Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 598 Star and Medicine

"what's the situation?"

"Nan Sheng, someone fell into the water."

"Is there someone to help?"

"The people on the same boat can swim, and they have already gone down to save them."

Nan Yi frowned and said, "Pad across, knowing how to save people doesn't mean knowing how to save people."

Sitting up, Nan Yi turned his head and saw a woman fluttering in the water. Less than five meters away from her, a man was paddling towards her, also five or six meters behind the man's left There is a boat.

Nanyi quickly sketched out the picture. A man and a woman met to row a boat, because they didn't know what happened. The woman was in a hurry or acted like a demon, accidentally or took the initiative to jump into the lake, and the man was in a mess. situation.

As long as a man can keep calm, he can understand that he should not go into the water to save people, but should row the boat to the side of the woman, and using the oars to pull the woman into the boat is the safest and most appropriate way.

At this time, the man, woman, and boat are connected to form an equilateral triangle with the boat as the top corner, and as the man continues to swim, the triangle is pulling and slowly changing into a right-angled triangle.


Looking at the man doing useless work in the water, Nan Yi couldn't help but spit.

After swimming for a while, the man in the water finally realized that something was wrong. He stopped in the water, checked his direction, and then swam towards the woman in a straight line.

After a few seconds, Nanyi saw that the man was already approaching the woman, as if he had said something, he saw the man grabbing the woman's shoulder, and when the woman saw the man approaching, she hugged her with both hands before the shoulder was caught the man's head.

Seeing this, Nan Yi knew that he had to go into the water.

"Tiger cub, row over, hurry up. School girl, you and I go into the water, your man, my woman."

Nanyi's water skills are better than Xiaohua's, and now there is a man and a woman, and the woman is definitely more difficult to save than the man. This is not because the woman can't swim, but because the woman has already panicked.

After finishing speaking, Nanyi took off his T-shirt, lay down on the side of the boat, picked up a handful of lake water from the lake with both hands, stood up, splashed the water on his chest, and then put his hands on his chest There was a slap.

After the hot water was ready, Nanyi soaked his T-shirt in the water again, lifted the T-shirt to wring out the water, tied a knot in the middle and two ends of the T-shirt, and then looped the T-shirt around his neck.

When the tiger cub rowed the boat to less than two meters away from the men and women in the water, seeing that the men and women in the water were already in a daze, Nan Yi sat directly on the side of the boat, one of them fell backwards, and fell into the water.

Nanyi approached the men and women in the water from the left and Xiaohua from the right. When they were about to get close, the men in the water saw Nanyi swimming towards them. When they got excited, their feet were messed up when they stepped on the water, and they were hugged by him. woman pressed into the water.

Pupu, gudu, when the men and women floated up again, the positions of the two changed. Nanyi and Xiaohua had to stop at a position 70 centimeters away from the two, and adjusted their directions accordingly.

After the direction was adjusted, Nanyi and Xiaohua winked and raised their left hands.

The school flower nodded to express her understanding.

Raising his hands and stepping on the water with both feet, Nanyi was observing the situation of the two men and women. Suddenly, Nanyi's left hand fell, and Nanyi and Xiaohua rushed towards the man and woman who fell into the water almost simultaneously.

The school girl shot at the man's back like an arrow. She grabbed the man's shoulders with both hands, and pressed the man into the water with all her strength. It took more than two seconds to lift the man up. Then, a hand knife cut on the man's chest. On the neck, the man was cut half unconscious.

One hand pinched the man's neck, and the school flower kicked her legs in the water, leading the man back.

Nanyi pulled down the T-shirt from his neck with his right hand, grabbed the woman's shoulder with his left hand, swung the T-shirt around the woman's neck, held both ends of the T-shirt in the palm of his left hand, turned around in the water, and pulled it with his left hand. The inseparable men and women were separated by Nan Yi, and the woman and Nan Yi came back to back.

Seeing that the two had "succeeded", the tiger cub posted it while rowing.

Nan Yi and the two stepped on the water in place, waiting for the tiger cub to hand over the paddle. With the help of the paddle, the man was pulled to the side of the boat, and he carried the woman up to send it up. The tiger cub pulled on it, and the woman Just boarded the boat.

