Nanyi knows where the Huazhong Trading office is. If you want to come, there can't be too many small shops nearby, and you can find it after a little investigation.


In the morning, Nanyi sat in the office for a while. Near noon, he left the office and went to the No. 2 National Cotton Factory in Dongbalizhuang.

In the past, when talking about local industries in Beijing, there was a saying of "one black and one white". The black refers to Jinggang, which is located in the west of the capital, and the white refers to the National Cotton Factory located in the east.

Most of Jinggang are rough men, and Guomian are mostly delicate girls. In the memory of Qian Nanyi, he remembered that two factories once held a vigorous blind date meeting to solve the marriage problems of young workers.

The result was not ideal, because the two factories were too far apart, and the straight line was more than 30 kilometers long. Both sides were unwilling to find "outsiders" to start a family.

The capital city is not small, and there are too many locals who may have traveled far to the Western Regions and Yunnan Province, but most of their footprints have not traveled all over the capital.

When a foreigner asks a local for directions, there is a high probability that the local will not be able to answer.

For ordinary people, the circle of life is relatively fixed, and the route they take every day is also relatively fixed. For the employees of Guomian, their circle of life is very fixed.

On the street outside the factory area, Nan Yi made a little distinction, and he figured out that the south road is the factory area, and the north road is the living area.

It was meal time, and there were many female workers walking on the street outside, wearing all kinds of skirts, showing off their beauty.

Standing there and listening for a while, Nanyi learned to distinguish which ones are veteran female workers and which ones should not have been here for a long time.

Don't look at the age, but listen to the volume of their conversation.

Those who speak loudly, almost yelling, are veterans, and those who bow their heads and whisper are newcomers.

Cotton spinning women workers do not have heavy work, but it is very hard work. The textile machines run 24 hours a day, so the women workers who work in three shifts do not have enough rest. During the process of weaving cotton into cotton threads, the cotton threads may break at any time, and the eyes of the women workers cannot rest. You have to keep an eye on the cotton thread at all times, and if it breaks, you have to tie it quickly.

The textile machines are roaring, and after a few hours, even if you leave the workshop, you will still hear the buzzing in your ears, and you will not be able to sleep soundly at all.

Therefore, it is frighteningly accurate to judge whether a female textile worker is an experienced textile worker by the loudness of her voice.

Dongbalizhuang is a textile industrial zone planned in the 1950s. In addition to Guomian, there are many textile-related units, such as cotton printing companies, textile supply and marketing companies, research institutes, chemical fiber machinery factories, and a textile worker university. In the past, it carried the important task of dressing the people of the whole country.

Standing on the street to recognize the way, Nanyi walked in the direction of the No. 2 National Cotton Factory.

After asking for directions and handling the old man in the communication room, Nanyi walked for more than ten minutes in the factory area before reaching the door of the factory office.

At the door, I asked someone to help me bring a letter, and Nanyi was waiting by the side.

Having nothing to do, Nanyi was there to look at the passing female workers, the textile factory, the country of daughters, there are many women.

"This one is a round face, this one is an oval face, long face, oval face, hey, why does this girl have an internet celebrity face, an internet celebrity face..." Seeing the internet celebrity face, the prehistoric power in Nan Yi's body was ready to move .

Internet celebrity face, Nan Yi likes it the most, he wished that all the people would like Internet celebrity face.

"In the future, the global plastic surgery market will total two to three hundred billion dollars a year, right? Hey, hyaluronic acid, botox, plastic surgery hospitals, Kanglong Island fairy water."

The secret of the longevity of residents on Kanglong Island has been solved, because the water quality of the mountain springs on the island is very special, and it contains various minerals that are beneficial to human beings. Long-term drinking can regulate the cell activity of the human body and improve immunity.

Touching his chin, Nanyi began to feel ready to move towards the plastic surgery market.

I can't help Nanyi not being tempted, hundreds of billions a year, even if I can only eat a few thousandths, it will be worth a billion dollars a year; if I get involved in the development of plastic surgery technology and plastic products from now on, the market that I can eat is far more than that thousandths.

If plastic surgery hospitals were deployed before the 1990s, then the upper and middle reaches of the industry could be the leaders. It is not too much for a leader to take a few percent of the share in a year, right?

What about the two faucets?

five percent? six percent?

18 billion U.S. dollars a year, long-term business, long-term success, is a good business.

"Comrade, hello, are you looking for me?"

Just when Nanyi was dreaming about the "net red face", a delicate female voice rang in his ears.

Turning around, Nanyi immediately saw a clean woman, yes, clean, this is the most intuitive impression Ma Jiayan gave Nanyi.

"Hello, I'm Nanyi from Yaqing Company, have you heard of Yaqing Company?" Nanyi showed a warm smile and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Ma Jiayan. Yaqing Company, of course I've heard of it. Your company is very famous now." Ma Jiayan is generous, neither kitsch nor shy.

