"Nan Batian."

"Cultural man, why are you here? Rare guest, you've got a lot of bookish air, come here to smell the stench of copper?" Nanyi said teasingly when he saw that the visitor was Ma Modu.

"What kind of cultural person am I? You two are cultural people." Ma Mo sat beside Nanyi and said, "I want to talk to you."

"Long story or short story? If it's a long story, go to another place. No smoking is allowed here. I have children."

"Long story, let's change places."

"Okay, if you talk to cultural people, you have to find a teahouse to sit."

Nowadays, there are many wild teahouses in the capital, and it is not easy to find high-end teahouses with local flavors. In the past, teahouses named after "Xuan" such as Hengyixuan and Tonghexuan, which were famous in the past, have long since become yesterday's clouds. .

Nanyi didn't look around, and took Ma Modu directly to the book teahouse in Houhai.

"What to drink?" Nan Yi asked as soon as he sat down.

"Gao Mo, here comes the pot."

Nanyi called the waiter, ordered a pot of high foam and a pot of early spring, and ordered a few mopan frozen persimmons and some dried fruits.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Have you heard of "There is More Than One Road to Success"?"

"Listen, I like the song "Late" the most."

"Old Cui, who often goes to 'Our Academy', also sent out a tape called "Contemporary European and American Pop Jazz Disco—Old Cui Solo Collection."

"I've heard that, what do you want to say, you don't want to make a tape, do you?" Nanyi laughed.

"Forget about my broken voice, I want to open a dance hall."

"Shenzhen kind, or is it the same as the current music restaurant?"

Music restaurants also have nondescript dance halls, which already exist in Beijing. One is to add a singer in the restaurant, and the other is to have a microphone in the social dance hall, and anyone who wants to sing can sing.

Karaoke has not yet spread from Japan, and it has just begun to become popular on the stage. Now singing on stage is accompanied by a band, and there is no accompaniment tape.

"Shenzhen kind." Ma Modu said.

"I have a big heart. If you want to set up a scene like Shenfeng, even if you have a ready-made venue, you need a dozen or so. If you want to be decent, you have to go to twenty. You came to me because you wanted to Do I buy a share, or do you want to borrow money from me?"

"Use and defecate as you like, you can invest in shares or borrow money."

The cultural person is just pretending to be aggressive at the end of the day, and this will be a downright stubborn style in his bones.

"How much do you want?"

"One or two is not too little, seven or eight is not too many."

Nanyi shook his head helplessly, "I'll pay you three. If you get a share, you don't have to borrow anything. Don't blame me for badmouthing you. I don't like your idea, so I'll just play around with you for a while."

"You look down on my brother so much?"

"The time is wrong, you got this idea too early, manage it carefully, don't turn your dance hall into our dance hall."

"You have become a shareholder. It was originally our dance hall." Ma Modu said.

"Oh, I'm talking about the 'we' in our courtyard."

Doing business, especially catering business, has a wide range of people. Knowing many people is an advantage. If there are many people who support you, the business will seem to be very prosperous; but if this person's face rises to "friends", then this face will become a disadvantage No, the boss can't help it. One order is free here, and one order is free there. If things go on like this, how can the business not be good.

In the catering business, the most taboo thing is to become friends with customers.

No matter how delicious the food is, there will always be a time when you get tired of eating it. The customer will want to change the taste. After not coming to the store for a while, the boss and the customer have become friends. The boss always has to ask "Why haven't you been here for a long time? Are you busy?"

This question is a bad thing, customers can never say "I'm tired of eating here, and eat elsewhere during this time", they can only find an excuse to prevaricate.

As long as the customer is a particular person, and can endure being forced to continue eating after being tired of eating, then the customer is still there; but if he can't bear it, then in the future, the customer will walk around the boss's restaurant, and simply don't show up in this area .

Because I can't get rid of the face, the "friend" is a restaurant owner, if you don't go to cheer, it will be embarrassing to meet outside, so just never see each other again...a regular customer is lost like this.

But if you stay indifferent, often wipe zero, give a discount, send a bottle of wine, send a dish, etc., but do not enter the customer's social circle, then the customer's business is basically frequent.

It is simple to say, but it is difficult to grasp the degree of it, and it needs to be analyzed in specific cases.