The school belle did the same thing, and the man got on the boat.

Nanyi and Xiaohua pushed on the side of the boat, and under the reaction force, they both retreated, and then swam to the boat of the man and woman who fell into the water.

The cruise boat in the lake is a two-person boat, which is as big as the boat that let us swing the sculls. Three people can barely sit, and five people can barely sit.

On the boat, the school flower rowed, Nanyi stood on the boat shaking his legs, and pulled a mysterious small piece of cloth that was close to the skin, water droplets slipped from the hair along the chest, belly button, and merged with the water on the legs to hang down to the bottom of the trousers , tick tick tick, a bunch of falling on the boat.

It was not in vain to save people, just now, Nan Yi had thought of an idea for an advertising script.

Back at the shore, Nanyi didn't look at the two men and women who fell into the water, so there would be no serious problems. The two men and women just drank a few sips of water, and they might have diarrhea because the lake water was not clean, and there would be no other problems.

After waiting in the car for a while, after the tiger cub came back, the car drove to the old bungalow.


"People are fine, but men are busy. I was slapped a few times by a woman, and the woman said her name was..."

"You don't need to mention the name, just say how she plans to repay me, whether she promises to be a cow or a horse in the next life?"

"No, she said that she can report her name in the future."

"Hehe, it's so real."

Nanyi smiled, and didn't worry about what happened just now.

After returning to the old bungalow and changing his clothes, Nan Yi sat under the bamboo shadow in the yard and continued to conceive his script.

Nanyi has seen many excellent advertisements in his previous life, and he can make a good advertisement by bringing in the ideas. That's why he took the responsibility of scripting on himself and didn't go to a professional advertisement planner.



Masami Uedo took stock of all the assets of the Inter Milan Hub, Yi Retail, and Ikeda Club, and assessed how much money he could borrow from the bank.

The result of the evaluation was not very satisfactory. Apart from reporting to Inter Milan Hub and not taking too many loans, the other two clubs were heavily in debt, and there were not many assets that could be used as collateral.

Looking at the best result "200 billion yen" calculated on the paper, Masami Ueto frowned.

"It's still too little, report to the president first."

Masami Uedo was about to make a call to Kazuo when she walked into her office alone.

"Miss Uedo, there is your visitor outside, and the other party says it is your junior sister Sachiko Kamaike."

"Take him to the reception room, I'll be there in ten minutes."


Uedo Masami dialed the phone and said into the microphone: "Huiwen, please inform the chairman, the largest number I have calculated is 200 billion yen."

"Understood, the work report of the South Office has not yet been handed in, so hurry up."

"It will be delivered tomorrow."


At 3:30, the temperature was still going up, and on the tender bamboo, the cicada monkey called cicada cicada.

"It's not yet the end of the month, and the cicadas came out?" Nanyi looked up at the gray and gray Cicada, and couldn't help but wondered: "Isn't it only at the end of June? It's still half a year away. What about the month, will the weather be abnormal this year?"

Nan Yi looked up at the sky for a while, but couldn't see why, so he tidied up and asked Colonel Hua and Tiger Cub to go out.

In Room 8716 of the Great Wall Hotel, the original red copper sign of Genzhengmiao by the door has been removed, and replaced by a copper sign of Wangbei Films. I'm afraid that others will miss it.

"Nanyi, you came at a good time. We are selecting the advertising role for bodybuilding pants." As soon as he saw Nanyi, Chen Huaige yelled.

"Who did you pick?"

Nan Yi walked to the sofa, and nodded to a girl on the sofa that he should not know, but he did know.

This girl, those little canine teeth are so eye-catching.

"This is the person we picked out, take a look." Zhang Yimou handed a stack of photos to Nanyi.

Nan Yi took the photo and looked at the top one.

Very familiar, Yin Tingru, this is the suitable candidate for Nanyi, he put the photo aside and looked at the second one.

After a long time of identification, Nan Yi was able to confirm that the person in the second photo was He Xie.

"Who is this?"