"If I said, I came here just to invite you to join Yaqing Company, would you agree?"

"Invite me? Why?"

Ma Jiayan showed a slight surprise on his face, but his expression was not large.

"I'm friends with Cao Lin, and I've also been in contact with your younger brother Ma Jiajun. After hearing Cao Lin talk about you, I became very interested in you. Ah, don't get me wrong, it's not the kind of interest between men and women."


"After I became interested in you, I asked someone to inquire about your situation. It was last year. Have you ever accidentally seen a woman who doesn't behave like a woman?"

Ma Jiayan thought for a while and said: "Last year, I often saw a woman in our alley. She looked... she really didn't look like a woman."

"Her name is Huang Xia, and her nickname is Huang San'er. I asked her to go there just to find out about you. Not only your alley, but also the village where you jumped in the queue in northern Shaanxi. I also sent people to go;

I even asked the educated youth who jumped in line at the same educated youth spot as you to ask about you. Here, I would like to express my apologies to you for infringing on your privacy. "

After finishing speaking, Nanyi bowed slightly to Ma Jiayan.

"No need to apologize, I'm just an ordinary person." Ma Jiayan said lightly: "On the contrary, I'm a little flattered, I've never been valued so much by others."

"Thank you for your tolerance." Nan Yi nodded and continued: "It took nearly ten months before and after, with a total cost of 13,752 yuan6 and 759 catties of national food stamps. It doesn't look like you. What do you think I am plotting against you?"

"Are you a spy?" Ma Jiayan suddenly looked at Nanyi vigilantly and said.

"Hahaha, if I were a spy, then I would be blind. I spent so much time and money for an accountant in a textile factory? You underestimated the power that money can bring out. Ten thousand yuan, already It can be exchanged for high-level intelligence, at least how much higher than the level of your National Cotton No. 2 Factory.

What's more, does your factory have any information worthy of special agents' concern?

Tongting brand cotton combed yarn technology?

This is still advanced in China, but it is already a very outdated technology abroad. "

"Then what are you planning?"

Nan Yi avoided answering, but said to himself: "You can get a very high salary, you can move to a building with your younger siblings, your third and fourth younger sisters can receive the best education, You can study abroad; your second brother, as long as you want to be able to support him for a lifetime. If you want to get these, you just need to work for me."

"do what?"


"Just being an accountant, can you have what you said?"

"Yes, just by being an accountant, you can have a good life." Nanyi said as he opened his military bag, and took out two books from it, one "The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi" and one "The Autobiography of Rockefeller" , handed the book to Ma Jiayan, "Look carefully, both of them are accountants.

Next Monday, I will take a day off and go to No. 88 Yannanyuan to take the recruitment examination of Yaqing Company. Well, I have to rush back to the company to continue to work, I wish you a good day, goodbye. "

This Friday, two days is enough for Ma Jiayan to verify some things. After the verification, Nan Yi believes that she will be tempted.

If you use the housing prices in the capital to convert, 13,000 now can be equivalent to nearly 20 million in more than 30 years. If someone spends 20 million to investigate an ordinary accountant of a small company, what will the accountant think?

How dare you think?

Even if the accountant is a bit pretty, as long as she is not an ordinary woman, she probably might not dare to think about it.

On the way back to Yannanyuan, Nanyi bought two packs of Longtan instant noodles.

After returning to the office, soak it in boiling water and pad his stomach. After eating and tidying up, Nanyi called Li Hao, the chief of the finance department, to his office.

"Chief Li, is the finance department busy?"

"Mr. Nan, Deputy Section Chief Kan and I are fine. Li Ping and Shen Zhehua are two cashiers who are relatively busy, and the company has a lot of projects." Li Hao didn't know why Nan Yi called him over, so he could only answer truthfully.

"As long as our shopping mall starts to open, you and Jinqian will be busy soon. At that time, the two of you will definitely be too busy. It is certain that the finance department will need to increase accounting staff, and it will not be just one or two.

However, there is still a long period of time before the mall officially opens. It is a little too early to deploy staff now, which will increase the burden on the company and increase expenses.

So, I decided to start recruiting financial personnel now, but don't recruit all at once, recruit one by one, recruit one first, wait for your finance department to lead people well, and then recruit the second depending on the situation.

In this way, the burden on the company can be reduced, and no one will be available when the shopping mall opens. "

"Mr. Nan, your method is great. Come one by one, it's easier to guide people, and the company can save a lot of salary." Li Hao said half-heartedly.

"Since you also think it is suitable, then prepare to publish the recruitment notice in the newspaper. You are more clear about the job requirements, and you will draft the recruitment notice, and hand it over to the Human Resources Department after you draft it."

"Okay, I'll draft immediately when I get back."

