Hiace will be used by other company personnel when they go out. "

Lin Deqing's pupils dilated, then quickly contracted, and after a while, he said in a slightly trembling voice: "Give me a crown..." After Lin Deqing finished speaking, he felt that there was something wrong with his statement, so he changed his words: "Only give me a crown." I deserve the crown, what about you and Vice Chairman Edwin?"

"Both Vice Chairman Edwin and I have cars, so we don't need to equip them again. In the future, the company will be responsible for refueling."

"Crown, hundreds of thousands, is the specification too high?" Lin Deqing pursed his lips and said.

"Chairman Lin doesn't need to worry about this. We are a joint venture, not a government-owned company. I am a representative of the capital. I proposed this adjustment plan, and the district government should have no objections."

"Let's talk again, let's talk about business first."

Lin Deqing said "Let's talk", but in fact he had already agreed to Nanyi's proposal, and he couldn't be too positive about things like adding treatment to himself.

"Okay, then let's continue talking about recruitment. I plan to publish the recruitment information in the newspaper in the next two days, recruit people in place a year ago, and then conduct closed training for them for at least half a year."

"The recruitment was in place a few years ago, so wouldn't that mean paying seven or eight months' salary in vain?"

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