Nan Yi picked up the photo and showed it to Chen Huaige and the two of them.

"He Xie, now on the crew of Journey to the West." Zhang Yimou said, "There is a name and age on the back of the photo."

Nanyi looked at the photo in reverse and asked, "Have you seen a real person?"

"See you, she's in good shape and fits well."


Nanyi nodded, then looked at the photo.

The third one is the little tiger tooth on the sofa, Lao Zhang's spring is here.

Nanyi smiled knowingly, and then looked at the fourth picture.

Tsk, Nan Yi was a little surprised by the fourth photo. It was actually Tao Huixian. At this time, she was already famous?

Nanyi couldn't remember when "Yang Naiwu and Xiaobaicai" was broadcast. Tao Huizhen, who didn't play Xiaobaicai, was just a not-so-ordinary Yue opera actor. Even in Zhejiang Province, it is estimated that not many people knew her.

In the fifth picture, the woman in the photo is a bit heroic, not particularly beautiful, but has a very special temperament.

Nanyi looked very familiar, and when he turned his head, he remembered, isn't this the most beautiful Hu Sanniang, what is it called?

Looking back at the photo, you can see the word Zheng Xie.

By the way, that's the bad name.

After a moment of emotion, Nanyi continued to look down, and found several familiar ones, either "Journey to the West" or "Dream of Red Mansions". It seems that Lao Zhang and Lao Chen went to the two crews to copy Lao Wo.

After watching it again, Nanyi looked at it again, and finally pulled out the photos of Yin Tingru, Zheng Xie and Xiao Huya, "The three of them, plus Gong Xue, and the others are good-looking, but their temperament is too cold to Suitable for fitness pants commercials.

In addition, the advertisement to be shot also needs to add a portable radio recorder. The manufacturer gave it a new name called 'Walkman', and the brand name is 'Code 209'. I will call later and ask someone to send a prototype. "

"The code name 209 sounds familiar." Zhang Yimou said.

Chen Huaige smiled and said, "Old Zhang, you forgot, the spy 209 in "Yangcheng Dark Whistle" that only appeared in the mouths of other characters."

"Remember, I said it sounds familiar, why is it called such a brand?"

"The factory is located in Yangcheng, and the boss's mother is ranked eighth. Others call her Bagu ["Yangcheng Dark Whistle" heroine, villain], understand?"

"Then why don't you just call him Bagu?" Chen Huaige asked.

"The Walkman is an electronic product. For spies, it has something to do with radio codes. The code name is 209. When people hear it, they will think in the direction of spies. In our previous movies, when the big spies appeared, they would bring them with them. With high-end radio stations, this connection makes it appear that the Walkman is high-end." Nan Yi nonsense.

Zhang Yimou babbled, "It's a bit far-fetched."

"It's far-fetched. The Walkman's advertisement not only has to show the product, but also has to promote the brand 'Code 209'. The manufacturer will produce other products in the future, such as this..." Nan Yi said from his military bag He took out two pager electronic watches, "This is an electronic watch, and it is also a product of the same factory."

Zhang Yimou took the electronic watch, played with it for a while, and said with a smile, "It's exactly the same as the pager I saw in Shanghai. Boss Nanfang has a brain. The young man must like it. How much does it cost?"

"Dozens of dollars. This thing is sold to those who can't afford a pager. It doesn't have a calling function. It can only watch the time and set the alarm clock." Nanyi approached Chen and Zhang, and said in a low voice: " I heard that the factory is still developing the vibration function, when the alarm clock rings, this thing will vibrate, if it is tied to the pants, hehe."

The current pager does not have a vibration function, not because it is technically impossible, but because there is no market demand, and pagers are still quite new no matter which country they are in.

In the crowd, it is a face-saving thing to take out the pager when the beep sounds, and you may receive a few envious voices, "Wow, you are so good, you have a pager!"

"Ha ha."


The laughs from the three of them made Xiao Huya beside him confused.

Nan Yi put away his laughter, and then he started to care about Gong Xue who hadn't seen him all this time, "Where is Gong Xue, have you gone out?"