"Well." Nan Yi nodded and said: "It's best to see the recruitment notice on the "Beijing Evening News" before next Monday. The accounting position is very important. You must be cautious during the interview, and don't let fake people sneak into our Asia. Clear the company."

"I will definitely be careful." Li Hao nodded and said.

"The resumes of those who pass the initial test will be brought to me for a look, and I will check it myself."


"Okay, nothing else, you go."



Nanyi met Wendy Rhodes who flew over from Xiangtang at the Overseas Chinese Hotel. She was Ma Shimin's secretary and a member of the financial team of the Intelligence Policy Committee.

After reading the documents brought by Rhodes, Nan Yi asked, "What about the financial team's opinion?"

"Boss, the financial team unanimously approves of this merger. Although the Hong Kong Overseas Trust Bank is closing down due to poor management, it still has many high-quality customers and has good connections in the financial circles in Southeast Asia and Northern Europe. It will be very helpful for our Southern Bank to enter the Nordics in the future."

"Since you all think it is suitable, let's annex."

Rhodes came here this time to report to Nanyi on the merger of Xiangxi Overseas Trust Bank. After reading the report, Nanyi also felt that this bank that was about to close down was worth merging.

"OK, then I will fly back to Hong Kong tomorrow."

"Hmm, continue to pay attention to Yongye Bank when we go back. We are determined to win this bank."


Nanyi and Rhodes met for a short time, but they have already decided on a merger involving hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

After that, Nanyi would take bank-related books whenever he was free. He felt that his banking expertise was too lacking, and he had to recharge his batteries.

Thursday, May 30.

Yang Kaiyan discussed the issue of advertising with him in Nanyi's office.

"The people in the security department are idle now and have nothing to do, I want to use them." Yang Kaiyan said.

"How do you use them to take to the streets for publicity?"

"Yes, it is to let them take to the streets to promote. We will fix the uniforms of the security personnel as soon as possible, let them change into uniforms, hang ribbons, and put up colorful flags, and go to the streets to promote Asia."

"Your idea is very good. There are still several months. They can travel all over the capital. I will decide the uniform. You go back and get the plan out as soon as possible. After we discuss it, go to the city to apply."

"Application for what?"

"Apply to go to the street, do you think that if you don't apply, you can fill the street with dozens of people to advertise, Section Chief Yang, how long have you been in our country, why haven't you caught on?"

"What about your country, our country, I am from the capital." Yang Kaiyan said angrily.

"Never mind you..."

Knock knock!

"Please come in."

"Mr. Nan, Section Chief Yang is here too." Li Hao opened the door and came in, and said, "Why don't I come back later?"

"It's okay, Section Chief Li, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Mr. Nan, it's like this. The first batch of candidates who passed the preliminary examination has been released. I'll bring it here for you to have a look." Li Hao said as he walked to the desk and put a stack of documents in his hand on the desk. superior.

After Nanyi looked at the thickness of the document, he said, "It doesn't look like much, Section Chief Li, just wait a moment, I'll read it right away."


Nanyi picked up the documents and looked at them. When he saw one of the resumes, he frowned, and said in a voiceless voice, "Why is she here for the interview?"

Hearing Nanyi's words, Li Hao stretched his head forward and saw the three words "Ma Jiayan" in the name column on the resume.

"Mr. Nan, what's wrong with this Ma Jiayan?"

"The problem is not a problem. It's just that I wanted to take the re-examination, but it's inconvenient now." Nan Yi said with a little regret.

"Just because of this Ma Jiayan?" Yang Kaiyan asked beside him.

"Yes, she is related to my wife." Nan Yi replied to Yang Kaiyan, and then said to Li Hao: "Section Chief Li, I have read all the resumes, these people are all good, I will not participate in the re-examination, You and the personnel department must screen carefully, and you must not cheat for personal gain.

The re-examination must be conducted in an open, fair and just atmosphere, and the candidates should not feel that our Yaqing company's interview is like a child's play. "

"Understood, I will definitely check it strictly."

"Okay, you go back first, Section Chief Yang and I still have something to talk about."

When Li Hao left, Nanyi said to Yang Kaiyan: "Your planning department must come up with the TV commercial plan as soon as possible, time waits for no one, and the contract signed with the TV station is not long before the execution date, don't let time pass by. "

"Don't worry, I will definitely not delay the opportunity, and you should also hurry up."

"Well, it's impossible for me to miss the opportunity." Nan Yi nodded and said.

After chatting with Yang Kaiyan, Nan Yi went to the newsstand and bought a handful of "Popular Movies".