There are too many people in Ma Modu. There are a lot of buddies, all free of charge for one round, basically half a year for nothing, and the next round, one year for nothing, and asking buddies for free drinks twice a year.

Then, three times shouldn't be too much, right?

Like a hooligan like Wang Yan, he dared to go to Mamoduna every day, and he didn't pay for it once. Not only did he go by himself, but he would often bring a group of people to "support".

The song and dance hall in Ma Modu was closed, and Nan Yi had foreseen a dismal ending.

That's why he and Ma Mo both said "the time is wrong". If it was a little later and the entertainment market was already active, he could still be like the Haima song and dance hall he should have opened. Movies and TV dramas earn back.

At this point in time, if there is no light in the east, there is no need to light up in the west.

After meeting with Ma Mo, Nanyi returned to his normal work routine. Things were cumbersome, and he was busy with various things every day, and sudden situations would appear at any time.

Just now, groundwater was dug out on the construction site. Nanyi had to go to the construction site to check it. If the situation is serious, the construction period will be delayed.

Fortunately, the situation is not serious. Watching the engineering team dig holes where the water is coming out, and bury the pipes that have been threaded in advance, once the pump is turned on, the water will not spread to other places. When the other places are dry, it will be fine. Press into the slurry and pour concrete to seal.

"Mr. Tang, is your company still planning to expand its enrollment?"

After returning from the construction site, Nanyi invited Tang Jiangong, the general manager of Jingjun Construction, to his office.

Tang Jiangong frowned and said, "Mr. Nan is still not satisfied with our current project progress?"

"No, I'm very satisfied with your progress, that's it." Nanyi pulled out a map of Haidian District, spread it between the two of them, and said, "Here, we are going to build three dormitory buildings, two of which can be built slowly." One point, there is one building, I need to deliver it in two months, can your Beijing army do it?"

Tang Jiangong looked at the map and said, "Has the geological survey been done?"

"Not yet, you need your Beijing army to do it, you can also ask the person who was in charge of the civil air defense project, here, here." Nanyi clicked twice on the map, "There are air-raid shelters in these two places. "

After staring at the map for a while, Tang Jiangong asked, "What is the pattern of the building?"

"The layout of the school dormitory building has a corridor in the middle and rooms on both sides. Each room should have a bathroom and a balcony. There should be a washbasin on one side of the balcony, which is usually used for washing clothes, and a simple kitchen counter on the other side. If you want to cook, you can make do with it.

There is also a place to dry clothes on the balcony, and the problem of dripping clothes from upstairs and downstairs must be considered in advance.

Your military region is quite familiar with this kind of architectural pattern. You can ask your military region’s architectural design institute to issue a blueprint, and Yaqing can pay another design fee. The key is to be quick.

A building needs to accommodate 500 people, one third of which is designed as a double dormitory, and two thirds of it is a single dormitory. It is necessary to consider the situation of a family of three living in the dormitory in advance.

In addition, in the corridor at the entrance of each dormitory, a place for shoe cabinets and storage cabinets should be reserved, preferably made of cement prefabricated panels, and the positions should be fixed, so as to avoid people living inside moving around in the future. It's a mess. "

"The area here is quite large, is there any supporting facilities around here?"


Nanyi drew a circle on the map with a pen and said: "This area is a public activity area. I need four basketball courts, two volleyball courts, eight table tennis tables, a circular track, and a 400-square-meter The building, single-story, will be used to open a grocery store in the future."

Nanyi reserved this building for opening a supermarket in the future. The three buildings are said to accommodate 1,500 people, but he believes that the number of people living in them will never be less than 3,000, and the exclusive business of 3,000 people is enough to A supermarket feeds.

"As for the other vacant land, I calculated that the three dormitory buildings only need to use less than one-third of the land, including what you said, and one-third of the land is vacant."

"Let this land be left empty. At that time, the land will be leveled and some cinders will be spread on it, so that there will be no water accumulation in rainy days. Usually, open-air movies can be shown here, and dance parties can also be organized here. I plan to call this place Paradise corner."

"Hehe, is this a place for young people to date?" Tang Jiangong said with a smile.

"Of course it would be the best place to be a holy place for a date...and a good story will be spread. Mr. Tang, how is it? Can your Beijing army take it?"

Tang Jiangong pondered for a while, and asked, "Today counts as the first day of two months?"

