Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 586 If you want someone to sacrifice your life, be yourself first

"Advertising plan, when will you be able to complete it?"

"I don't have time to do it right now. I've been looking for candidates for the planning department for the past two days."

"Oh, I said, you record it."

Yang Kaiyan took a notebook and opened it, then took out a pen and flicked it, scratching on the paper.

"Chu Yuejin, the section chief of the advertising department of Chaoting TV, is 54 years old; the deputy section chief is Jin Que'er, 23 years old this year; Jin Que'er and I are alumni, so we are relatively close. She made a pose.

Asia needs to advertise at the prime time of the court station. Gen Zhengmiaohong needs a buyout advertising time contract. The longer the period, the better. Ten million. "



"how long it takes?"

Nan Yi put down the document in his hand, stared into Yang Kaiyan's eyes and said: "I am the superior, you are the subordinate, remember to say please next time."

"Ha." Yang Kaiyan chuckled, straightened his figure and said: "Excuse me, how long will it take?"

"Two years."

"That's not too little, so I have obtained your initial approval. Genzheng Miaohong is no longer a dispensable company?"

"It has never been." Nanyi said affirmatively, and then said: "Help me clean up the canary, and leave some room. I have a very good relationship with her father."

"To what extent?"

"The breakthrough point is placed on Chu Yuejin's body, just hit Jinqueer once, and take Joe with me." Nanyi muttered.

"What is Nacho?"

"It's almost like deliberately embarrassing me and raising my self-worth."

"Understood, are people beautiful?"


"General Manager Nan, this joke is not funny at all." Yang Kaiyan said with a straight face.

"Yes, it's not funny. So, you don't need to inquire about her appearance, you just need to remember that she is our true enemy."

"She is not considered an enemy. I will never leave room for an enemy." Yang Kaiyan said seriously.

"Use the time of arguing with me to launch a 'war of two women', fake foreign devils vs fake Tsundere, Round 1, I bet you to win."

Yang Kaiyan rolled his eyes before saying: "Wait and see."

Knock knock!

"Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and a beautiful figure came in and said, "General Manager Nan, a comrade named Wang Yan is looking for you."

The person who came was Han Meili, the administrative receptionist of Yaqing Company, also known as the front desk, a person from the suburbs of the capital, a public-funded technical secondary school student who just graduated this year, and should be among the top students when he was studying.

At this time, many top academics in rural areas would choose to study in public-funded technical secondary schools instead of key high schools. It is a very difficult and difficult project for a family to plan food for one person to study.

Usually, behind a college student in a rural area, there is a pair of hunchbacked parents who are too tired to straighten up, and even lose their self-esteem.

The word "borrow" can accurately summarize the rural history of the 1980s. All happiness and suffering cannot escape credit.

The common phenomenon in rural areas now is that fine grains and miscellaneous grains are eaten mixed, which basically solves the problem of food and clothing, but there is no living money throughout the year. Looking at the big fat pig and the grain in the grain storage cabinet.

Either sell the half-grown pigs, or take some grain from the grain storage cabinet and sell it outside secretly. Yes, "secretly", you can't sell it to the grain station. At this time, most of the local grain stations have their own credit value. The system circulates an internal currency called "baitiao currency".

Whenever the family has just experienced weddings or weddings or there is a sick person in the family, the mother's handkerchief is spread out, and there are not many elders in it, and a few votes can be counted as rich.

Rural people choose to go to technical secondary school probably not because they have no vision, but because they have no choice but to choose in reality.

The arrival of a Han Meili triggered many memories and thoughts of Nanyi. After a while, he nodded and said, "Oh, please come here."


"Section Chief Yang, when will the planning department be completed?"

"It will take some time. Christmas has just passed abroad, and the New Year is approaching in China. It is difficult to find someone now."

"Hurry up, the building is not yet built, and the advertisement must go first. I hope that in the future, potential consumers will visit our construction site every day. I will ask someone to draw a huge architectural rendering and put it on the construction site."

"Good idea." Yang Kaiyan praised.

"Thank you, now, please, get out."

"Sorry, I forgot that you will have guests soon." Yang Kaiyan pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Sorry bastard, if I don't speak, you will continue to sit." Nanyi slandered.

Nanyi guessed that Yang Kaiyan had already consciously learned more about him, collected his bits and pieces, and wanted to be the "enemy" who knew him best, yes, the enemy, the enemy with 38.7 million US dollars.