Zhang Yimou took out the cigarette case, glanced at Little Huya, and then stuffed it back into his pocket, "A lot of students have come to take the art test these days, and Gong Xue has gone to pick someone out."

"Oh, I've thought about a few commercial scripts, and tomorrow night I'll call Section Chief Yang, and we'll discuss it together and finalize the plan as soon as possible.

The shooting date of the bodybuilding pants commercial can be set first, and the people who should be invited come over. The accommodation can be arranged in a low-rent building. There are many vacant rooms there. I will send someone to clean it up tomorrow.

It's time to buy more, there is a separate bathroom, and the conditions are no worse than that of the guest house.

There is also the problem of food, which I will solve together here. When the meal is time, people will send the meal to the crew. I also have a van, and the windows can be used as a temporary changing room... "

Balabala, Nanyi explained all the logistical matters. He has considered everything that should be considered.

"Very good. Except for the shooting, you have done everything else. Tomorrow, you will send someone, me and Lao Zhang, to recruit people. You have already said hello, and they will be there on call. It is just that the unit needs to coordinate."

"That's no problem. You can make a list for me in a while. I'll ask someone to coordinate with the unit. I will definitely not embarrass anyone." Nan Yi nodded and said.

People from film studios and film and television units are borrowed by other units or take the initiative to find a way to play a role or do a favor. These are rare and common things, very common in the industry, but this does not mean that individuals can do private work outside casually. Always say hello to the unit beforehand.

Some units also require individuals to pay a certain amount of remuneration to the unit in proportion. After all, the unit still pays a salary, and with the unit’s salary, they go outside to work hard. It is unreasonable not to give the unit some benefits.

At present, all domestic film and television practitioners have units, and there is no "individual actor". Everyone in the crew needs to communicate with his unit. If they are difficult to communicate, Nanyi has to help communicate.

The three of them in Nanyi chattered about some details, until around five o'clock, Gong Xue came back.

"Have you gained anything?" Nan Yi asked when he saw someone.

"There is a very nice one with a good figure. I asked her for a photo. You can take a look."

Nan Yi took the photo handed over by Gong Xue, looked at it for a while, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. Suddenly, he remembered something, and covered the forehead of the woman in the photo with his hand, and suddenly realized——Yuan Ziyi from "Snow Mountain Flying Fox".

"Students who come to art exam?"

"Yes, I'm going back soon, and I have to decide whether it's necessary or not."

"Yes, of course. Tomorrow you bring someone to my office. I want to meet a real person." Nan Yi hurriedly responded.

Nanyi not only needs to shoot TV commercials, but also has to post print advertisements in the Asia Mall, and also print celebrity posters. Needless to say, the background of the posters must be the Asia Mall, and the posters are not for sale.

Therefore, he needs a lot of good-looking actresses who are also well-known to cooperate with Asia.

In addition, when there are new clothes on the shelves, it is necessary to invite a few actresses to take a few photo posters, and not to miss any of the exterior walls of the mall, buses, and wall advertisements.

In addition, Nanyi still has a lot of publicity plans centered around "stars". Now that everyone's asking price is not expensive, he has to make good use of it, and let the locals in the capital introduce the capital to outsiders. Bring the Asia Mall.

For the Asian shopping mall, it seems that Nanyi is a bit too aggressive, and the publicity is a little too much, which pushes up the cost infinitely. This is actually because there is a hidden plan buried in Nanyi's plan.

In the future, when he withdraws from Yaqing Company and lets Yang Kaiyan take over the power, wait and see if there is a chance to replicate the Asia Mall in other cities. The prototype of the Asia Commercial Real Estate Trust was created in the 1980s.

This is not impossible. Once the Asian mall is successful, imitators will naturally appear in other regions. As long as any imitator learns to be a four-faced, failed investment, wants to start a shopping mall, and is worried about the city that he can't manage well, he will naturally take the initiative to discuss cooperation with Yaqing Company.

Even if there is no door-to-door negotiation of cooperation at that time, it’s okay. Yaqing Company can take the initiative. As long as it replicates Asia in other cities and succeeds, a single spark will start a prairie fire, and second and third partners will follow one after another.