"On May 25, it's advisable to move. You have to ventilate for at least three days before you can live in it?"

"That means it will be delivered on May 21?"

"Your company works at our Yaqing construction site. We provide half a catty of meat per person per day, free of charge."

"Both construction sites are supplied?" Tang Jiangong said with his eyes brightened.

"Yes, until the work is finished, we will supply it every day until you feel sick when you see the meat."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, can you still get tired of eating meat?" Tang Jiangong said in ten thousand disbeliefs: "Okay, we will take this job, and we will definitely deliver it on time."

Half a catty of meat a day is a big boy, no matter how tired he is, he can make up for it, and maybe he can grow a whole body of fat.

"Okay, the dormitory building is also given to you by the Beijing Army."

There is no need to talk about the project fee. The Beijing Army has just started to do business, and the calculation price is based on the labor cost. There is a fixed amount of work hours for one person for one hour of work. As long as all the work hours are calculated, the project cost will be paid. The total is out.

The army is shameless in doing business, and they don't know how to work foreign workers, so they are embarrassed to calculate a too high working hour fee.

The other party wanted face, and Nanyi showed even more face. The project payment was settled once a week, and there was no delay or arrears. Each person was given two sets of work clothes per month, all paid by Yaqing.

If you change the construction party, Nanyi will definitely not adopt this quotation method, and some labor can kill people.

Thanks to this beautiful era, the advanced workflow of layer-by-layer subcontracting leading the world has not been invented, otherwise, hehe...

After talking with Tang Jiangong and sending him out of the office, he met He Ping who came to look for him.

"Mr. Nan, I have a lot of reimbursement forms that need your signature."

"Well, you put it on my table, I'll sign it later, how much cigarette do you have?"

"Not much, less than ten in total."

"Then go buy it right away. Buy more. I won't specify the brand. Now you can buy whatever is fashionable outside, just buy high-end ones."

"Mr. Nan, how much is this extra purchase?"

"If you want to buy more, you can't buy much. Try to buy as much as you can. Cigarettes are consumed quickly, so prepare more. By the way, when you go, you can stop by the construction site and see what they all have. What kind of cigarettes to smoke, pick the brand that smokes the most, and buy one for each person a month, don’t give it all at once, send it out once a week.”

"This...isn't the company going to increase the budget again?" He Ping was stunned for a moment and said.

"It's okay, with this increased budget, they just need to work a little faster and be more careful, and everything will come back."

For the people of the Beijing Army, Nanyi treated them as masters [craftsmen], let the masters eat and drink well, and have more snacks when they work.

"Okay, then I'll go now."

"It's just right that you are here, I'm looking for you."

Before He Ping left, Yang Kaiyan came over again.

"Is it about the TV station?"


"Go in and talk."

Entering the office, Nanyi closed the door, and the two started talking.

"I've already talked with Section Chief Chu about the buyout of advertising time. I heard from Section Chief Chu that there is some resistance within the TV station. Do you know where the biggest resistance comes from?"

"If you say that, it must be Canary."

Yang Kaiyan nodded and said: "Yes, that junior sister of yours firmly opposes the TV station selling off the commercial time. She jumped up and down the TV station, telling people that the TV station's commercial time will be very valuable in the future."

"The vision is good, but it's a pity that she is not flexible enough to do things. Why doesn't she think about it. After our operation, the advertising time of the TV station may appreciate faster. Self-righteous, if you don't come to discuss with me, you will directly ruin my business. After Nan Yi spat a few words, he asked, "How long can the contract be signed?"

"Eighteen months."

"That's one and a half years." Nanyi stroked his chin and said, "It can't grow any longer? For example, two years."

"I can't, I would like to thank your junior sister. Without her, the time might have been longer."

"Okay, sign the contract as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams. When signing the contract, at least one Hong Kong media and one Chinese media should be invited to witness and report."

"Do you want to hold a signing ceremony?" Yang Kaiyan thought for a while, and then understood Nanyi's intention.

"You are responsible for this matter. You are the general manager of Genzheng Miaohong. If you are responsible for coming forward, I will not join in the fun."


Yang Kaiyan is different from Nanyi, she doesn't mind standing under the flashing lights, or it can be said that she enjoys the attention of everyone.

Nan Yi felt that Yang Kaiyan and him could complement each other to a certain extent.

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