They were cultivated by Wall Street. They are used to speculating in the financial market with short-term gains and quick gains. If they didn't take advantage of Nanyi, it would be a huge loss for Yang Kaiyan.

When Wang Yan entered the office with a happy face, Nan Yi said: "You are full of spring breeze, can you smell honey?"

"What kind of honey are you smelling? Workman is sold out, and my buddy has become a millionaire." Wang Yan lit a cigarette as soon as he sat down, and said happily.

"It's easy to find Lin Guangwei and continue to get the goods. Didn't I introduce the two of you last time?"

"I've already hung up on the phone, don't mention it, you've saved me a lot. I ordered 500 units this time, but they still shipped them directly, and didn't mention the money."

"The quantity you want is not much, it's nothing to Lin Guangwei."

"It's still a southerner who knows how to do business. He didn't mention it, which made me feel embarrassed. I left some tobacco and alcohol money for myself, and remitted all the rest to him. The mutton is still in the courtyard at night."

"Okay, I'll be a little later. You came here to talk about this?"

"Wow, I just went to the dance academy, so I stopped by."

"You can go far enough if you go smoothly. You can go six kilometers without a hitch." Nan Yi teased.

The Dance Academy is on Wanshou Temple Road. Although it and Yannan Garden are both in the Haidian District, even if they draw a straight line, the distance between the two places is five kilometers.

"Okay, I won't hold it anymore, I'm sure about the honey this time." Wang Yan said with a smack of his mouth.

"Okay, buddy, I'm going to fight it out. When you get married, I'll give you the three major items. I'll find you whatever brand you want."

"Beating sex, the three big things are embarrassing for others, but for you it's just a handhold." Wang Yan crushed the cigarette butt in the ashtray and said, "Okay, I won't disturb your work anymore. Come early at night."

"Eat first, I will arrive around 6:40."



When Nanyi is busy, he will stop for a while to smell the smell in the air.

The beginning of 1985 gave him the feeling very much like the lyrics of a song-follow the feeling, hold on to the hand of the dream, and the steps are getting lighter and happier.

Su Rui has become very popular, and a little girl in the Mainland who will use the stage name "Su Bing" to touch her in the future doesn't know what she is doing.

On the day when Teacher's Day was established, Nanyi disappeared.

By the time he reappeared, the days had come to January 20th, the Great Cold.

In the past few days, he went to see his eldest son. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh.

After returning, Nanyi put more thoughts on his work, he wanted to put Yaqing on the right track as soon as possible and get out as soon as possible.

There is only one month left before the Spring Festival, and it is time to prepare the New Year's goods for the employees.

What's more, there are still 382 veterans who have already arrived at the Yaqing Company and are still staying at the logistics base.

The military region can help solve the housing problem, and the Yaqing Company has to pay for food.

The food can follow the military region, but the benefits for the Chinese New Year must not be less. Each person will be given five catties of meat, and they will hand it over to the large dining hall of the logistics base. It will save face and won't make them look obtrusive.

It sounds like a veteran, but after all, he has been discharged from the army. After staying for a few days, everyone complained with tears in their hearts, but after staying for several months, the taste will be different. Yaqing Company must know how to do it.

There were 327 employees and 382 veterans who participated in the training, plus 750 or 60 office staff, each of them would get 20 big fat pigs with five catties of meat, which is impossible to buy in the market.

Nanyi and He Ping were staying at the gate of the No. 4 Meat Factory for a while. Zhu Manyuan, the director of the Meat Factory, went missing. They went to his office twice to find him, but they couldn't find anyone.

"Mr. Nan, do you think Zhu Manyuan will not come today?" He Ping asked, biting a pancake.

"I must come today. I have already inquired about it. The meat joint factory has a regular meeting on Tuesday, and he must attend. This grandson can really hide, and he doesn't come home."

"Several factories in Beijing are doing very well this year, and they have to distribute some pork during the Chinese New Year. The meat from the meat joint factory can't be evenly distributed."

"I know, otherwise Zhu Manyuan is hiding something, everyone is begging him, it is a good time to establish contacts. I hope Peony Factory has not looked for him, otherwise our TV tickets will not work, and the cost of changing other tickets will increase."

Leng Yan had a good talk with the No. 4 Radio Factory, and Yaqing could get a batch of Veuve Tribute black and white TV sets from them at a low price, which could just be used to exchange New Year's goods with other units.