Staying at the Great Wall Hotel until 5:30, Nan Yi left immediately.

Back in the old bungalow, Liu Zhen and Lin Tiao were sitting on the sofa, watching TV while stirring in the glass bowl.

"Lin Tiao, why are you here today?"

"Don't inquire about women's affairs. Eat mung bean porridge with cold onions at night."

"Lin Tiao is from Qiaocheng, why doesn't he eat garlic noodles? Isn't mung bean porridge with onions the way of eating in central Anhui?"

"President Nan..."

"What is Mr. Nan, just call him Nanyi." Liu Zhen interrupted Lin Tiao.

"Uh, Nan..."

Nan Yi smashed his mouth and said: "Liu Zhen is right, just call me Nan Yi, I am not as old as you."

Hearing what Nanyi said, Lin Tiao paused and said, "Some people in Qiaocheng also eat mung bean porridge. My family likes to eat it. Every summer, I eat it every other day."

"I thought you Qiaocheng people would feel uncomfortable if you didn't eat noodles for a day."

"We like to eat noodles, but we can't live without eating noodles for a day," Lin Tiao said.

"Oh, I remember last time I heard you say that your family lives near Dongguan. Didn't the World Market of Chinese Medicinal Materials be built there last year? Has it already been built?"

"It's ready, just built five solar greenhouses with steel frame structure and ventilation on all sides, and only a row of buildings facing the street in the north. Those buildings are not the market, but the market command office building for industry and commerce."

"The market is rough and all is well, mainly due to a change in consciousness. Now those drug dealers can do business in an aboveboard manner. This is great news for them, and you Qiaocheng will soon become rich."

Lin Tiao said: "That's the best. My grandfather was in the medicine business back then, and he stopped doing it in the 1960s. Last year, the big medicine store was the world of Chinese medicinal materials. We local people in Qiaocheng only care about it and call it the big medicine store." Last year, when I heard that a big medicine store was going to be built, my grandfather wanted to start the medicine business again. He also asked my father to resign and work with him, but my father did not agree."

"How old is your grandpa?"

"Sixty-eight years old."

"It's really old, with aspirations of thousands of miles. Your grandfather is really amazing, and I must meet you if you have the opportunity." Nan Yi said with emotion and asked: "Then has he started working now?"

"My family can't stop him. He has already rented a booth in a big medicine store to sell our Boshao and Bosangpi. The business is not bad. On September 9, we will hold a medicine fair there. My grandfather still thinks about it." Do it big."

"That's pretty good. Do you know what medicinal materials are traded the most now?"

Lin Tiao thought for a while and said: "I don't know much, but what I learned during the time when I went home during the Chinese New Year, it seems that the sales volume is relatively average, neither particularly good nor particularly bad.

The trading of medicinal materials in our place has a profound background, and there are many people who understand medicinal materials. In addition, the national medicinal material market, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, pharmacies, and individual Chinese medicine clinics are relatively short of medicinal materials, and there will be no worries about selling any medicinal materials. "


You can't ask anything from Lin Tiao, but if you want to know the actual situation, you have to go there yourself.

The Reclamation Group has its own deer farm and ginseng garden, and will plan to plant other medicinal materials in the future. The third biopharmaceutical itself is a pharmaceutical company, and it will inevitably deal with medicinal materials in the future. No matter from which aspect, Nanyi needs to pay attention to the medicinal material trading market .

"Nanyi, there are Chinese dishes in the kitchen, you go fry them." Liu Zhen said suddenly.

"Stir fry, or make Chinese vegetable cakes?"

Liu Zhen asked back: "What do you think of eating without doing anything?"

"Wuwei can only make Chinese vegetable porridge, and you can't eat too much. Next time, read the whole book. Don't just look at the benefits, pay attention to the dosage."

Liu Zhen's extensive feeding of children is the current mainstream, neither Nanyi's rich experience in milking babies, nor his fineness, Nanyi has quite a few criticisms about this.

"Understood, then you should make less and use the leftovers to make Chinese vegetable cakes. Is the cake made of sweet potato flour?"


Nanyi nodded and walked to the kitchen.

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