"The cover of the first issue in 1983, Li Xiuxuan, is inappropriate; the cover of the second issue of 1983, "Old Things in the South of the City", Xiaoyingzi, you are here to shit, haha, inappropriate; the third issue of 83, Ren Zhixiang, inappropriate ;4th issue of 1983, Yin Tingru, to be determined; 5th issue of 1983, unknown; 6th issue of 1983, Pan Hong, to be determined;

Issue 7 of 1983, Gong Xue, why is she; Issue 8 of 1983, male, Pass; Issue 9 of 83, I don’t know, Pass; Issue 10 of 83, inappropriate; Issue 11 of 83 , it’s Yin Tingru again, plus one; in the twelfth issue of 1983, Gong Xue, plus one..."

After watching 1983, Nanyi read 1984, and then read the covers of the five issues that had been published in 1985. From 1985, "Popular Movies" began to internationalize, and the covers of the five editions were not from the mainland. Lin Qixia in the third period, and others are not Chinese.

"Gong Xue appeared three times, Yin Tingru twice, Gong Xue's legs..." Nan Yi began to see Gong Xue's appearance in his mind, looked at it from 360 degrees, and began to fantasize about Yin Tingru's legs again, "If you want to fart, just I haven't seen it, what do you think?"

Yang Kaiyan bought out the 60-second advertising time of the Chaoting TV station, which is always full, and Nan Yi is selecting actors for the advertising.

Nanyi intends to use well-known actors for the advertisements of Asia Asia, Qinghe International, Wenchang Garment Factory, Swallowtail Butterfly, Wenchang Food Factory, Xiongqi, and Nanchen Liquor.

Whoever makes the current actors' salaries cheap, just pay a few hundred yuan for an advertisement, and if they are willing to give one or two thousand, it will make the actors go crazy.

Nan Yi collapsed on the back of the chair, and went through all the mainland actresses he could think of in his mind. After a while, a long list appeared in his mind.

Some he can recall the appearance of the whole body, and some can only recall the appearance of the face, and it is not very useful to recall the appearance of the whole body. He has never seen them wearing leggings on the screen, and he does not know their figure. No matter what, there is no way to decide who to shoot a clothes advertisement.

Especially fitness pants, you must find an actor with particularly good legs to shoot.

"No, I still have to meet the real person."

Nanyi left the back of the chair, sat up straight, picked up the receiver and started dialing.

After waiting for a while, the call was connected.

"Rogue Wang, let me ask you, do you know who is more familiar with the situation of the actors? I want to shoot an advertisement here, and I know the names of the actors, but I don't know which unit they are from, and I don't know where to contact them .”

"You can just ask Zheng Xiaolong about this, they must have the contact information of many actors in the Film Art Center."

"Make an appointment for me. I'll treat him to dinner tonight."

"Do you want to take me?"

"Whether you like to come or not."

"Damn it, is it still so rude to ask someone to do something?"

"Okay, my lord, give me a face, I will be the host tonight, please be sure to show me your respect, hello, you can eat whatever you want."

"That's about the same, wait for me to believe."

"Beating sex."

Nan Yi repeatedly pressed the call button a few times, and then dialed again to Fang Mansion.

After a long wait, I got a reply from the operator that no one answered at home.

Nanyi could only put down the phone, thinking about calling again at night.

Apart from calling Fang Mansion, Nan Yi didn't know the second phone number that could reach Gong Xue. He, Gong Xue's nominal boyfriend, really didn't know much about Gong Xue, so to speak.

In the evening, Nan Yi had a meal with Zheng Xiaolong and Wang Bo, and got an address book from Zheng Xiaolong. Almost all the names of the actors he needed to contact were in the address book.

On Children's Day, Ye Qi brought a fund-raising account of Haohao Tangtang to Yannan Garden to inspect the work.

Everyone invested a lot of money in Yaqing Company and came to express their concern. This is also human nature. Nanyi can't evade, but can only treat him well.

It’s okay to not fit in the office, it happens to be the children’s festival, Mr. Sun has been smiling since early in the morning, the sun is shining, not dazzling, not burning the skin, standing in the yard chatting, looking at the peach blossoms is also very elegant .

Coincidentally, when flying to Hong Kong last year, Nanyi was thinking about bringing back a few large boxes of paper water cups, and this time, it happened to be useful.

"Mr. Nan, tell us about the situation of Yaqing Company."

Jia Mingwei, nicknamed Commander Jia, is a large fund-raising household. Although he lives in the compound of the Second Ministry of Machinery, most of his family members work in the political and legal system.

"Old Jia wants to know something. As long as you and everyone here want to know, I will know everything. You are all shareholders of Yaqing. I have the obligation to explain the situation of Yaqing to everyone."

"We have already visited the construction site. We know when the house will be built. When the house is built, we have to load the goods into it. How is the preparation of the goods on your side?"

Nanyi smiled and said: "Then I will explain to you the organization of Yaqing Company's supply..."

Disposable paper water cups have been around since the 1950s, and I saw them in an advertisement in the 1940s in China.

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