"Peony should find the Second Meat Factory, which is close."

"That's best."

After eating two bites of fried cakes and drinking some tea as a gift, Nanyi's eyes scanned the faces of the people entering and leaving the meat joint factory.

"Mr. Nan, in fact, all you need to do is make a phone call to the city..."

"It's not worth asking the leader to speak up for such a small matter, not to mention that the leader can only help once, and next year we have to solve it by ourselves... People are coming." Following a middle-aged man, he rushed over.

"Director Zhu, Director Zhu, pigs for TVs."

In the first sentence, Nan Yi threw out the key point.

Hearing Nanyi's words, Zhu Manyuan stopped and turned around and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Nanyi from Yaqing Company." Nanyi grabbed Zhu Manyuan's fat hand that could squeeze out eight taels of lard, and said, "Fifty fat pigs, I'll give you fifty 17-inch TV sets, It’s 50 yuan cheaper than outside.”

"What brand?" Zhu Manyuan asked excitedly.

He couldn't help but be tempted. It's okay to take the TV back to give benefits, or use it as a favor. At this time, if you want to own a TV, you must not only solve the problem of affordability, but also solve the big problem of affordability.

Of course, this big problem does not include domestic black and white TV sets...

"Shanghai's Velic, a famous brand, is no worse than Peony."

Zhu Manyuan thought for a while and said, "There are too many pigs and too few TVs."

"It's easy to talk, Director Zhu, let's go to your office and talk slowly. Cashier He, you wait for me outside." Nanyi said, half pushing and half pulling Zhu Manyuan to the gate of the meat joint factory.

In addition to banknote printing factories, which factory does not rely on factories to eat factories?

The meat factory does not have to worry about eating meat, the canned food in the cannery is vomit, Yaqing runs a shopping mall, the TV is worthless to Yaqing, it is 51 cheaper, and there is still profit, as long as it can be exchanged for more Pork, it doesn't matter if you send out a few more TV sets.


Nanyi has been in for 20 minutes, and He Ping is looking forward to it at the gate of the meat joint factory.

After waiting for another five minutes, she finally saw Nanyi's voice coming from the meat joint factory to the gate.

"Mr. Nan, what's the matter?"

"Eighty TV sets for 70 big fat pigs of two hundred catties. Find a place to call and tell Chief Qiu that you can bring someone to pull the pigs early tomorrow morning. You can pull away 20 pigs first."

"70, so many? Live pigs?"

"What are you thinking? A lot of good things can be picked out of pigs. However, I want two hundred catties of pig offal, and the people in the office can share it."

"Mr. Nan, my father likes to eat large intestines, can I order more?"

"Okay, is ten catties enough?"

"Enough is enough." He Ping nodded sharply.

"Hehe, let's go, rush to the next high ground."

In fact, Nanyi had reservations about what He Ping said. Pork was not as easy to get as he said. Black and white TVs were rare for the employees of the meat joint factory, but not for Zhu Manyuan, the director of the factory.

Nanyi just took a ride in for a little extra, a Panasonic 21 Yao, half price.

Don't let He Ping know about the color TV. Nanyi will not take Yaqing's account. He will let someone carry one back from Tokyo, and he will never go outside to look for it.

There is a difference in the price of the ones found outside, that is, the transfer of benefits, and back from abroad, it is just a small favor for Zhu Manyuan from Nanyi who has a little way.

TV sets are not that valuable in Japan, and half of the price difference exists objectively. If Nanyi operates it again, it is not impossible to turn the TV set into picked up garbage.

Nanyi and He Ping then went to the food service company that manages the state-run restaurants, and dealt with Tianfuhao sauce pork, Yueshengzhai five-spice sauce beef, and Daoxiangcun sausage; the sugar, tobacco and wine company dealt with tobacco and alcohol; , bean products, fruit, chicken, eggs, and dried fruit; the supply and marketing cooperative set up a few bicycles and held a lottery when preparing for the Yaqing Spring Festival Gala.

I went to two villages in the suburbs and contracted the fish in the two ponds, and waited for the dry ponds to approach the Spring Festival.

Nanyi has thoroughly implemented the benefits of New Year’s goods, and prepared all the indispensable and difficult-to-buy items for employees. After the "malicious high salary", he came again with "malicious high benefits".

After finishing the New Year's goods, Nanyi went to the staff club of Jinggang.

After the employees who participated in the training lined up, he climbed onto the table, stared at everyone, and began to speak.

"I'm about the same age as everyone here, and I know what everyone hates, so I won't talk nonsense and get straight to the point. My name is Nan Yi, the general manager of Yaqing Company. In the first three days, I went to the beverage service company, sugar Tobacco and alcohol companies, non-staple food companies, and a trip to the countryside.

I'm ready for everyone's New Year's goods. There is what you want; there is also what you didn't expect.

The best pork, five catties per person..."

Nanyi's voice hadn't finished yet, and the bottom exploded, and everyone whispered to each other.

"Shut up." Nanyi roared, "You can't whisper in the queue, don't you know? The person in charge of military training came to me after the meeting. What kind of team did they bring?"

Nanyi glanced down for a while with eyes full of anger, until he calmed down, he continued: "Tianfuhao sauce elbow four per person, Yueshengzhai five-spice sauce beef per person two catties, Daoxiang village sausage two catties, a cigarette ticket, A wine ticket, each ticket can be exchanged for two cigarettes and two bottles of wine, cigarettes are universe cigarettes, wine is Erguotou, non-smoking or drinking can also be exchanged for other things with colleagues, you can arrange freely.

How many vegetables, soy products, and fruits? There are no regulations on these three things now. It depends on what and how many non-staple food stores have;

One chicken, five catties of eggs, five catties of dried fruit, both expensive and cheap, mixed together; in addition, I also built two fish ponds in the village for the 12th of next month, which is the day of the new year, all of you Everyone goes to catch fish. Let's have a fish catching competition. The more you catch, the higher you will be in the front row when dividing the fish.

Fish, we don’t divide them by catty, but directly by strips, one person should be able to share two, then one big fish and one small fish, no matter what kind of fish are divided, the one in the front can choose the big one, and the one in the row Those who are behind, you just think you are unlucky, who told you that you are incompetent! "

As soon as Nanyi said this, there were puffs everywhere in the queue, but this time no one dared to whisper.

"This New Year's benefit, I asked all over the forty-nine cities, it is definitely the only one in the shit of a scorpion. You are paid the highest salary in the entire capital. I believe that when you took your salary back for the first time, your parents must have one." I was so angry that I didn't sleep all night.


They have worked hard all their lives, and their wages are not as much as a little brat who just went to work, you..."

Nan Yi stretched out his hand and pointed at everyone, "You have trampled on their self-esteem as parents, and at the same time, you have also become their pride. Tell people that my son/daughter works in Yaqing and earns several dollars a month. One hundred, double the face.

How much does a young worker earn a month now? I believe that each of you knows what a guaranteed minimum salary of 240 yuan a month means. You also know very well in your heart, so I won’t talk about it here.

I want to tell you that if you take the training seriously, in the future, when our Asia Mall officially opens, you will be able to get more wages and your appearance will become better and better;

Don't think about fooling around. We, Yaqing, don't support useless people. Let me hear it clearly. We, Yaqing, are a joint venture company and have the right to fire you at any time.

If you do well, you can get thousands of dollars a month. If you don’t do well, you can pack up and leave at any time.

I have read the information on all of you. Few of you have parents who have a great place. Most of you have parents who are ordinary people. The difficulties of not having enough money and not being able to live in a place exist for everyone.

Welfare housing has been put on my work schedule. As long as you can work hard, the company will try its best to help you solve your worries, whether it is housing, medical treatment, weddings or funerals.

Finally, I want to say that you are all Yaqing people now, if you are good, Yaqing will be fine; if Yaqing is good, you will be better! Please be proud of Yaqing, please be proud of yourself! "

After finishing speaking, Nanyi bowed deeply to the queue.


At first, it was like the rapid rain ticking, and then it was raining heavily, and the audience burst into roaring applause.

Nanyi did not reprimand the person in charge of the military training. He left Shougang soon and went to the government compound of Haidian District.

"Xiao Nan, I heard that you have done a good job in running Yaqing Company, and you are impressive."

"It's thanks to the ability of all the people sent by the district, and the management of all departments in an orderly manner. Otherwise, how could I do things well by myself."

Playing with the cigarette that Min Jinsheng gave him in his hand, Nan Yi said politely.

Except for the first time when he came here, Min Jinsheng didn't know that he didn't smoke and gave him cigarettes. He didn't give him cigarettes for the next few trips, but today he gave him again.

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